(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

ya agree with Fates.

Even many food crops, including fruits and vegetables, contain pesticide residues after being washed or peeled.How to avoid?
But limited to tolerance levels lor

ha, yah loh. Guess wat, X's fave was curry potatoes! he can finish 1 by himself if we dun stop him.

you are right. We may be giving our mums the market rate but you cannot compare in monetary terms. No nanny or childcare centre will take care of your bbs as well as your own relatives do.
Childcare are worst, if your child is sick, you will have to keep him at home and yet continue to pay the fees!
Thats why i dun bug at my own ppl on how they bring up my boy. I was brought up the same way and i am still alive today.

I agree with rest of mummies too. I will make my girl a rubbish bin whenever and wherever she is haha.. my mil has fed her tau suan and tau huey.. and i fed her dessert like shuang pi nai from compasspoint haha!

She has taken zui kuey, and all kinds of kuey as long as she dun choke herself :p
I had a good laugh viewing the video. Make my day after one whole day of hard work.
I;ve been feeding kaelyn with a bite of durians when she was abt 5mths.. LOL She loves it so much. Now she'll make urh urh sound to ask for more durians. Oh yes not to forget more Mangoes and vanilla ice-cream, sugar cane juice with ICE!!!

Mummy has becoming more and more relax on the food to give recently. Just fed her with french fries today!! hahaha.. she gave me a sulky look. I think it is Time for them to explore more food and welcome them to our food paradise!!! LOL
Annie, Relax la.. Let keane be more adventurous on different food. I'm sure he'll like it!


Woah Curry... that was my Must eat dish during my pregnancy time and i had them almost evey week... Shiok manz!!
Hi mummies,

just a word of caution, k...a little is ok but not too much. both my PD and sinseh has adviced this. coz their kidney not developed yet n it is better to be careful so as not to strain the kidney too much. esp salt n sugar...

but i confess...i also give stuff to my boy..kekeke but in moderation thu

oh. re the price for the cup cakes will check w my cousin and let u know. too late now to check w her...crazy day at office w the salary revision thingy...plus the misleading newspaper reports...haiz
hey gals,

i hope everyone is fine and happy. Baby is so cute and adorable right now.

Need a favour, looking for the website for baby's chinese name. i remembered many many months back I happen to see this website for chinese names that it actually counts and provides a summary of the name.

anyone still has that?
<font color="0000ff">firefly,
Not sure if this is what you want but you can key in the Chinese name and it will do a simple analysis of the name. http://www.name321.net/zzcm.htm

However, pardon me, don't believe 100% in it. Better to engage someone professional in this area (e.g. fengshui master) as he/she will usually take into account, the parents' names & the baby's DOB as well.

The baby in the video clip is Tim Hann (pinkapple's bb) right? I was LOL when I watch towards the end of it.</font>
I agreed a lot of stuffs that we eat already added with chemical stuffs.. thats y i used rough salt to soup those veggies & meat before i used them to cook, to ease away the chemical stuffs. China has this machine that helps to get rid of the chemical stuffs like pesticide etc.. i didnt buy back cos the machine cost $1k+ sgd.

i do let k eat but not heavy taste, m afraid that he get to have this preference for this and that.

This morning i just heard that my dad stated that keane seems no energy to walk long, he suggested to buy "water frog" brew with pao sheng to let keane's leg has energy. *really can faint*.

Just like lh_jyc stated, bb's kidney isnt well developed. Maybe i get v over reacted becos of the recent incident that i encountered with my company client's two yrs old toddler.

I do agreed that old folks has the knowledge especially with daily stuffs as compare to us. Definitely, our own parents love their grandkids unlike nanny and childcare where biz involved.

However, when come in term of food & herbs really cannot take for granted. The sellers or the producers these days doesnt care and concern your health. Everything these days doesn't last long, why? Just like herb, why must the medical hall people tell you expensive herbs good for this and that. Many cheap herbs get the same effect and ease the same solution.

