(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

i dun mean to say that JG is not good....perhaps the feedback i got wasn't for the right age group...what u described sounds like fun....kissb.

gina, we are going to be at sun 2pm class....will be cool to see a familiar face.
hi chris,

it is true that for JG their weekend class is for 18mth and above.. they dun have 6-18mth class on weekend, only weekday.

I also surprise to see that their weekday class through 3 session a day (9am, 11am, 3pm) are quite full also when i sign up with them..

they also have trial lesson, i think is about $36 for 1.5hr... anyone interested can join their trial which i will highly recommend
<font color="0000ff">Amy,
No offence lah. It's a fact that I'm rather small-sized. Very difficult to buy clothes & shoes that fit me well leh!

Thanks for the info on Tiger Lunch Box. Think your model is LWRA092.

From the website, it's stated that the temperature retention for 6 hours is 66C.

Wow! The book is so popular? Maybe the no. in circulation is limited.

May I know which MPH branch did you get the book from?

Ivy & fates,
Hope your boy will recover soon. If you're still BF/pumping, try taking more Vit C.

Didn't receive your e-mail leh. Can you or Pinkapple send me a PM instead? Thks.</font>
hi bbloh, wah power, good information about tiger lunchbox, i didn't know the specs until you post it, i just use base on my gut feel. hohoho....

ananstasia, i heard got homemade cupcakes recommend by mummies in the forum but no delivery though, have to self collect...
hey chris,

i managed to get a slot for brayden at kindermusik for trial class this sun at 2pm. c u n christian ya...

cupcakes momma is coming to nus later part of the week. will check it out and let u know. wil be ordering from her and at the same time, am trying to bake some :p
yes gina....i am sure u are able to get a lot...and i am sure brayden n yourself will enjoy the lesson, esp since it's Teacher Shauna. see ya.
Thanks milo and anastasia for sharing experience with cheese and fruits. Baby doesn't like sour so refuses to take more than 2 tsp of yogurt, heinz apple and pear juice. Ask doc to recommend food and she said cheese but had second tots cos of salt content. For calcium sake, maybe limit to 1 or 2 cubes a week, just like egg yolk.
<font color="0000ff">milo,
Have you tried Cupcake Momma before? Saw from their website that they'll be at the bazaar at Central Lib this Thu & Fri. Hope to pop by then.</font>
hi mummies

brought my gal for trial at GUG. its veri very fun. my C enjoys herself veri much despite its her nap time. But the lesson 1.5hr is abit siong for me..got to carry her around during music and movement and got to swing her up and down, etc, etc...now bodyache liao...

haha i think u better dun trust my baking.... :p


never leh but i see alot of gd comments on it. will be popping by on thurs.
<font color="0000ff">milo,
Hope to see you there!

Did you manage to get the book?

BTW, how to prepare homemade chicken & fish stocks? I'm still giving my boy plain porridge with food cubes.</font>
bbloh - sorry leh, didn't manage to pop by the bookstore coz i work till quite late last nite, im off today (clearing child care leave), will try go there see again.

For me, i take the chicken breast and fish bones to make soup then use the stock to make porridge.

The cupcakes are really lovely, i only tried cupcake momma, nice but abit sweet though, personal preference lah coz i don't like sweet stuff.
The rest i haven tried.

anastasia - these webby can help you to scout for good cupcakes...hope you can find one that suit your taste.

milo - going the central library on thurs? what time u going?
How do you mummies administer medicine for baby? At first my J sips happily from the spoon, but I think because one of the medicine is minty, he rejected! Now gotta held him down to force it down the throat. I felt so bad!!!

Any other ways?

anyone use bambino mio nappy cover for your baby?

can share your view? i bought 1 pc from pigeon at kiddy palace but the material rubs against my baby's thigh, creating red patches.
Now J drinks so little milk and appetite is so poor. His face and arms no longer chubby chubby already

Yes we tried with syringe too and he knows it's medicine! HOW?

Ran out of ideas!
Hi fates,
Not to worry...when a bb is sick, he will have no appetite. He will regain his appetite back when he's well!

Ya, bb very clever...they can recognise the syringe...my gal also...we also have to literally pin her down initially and force open her mouth...poor thing...

initially, i had to feed 3 diff types of medicine. She's ok with 1 but not the other 2. So what i did was to mix all 3 together and dilute the medicine with water...i tasted it myself...bland...and my gal drinks!

Hi Anastasia,

I used Pigeon nappy covers , so far it's ok. If it produces red marks, cld it be the cover is too tight for your gal?

dun be sad sad.. J will be up and jumping soon.

i think the only way will really be force feed with syringe.

hubby will hold his head whereas i will use the syringe to release the med.

no choice lor, for his own good. agree that it makes me very sad also to see him struggle

understand how a mother feels...my Edison oso no more chubby face, but as long as he's healthy, i'm happy.

