(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">fairysnowberry,
I've already sent the catalog to you at 10.44am this morning. Let me know if you did not receive it.

BP will close when we hit 15 pcs. So far, there's 2 orders.

Hope to meet you at BabyCare. ^_^</font>

Auntie I,

My mummy paid up yesterday liao, no hang porky head at my hse hor...haha
You funny leh! Gathering at the nursing room?

Any interesting at BabyCare Festival?

Ivy ~ You got license to be ah long?

If J is not cranky on the 11th, will drop by after his SM class to say hi to all friends ok?
hi, Babies n Cream at Great World City is offering Positive Babies trial class at 50% off. Have signed up.
I went there for prenatal yoga and a Glen Doman seminar before, quite well-organised, so now try out their programs for babies.

u kidnapped who ah???


come join us la.. nice to see u yesterday! been so long since we last catch up liao
OMG Ivy...kidnapping will get death sentence one you know!

Yalor Milo~ Good to see you at the Babycare festival! So what did you buy huh? I bought Drypers, Mustela products and a Combi shoe for J

Wanna share what's your babies latest development now? I am so happy because J can say "Mamaaamaaamaaaa" since two weeks ago! Hope he's calling me rather than hungry

And he is cruising while holding on to objects. Once, I caught him standing by himself for a few secs without holding on to anything
Hi Fates,

Just wanns 2 share:
Edison so far 73cm, only 8.3kg (very light though he can eat 2 bowls of porridge daily,think is- he super active all d time,he never stop (crawling/playing/moving/standing when holding on objects )til 10pm sleep time, he did say mama ( not frequent coz he more loves his dad, keep on saying papa), jie jie (my babysitter's daughter very close to him)
<font color="0000ff">fates,
My boy still hasn't crawl yet.

Still waiting for you send me a PM me of

Name of baby
Date of birth
Parent's name
Contact no.

for BJG registration leh.

My boy's weight was 9.2 kg at 9-month checkup. Maybe he's heavy due to "inactivity" (he still can't crawl yet). kekeke

The Kindermusik trial is this Sunday at noon right? Scared that I got the date wrong. Where to meet ar?</font>

i only got the nestle cereal for k to try. didnt get others liao. is the combi shoe gd? was thinking of shoe but dunno wat is gd leh. k already outgrew his bobux
Being active is ok cos' he is a boy mah! My son is also quite active, but at times he will sit down quietly and play with his toys in the yard

Just PM-ed you

Wow 9.2kg already? I don't know J's weight...been quite awhile since his last jab. Btw you bought anything at the fair?

Huh you only bought Nestle? Nothing interesting for you? Don't know good or not la..J's feet quite bah bah...not easy to find nice shoes for him..his papa says Bobux very ugly..that's why decided to try the Combi
Hi mummies
Si'en came down with GE and was warded in the hospital for 8 days! She lost 0.9kg. Now, she is left with 8.kg from 8.9kg!! Sigh... Put on drip, draw blood, take xray, other tests too! My heart aches to see her going through all these.

She can crawl now! so we are busy chasing after her. She can pull to stand too. She's trying to stand on her own. If her development is anything like gabby, she will be able to walk by eleven months. Pressure on her.

ya lor..

my K's feet also very bah bah. i find difficulties in wearing the fox shoes for him. bobux still ok. dunno clarks gd or not leh.


hope si'en is alright now. the parents always suffer when bb fall sick.. u must take care also ah.

WOW now most of our babies are cruising, standing liao. so fast hor? time really flies. 2 more mths and my K gonna be 1 year old!!!
gabby's mum,

wat is GE?

meet at the school entrance?

ha, the bb will scream even before i can whisk him off!

1 yr old party! What are the ideas?

haha u can try whisking mine off! guarantee no cry ah!

still thinking leh.. maybe have a simple dinner or chalet bah.. u leh?
hi mummies,

want to ask if any of your babies scream or shout? my boy has been doing that these few days to show his displeasure. previously, he will just cry out or 'grumble'.

it can get rather irritating especially when he does that in the car.
its normal.. i just watched the baby education programmes when i was in Harbin. The peak period is even worst than this. Starting from toddler age 1-6 yrs old. For instant, bb will expect to open the door and if you do it first, he or she will scream, shout or cry until the door is close and he or she open it first (revealing back the time) Heehee.

My keane also does that. Cant imagine if he reachs the peak period. However, according to the programmes, its stated that the bb brain starts to have own thinking, imitation, emotions etc.

i felt the shakes @ workplace, once in the am and once @ 2pm today.Let's pray hard for less victims.

Asia Pacific News

Four killed in Sumatra quake, hundreds of buildings collapse
Posted: 06 March 2007 1403 hrs

A meteorologist points to a seismograph reading

JAKARTA : A powerful earthquake in western Indonesia killed at least four people Tuesday, flattening hundreds of buildings and overwhelming hospitals on Sumatra island, officials and witnesses said.

It occurred in a mountainous area 49 kilometres (30 miles) northeast of the West Sumatra capital Padang, the US Geological Survey said.

It was felt hundreds of kilometres away in Singapore, where some office buildings were evacuated, and in neighbouring Malaysia.

In Padang, the quake sparked panic among seaside residents who feared it might trigger a tsunami.

However, there was no immediate warning of a tsunami from the quake, which had an epicentre under land.

The magnitude-6.3 quake killed at least two children, a teacher and a woman in a market in the Sumatran town of Solok, said police spokesman Supriadi, adding that hundreds of buildings collapsed, including a state bank.