Durian is so sweet and the smell is so unique compares to other fruits thats why keane was so hyper happy after he tasted.Babies are so smart these days, they sure ask for it. Just like that day i had pineapple, keane cried like hell when i didnt let him has a bite. I am not sure my dad let him tried before or not.

I can't say or comment those stuffs that we adults eat are safe or no effect on us until one day when we are old or one day, science or health group from any countries detect something. Everything link to our health, the environment, personal moods, things that we eat, things that we do...
i presume keane has to bear with his panaroid mummy for 1st 3 yrs before he can eat all stuffs.
if you looking for someone to name for the baby, can try this guy. Dong long zhen @6563348. $80 (if price remain).
I didnt get him to name my keane. I calculated the strokes & choose his chinese name myself. I get this guy to see my sk house, when to start renovation and whats to do and avoid, even the colour of the print,furniture and layout of beds.
if you looking for someone to name for the baby, can try this guy. Dong long zhen @6563348. $80 (if price remain).
I didnt get him to name my keane. I calculated the strokes & choose his chinese name myself. I get this guy to see my sk house, when to start renovation and whats to do and avoid, even the colour of the print,furniture and layout of beds.
Hi bbloh! Yes it's hanhan! He's so cute right? I'd voted for him already


Glad the video cheer you up
aiyo me so angry lo...

just called the town council to enquire on the bbq pit near my hse. was told booking the pit cost $10.50 which is fine. need to use the sheltered area is $50+, need water $20+, electricity $20+. faint manz!!!

which idiot bbq wont use water, dun use space leh. reasonable to bill like that meh??? might as well i bk chalet better
with such charges, might as well book a chalet mah, each mth we contribute so much to them.Blood sucker!!

I need help. Anyone know any good resturant that serve delicate food for ladies especially. You know you wont feel guilty after eating a lot and nice? Can share with me, i need to get a resturant to treat one friend. hehe thanks..
Hi mummies,

just checked. the cupcakes is $2.50 to $3 each (depending how complex the design you want). can customise the design. minimum is 10 cupcakes per order. Self collect at woodlands. PM me if you want the contacts
<font color="0000ff">milo,
I also didn't know that there's so many "hidden" charges just to use the HDB facilities. Really wonder how much they are charging for events like weddings & funerals.

BTW, have you ordered the birthday cake? Just learnt that Emicakes (www.emicakes.com.sg) got discount for NUS staff! T&C applies.</font>
emicake taste nice? I ordered few times all durian cakes. One time was for my sister. The other times were for my gfs. I never tried yet.

I rent the hdb for funeral, $200 for the old type hdb flat. I am sure sk sure charge higher since its under Pasir ris.

haha now then i know lor. must go and suan them this weekend lo.

haven leh. i am still deciding. ecreative has got very nice design but taste wise soso. pinegarden cakes are nice but design soso.. diff choice leh

have u decide on the cake liao?
<font color="0000ff">Nope. I have not decide on the cake.

I've never tried Emicakes but I heard that the cakes are very nice.

Heard that e-creative uses "very-hard-to-wash-off" food dye (colourings) for their cakes. This makes me think twice about ordering from them.</font>
hihi bbloh and milo
Also had a headache for ordering cakes. but probably decide on pinegardens. wanted to order from Room for Decor or something but real ex. For choc is $50 per kg. So most probably will order from pine graden $32 per kg for black forest think is quite affordable ya.
Hello Mummies,

Im from the June 06 thread. Some of us have attended a trial class with MyGym at Woodlands Civic Plaza last weekend. It was an extremely positive experience and three of us have decided to sign up with MyGym with the first class being held this Saturday. Im wondering if anyone of you interested in signing up with MyGym at Woodlands Civic Plaza? We are thinking of setting up a private class with a maximum class size of 6 babies. Im waiting for confirmation from two more mummies from the June thread. Email me at [email protected] or msn me at [email protected] if you would like to join us.

i think abt 3 weeks lo. abt a mth from now right?

