(2006/05) May 2006 MTB


You go tell your hubby.. Ting Ting.... he sure know me... hoho... same school... same ECA... where you all staying now..


i am still in abit of shock... how can this be possible... its such a coincidence... please go ask your hubby do you know tingting from upper serangoon tech... think he will never believe we know each other from MOTHERHOOD forum... hahahaha..... its unbelievable... but as compared.. he gained weight as compared to during secondary school times... ok.. i will drop you a PM leaving my email and contact.. please get him to contact me.. wanna suan him abit... haha
Hi milo66,

I'm also thinking of chevrons. hee...if u recce there can let me know? my hub not on the idea coz he said parking there is a nitemare
which is actually true la. but no place liaoz...hub actually asked why organise. hold at home can lei...but hor...1st birthday ma...tot of doing something nice lor.

Hi sponge..what is ur email address? I send u her contacts n some pics of her creation.... but she is now in H.K so can only call her next week.

Haha in the car yesterday after he picked me up from school, i suan him say he must have done a lot of misdeeds or "chou shi" in secondary school such that his friends remember him so well hahahaha...

Wahhh u want to suan him, so u must have known him pretty well ya? heehee...

Ya, of course fat lah.. dun compare to those days.. u just have to compare him to 2-3 years back and can see the bloatedness in him liao :p
Hmm.. i found the cake isnt sweet compare to prima deli.But at least can keep the small figurines.. :p. I think prima deli standard drop. Emi cake is ok with durian cake, but i doubt i want it on keane's birthday, else the whole place full of durian smell. *faint*
i like cheese cake very much but i scare to kena migraine.Secret receipts cheesecake has the fuilfilling taste.

Do you have pine garden website to view the cake.

i went to chevron 3 times for 1 guy's birthday & 2 gf's bb 1st yr b'day parties. Like lh_jyc stated, the car park is really a nightmare, v long walking distance for people who don't own a car. It's take 15mins walk to mrt station. (My personal experience, 1 of my guy friend accompanied me to walk all the way to Jurong Mrt station; cos abt mid 9).
However, i found its really gd place for small gathering, atomsphere is right. KtV with all the latest songs. The balcony is smaller than anna's hse and with few tables & chairs (unless request).
If you can get those sign on friend (like airforce/ navy) to book for you is cheaper and first priority.
ops... forgotten to update the date

Gymboree trial
venue: Tangling Mall
Date: 17th March
Fees: $34 , first trial

Btw I might not be able to make as Kaelyn is down with Flu today. It might takes a while to get well. If there isn't much response, i'll cancel the class.

pine garden is http://www.pgcakes.com

prima sweet ah? heehee we find it ok leh.. just two nights ago i tell hubby maybe we still get from prima.. they also got cute cute designs. And somemore cheap lah, so no need to go all the way to pine garden lor.

Oh i know why.. for prima, if u get normal sponge cakes, the standard is not very high. We love their chocolate cakes. Not too bad.

yah.. i mus suan him... well.. know him not very well lah but ok lah..... but he bully me mah when in school...so i remember him well.. hahaha we from the same ECA (NPCC).. and you know lah.. npcc got many camping.....

So whats his reaction when he get to know that we knew each other from forum?
Ah Joyce,

Sigh... I called yesterday and the person told me that all weekend for Apr are fully booked

Seems like no choice gotta recce downtown east liao..


We intend to have a small gathering with my parents and ils. Not intending to have a big crowd. My hubby is a regular himself also no priority.

Hope bb K gets well soon.. Brought my K to doc on monday for rashes on his face.. Doc say he got mild eczema wor... so sian..

If you organise another trial, keep me in the loop k..

This morning i told my hubby u are ting ting, he OOORRRHH liao, that means he still remember u well lah.. he told me u very small sized and thin that time :p

U were his junior or same age as him??

Wow, he bully u in NPCC ah?

