(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

Ya, I'm planning to go for the trial. Hoping to see if any other May mums interested. U keen? Maybe we can start...

1. SS1
2. Gabby

BTW, I'm hoping to gather enuf people for Positive Tots for my boy too...

sob sob...my hp crashed and they replaced me with a brand new one. But it caused me to lost a lot of contact numbers!
If you have my hp number, pls send me a sms with your name so that we can keep in touch..else, pm me.
Hi Qoosan,

Thanks~ Hoping to go for a BJG trial

Hi SS1,

Some of us had already attended the positive babies class trial few months ago. Doubt anyone going for it again? Why not we organise the BJG trial first?

Hi Wen,

You bought some blank flash cards from Hiap Moh before right? May I know what's the pricing like? Usually what size should we buy? A5?
Is the default one side glossy and one side matt? Or? Hope you can advise.

Hi Ivy! Wow new handphone leh!! Ok will msn you
Really? Can give me some feedback on the class? Maybe there'll be some mummies who missed the trial interested to try out this time? Please share the review leh...

It's at Babies n Cream at Great World City.

Sms you liao!

They sell at 100 sheets cut into the size you want. For A5 for example, 100 sheets can cut into 1800 pcs. Price is S$45.15 for 100 sheets inclusive of GST.

As for sizes, depends on what you want to do with them. I order mostly A5, A4 and 4"x12".

I ordered one side G and one side matt. Never order other types before so don't know the price.

Hope this helps. Can get their contact from their website look for Alice. Think she is used to mothers ordering from her...keke.
hey fates,

sorry had to miss out the gathering at your plc. I'm sure the mummies and babies had a great time! Post some pics here leh.

Oh ya, can the Haenim play yard be fixed in other shapes? Looks quite elongated in your pic. Feel like getting 1 in my nanny's plc..but dunno if can accomodate ornot..

Re: Classes

Wah sey..so many choices.. dunno which one to attend la. But I wld love to enrol her in a swimming class thou.. hee. any lobangs??
Hi mummies

Sorry i din turn up for the gathering. Can you believe it, 1st my phone crashed. Now, I lost my phone... For those who have my no., please sms me your no..... Ivy, i think we both lost each other's contact in this case... i will msn you...

Ivy, I would like to be included in the kindermusik class.
Kindermusic Class at Tanglin Mall
1) Ivy
2) Helen aka Taurus
3) Gabby
4) Annie (ok for sat / sun)
5) Yvonne
Yo sponge,

Sotong me, that day on the gathering, forgot to take pictures

I think only CP manage to snap some pics and took a video of all the babies 'singing' together :p
For the playyard, if you want it bigger, buy 2 sets? If not that will be the standard shape for 1.5 sets..

Just discovered J can crawl up the stairs by himself!~! Horrors..Can't imagine if he really can walk...
vy, I would like to be included in the kindermusik class.

Kindermusic Class at Tanglin Mall
1) Ivy
2) Helen aka Taurus
3) Gabby
4) Annie (ok for sat / sun)
5) Yvonne
6) kisbb (Aiden)
7) kissbb (Brayden)

For Positive Babies! (7 to 15mths with a parent/ caregiver)

1. SS1
2. Gabby
3. kissbb (Aiden)
4. kissbb (Brayden)

So many mummies going for the kindermusik trial, are you organising? hehe..


Oh? But that time we went on a weekends leh?!..
Hi ivy, i wanna join the kindermusik...

Kindermusic Class at Tanglin Mall
1) Ivy
2) Helen aka Taurus
3) Gabby
4) Annie (ok for sat / sun)
5) Yvonne
6) kisbb (Aiden)
7) kissbb (Brayden)
8) leejen
Hi mummies

I was so busy with work that I missed out on a lot of posting. Anyway, was thinking of organising a get together for the May mummies at my place as I cannot join in on other gatherings, but want to get to know you and your babies. What about mid March??

When is the trial? I put my son thr it and he enjoyed it so want to see if SI'en loves it too...
Hi mummies,
Just come in to say "Happy V. Day = Happy Friendship day". As usual, i recd a bouqet of ivory rose.. sigh! i prefer practical stuffs.. hmm.. last time, i told him i don't wish to get diamond every occassion, then he stops. If i tell him i don't wish to get rose every occassion, then forever i cant get any.

Been busy with my works & have to rush lots of stuffs before flying off. Have to pre wish everyone happy Lunar New Year & stay healthy forward.

