(2006/05) May 2006 MTB


Ur bb still having those symptoms when fed Enfalac?

I changed the milk powder to Wyeth. All the symptoms still there. So i dun think it is milk powder problem?

Anyway my bb is ok with Wyeth so i made the permanent change. Powder also cheaper


Symptoms are still the same, but nowadays to a lesser extent. Think we'll stick with Enfalac. Moreover, it's not so "fatty" and "heaty".

i felt relieved when the PD said everything is normal, including the phlegm.

i was wondering.. the phlegm in the throat.. how eventually going to purge out??
Hi ivy & kk

PD saes veri diff to tell the cause of eczema, could be allergic to cloth washed not using baby detergent (you noe when we carry her, her face will touch our clothes), or could be allergic to the formula that we give, or could be heriditary.

The difference between baby acne and baby eczema, is that the baby eczema is dry, while baby with acne will have veri oily skin...

sob sob... he gave me 2 creams to alternate every 4 hours, and he said it should go by 1 years old, and it is condition that comes and go...

Her skin is especially dry and is peeling on the eyebrows and ears (cradle cap), and her cheeks have red patches and bumps (you noe, like adult blemishes)...

Sigh... I have eczema when i was young, so prob its also because of the genes, but now, i am changing the napkin cloth i use to place on the cot for her to sleep every single dae, and make sure that whoever carries her has a napkin cloth over the arms, and clothes, so that her face will not come in contact with the clothes that may cause her rahses...

The PD also asked me to stop similac, and use NAN, as it is for babies with sensitive skin, and that my bb can onli wear 100% cotton clothes...

sigh... again...

One of my students suffer from eczema and she say she need to avoid some kind of food, which i can't remember. Is it seafood?

But will bb have oily skin?? Normally bb skin supposed to be silky smooth?

The red patches... are they really patches and patches instead of pimple-like?
woah...your babies drinking so much? my gal (22 days old) still drinking 60 ml lei. but her frequency of feed ranges from 1.5 - 3 hrs...dependin on her mood.

Here's my input
ino, Natalie Wong, 7 May, Similac, Pampers/Nepia, Ameda

hi bookworm,
has your bb recovered from jaundice? My bb still hasn't ;-( and she's 3 weeks old liao...so sad.

Haha, slowly ur bb's feed will increase...

My bb already a big drinker when she was borned. She need to drink 60 ml in her 1st week and can drink as much as 90 ml in her second week or so. She seems ok when i increase her feed to 150 ml today. Reason being she loves to suckle a lot these 2 days, which my friend suggested it may be an indication of growth spurt. That's what made me increase her feed today.

Thought u mentioned ur bb's jaundice went down liao??

I am curious to know are babies really so smart to the extent that they are able to distinguish between different pple when they are only 5 weeks old??

I dun understand how come after my mil feed my bb, my bb can sleep like a log after that. But after i feed her, she will try to bully me by getting me to carry her around, rock her before she sleep, or even want to suckle before she actually fall asleep. SIGH!
hi kk,
her jaundice seemed to have gone down but still haven recovered...still a bit yellowish.

yah...babies are smart wor. i tink my gal associates me to BF...so when i feed her FM, she just spits out everything...but my mum doesn't have such a problem with her lei!

Err, i didn't tried kyo for full mth, but ordered from them before for a mini tea sesion. Not too bad i would say. Acceptable.

check the ingredients for each formulation. they are all different. Enfalac uses Veg oil/fat. Hb's PD colleague told him S26's one of the so-called "fatty" one.

Wah sai, like tat chiam liao hahaha.. u know sat is the first day we are on our own with our bb without mil around. Then the bb so funny leh.. whole day dun want to sleep.. want to be carried lah, rock lah, suckle lah. We so tired! Haha!

u continue with the bathing with chinese herb? Perhaps it will take more time to recover..