Did u sms him? If he is not out of office to site, he will reply u very fast :p

haha congrats!!! i was so happy when i first saw kaeden tooth pop up too! for a moment, i tot he gonna be boh gay :p

Aiyah... wasted... shouldn't have told him my name.... haha... no i never sms him.... no time leh... hehehe..

tell him I still same same.. small size n thin now leh.. heheh.. not like him... fat fat... hahahah

He is my senior lah.. he so old.. i where got same age as him.. hahahhaha....

I'll call him tonite...

hey i m going to leave this thread.. dun want to make the others bored.. .. you never go into the june thread lately.. have been looking around for you when i realise that i know him... am going back to the june thread.. hehe..
huh? is it? i have to check my friend (primary school friend)why he can get priority.(cos his b'day party is held last min; since came back fr o/c, got another pri sch friend to bk for him).
Only with yr family members? why don't held @ home or any safra club? :p

I m still cracking my head abt the guests lists. If my ma's relatives + my friends, i wonder keane can take it or not. Still remembered that Keane didnt sleep the whole day when we celebrated his full mth, really scared us.

He was scared on sunday class, turned to face me and grabbed me tight but ok after that. My niece cried all the way during her 1st yr old birthday party, while keane laughed a lot (he was 8mths old that time). To play safe, I didnt bring up the birthday issue when Keane is around, hehe to avoid he kena fall sick or what on that day (superitious) haha..

kaeden is cranky both before and after.. he wakes up at 4/5 am for a few nights before his toothy pop up then back to normal.

few nights ago also like that and the upper teeth is popping out too!

yes. the chalet is open to public as well. there is no priority for civil servants. anyway its fine. will think of a different venue then.

Gong Xin lor. It's normal. keane even had fever for a day before; followed my gene. My gynea stated that no prove that bb will kena fever or diarrohea during 1st tooth or the top one but she encountered a lot, even went through those tests to check whether baby has other matter that stir the fever. For keane, she went to the extend of urine check. (Sent K to see pd becos of hb's over-reacted)

You can apply the teething gum that numb bb gum so that he or she can drink milk.(when bb reject any intake). You also can give freeze teething toy to let bb to bite or like babycentre stated let bb bite frozen bean.(For me, i only applied teething gum gel and let keane bite the freeze teething toys).

Whose is in NPCC? I joined when i was in secondary school and also badminton and swimming (frog styles).. my muscle all lumps on my thight. Sigh! last time, my thight are hard hard type, now swinging non stop when i make a move. Miss my old days in school. :~(
ah peng,

I also cannot make it for the gymboree trial liao. Hope kaelyn recovers soon! take care.

RE: Tooth

my fishball still bo gay.... *haiz*

haha the way u describe ur thighs so funny.

Oh celeste and my hubby last time same sec school and same cca - NPCC.

Me always on the quiet side.. so cca always science club lah, library lah, maths club lah haha... but i do join badminton though as i love it and my sec school make it compulsory for all students to have one sport cca and one club cca. So everyone of us have 2 cca that time. weekday i will have badminton and sat science club lor.

I miss those days too!

Oh swimming.. i learnt swimming since 5 yrs old and was almost a certified lifeguard heehee... but gave up halfway through the lifeguard course due to menstrual cycle problem lor. So very troublesome to swim with such heavy flow that come so often.
Waa... you are so smart, helps to save life (if any emergency).. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully, you are ok now since already gave birth.

Heheh.. u can ask those mummies that saw me before, my thights are huge (bigger than my hips if i measure both together) *Faint* ahah..

Sob sob part is that these days i have to wear full length to cover my stretch marks.. they are all over my thights..

OMG! K is sick. Take care.. must be v tiring for you..


i found this, think you know long ago. hahah all the chalets.. by the way, dun book Changi one. ok!


