(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

MAY 2006 MTBs EDD Hospital Gynae
milo66 18-May-2006 Mount A Dr H K Ho
Eve Lim 18-May-2006 -tba- Dr Paul Tseng
fates 24-May-2006 East Shore Dr Heng Tung Lan
kk 1-May-2006 TMC Dr Lim T C

yndic 14-May-2006 TMC Dr Caroline Khi

fates: thks! the tables is indeed useful!

gynae prescribed me with folic for the 1st trimester. then comes 2nd trimester, added in calcium, iron and neurogain fish oil.

how do u manage to swallow in so mamy pills huh? i am still in my puking season, eating those supplements is really a big torture to me
Hi Ladies,

Long time no log in as I was on 1 week leave last week .... but no need to envy me coz I was busy puking at home ...now coming to 15 weeks liao still having very bad MS ... feel like my MS is getting worst n worst each week .... sob sob sob

Hi fates,

Please help to update me into the list..
Taurus 03 May 2006 Mount A Dr C Y Chen
Hi Taurus, milo

Sorry to hear both of you are still having MS....
Taurus did your gynae give you any medication to relieve your MS? Yours sounded bad...

Wow milo,

So many supplements huh! Maybe it'll change come my appointment next month while in the meanwhile getting vitamins from food..
Updated list

<table border=1><tr><td>MAY 2006 MTBs</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gynae </TD></TR><TR><TD>milo66</TD><TD>18-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr H K Ho </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eve Lim</TD><TD>18-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng </TD></TR><TR><TD>fates</TD><TD>24-May-2006</TD><TD>East Shore</TD><TD>Dr Heng Tung Lan </TD></TR><TR><TD>kk</TD><TD>1-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Lim T C </TD></TR><TR><TD>ydnic</TD><TD>14-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi </TD></TR><TR><TD>Taurus</TD><TD>3-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr C Y Chen </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi Fates,
Can include me in your list.
EDD : 19-May-2006
Hospital : Mount A
Gynae : Dr Douglas ong

Thank you very much!

Milo, both of our EDD is very near. Maybe we shall be meeting each other in the hospital.

U r right. The packages are quite ex. But my gynae only delivers either at Mt E or Mt A. I remember paying a bomb for my boy at Mt E, but the service frm the midwives is excellent. This time opting for Mt A, so that it will not be too tight on my pocket. As we will be migrating to Australia after my delivery.
Hi Ladies!

I am getting sick of the pills already. Just by looking at them every morning makes me want to puke! And i think those pills are very heaty. My colleague took her vitamin pills until one day her nose bleed.

Hi taurus,

Do take care ok?
Same as u, i am still feeling nauseous. Have been having bad headaches over the weekends. I guess due to heatiness. So start to drink chrysanthemum to cool down these two days. Today seems to be ok, but then on my bus trip just now, feel like vomiting again. Guess i am too hungry that's why
hi fates,

pls add me to the list
EDD: 17-May
hospital: tba
gynae: Dr. Adrian Woodworth

kk, i have been suffering from migraine for several years prior to pregnancy. somehow, i did not get any attacks for 1st 2 months of my pregnancy but they came back recently. my gynae has instructed me not to take panadol extra and the painkillers that i used to eat. i can only rely on normal panadol now.

i try not to take that though because i know any medication during pregnancy is not good for baby. will take it only when i cannot endure the pain.

looking at the pills make me feel like puking more so now i can only take it at night before bedtime, hopefully its as effectively as day time consumption.


haha mayb we can even be room mate. my gynae only deliver in mt a so i dun have a choice too. u staying at bt panjang? if i am not wrong, dr douglas ong's clinic is at bt panjang plaza right?
Hi anastasia,

When i have headaches, i just bear with it without taking any panadol. The effects of panadol and how it works is really frightening, so i wouldn't want to take the risk.
Hi Milo,
U r right.
He is one of the better gynae's I've seen so far. Kekekeke.....promoting him. Hope he reads this forum, maybe can give me discount.....

speaking of pills, so far I am taking folic acid (1x), duphaston(3x) and metformin(2x). Like this is not enough, I have been given huge pills, calcium and multi-vits to be taken in the mornings aft breakfast.