matsu & bbloh,

i have settled for pinegarden as well. hopefully the design turns out ok :p
matsu & bbloh,

aiyo i just called PG, they are unable to draw a pic of the elmo i wanted as it is copyright leh.. can only put figurines. sigh... seems like only ecreative liao
mummies whose using pampers,

promotion is on @ shop n save (amk ave 10,amara,bedok north blk 115, buangkok crescent, clementi, compassvale bow, redhill & sembawang) branches have $54.30 any2, for active stages (M & L), $54.30 any 3, easy up pants (L&xL)$21.70. Baby dry (s-xl) $`19.50 for any 2
<font color="0000ff">How to check the designs & prices from Pine Gardens? The website is not really user-friendly.</font>

free trial @ jumping beans fr nz from tomorrow 5-8pm, sat n sun fr 12noon -6pm. 45mins per session. @10 sinaran drive #03-85, sq 2(behind novena sq). Call 6397 6718
I think you can try their sesame figurine design leh i saw two at the april thread and i thought its nice.
yah on the website itself not much design but i saw a few on the april thread is quite nice leh so i will settle for PG as well.
<font color="0000ff">matsu,
I browsed through the April thread but it's tedious to know which cake is from which shop. Do you know which are the ones from Pine Garden (www.pgcake.com)?</font>

Birthdayexpress can really ship out their stuffs so fast? I saw their website and it states the delivery time to be about 15 business days.....


What time is your Saturday slot for mygym? We haven't go for any trials there yet..

ya i was surprised to receive the goods so fast too. I thought would only reach me in 2 weeks time.

And it is very convenient.. can check delivery over UPS website using the code they give u. Mine spent 2 days in US, 1 day in taiwan, 1 day in hong kong and then reach singapore liao!
Baby's Milestone

I was reading through some old notes I made for my son. I am amazed how differnt my 2 kids are developing. At 10 months, while ds could not crawl, Si'en is crawling at 8 months. However, by the time he turned 11 months, he could walk. Looking at Si'en now, I think she can't really walk as well as her brother.

Its so amazing isn't it.

Si'en can do the following:
Sign for milk
shake head to mean no
wave good bye
plays peek a boo

At times she vocalise:
mamamama for food
baobaobao for carry.

Its so fun watching them grow!!!
<font color="0000ff">matsu,
Thank you very much for the info. Kiddo's cake looks really nice!

Yep. Every baby's development is different. It's really fun and also, feels very "moved" to see them grow.</font>
baby's milestone
gabby, you are a good mother. Always wanted to take down Wan Qi's milestone but didnt due to laziness. Really should have done that. Trying to recall and take down now. hee. Yap it's fun to compare hor if i do have a second child.

Children's Health
Cancer-Causing Chemical Found in Children's Bath Products
By Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
Feb 8, 2007 - 11:39:32 AM


Women's Shampoos and Body Wash also Contaminated

(HealthNewsDigest.com) - WASHINGTON A hidden cancer-causing petrochemical has been found in dozens of children's bath products and adults' personal care products, in some cases at levels that are more than twice the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's lenient recommended maximum.

Laboratory tests released today revealed the presence of 1,4-Dioxane in products such as Hello Kitty Bubble Bath, Huggies Baby Wash, Johnson's Baby Wash, Scooby-Doo Bubble Bath and Sesame Street Bubble Bath. The tests also found the carcinogen in Clairol Herbal Essences shampoo, Olay Complete Body Wash and many other personal care products.

1,4-Dioxane is a petroleum-derived contaminant considered a probable human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and a clear-cut animal carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program. It is also on California's Proposition 65 list of chemicals known or suspected by the state to cause cancer or birth defects. Because it is a contaminant produced during manufacturing, the FDA does not require it to be listed as an ingredient on product labels.

The problem of 1,4-Dioxane contamination in personal care products is highlighted in a new book, "Safe Trip to Eden: Ten Steps to Save the Planet Earth from the Global Warming Meltdown," by David Steinman. The laboratory results were released jointly today at the National Press Club by Steinman and the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a coalition of U.S.-based health and environmental groups working to protect cosmetics consumers from toxic chemicals and hold companies accountable for the safety of their products.