Ohhh that was so long ago.. i already in my lifeguard course at 12 yrs old :p That's why i always encourage children to swim. Good stamina and body system. It is a very good exercise, especially for those with frequent coughing and flu problems. That's how i recovered from frequent coughing since young. My mum brought me to the doctor and he advised to go swimming. That's how i started intensive swimming lessons at 5 yrs old :p

Cycle problem of course long settled. So that year when i was 12 yrs old, my mum brought me to see gynae. Took some medicine then ok liao. That time menses just started, so got such problem lor :p

My stretch marks at my tummy only.. so nobody can see haha..

ya lor..shld organise some outdoor instead of indoors.haiz.. It seems that kaelyn has been falling sick every month. Last month she was down with croup. Now March is runny nose!!!! Haiz.


Does ur baby fall sick easily like Kaelyn??
Hi nana,

mine do. n also veri frequently....so heartpain. tried buying vitamins and colostrum for him also dun work. now mil is giving him chinese herbs "dong cong cai" dunno whether will work or not thu

haiz bringing him to cruise next wed, if he no recover. may have to cancel my trip...so excited over it n bought so many things to bring him

Btw, any mummies using the Glenn doman flash cards on ur bb? Can share ur experience? me still thinking whether to invest on this .....its HUGE investment
I do give kaelyn multi vits leh.. No help. But good thing is that she's eating normally even she's sick. Except for the last round she had croup, she hasn't been eating well.
Are u referring to cordyceps??
hi joyce,
so colostrum works? I have a doc fren who can get pure colostrum from NZ. not sure if its suitable for bb, am thinking to start him on it after he is 1 yr old. My mum been blaming me that its becos i dun eat a lot during preg that why my son is skinny and sickly. Sigh...
Ivy & lh_jyc,
i'm so sua-ku! Colostrum can be bought??Erm... wat form does it comes in?? Liquid or tabs? Also pure colostrum.. erm.. is it real.. from human? Sorry to ask so many questions.This is the 1st time i heard of colostrum supplements
lh_jyc & little nana,
Pardon me for my personal suggestion as follows. all human have individual body system, if bb gets well after taking the medicines given; thats great. If you are worry abt or bb tends to have repeat illness like cough or others. Maybe can bring bb to see chinese sinseh? Those specialist in bb & massage type. Can ask sinseh, bb belong to what type of body system (heatiness, dump or ...) and observe how to e sinseh massage the bb. You can do it at home.
Any intake of herbal or medicine input to the baby will affect bb's life. All intake either chinese or western herbs or medicine or even vitamin. 30% is gd 2 the body while remains are "poisionious" 2 the body. :p
Food is best medicine which i strongly believe. maybe can try this after bb fully recover. Buy organic beef cut into v slim slices (like paper) then laid on the plate (flip the plate upset down) and put on top over a big bowl, (small fire) steam for 1hr. feed bb oni 1 small teaspoon of the "juice" collected @ the bottom bowl.
Helps to boost immune system, pu bb bones oso. oni 1 time per 2mths (up to individual). One point to note, this really make bb v strong. Anything that too "pu" especially on bb or toddler or kids that are still growing up; make them grow side wide instead of upward. (tall)

Do you have email or can i pm you. Recently i am using something and find its v effective, like to share with you. :p

wonder is this good or not?

Whats your mummy said is true 50%. Another 50% is that your baby may or didnt take in what you eat. For keane, i presume he intake 100% when he was inside my tummy, thats why his mummy is suffering now. haha.
hey mummies,

i am getting so excited abt my boy 1st bday.. shall we start a COUNTDOWN!!!