I hate taken pills, now seems like never ending story.......
Also have been going for wkly jabs. So far I have spent slightly more than 2k.
Next wk going for NT scan, cost me 150. So anxious to see baby.

Those who have alreay done your NT scan, can share how much you paid. Thanks.
Hi fates,

My gynae did give me some medication for MS and also give me a jab on really bad days ...but i refrain from taking the medicine as it only ease the nauseous temporary ... so I prefer to suffer than take the medication ... i guess will have to start taking as I really dunnoe how long I can hold on to the vomitting .... really really bad .... now already in my wk 15 but my weight still the same as pre-prgenancy ....getting a little worried ....

Hi milo,

I also drag taking folic acid .... also take before i jump into bed before I puke out the folic acid .... so far have not start on the iron n calcium pills due to the throwing...also stop taking fish oil pills coz the after taste of fish oil pill after puking is terrible...so gynae ask me to stop till MS is better .... 8(((((((
hi yasmin,

I dun remember paying so much for the NT Scan.... if I not wrong it should be ard S$70 -S$80 dollars .... I also did the Down Sydrome blood test which is more ex ...ard S$170 ... I can go back n check my bills ...let u noe tomorrow ok...
Hi fates,
pls add me in as well. thanks!

EDD : 17 May 06
Hospital : Mt E
Gynae : Dr Douglas Ong

Hi all,
i'm in my 12 weeks as well. MS is reducing and having betta appetite now. Currently, i'm only taking folic and duphaston. Actually i had spotting last week which was quite worrying and Dr Ong say it's unusual to bleed on the 11th week.
Now praying everything will turn out ok.

Yasmin, can i check how much u paid at Mt E? thanks.
Hi Taurus, Thanks. The Triple T Test will cost me 125. Urs 170 quite ex.

Cindy, I paid $2000 plus for Mt E and its just my bill minus baby's (I opted for 2 bedder). I also paid separately my gynae's delivery charges.

My son was born very small so was in NICU. Stayed there for 2 wks, I paid abt $4.5K for him. $1.5 was deposit paid for his NICU admission.

I heard from Dr Douglas that for his patients got special discount, so not so bad.

ur MS sounds real bad. better take care. alot of ppl say supplement best to take after breakfast but given my puking, think take at night better, at least it goes in. after taking the fish oil, even the smell of the burp is disgusting! i think majority of ppl will starts to enjoy their preg in week 16. hopefully we will too!


my NT scan is $70. didnt do the blood test for the DS. mayb will test tog when i go for my blood test next visit.
hi yasmin,

Yah ... actually we can choose to take the DS test at wk 12 instead of wk 16 ... the only difference is the price .. if i test at wk 16, I only need to pay S$120 ... but i tot better to noe earlier ...so dun mind paying for the extra $50 ...

Hi milo,

Yah lor ... i had a hard time negotiating with BB everyday ... espcially if I take bird nest ... coz ..have to tell BB its very expensive ... cannot vomit out ... kekek ... so far BB still quite co-operative ... but need alot of time to keep telling BB ... somtimes also have to ask hubby to tell BB to be good ....
hi milo,

according to the lady at eu yan sang, she said we can take cordyceps after our first trimester. think once a month should be sufficient. anyway, it's so expensive!!! can't bear to take so much too.

hi taurus,
how come can take ds test so late? is your DS test an invasive procedure or you are referring to the blood test? I was given a brochure to say that it's best to do the NT scan from 11 -13 week 6 days gestation...so assume the blood test for ds is for the same. the blood test + NT scan cost me $300...sounds ex as compared to the figure given by the gals here...dunnoe whether it's becoz of the hospital i'm in (TMC)

btw, u still got MS ah? did doc prescribe any medicine for you anot? mine did but advised me to try to cut down gradually to avaoid being too dependent on it.

eh-oh...din noe cannot take barley so i took some...chrysanthemum also cannot take ah? i usu take honey water to eat my supplement + folic acid...coz i'm still having MS...dread taking so many pills with plain water too. makes me puke. ;-(

Hi fates, can update mine too?
EDD: 21 May 06
Hosp: TMC
Gynae: Dr Eunice Chua
Hi ino,
TMC's package for NT scan is soooo ex. Thought mine was costly......