My hubby say babies remember our smell... so when they smell differently, they react differently.. my hubby carries her, she cry and cry... when pass to me, stop crying after 5 min. Heeee... i tell her aiyoh, mummy so sweaty and smelly u can still tahan kekekeke...

what a good description but it's really true. our babies are young and they are still developing. though their eye sight may not be so good now, but their senses of smell and hearing are extremely good now.

Haha, my bb is to the extent that when i walk into the room i must keep quiet.. if i start talking, she start wailing :p

this janundice ussue finally over liao. She drop to from 16 to 10 liao. Went for another blood test, from the vein cos she is yellow and the doc was concerned , so had to take blood from the vein. Lucky thing her condition improve

My bb 3 weeks old only.

Last night was hell, she woke, i fed her and she fell asleep halfway. Put her to bed, less than an hour woke up again. SIgh.

Hopefully we have a peaceful night today.
Think i will suffer without my CL.
Oh ya, Must caution u gals.

I bought this bean sprout pillow and placed it at my bb tummy. Think nowadays she getting very strong, she must have fling her hands and the pillow landed on her face. She was wailing away. I rushed to the rookm thought that she is hungry or wet herslef again when i saw the pillow on her fave, nearly suffocating her. My heart nearly stop. Pls be more mindful.

ohhh when my bb 3 mths old, she also like tat. She can wake up three times a nite. Sometimes play till 2 am or 3 am then sleep. Aiyoh..

My friend say her boy took 6 weeks to stretch the night. So waiting game for new mummies like us haha..

Oh, so one more week of confinement ya? Probably by the time ur CL goes, ur bb will be more accustomed to day and nite liao

Yes i agree!! I placed bolster on my girl's tummy and she can punch the bolster till it lands almost on her nose! Haha! So be careful... and mind us.. babies' strength is unpredictable!
Hi Annie,

They charge for the treatment, if I remember correctly,I've paid about $40 for one session. you can call her at DID : 6251 4090. Her office is located at thomson medical centre and is called parentcraft..alternatively, u can look for other LC

Hope this helps!

i gave annie, Mrs Wong's hp. Think it is easier to get her this way...

by the way, back to the breast pump topic. How do you girls find the suction power of your pump? For mine, the 1st 5 mins is okie, then after that, find that the suction power is not so good as in i will need to massage my breast with my knuckles to express more milk out. If i dun do so, the pump is nt able to "empty" the breast...

i used kyo cakes n the chinese goodies for my wedding, quite delicious.think if u sign up s new mum,put yr particular to join s member have 10% discount when u place order.

i oso saw abt e post ta sponge suggested.

My boy, Keane Then,
dob: 2/5/06
dryper: dryper wee wee (zoe's tay advertised)
up till now, finished 3 packs of 64pcs each
fm: Similac (2nd cans, finishg soon)
has dumex, but my boy has constipatn so change 2 similac n add extra water to make it diluate, ease constipatn prob.
i'm not sure if my gal is having eczema.
She is peeling all over, not just the face, legs, arms and body all peeling leh.
Any mummies have same prob with bb? Is it normal? She also has acne-like whitish pop ups on both of her cheeks.

my massage lady tells me to press hard on the engorged lumpy spots (blocked ducts) and true enuff, after pressing a while on those particular spots, more milk flows out so i can express abt 90ml too. Got to bear with the pain though.
Hi Ivy, pls hlp me update, thnx
Name : Juzmaine
BB's name : Elgin Ong
BB's DOB : 18th April 06
FM : Mamex
Diapers : PetPet
Brand of Breast Pump : Avent Manual

My bb has peeling skin at the eyebrows. Acne-like whitish pop ups at the back of neck but comes and goes.. so i dun think it is a symptom.

Hmmm, come to think of it.. the right cheek appeared red and dry few days ago.. but we applied hazeline and it improves a lot.

I read some websites on eczema just now and it is actually very common among infants. There are self remedies if not serious. One of them is to apply moisturiser often. So hopefully hazeline is useful in this sense.
thanks kk!
initially i thot the acne-like whitish pop ups are due to breastfeeding as her cheeks will sometimes stick to my breast. i dare not apply moisturiser on her face, only applied on her body. So u apply hazaline on ur gal's face?