Hope J b get well soon..
hi ino,

not tight. in fact, we always make sure there is allowance between the nappy and the cover. the side lining irritates his skin. that is why i am thinking of getting a cotton one.
OMG! so sorry to hear that. I put the medicine into the milk mix with cereal with more water. Keane drinks mostly 1/2 way through then release some thing added in. At least, some medicine goes in. Milo's suggestion is good also. I alway did that to my niece. :p (my sis alway busy with church stuff, bb throw to maid...) I dont dare to try on keane by forcing, he will cry like hell, later puke out everything.
Hi Fates,
understand your anxiety and distress. I try various tactics with my boy as well. Try mixing into milk. Since it's important for him to finish his medicine, give 60ml milk mixed with 1 type of medicine. Another hour or so another 60ml milk mixed with another type of medicine and so on. If appetite improves, can increase milk volume with 2 types of medicine. It may seem he's drinking medicine all day then but if he's not struggling, screaming or vomitting out everything (!), tell yourself he's on the road to recovery.

My baby has been sick every other week cos been in infant care since he was 2 months old. So he's been taking medicine almost everyday for past 8 months. Record was 8 medicine at one time. If your baby has fever, have to force feed paracetamol because we can't risk temperature climbing. Other medicine can miss a dose if really can't help it.
advice is not to mixed with milk cos the risk of not finishing is very high.
My one and only way is to pinch his nose and shoot down with syringe then water...He will scream and cry but will stop once the med is into the throat..

The method that I learnt from the nurses in Mt Alvernia when D was awarded few months back is to put the syringe near his mouth, dap bit by bit of the medicine on the lips n after he taste a little .. he may open his mouth slightly then we pump in the medicine... dun immediatley pump the medicine in...coz will scare them n sometimes they will choke ... it works for D and also I will try to let him taste the more bitter medicine first coz I realized if I feed him the sweeter medicine first, he may reject the more bitter wan later... I did try to taste their medicine before n most r sweet ..so no reason for our BBs to reject the medicine... so I reckon maybe its the way we feed them that makes them scared?? Hope the above helps and J will be well soon... can understand your anxiety but dun worry too much ..he will gain back the lost weight once he recover ...8)
Hope your Jarrett is much better now. My keane kena a long crack upon his upper lip cos he bites e wooden chair @ my parents place and according to my ma, he fell forward while his upper body cling onto the wooden chair with his hands grabbed on. :~( there goes his handsome face.
Don't worry about Jarrett weight lost, Keane lost immediately day 2 when he was down with sore throat few mths back. Really have to take an effort to feed him back the lost. I am sure you can do it.
Thanks mummies for the advices! I appreciate it.

JennyN....I never mix the medicine with milk because I am afraid he will reject milk next time. Guess I will continue with force-feeding him the medi like what Ivy and milo had suggested. Really break my heart, but for his good, I gotta control my own emotions loh. Almost cry together with him leh! Aiyoo...

J like the taste of the medi initially, but one of them (think its the cough mixture) is bitter and minty, so that's why he kicked up a fuss. Starts to wriggle away when he see us bring out the medicine liao..

Hope he will recover soon.
nick: leejen
Email: [email protected]

Item name: 1st Birthday Cupcake Giant Party Banner
Item#: 93070
Qty: 1
Price: USD4.99

Item name: 1st Birthday Cupcake Crepe Streamer Decorating Set
Item#: 94170
Qty: 1
Price: USD3.39

okie. u list down ur order lor


i tried the cupcake liao. taste not bad but find it alittle ex at 1.50 for such a small one. tried baking yesterday. taste and appearance ok but abit hard. will continue to yan jiu again
Are you driving to BJG on Sat? Can I get a ride from you? My car was hit last week, in the workshop now. No car, so a bit sian to take public transport with my kid to the class...

Anyone keen to attend the BJG trial? Very sian lately coz of the accident...

<font color="0000ff">Amy,
It's alright lah. Thanks for the effort in hunting for it.

Only 7 pcs now. May call off the BP if response is not good.

I saw the cupcakes just now. They look really lovely. I bought 4 pcs for $5 (UP $8). Haven't try yet (wanna bring home to let my mum & DH try as well). But don't think I will order as the mummy prefers self collection at Woodlands (too far for me) & delivery cost $20!!!

BTW, that mummy is only 40 yo and her eldest kid is already 14 yo! She looks rather young to me.

<font color="ff0000">BP for LifeRacer swimwear (includes men, women, boys, girls, kids wetsuit & thermal wear)</font>
I'm still hoping to proceed with the BP but got to hit 15 pcs for discounts as shown below. If you're keen, pls send me a PM of your e-mail addr and I'll send the catalog to you (about 2 MB).

For minimum order of 15 pcs, we can get the following discounts:

1) Kids Wetsuits retail at $26.90 / $29.90 <font color="ff0000">(20% discount)</font>
2) Kids Wetsuits retail at $35.90 <font color="ff0000">(25% discount)</font>
3) Kids Wetsuits with UV Protection retail at $42.90 <font color="ff0000">(30% discount)</font>
4) Women/Men/Boys/Girls Regular Items <font color="ff0000">(30% Discount)</font>
5) Thermal Wears retail at $59.90 /$65.90 <font color="ff0000">(40% discount)</font></font>