My gynae said that during NT scan, he will also check baby's nose and brain. Its an additional service that he is giving FOC.
Hi ino,

The DS test that i took is the blood test ... if I remember correctly ..the NT scan is to be taken from 11-13 wks... but DS blood test can be taken from wk 12 - wk 16 ...

Actually I quite confuse by the blood tests ... is OSCAR test n triple test the same as the anetanatal blood test and DS test???

For me the anetenatal blood test cost me S$90, DS blood test cost me S$170 and NT Scan I think is S$70 ...toal cost me ard S$330 ... and on top of that I did an extra blood test for thyroid... another S$70 ...so I paid total S$400 for the blood tests .... but so long as BB ok ... I guess money is not really an issue.... 8)
Hi all,

I'm juz wondering if your gynea does ultrasound on you during every visit (mine is about 3 wks interval)? I'm still sceptical though doc said it's safe :p
Hi taurus,

So it is the fish oil pills that causes the funny taste when puking! So far i always take my pills in the morning. But if i feel nauseous, i will tend to vomit, and then there is this funny "taste", makes me want to puke further

I weigh myself on my weighing machine and dun seem to increase in weight too. Must see how much i actually weigh on my next visit this friday.

Hi Ino,

I heard honey is a no-no. So i have since stopped my honey intake which is my love actually

Hi Ladies,

I am still very confused over all the blood tests. How many blood tests there are in total? haha! Anyway i am going for my 1st one this fri. Hope it goes well.

For DS, other than the NT scan, some doc would add in the blood test as well. but if the scan show very low risk, then perhap can omit the blood test part.

then another one is for the test of HIV, heptesis, thalassmia etc think its call the triple test.

correct me if i am wrong. as of now, its wat i interpret as.
Hi Milo,

The NT scan is different from normal ultrasound scan?

My gynae did mention something about blood test and to find out about DS. So perhaps i am taking the DS blood test besides triple tests. He did not mention anything about NT scan though. He only say another ultrasound scan on next visit.
Hi Taurus,

I don't have MS but I also puke out the bird nest that my MIl made for me. since then I have told her not to cook for me.


How come honey cannot? I will drink it when my mouth got bland taste. What's the side effect?


Is the DS blood test compulsory? What if the doc say BB got problem? I can't bear to think of it so am thinking of not going for the test. Please advice!

NT scan is almost the same as the ultrascan but the doc will measure the thickness of the bb's neck, thus will take longer if bb not cooperative

i think the DS blood test only tells u whether are u high risk or low risk, cant tell the ratio. think not really compulsory.
Hi Milo,

Oiccc.. thanks for ur clarification. At least i know roughly what is what now, else all the tests and scans are really scary.

But then why extra charges for NT scan if it is almost the same as ultrasound scan?

What is the criteria for the measurement of the neck, any idea?

i think the extra cost is because it will take a longer time to scan. i went for it that day and it took abt 1/2 hr cause bb cannot stay still. doc has to keep jabbing my tummy to make bb move. the thickness i got was 1mm and doc said was normal. thus not sure wat is the range. hope this helps
Hi Ladies,

The NT scan is also to determine the chances of BB having DS ... but the accuracy is not as high as the blood test and aminocentsis .... so if gynae find anything abnormal through the NT scan ... maybe they will suggest us to go for the blood test and if the blood test also show high risk of DS ...then they will ask us to go for aminocentsis ...

Hi milo, the DS blood test does gives the ratio ... I think if falls in the 1:500 range .. then gyane will suggest aminocentsis ... my results is 1:9000 ...so gyane say results very good no need any further test ....

But the above test is optional ...except the NT scan I think ... coz some parents did not want to face the dilemma of making the decision should there be any problem with the BB ... so prefer to skip the test and leave it to fate ....
Hi fates, can u update for me?
My EDD=6 May 06, TMC, Dr Yvonne Chan. Thank u!

Dear all, tomolo is my 15th week and I was told during my visit on Sat that the anetnatal package is claimable by CPF, I paid $600 and was told 450 claimable. Tink it's a new privilege cos 2 yrs ago during my first preg, it was not claimable. I'll be gg for thorough scan on 5 Dec, juz did my bld test.
Hi Bin, me had ultrasound scan very visit, ie 4weeks per visit, is okie plus we can b assured BB is fine esp seeing them move and hearing their heartbeat. I got kinda worried before my visit cos dunno if BB is doing fine ;p
hi juzmaine,

i was told of the $450 claimable also and was thinking of using them to offset abit of the hosp bill but think my gynae even smarter than me, he already have plans for that sum of money. he said that after delivery, he will visit me and each visit ranges from $100-200 and that i can use the $450 to pay for the daily visit.
Yo Milo! Yeah man, hospital visits from gynae and paedatrician cost abt the same.....