Ivy, thanks for updating...
Name : Cindy
BB Name : Annabelle Toh
BB DOB : 18 May
FM : Enfalac A+
Diapers : Pampers/Mamy Poko
Breast Pump : Avent Manual
Name : Gabby
BB's name : Si'en
BB's DOB : 18th May 06
FM : TBF/ Similac on stand by
Diapers : Pampers
Brand of Breast Pump : Medela
Hi I have a suggestion, perhaps Ivy can compile a 2nd list with our name and contact no so that we can organise outings? What do you think?

So tired... going to go bonkers trying to manage no 1 and no 2 on tbf!!! Okay today, i sneaked out and squeezed in shopping after my checkup!! ha! Want to enjoy the GSS but cannot!!! sob
hi Zach's mum,
my boy's name, Axl is pronounced as 'Ak-sir'. it means man of peace in hebrew.

i agree with you that it is very heart pain to see baby throw out milk. today i asked my mum if she can see if my baby has grown and put on weight. she also told me not to worry about the regurgitating as it is normal.

now, i have phobia to feed him formula at night and always ask hubby to do it.

what is reflux? is that supposed to be good or bad?
sorry, my last question about the reflux should be to pooh. confused after reading so many posts.

by the way, congrats to all who have delivered
<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>FM</TD><TD>Diapers</TD><TD>Breast Pump </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juzmaine</TD><TD>Elgin Ong</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD>Mamex</TD><TD>Pet Pet</TD><TD>Avent Manual </TD></TR><TR><TD>kk</TD><TD>Yu Jun</TD><TD>21-Apr</TD><TD>S26 Gold</TD><TD>Pampers</TD><TD>Medela Mini </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sponge</TD><TD>Ariel </TD><TD>22-Apr</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Pampers/Nepia</TD><TD>Avent ISIS IQ Uno </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yvonne Du</TD><TD>Natasia</TD><TD>27-Apr</TD><TD>NAN</TD><TD>Pampers Dry/Nepia</TD><TD>Medala Electric Plus </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annie</TD><TD>Keane</TD><TD>2-May</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Dryers wee wee</TD><TD>Pigeon Battery pump </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ino</TD><TD>Natalie Wong</TD><TD>7-May</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Pampers/Nepia</TD><TD>Ameda </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy Yeo</TD><TD>Xavier Ong</TD><TD>18-May</TD><TD>Mamex</TD><TD>Pampers </TD><TD>Avent ISIS IQ Uno </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cindy</TD><TD>Annabella Toh</TD><TD>18-May</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Pampers/Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Avent Manual </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gabby</TD><TD>Si'en</TD><TD>18-May</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Pampers</TD><TD>Medala </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lorraine Wang</TD><TD>Ashley Neo</TD><TD>21-May</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Pampers/Fitti</TD><TD>Medela Mini</td></tr></table>
Name : pooh
BB's name : Claris
BB's DOB : 7th May 06
FM : BM &amp; Similac on stand by
Diapers : Mamy poko, drypers, petpet
Brand of Breast Pump : Medela electric plus
hi scott, mi dun hv ani remedies leh. saw doctor n given cream but no use. have used those prickly powder. will ease awhile den itchy again. reali canot stand it. nw my hands n legs reali ugly. reali hope it will go off soon. n bcoz of tis rashes mi gota delay my malay massage.

hi ivy, help mi input the list as well. tks

Name : Gina
BB's name : Brayden Loh
BB's DOB : 19 May
FM : Similac
Diapers : Pampers
Breast Pump : Avent Manual

btw my grandma actually doing confinement for mi at my mum's place but she dun take care of bb at nite. mi reali canot take it as bb alwiz dun slp at nite so got a CL starting 2dae. at least i can get more slp...
yeah, when in the nursery, she is also the biggest baby.
My doc says that natural for me no problem cos' of my size and frame.