At least two hospitals were struggling to cope with a flood of patients, many of them suffering cuts and broken bones, said Supriadi, who like many Indonesians goes by only one name.

The quake was also felt in west coast areas of Malaysia, the meteorological office in that country said.

The Indonesian archipelago sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire where continental plates meet, causing frequent seismic and volcanic activity. - CNA/ch
Ya gabby's mum, what is GE? Is Si'en better now?

One-year old Birthday Party

So Ivy, Milo..what are you gals planning for X and K? I thought of planning something special for J leh.....still cracking my head over it


I thought of stopping it already.....is pumping less the only solution? Feeling kinda sad because J loves BM leh.
GE - gastro - enteritis (dont know how to spell)
I think we call it gastric flu. She was having diarrhoea and had blood in the stool.

Hi, my doc says that my girl is rather weak and may have to skip the class this Sunday. If she skips, can you find a replacement, if not, we will go ahead with the plan. SOrry
<font color="0000ff">Ivy,
Okie. C u there!

How about placing cabbage leaves over your bosom?
I'm still nursing my boy. Seems like he has no intention of stopping though it's taken a toil off me. Realised my boy may be a high-need child as he needs attention constantly.</font>
gabby's mum,
i will try to get a replacement. Shld be no problem!

wow! You managed to keep at it for almost a yr liao! Good good! Dun stop lah...haha..until you have the 2nd one.
Mummies gog for the Kindermusik class, pls note the time and address:

Tanglin Mall Studio
163 Tanglin Road
#03-11B Tanglin Mall
Singapore 247933

Ino aka Sharon will be taking over Gabby's mum slot.

Thanks for getting the replacement.
Si'en is still weak and vulnerable to infection so I want to keep her in. In addition, not so nice if others catch it from her. Do enjoy the class! My son loves it!
thks for the info. i noted now.

Wat happen to si'en? (read from yr reply to ivy) sorry, busy with work, so no time to read all the posts. Hope she is ok. You must be v tired to copy with work & taking care of two bbs.

gabby posted about Si'en's GE 4 or 5 posts before your lengthy post leh


You must be joking hor? I hahahaha first! Impossible to BF till number 2 lar! Don't intend to have number 2 so soon mah


You champion liao...still nursing! I not so bad....just giving my J EBM only. So you intend to nurse your boy till how old?
Hi all,

on the april mummies' recommendation, i went to buy this title:
Feeding your child right, the first nutrition guide for asian parents, Authors lynn alexander and yeong boon yee

Its really good cos its a local publication and the ingredients are easy to get and easy to prepare!
I second the recommendation of the book. Its quite local so its easier to adapt. I have cooked quite a fair bit of food from the book for my son.


Trying to play cathc up with work.... busy now. Two babies are now still a bit ill. What to do they get cross infection! They are now on the road to recovery. Thanks for the concern.
<font color="0000ff">Ivy,
Where can the book be purchased? How much does it cost? When is it published and what is the edition?

Don't think my boy is willing to stop any moment now. Am trying to nurse him until he is at least a year old.</font>}
i got it from MPH at $20.xx. Er, its quite a recent publication ( need to check) and its 1st edition.

Want to see your new renovated house hor? haha..How about 1st or 8th April for our next gathering?
<font color="0000ff">Ivy,
Thanks for the info. Is this the book that you're referring to?


ISBN: 9789812040633
Alexander, Lynn / Yee, Yeong Boon / Publisher: Times Editi Published 2003/07
Price: SGD20.90 (from Kinokuniya's website)

This not the 1st edition. I remembered reading that the book was first published in 1990 and so was wondering if a newer edition has been published.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Mummies,

How do your BB consume his drinks nowadays? Is he/she still using bottles or is now using training cups?

I tried my boy on AVENT Cup but he doesn't know how to drink leh. Only knows how to bite the spout! So only feed him water by spoon feeding. What do you use?</font>

have u tot of wat bday cake to order? any recommendation?


k will drink water from a spoon. now trying to teach him how to suck but think still far from it la.
hi mummies..

hasn't been posting for ages liao.. haiz...seems that the thread is very quiet recently hor..

Something to share..here's me and my lil ger's pix..hehe picture abit blur

I ordered a 3d cake from ecreative for my boy when he turned one! It came with a 3d bear!!! Quite nice!

little nana
such a sweet picture

mag mug for drinking juice and water; bottle for milk
Hi Mummies

Can your babies hold their own water bottle to drink yet? Mine can't mainly cos we have not been training her to...wondering if i should start now.

My girl doesn't like to drink water at all and doesn't seem to like using the spout of the Avent cup too...keep using it to bite but she likes to imitate the adults drinking from cup...so now we feed her directly from a cup slowly and she will willingly open her mouth to drink..hahah...and she will smile so happily as if it's so delicious...just that we have to feed her slowly in small sips or she will cough and choke a little...wondering if i should try the straw with her now...
hi ladies

finally our thread is moving ..kkeke

since our lil ones are approaching to their 1st bday, mayb can share share hw are u goin to celebrate??
actuali i ever ordered ecreative bfore but find it soso only..mayb that day, the delivery was late and my cake was like warm warm one..
hi mummies,

finally itz fri again. haha time to spend more time wif bb. tmr will b bringing him to jwt trial class at ue sq. wonder hw it will b....


oh i oso booked the aloha chalet. which dae u booked?? nw mi oso finding a cake for his 1st birthdae. getting xcited nw...


patissier cake is veri nice. i had it for C's 1st mth and hubby's bday. the chocolate pretty rich yet nt so sweet..nice to go wif tea !! kekeke