Hi Mashy Brainz,
me interested in the jeans but dunno if i can still fit into size S, my waist is abt 28
Hihi fellow MTBs!

HIhi icy! So you're a May MTB too??? How's your gynae appt??

OMG is honey another no-no? I'd been drinking!
Here's the updated list MTBs! Wow list getting longer

<table border=1><tr><td>MAY 2006 MTBs</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gynae </TD></TR><TR><TD>kk</TD><TD>1-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Lim T C </TD></TR><TR><TD>Taurus</TD><TD>3-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr C Y Chen </TD></TR><TR><TD>sponge</TD><TD>3-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juzmaine</TD><TD>6-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinkle-starry</TD><TD>7-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>Dr C W Lee </TD></TR><TR><TD>ydnic</TD><TD>14-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi </TD></TR><TR><TD>anastasia</TD><TD>17-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cindy</TD><TD>17-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount E</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong </TD></TR><TR><TD>milo66</TD><TD>18-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr H K Ho </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eve Lim</TD><TD>18-May-2006</TD><TD>-tba-</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng </TD></TR><TR><TD>yasmin</TD><TD>19-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong </TD></TR><TR><TD>ino</TD><TD>21-May-2006</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua </TD></TR><TR><TD>fates</TD><TD>24-May-2006</TD><TD>East Shore</TD><TD>Dr Heng Tung Lan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Margaret Heng</TD><TD>29-May-2006</TD><TD>Mount A</TD><TD>Dr Y C Goh </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi fates,

Can update mine as well? Thanks.

EDD: 3 May 06, Dr Fong Yang, Hosp: Tentatively Mount A

I will be seeing my gyane next week, and he also asked me if i want to do the blood test for DS, though he says according to my age, i shouldnt belong to the high-risk side. So after consulting my hubby and friends, i've decided not to go for it. Will accept my baby for the way he/she is.

I'm currently approaching my 4th month..and dunno if i'm overly sensitive or what, but i seem to feel my baby kicking me slightly. Could be that or could be my indigestion acting up la.. heh heh~ Do you all know how the kicks feel like??

With regards to the stretch marks cream, I'm currently using Palmers Cocoa Butter. Works for me leh. Will recommend this as it also contains Vitamin E. Can lighten the stretch marks if you have any.

By the way i have not done the NT scan (is this what they call the detail scan) thus far. I am already in my 15th week leh.. is this considered too late?
Updated for you sponge! Your's same as Taurus

Ya I read you'd most likely to feel baby's kicks/punches around the 16th weeks onwards, so congrats!
Hi all

I'm in my 11th weeks now. My MS is also getting worst and will vomit at any time, especially when i'm hungry and full. And my appetite is getting worst oso, gets hungry veri easily but no appetite to eat.

My EDD is 26 May 06, Dr Joceyline Wong, TMC
Hi fates,

I not sure whether i feel my baby moves last night or I m dreaming hee.... I kind of feel something like water moving in my tummy in the night after i visit the toilet to pee. The feel is like how we move when we swim

I will try to observe again tonight
Hi ladies,

Actually I have start to feel my BB's movement much earlier ...but according to gyane ...we can only feel the movement ard 4 -5 mths .... but when I describe the feeling to some of my friends...they say that very high chances is my BB moving ...kk..

The feeling is like having butterflies in the stomach ......

Last night can feel BB movement very strong especially during night time and when I lie down
Hi sponge,

Keke...we both same date n same delivery hospital ... hopefully same timing give birth ... got "ka ki" to scream together..... kekekek
wow! Those of you EDD beginning of May can feel BB move already?!. That means I got to wait another month as mine EDD is end of May. Everytime I will read all the happenings but events will not happen to me for another month or so. drooling already.

me also drooling..wish can feel bb movement soon so that dun have to keep worrying whether is bb ok.