<table border=1><tr><td>Mummies</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>DOB </TD></TR><TR><TD>KK</TD><TD>Liaw Yu Jun</TD><TD>21/04/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sponge</TD><TD>Ariel Lim</TD><TD>22/04/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD>Natasia Chan</TD><TD>27/04/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fate</TD><TD>Jarrett Tan</TD><TD>28/04/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piglet</TD><TD>Sofia Teo</TD><TD>30/04/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milo</TD><TD>Kaeden Cheng</TD><TD>01/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annie</TD><TD>Keane Then</TD><TD>02/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angelzwynd</TD><TD>Clarice Tan</TD><TD>02/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ih-jyc</TD><TD>Rayne Ang</TD><TD>02/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Goon goon</TD><TD>Geng Teng</TD><TD>03/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ino</TD><TD>Natalie Wong</TD><TD>07/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pooh</TD><TD>Claris Yeo</TD><TD>07/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kissbb</TD><TD>Aiden Ng</TD><TD>09/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kissbb</TD><TD>Brayden Ng</TD><TD>09/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Race</TD><TD>Jing Heng</TD><TD>10/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wen</TD><TD>Gabrielle Chang</TD><TD>11/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anna</TD><TD>Kaelyn Soh</TD><TD>12/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hazel</TD><TD>Jared Hee</TD><TD>15/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy</TD><TD>Xaiver Ong</TD><TD>18/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>SS1</TD><TD>Isabel</TD><TD>18/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gina</TD><TD>Brayden Loh</TD><TD>19/05/2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairarina</TD><TD>Kendrick Kwa</TD><TD>28/05/2006</td></tr></table>

thks for the chart!!

mummies, wat colostrum are u giving har?? actuali my gd friend bought me one bottle for my bb when she was born..its COW COLOSTRUM which is collect 1st 6 hrs from the cow. me and hubby veri skeptical so in the end, din give my bb at all coz dont know wat the cow eat leh...
yes, its cow colostrum that i am taking abt too...seems to be good for adults as well. I read some studies abt it..but for young infants, i am not too sure...cos i bf him as well and he still get running nose and cough....
Your worry is correct. You intake it & thats benefit your Xavier. I presume running nose and cough that X is having; the virus is still in the air esp @ home. Best that you boil white vinegar with a pot of water and when its boil, just bring around the house to kill the germs in e air. When the water turn warm, use it to wipe the furniture & toys that bb might touch. However, white vineager is 1/10 and water is 9/10. Else too acidic will destory some furniture / floor (depend the material )

Didnt Noe that you are taking, cos i am but once in the blue moon when i remember. hehe..
I take this brand before.


here is the information:

What is colostrum? How does it benefit my baby?
Your breasts produce colostrum beginning during pregnancy and continuing through the early days of breastfeeding. This special milk is yellow to orange in color and thick and sticky. It is low in fat, and high in carbohydrates, protein, and antibodies to help keep your baby healthy. Colostrum is extremely easy to digest, and is therefore the perfect first food for your baby. It is low in volume (measurable in teaspoons rather than ounces), but high in concentrated nutrition for the newborn. Colostrum has a laxative effect on the baby, helping him pass his early stools, which aids in the excretion of excess bilirubin and helps prevent jaundice.

When your baby is breastfed early and often, your breasts will begin producing mature milk around the third or fourth day after birth. Your milk will then increase in volume and will generally begin to appear thinner and whiter (more opaque) in color. In those first few days it is extremely important to breastfeed your newborn at least 8-12 times each 24 hours, and more often is even better. This allows your baby to get all the benefits of the colostrum and also stimulates production of a plentiful supply of mature milk. Frequent breastfeeding also helps prevent engorgement.

Your colostrum provides not only perfect nutrition tailored to the needs of your newborn, but also large amounts of living cells which will defend your baby against many harmful agents. The concentration of immune factors is much higher in colostrum than in mature milk.

Colostrum actually works as a natural and 100% safe vaccine. It contains large quantities of an antibody called secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) which is a new substance to the newborn. Before your baby was born, he received the benefit of another antibody, called IgG, through your placenta. IgG worked through the baby's circulatory system, but IgA protects the baby in the places most likely to come under attack from germs, namely the mucous membranes in the throat, lungs, and intestines.

Colostrum has an especially important role to play in the baby's gastrointestinal tract. A newborn's intestines are very permeable. Colostrum seals the holes by "painting" the gastrointestinal tract with a barrier which mostly prevents foreign substances from penetrating and possibly sensitizing a baby to foods the mother has eaten.

Colostrum also contains high concentrations of leukocytes, protective white cells which can destroy disease-causing bacteria and viruses.