However, the epi hurts v. much after that, i gave birth on sun and on fri, i had to go back to re-stitch cos' of minor tear (perhaps due to massage and binding at day 3).
Read somewhere long time ago tat sleeping in the left side help prevent reflux...
think the reason was something like having the eosophagus higher than the stomach...??

PD saes veri diff to tell the cause of eczema, could be allergic to cloth washed not using baby detergent (you noe when we carry her, her face will touch our clothes), or could be allergic to the formula that we give, or could be heriditary.

The difference between baby acne and baby eczema, is that the baby eczema is dry, while baby with acne will have veri oily skin...

sob sob... he gave me 2 creams to alternate every 4 hours, and he said it should go by 1 years old, and it is condition that comes and go...

Her skin is especially dry and is peeling on the eyebrows and ears (cradle cap), and her cheeks have red patches and bumps (you noe, like adult blemishes)...

Sigh... I have eczema when i was young, so prob its also because of the genes, but now, i am changing the napkin cloth i use to place on the cot for her to sleep every single dae, and make sure that whoever carries her has a napkin cloth over the arms, and clothes, so that her face will not come in contact with the clothes that may cause her rahses...

The PD also asked me to stop similac, and use NAN, as it is for babies with sensitive skin, and that my bb can onli wear 100% cotton clothes...

sigh... again...
hi ivy,

pls help me to update:

name: milo66 / karen
bb name: kaeden cheng
dob: 1 may
fm: similac
diaper: nepia
pump: avent manual
For those mummies who hav rashes,

You may try Calamine which can get from Guardian.
apply twice per day. It really can help..


must wait for me to find my hp cable to download the picts. I nothing to do, so every day use the hp to take Xavier's pict..haha...But always forget to find the cable..

Thanks! Must let me know how are their cakes...my mum very particular abt it..Did they give you any discount? Or if you recommend me, will have some friends discount plus you also get a voucher? ( i think i saw something rgds to this on their website)

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>FM</TD><TD>Diapers</TD><TD>Breast Pump </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juzmaine</TD><TD>Elgin Ng</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD>Mamex</TD><TD>Pet Pet</TD><TD>Avent Manual </TD></TR><TR><TD>kk</TD><TD>Yu Jun</TD><TD>21-Apr</TD><TD>S26 Gold</TD><TD>Pampers</TD><TD>Medela Mini </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sponge Liting)</TD><TD>Ariel </TD><TD>22-Apr</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Pampers/Nepia</TD><TD>Avent ISIS IQ Uno </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yvonne Du</TD><TD>Natasia</TD><TD>27-Apr</TD><TD>NAN</TD><TD>Pampers Dry/Nepia</TD><TD>Medala Electric Plus </TD></TR><TR><TD>milo66 (Karen)</TD><TD>Kaeden Cheng</TD><TD>1-May</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Avent Manual </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annie</TD><TD>Keane</TD><TD>2-May</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Dryers wee wee</TD><TD>Pigeon Battery pump </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ino</TD><TD>Natalie Wong</TD><TD>7-May</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Pampers/Nepia</TD><TD>Ameda </TD></TR><TR><TD>pooh</TD><TD>Claris</TD><TD>7-May</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Mamy poko, drypers, petpet</TD><TD>Medala Electric Plus </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scott's Mum (Carina)</TD><TD>Scott Lim</TD><TD>11-May</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Pampers/Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Avent Manual </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy Yeo</TD><TD>Xavier Ong</TD><TD>18-May</TD><TD>Mamex</TD><TD>Pampers </TD><TD>Avent ISIS IQ Uno </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cindy</TD><TD>Annabella Toh</TD><TD>18-May</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Pampers/Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Avent Manual </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gabby</TD><TD>Si'en</TD><TD>18-May</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Pampers</TD><TD>Medala </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gina Seow</TD><TD>Brayden Loh</TD><TD>19-May</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Pampers</TD><TD>Avent Manual </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lorraine Wang</TD><TD>Ashley Neo</TD><TD>21-May</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Pampers/Fitti</TD><TD>Medela Mini</td></tr></table>
