(2006/05) May 2006 MTB

i also not sure leh. All i Noe that we should train our bb to get use the environment. Asian pp are v protective to bb, will dress them tight just afraid they kena flu. hmm.. When i was in Sydney, i used to see those Aussie carried their naked bb around the beach even the temperature is lower than singapore.

However, Fates stated that bb doesnt know how to generate heat in their bodies to keep them warm even they feel cold. Therefore, bb can only go swimming after 6 mths.

Race C,
My company is a trading and agents for few brands for Electrical products not electronics. These big items are only able to find them in power stations, switch boards for flats, shopping centres, houses etc. We use them to generate electricty that we use daily... but normal people dont see them...hahaah..

Even my own parents and friends dont understand which line i am in even i worked here for more than 6 yrs..

I learn these electrical knowledge from beginning like learning ABC. Kena scolded countless and suffered so much till today. Thats the main reason that i feel heartpain if i quit.

Unfortunately, my company is a chinese tradition company that my boss adores those old folks here, whose worked more than twenty years.... Can you imagine, my boss can pay $4k for 1 of my colleague, whose only in charge of calling technican person to come to our office to fix anything spoilt and only in charge to fetch 1 of the boss to and fro to the office.

i am having IE problem on my company laptop. so i will not hv access to forum next week when i m away. Any info u sms me ok and i will try to be on msn also lah. tks

hee.. now using my home laptop.
HI mummies,

Sorry for the late reply as I am away in Shanghai for business trip... will only be back end of the month....

Already spoke to the organizr before i left singapore and tentatively confirmed the date for 08 Oct 2006 from 4.15-5pm...Great world city...(actual address to be given later..)

Hi Little nana and lh_jyc,

Sorry the max per class is 10 bbs ... I have reserve one slot for my friend ... so no more vacancy liao... sorry sorry...

Hi fates,

yes yes its teh same class I told u abt.... since u mentioned u interested the other time we spoke...i just reserve 1 slot for u...8)
So your final list for the class is as follows:
2. yr gf
3. milo
4.little nana
5.twinkle starry
6. fates
9. sponge
10. ivy

do keep me update me by sms to my mobile phone .. thanks

i will be busy this coming week, need to rush through inventory and GRA cos mth end closing.
hey mummies

saw some threads that they posted their prince and princess pics..mayb, we shld share our bbies pic here..hehehe
Look like tis week is a busy week for everyone.
Dun know wat happen, i let my laptop sleeo over the weekend , it like my IE is working liao.

how to enjoy, working trip is the most drag leh especially after having bb. i will miss kevan so much.
hi fates, yep yep u can eat sashimi and oysters when breastfeeding as any food poisoning will only affect the lactating mom and not the BF-ing baby. only when expecting then cannot eat oysters and sashimi.
yo mummies,

Just went to the carrefour in china ... wow saw the heinz and Gerber bb rice cereal fro 4 mths....so tempted to buy .... somemore alot of differenrt flavour..but dunnoe how safe ley .... ended up didnt buy ... heinz somemroe got small sachet in a box with different flavour ....
HI fates,

I think ok to eat bah... i actually ate lobster sashimi when I am 3 mths pregnant n when I ask my gyane ..she says its ok but better eat at reputable restaurant to make sure tt the sashimi is fresh ... but if u worry then express u milk out before u eat lor... then have a few hrs gap in between ...i think should be safe enough ....

Sign.... missing my bb darius now .... one more week before I am back in Singapore .... 8(

why din you buy the heinz? its totally out of stock in SG!
But if you getting, better check where is the place of manufacture. Think if its not made in China, then can safely buy!
my dodo,

i have the maclaren techno xt. not too bad, like the sleek look. its definitely not the super-light weighted type, abt 6 kg. got it for $349

i have the heinz plain rice cereal, anyone wants? its brand new, not open yet. kaeden dun like leh. let me know and i can bring along during our trial class next week
hi mummies,

RE heinz plain rice cereal, is it the blue box one?? I just bought 2 boxes last sat in Giant IMM.. still got alot...

if u all want, can go there and buy
Hi urbancaffeine, Taurus, Ivy, ANnie

Don't know whether it's too late, but I ATE LIAO!!!!