The colostrum gradually changes to mature milk during the first two weeks after birth. During this transition, the concentrations of the antibodies in your milk decrease, but your milk volume greatly increases. The disease-fighting properties of human milk do not disappear with the colostrum. In fact, as long as your baby receives your milk, he will receive immunological protection against many different viruses and bacteria.

Stomach capacity of the newborn
When mothers hear that colostrum is measurable in teaspoons rather than ounces, they often wonder if that can really be enough for their babies. The short answer is that colostrum is the only food healthy, full-term babies need. The following is an explanation:

A 1 day old baby's stomach capacity is about 5-7 ml, or about the size of a marble. Interestingly, researchers have found that the day-old newborn's stomach does not stretch to hold more. Since the walls of the newborn's stomach stays firm, extra milk is most often expelled (spit up). Your colostrum is just the right amount for your baby's first feedings!

By day 3, the newborn's stomach capacity has grown to about 0.75-1 oz, or about the size of a "shooter" marble. Small, frequent feedings assure that your baby takes in all the milk he needs.

Around day 7, the newborn's stomach capacity is now about 1.5-2 oz, or about the size of a ping-pong ball. Continued frequent feeding will assure that your baby takes in all the milk he needs, and your milk production meets his demands.

wat brand u are taking now har??? my friend bght for my gal one is from a MLM company..nt cheap leh..cost almst $100 for one bottle !!!

i did managed to pump some colostrum on my 2nd day in hospital and bring it to the nurse to feed my gal..but i doubt she take all coz she kept throwing out after every feed
no wonder she get sick easily
Hi all,

Re colostrum : yup its cow's one. i got it from GNC and it is suitable for infants. Whether it works....yeee still too early to see...me now kiasu coz he is taking colostrum and every sat will bring him to sinseh for massage.

the only consolution is that this time he coughing is not as bad as last 3 times *touch wood*

Hi Annie,

Thanks for ur advice but will try it out for a while coz my cousin recommended it to me

Hi kk,
I also ordered Yuling for Rayne's full month. the packaging is not bad but i think its taste is abt the same as ecreative.

Hi ivy,
my mil also say that of me. coz i was puking till about the end so i do not eat much during preggy days..somemore i sufferin from lupus so at times think it is my poor health that pass to my boy..hiaz...

btw, i'll most likely pop over ur house on sat morning if that is okie w u..
i am not sure abt the taste.

Must take care of your health for your loved 1. For me, my mil also say that of me. Said cant go on diet, must eat, what for grandson.Anyway, i do listen, like i didnt eat the crabs since she forbidden (hb supervise me). However, i still believe in 50% rely on whether baby can absorb or not. No point that you intake and bb dun. Count myself lucky that Keane did absorb or else i sure kena hypertension. My water retention shoot up so high @ last mth before labour.(* my personal opinion) Anyway, its over. you take great care and prepare for next baby.
Hello all, MIA for a while. I'm back in the US, but suffering now cos I'm home alone with Ethan for 2 weeks. Hubby's gone on business trip again. Ethan's driving me nuts!
Anyway, for those who are interested, the 25% promotion for Coach is on again. You can PM me for details.
Oh wow Coach sales! Browse the collection from which site?

Is Ethan so hard to handle or you need some time to re-adjust back to how you handle him single-handedly? For me, I already can't manage during the weekends as Jarrett is very mobile nowadays.

Thanks ah K for the chart! I am 4th in the list! Kanchiong liao
ah E,

haha, very fast right...

me very kan cheong abt ah K bday too.. seems like getting more fun as we go along..

u seen the burberry blue label bag... wah very chio.. i so tempted to get but its selling only in japan :p
Finally, i just take a serious read on the chart. You did it so well and details, all in the list with the names correct. Thanks a lot with the effort.

Waa.. No 1 in the list. heheh.. hope to read your posts after the party held. As for me, my head really crack. Has to spilt three parties for the celebration. Since hb doesnt want to held it at chalet and my 4rm flat is so small.

Hi mummies,

Can u provide more infos on Yuling, eg: website?
Everybody is so excited going 2 hav BB 1st mth celebration...can feel the joyful bell around liao