"Regrettably, 1,4-Dioxane contamination is just the tip of the iceberg," said Jeanne Rizzo, R.N., executive director of the Breast Cancer Fund, a founding member of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. "Because the FDA does not require cosmetics products to be approved as safe before they are sold, companies can put unlimited amounts of toxic chemicals in cosmetics."

Steinman said parents should be outraged that companies are willing to spend a significant amount of money on entertainment licensing agreements that entice children but won't spend pennies to remove contaminants such as 1,4-Dioxane.

"Consumers who have young children, as I do, have the right to expect the highest purity in children's products," Steinman said. "I call on American consumers to say no to dangerous petrochemicals in their children's cosmetic and personal care products."

Contrary to what many consumers may believe, the FDA does not review or regulate cosmetics products or ingredients for safety before they are sold to the public and has no legal authority to require safety assessments of cosmetics.

Devra Lee Davis, professor of epidemiology and director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, said that the usual regulatory approach of assessing risk one chemical at a time does not account for the combined effects of very low levels of hidden contaminants in personal care products and from other sources. "We must lower exposures to controllable agents that we know or suspect cause cancer," she said.

The FDA has been measuring 1,4-Dioxane levels since 1979, but because the agency has little authority or enforcement capacity over the cosmetics industry, it has worked with manufacturers to reduce levels on a voluntary basis only. In 2000, the FDA recommended that cosmetic products should not contain 1,4-Dioxane at concentrations greater than 10 ppm (parts per million); yet some 15 percent of products tested exceeded even these lenient guidelines. This limit, however, also does not take into account that babies exposed to 1,4-Dioxane from baby shampoo may be exposed at the same time to 1,4-Dioxane from bubble bath, body wash and many other products.

More than two dozen products were tested at Steinman's request by West Coast Analytical Service, an independent testing laboratory specializing in trace chemical analysis. Among the products tested:

Product and 1,4-Dioxane concentration:

Baby & Children's Consumer Products
Disney Clean as Can Bee Hair & Body Wash (Water Jel Technologies): 8.8 ppm
Disney Pixar Cars Piston Cup Bubble Bath (MZB Personal Care): 2.2 ppm
Gerber Grins & Giggles Gentle & Mild Aloe Vera Baby Shampoo: 8.4 ppm
Hello Kitty Bubble Bath (Kid Care): 12 ppm*
Huggies Baby Wash Shea Butter: 4.0 ppm
Huggies Natural Care Baby Wash Extra Gentle and Tear Free: 4.2 ppm
Johnson's Head-to-Toe Baby Wash (Johnson & Johnson): 5.3 ppm to 6.1 ppm
Johnson's Kids Tigger Bath Bubbles (Johnson & Johnson): 5.6 ppm to 7.9 ppm
Johnson's Kids Shampoo Watermelon Explosion (Johnson & Johnson): 10 ppm*
Lil' Bratz Mild Bubble Bath (Kid Care): 3.7 ppm
L'Oreal Kids Orange Mango Smoothie Shampoo: 2.0 ppm
Mr. Bubble Bubble Bath Gentle Formula with Aloe: 1.5 ppm
Rite-Aid Tearless Baby Shampoo: 4.3 ppm
Scooby-Doo Mild Bubble Bath (Kid Care): 3.0 ppm
Sesame Street Wet Wild Watermelon Bubble Bath (The Village Company): 7.4 ppm

Adult Consumer Products
Clairol Herbal Essences Rainforest Flowers Shampoo: 23 ppm*
Olay Complete Body Wash with Vitamins (normal skin): 23 ppm*
Suave Naturals Passion Flower: 2.0 ppm

Steinman's book explains what Americans can do today to be "green patriots" and curb the nation's dependency on foreign oil. The new laboratory results reveal the health risks posed by the same petrochemicals that are part of what he calls the nation's growing oil addiction.

Women and girls use an average of 12 personal care products daily, according to a 2004 survey conducted by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.


Copyright by HealthNewsDigest.com
which catering are you ordering from? Don't know if neogarden is nice or not. have you order from them b4