Hopefully it's safe and my boy don't LS...me bad mummy!


Giant really has? Wahh gotta go and grab liao! Anyone going? Can tongpang?
hi fates,

yap yap, saw in other thread that giant got stock... so happen to be there last sat and saw it.. faster grab liao... i checked alot of places no stock..

maybe u want to call them 1st b4 u go down??
eh any diff bet gerber plain rice n heinz plain rice ar .. same taste nt.. my son dun really like gerber one leh. dunno want to buy heinz one for him to try nt..
hi mummies, was wondering, how do u guys make cereal for your baby? do u first boil the cereal with water then mix with milk or do u simply just mix the cereal directly with warm milk?

heinz plain rice cereal is in stock according to the Heniz company. their stock is in and supermarket will be replenish soon. I just receive their email this morning.

Hee... hopfully by the time i go back still available.

i also started to miss my boy liao. wonder how is he now.
Hi urbancaffeine,

For me, I tried the Nestle sample, and what I do is mix the premix with warm EBM. Wonders whether to get the Heinz rice cereal, or grind brown rice from medical halls for future feeds? :p

Twinkle, Taurus

Both of you are outstation is it? If I am you, sure miss baby terribly!


If I can't find the rice cereal in supermarket, you gotta reserve yours for me liao? Hee..
Thanks, fates!
I'd asked the qn as, like u, I'm just mixing the cereal with warm EBM but read somewhere that mommies 'cook' their cereals with water first before adding EBM. Got me a little worried there ;p I'm currently feeding my gal HT brown rice cereal and she loves it. Am planning to feed her organic brown rice next month. Thinking of grinding the rice myself as not sure whether the medical halls will wash the rice first before they grind....
Oh must 'cook' cereal with water first?? OPPS! Can somebody please verify this? kekekee..

Hmmm you got me thinking....but I reckon for brown rice from medical hall, we need to cook it before giving baby..


Do we need to wear diaper for our little one when we bring them go swimming in that bubbaduck wetsuit??
ya lor. hb say bb today not very happy never smile much even playing with him. i call home and on speaker phone he seem to listen leh and keep looking at hb.

now webcam w him so feel better
Hey Mummies,
Today I bought Heinz organic pureed (it's from 4th month to 6th month). They have apple and pear juice too. I bought the vegetable mixed and carrot... hmm.. havent try to let my girl eat, will try tomorrow. It's selling in NTUC now, didnt see them few days ago, think they just replenish the stock
so exciting to read abt mummies starting their babies on solids. My son is 3.5 mths old. Any advice on starting solids?

Hazel: how's the sale for the trays?
You are too late, Ivy already reserved the Heinz cereal from Milo...heehee..

Jialat, you never cook the brown rice before feeding Jarrett?

Hmm.. did you know NTUC is selling Heinz organic bb food, fruit juice and those pureed fruits on offer? Already started on keane for more than a week alway... he loves it.
The major prob i am facing is that i started on 1 evening on one sunday becos he didnt want to drink milk the whole day...
From there on, keane asks for it every evening. There was one incident that he had 3 feedings and already 11pm. We pressumed that he wont ask for it since its abt his sleeping time. Out of surprise, he demanded and cried till we fed him... can you imagine, he hangs on till he have it before sleep.. (faint)
hei ladies,
how's everyone?
Anyone still breastfeeding? I am but i can feel my supply dropping....
My hair is still dropping in chunks....sigh.

Wahhh how come you know huh? hee..
I haven't feed Jarrett brown rice yet lah. Just started him on some cereal samples first to see which one he likes


OHhhhh Kevan misses you too! Power of technology eh! Webcam!