Thanks for the organising. Let me know the timing through msn / sms. xie xie

The following chart is given by one of my gf. I don't follow but i presume those in majong can try to get some luck.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

fortune - 1.xls (16.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>
<font color="0000ff">Annie,

Be thankful that you still get roses even after years of marriage. Appreciate the little things in life and you'll be happier.

Lesson learnt: Just accept gifts as they come lor, esp. from your Valentine. ^_^</font>
Ino, u are right to say women never mean what they say. But when we really mean it, men take it the other way :p

Happie V's Day to you and Ken and also all other mommies
A sad poem to share with all. I teared when I read it..

<center>My name is Sarah

I am but three,

My eyes are swollen

I cannot see,

I must be stupid,

I must be bad,

What else could have made

My daddy so mad?

I wish I were better,

I wish I weren't ugly,

Then maybe my Mommy

Would still want to hug me.

I can't speak at all,

I can't do a wrong

Or else I'm locked up

All the day long.

When I awake I'm all alone

The house is dark

My folks aren't home.

When my Mommy does come

I'll try and be nice,

So maybe I'll get just

One whipping tonight.

Don't make a sound!

I just heard a car

My daddy is back

From Charlie's Bar.

I hear him curse

My name he calls

I press myself

Against the wall.

I try and hide

From his evil eyes

I'm so afraid now

I'm starting to cry.

He finds me weeping

He shouts ugly words,

He says its my fault

That he suffers at work.

He slaps me and hits me

And yells at me more,

I finally get free

And I run for the door.

He's already locked it

And I start to bawl,

He takes me and throws me

Against the hard wall.

I fall to the floor

With my bones nearly broken,

And my daddy continues

With more bad words spoken.

"I'm sorry!" I scream

But its now much too late

His face has been twisted

Into unimaginable hate.

The hurt and the pain

Again and again

Oh please God, have mercy!

Oh please let it end!

And he finally stops

And heads for the door,

While I lay there motionless

Sprawled on the floor.

My name is Sarah

And I am but three,

Tonight my daddy

Murdered me</center>
Hi mummies,

havenot log in for a while. see that some of u mummies are interested in the BJG.

Actually rayne has been attending the classes until recently i stopped him from going coz he keeps falling sick.

My tots are, the class effectiveness really depends on the teacher. Rayne experienced 3 different teachers and i only find one good. Rayne also seems to prefer this teacher n will be more attentive whenever she is teaching. another point is that the kids of the same class should be of the same months so that the older ones will not disrupt the younger ones when they cries or grows unattentive
just my findings only la
<font color="0000ff">Thanks for sharing.
Do you mean that there can be different teachers though Rayne attended the classes at the same time every week? May I know what is the name of the teacher that Rayne prefers?</font>
hihi joyce!!!

so long haven been seeing u on the thread..
Leia miss Rayne!!
How is he now?
Happy Belated Valentine's Day and Happy New Year!!
Thanks for sharing the lesson. Hmm.. its like that, not everyone is good. Thanks. I appreciate whatever hb gives me or not. I love diamonds but i stopped to have them when i learnt from one girlfriend that the true story behind of the diamond 2 years back even before the recent diamond movie. I also love roses and any flowers but they die faster when people prick them up. Well, i still trying to find a way to hubby that i do love roses, instead of buying those pricked for me, why don't give me a pot of small rose. Hmm.. seems hard to get him to accept to use recycle stuffs like toys etc. Save money and save the world indirectly. I presume i get over reacted to scienist stated that this world is coming to an end by 2050 with the weather temperature raising up. ( i watched on the SCV national geo. channel 12; hb comment that this world will end even faster with all the human kind; yet he nvb practice. Sigh!) If the scienist stated is truth, my keane can't die by nature cycle (born, grow, old, sick & pass away). I might witness the day to come. Wondering what would i want or do @ that time. Anyway, I am thankful that our neighbourhood countries like indonesia & malaysia shower any natural dieaster like recent flood. I am collecting all my old clothes that i cant fix in to donate to them, anyone can tell me to donate to which organisation can reach these people? (i watched the chancel 8 some weeks ago; stated that only one organisation help this malaysia flood but forget who is it.This round, i wont donate money, learnt from 2004 tias. dec 26,duno how much the actual amount reach the poor. And i just learnt some dotox doc spending $20k to buy a stocking to wear for maybe once as her usual practice.(Whats a funny world). (my own opinion).