Wow so long didn't see you here. I am still breastfeeding my boy.....AND my hair is dropping like crazy too! Scared to wash or even touch my hair now
Hi chris

hope you are coping well.
kudos to the mummies who are still breastfeeding, i stopped long time ago :p

intend to start breia on solid this wkend. she dont like milk so much, only drank about 500ml a day! weighs only 6.1kg at 4 mths 1 wk.

maybe i should start solid earlier and hoep she likes it.

oh ya, my hair also drops alot...its a passing phase, hopefully will stop soon.

my weight seems to be stagnant, didnt go down any further since 2 mths ago...sian
Just got a babysitter for my boy today...worry if he's too naughty til unable to handle...but feedback from the auntie saying tht he's not naughty but too active, likes to talk/play all the time...Tell u , he just can't stop kicking and move his hands ....

Preparing to go off now...chat tomorrow
hi Eve,

me too!!! my gal is drinking lesser now...and she's underweight...;-(

hi chris,
long time no see!!! ya...my ss is dropping...so is my hair. i dun drop in chunks but in strands. very demoralising whenever i wash my hair...
Hi Chris,

I'm still bfing my son thru EBM. Found it veri tiring coz my ss is low and I still have to wake up at nite to pump so that supply will be sufficient.

Regarding Feeding
Boy's demand for milk is veri low these days. he has been coughing like mad for the past one month, seen the doc abt 4 times but still no recover. Now he is taking ventilim(dunno whether correct spelling)...sama same like those with asthma. Really heatpain

Regarding hair loss....anyone know when it will stop?? I'm shedding hair like nobody business...soon no more left liao

Regarding shopping
Anyone has this prob? so sad to go shopping these days. All does not seem to fit now. If buy L, the breast area can button but does not look nice coz not fitting at all. But if buy M, fitting but breast area cant zip! sian no clothes to wear liao. any recommendation why I can buy clothes?

Hi Ivy,

Are u still in this thread? Need to ask u regarding the contacts for the swimsuit. Thanks!
For those who are sad abt shedding hair, it's a passing phase. I given birth in Dec, started shedding hair when my boy was abt 4mths n it lasted for few mths. I use Phyton shampoo for hair loss, it seems to help. The shedding last abt 2-3 mths, now back to norm, only shed some, like before pregnacy
Hi, I'm Judy. My son Lucas is born on the 18 May. I have been reading this forum off & on but have not been contributing as I was quite busy back at work. Hope to join in the May06 group.

Hi lh_jyc, I am interested. Pls let me know the details.
hei all....

indeed...hair loss has been very scary...thanks to YL for your comforting words...can't wait for this phase to pass...sigh...dun dare to go for hair treatment even...treat what...when hair so little...tempted to cut short...sigh...

yes...i agree with you, lh_jyc...i also have to wake up in the middle of the nite to pump with baby not with me...but i think Ivy's suggestion of pumping at 12am and then at 6am is a good idea...at least get a stretch of sleep (that is again, if baby not with you...)
yes...ms quite low...every 4-5 hours, max 120...mostly 100, sometimes 80...sigh.
hei judy...welcome....

on solids....i think the gen recommendation by PD (even mine, whom i jus saw) is that if baby doesn't reject baby, then it's safe to start solids only fr 6 mths on...but if baby not taking milk well...then, yes, solids...decrease risk of allergies...
i did give baby christian one-off frisocream...seems to like it...but i think not necessary lah....bec. EBM insufficient...almost supplement with another 60ml of FM...
unveiling baby christian for the first time to all mummies...
he's in the much-talked-about-Bouncing Baby Place (fr isetan)...hee.
Hi Chris,

I'm oso still breastfeeding my girl. I've just returned from my business trip & my ss is dropping like mad. Therefore, I've decided to slowly reduce the expression times. Since she's almost 5 mths & I think the frozen BM I've stored shld be able to tahan her till she's 6 mths. oso like to spend more time with her & all the pumping really takes up lot of time when she dun latch & there's oreadi not much time to play with her after work & before she sleeps.

For all those mummies who are still breastfeeding, jiayou.

Hi Mummies

Not sure if some of ur remember me.. I do drop by sometimes but no often...

I have 2 tins of unopened Enfalac A+ milk powder and 1 tin already opened but used only ard 1/4 of it. All expiry date is yr 2008. Trying to sell all at $75.

Collection at sengkang. Anyone interested?