Hi fates,
Yes! indeed, very sad. Just like I went to website to find the blog that one taiwan mummy wrote before she passed away. She knew that she had 1 yr plus to live on during her preggie period due to tumor cancer. She didnt opt for the abortion to save her own live. She posted all the photos of her twin (one gal & one son) and expressed her love to them everyday till the day she dead. I saw this new on SCV channel. Her hubby stated that he learnt this blog that his wife set up one year back after she died.

Hi mummies,
Enjoy this cute link. hope this will cheer everyone up.

<font color="0000ff">Ivy,
For the Kindermusik class at Tanglin Mall, do you know if we decide to sign up for the course after the trial, must we attend the lessons at Tanglin Mall only? Can we go to other branches?</font>
hi all

sorry been MIA for so long. been busy seen mid dec and finally when stuff are slowing down, my hubby decided to change our trip in mar to that very sat!!! and i only knew abt it on thurs with no hotel and nothing book!!!!

heng every thing fall in place nicely :p

ah E, so sorry to miss the gathering at your place, seems like long time since we all last met.

wishing all HAPPY NEW YEAR and finally this year can collect ANG POW liao!!!
Welcome back ah K! WE MISS U!!!!

Hi ino,
Wahhh Nat so cute! Did you go for some photoshoot in the studio? She looks like u

GONG XI FA CAI everyone!

All mummies here, I have been MIA for quite some time liao. Hope everyone is fine and pop by here to say GONG XI FA CAI and wish all babies KUAI GAO ZHANG DA!!

*muaks to all didi meimei gorgor jiejie*
Greetings from YJ

Hi mummies,

Happy new year! Wah bian, have been crazy past few weeks cleaning and getting things for the house, bb and hubby. kindof enjoyed shopping thu...keke

Hi bloh,

Rayne experienced 3 teachers coz he went for one makeup class for one. then at a new term, they changed the teacher to a more experienced old. but funni thing is both mummy and son prefers the old one. maybe its becoz we are used to the way the old teacher taught n her singing is really good! Her name is Shi hui. Hope that this helps
<font color="0000ff">Hi mummies,</font>
<font color="ff0000">Happy Lunar New Year to you & your family!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Joyce,
Thanks for the info on BJG.

Your girl is so adorable!

Cheers to the festive spirit!</font>
Hi All,

Happy new year!
I have checked with Kindermusik for their classes.
To have our own class, we need 12 babies. The slot will be on any Sunday at 12pm at the Tanglin mall school. It will be $25 per baby with mummy along.

Here are the list ( we need 4 more babbies to come along!):

Kindermusic Class at Tanglin Mall
1) Ivy
2) Helen aka Taurus
3) Gabby
4) Annie (ok for sat / sun)
5) Yvonne
6) kisbb (Aiden)
7) kissbb (Brayden)
8) leejen

The date i am thinking will be 11 March. If there is no problem, then pls pm me your email address with bb name, date of birth and contact number. I will do the coordination.
hi Ivy, just happen to read your post. My son is a May 2006 baby but I am not active in this forum. If there's enough space (after the regulars) I would like to join the 11 March Kindermusik trial. Thanks! HappyFatLady (Theodore Rong)
<font color="0000ff">RE: Trial session for Baby Jumper Gym (BJG)

<font color="ff0000">DATE: 18 Mar 2007 (Sun) at 4pm</font>

HomeTeamNS Bukit Batok Clubhouse
No. 2 Bukit Batok West Avenue 7,
#01-10, Singapore 659003

Min. babies to start a trial: 5 ($20 per baby)
Max. 6 babies

In the event that any 3 babies sign up on the spot after the trial, the $20 will be waived off & there'll be a 10% discount on the term fees.

Fees payable if you sign up:
Registration fees: $40 (one-time)
School T-shirt: $10
Refundable deposit: $100
Term fees: $360 (9 mths - 14 mths) for 10 lessons, 1-hourly each</font>

Pls send me a PM with the following details for registration:

Name of baby
Date of birth
Parent's name
Contact no.

<font color="0000ff">Attendees:

1) bbloh
Kindermusic Class at Tanglin Mall
1) Ivy
2) Helen aka Taurus
3) Gabby
4) Annie
5) Yvonne
6) kisbb (Aiden)
7) kissbb (Brayden)
8) leejen
9) Happyfatlady

11 Mar (SUN) 12pm.
hi ivy, thanks for the coordination....how long will the session be? Coz hubby will be going, need to let him know how long to hang outside....haha.
