(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

petite...wah...family problem so complicated hor...lucky they still have you as a peace maker, if not...wonder what will happen to them then...

So envy Enya & K got so much hair...
see mine...dont know when i can tied a little coconut tree for her...
and she looks more like papa..
see, she so concentrating watching ppl playing badminton when i brought her
over s'pore last month.

earthquake 7.9 .... I was telling my hubby that,"so funny, I felt the floor and sofa vibrate" as I was watching the Korean drama on Channel U. Learnt later that actually Indo got earthquake. My FIL more funny, he thought he falling sick, cos he felt a little giddy giddy.
Really? Got earthquake? Didn't even realise it.

Today my mum sick and i took off to take care of my gal. Aiyo, so tiring for preggy and a MIL that is of not much help. Btw, wat do u gals do with ur bb during their wake hrs? I somehow felt I didn't do much with her today. Brought her out to buy grocery, watch dvd, nap twice, some building mega blocks and running around in the house playing with some toys and finally an evening stroll. Not very educational lehz...wonder if I decide to stay hm how...
Mrs Ho,

Wa, your girl really look different now. Dun worry about the hair. It will grow. Enya only ties her hair when she is outside. When she reach home, she sure pull the rubber band out.

ya lor! ya lor! My mum also called me to say she feel giddy. 7.9 is really serious man. No wonder spore can feel it.
Hey Babe,

that is about the same thing i do with Enya on weekends. Not too educational. Really need to send her to playgroup. Or else how to learn. I sometimes also wonder wat her nanny does with her.
I came back from rebounding my hair, has been siting at that salon for more than 4 hours. I was complaining to my mom that I feel so hungry and tired while I was nursing KJ. Then I felt the earthquake. I asked my mom if she felt that. My mom thought that I was too hungry and tired so I felt giddy. She insisted that I eat first before I bathe. After my brother came back from work and told her that there was an earthquake, then we start laughing at each other.

One question. I thought SB do not allow spree, how come some of you still talk about spree? where did you hold your spree? Recently, I am spree crazy and broke.
Hi mommies who are running out of ideas on what to do with your lil' ones...

you might want to get some books from Borders, etc on toddler activities. I have these 2 books which I find very good, but I got them on Amazon, and these were delivered to my hubby when he was in the US earlier this year. I am sure these would be available in Borders also....these uses normal household items for play. I also saw an activities book authored by Wong Li Lin when I was in popular 2 days ago...

I also dunno what the nanny does with Ruixiang during the weekdays... but he's stopping soon in Nov when my maid comes... and I will give my maid a schedule on what to do with him (e.g. 2-3 activites from the book everyday) while my fil oversees...should be more nurturing than his time at the nanny... but I think the nanny is not all bad.. she does take good care of him and there's many people in the house, so he's not afraid of strangers or adults at all.

The 2,000 Best Games & Activities: the ultimate guide to raising smart, successful kids

The Toddler's Busy Book
Hello, I'm from Mar 06 thread.

Need help. Anyone uses Mac Book with Seagate 80 gigabyte harddisk? Or knows anybody who does?

Willing to trade in the disk drive for a higher capacity drive. No worries cos warranty will not be void but will be assured. Will transfer all the data and systems to your new drive. Also throw in a 6 months data recovery warranty as well.

Please PM me if able to help me. Thanks!
Need to vent it out here.
{*crying}I have told KJ n time not to play with the switch and he did it again, so I hit his hands and he cried. I sit him down in front of the switch and told him firmly not to touch the switch again, it is dangerous. I dunno if he understand what I am saying a not because it seems that he dun care what I am saying, he only want me to hug him and give him his milk. After I have repeat what I wanted to say, I nursed him.

I wanted to watch my favourite show today because I have stopped watching it ever since KJ was born. It last for an hour. KJ was sitting beside me trying to open a bottle, when he cannot open the cap, he asked me to open it for him, so I did. Then he want me to close it, so I did. Then he throw his temper, I ignore him and continue to watch my show. Then he ran to the switch and play with it, I hit him again. Then he told some magnets and put it inside his mouth while watching for my reaction. I screamed and took the magnets from him. He began to throw his toys around making loud noises. I told him not to throw his toys as it will disturb our neighbours. He took another toy to throw. I decided to ignore him. He then took his toy car and put it inside his mouth while watching for my reaction again. I cannot act blur while watching him putting his toys in his mouth. I switch off the TV , announced that it is bed time. He seem happy.

I carried him to the bed trying to change him. I have told him zillion of times not to play with that container of powder. He empty the whole bottle of powder onto my bed! I hit him again. Scold him, make him sit down and tell him firmly what he has done is wrong, now I am tired and I got to change the bedsheet. He cried and cried.

I put him onto the floor, he was hugging both my legs crying at the same time. I do not dare to move because the same thing happen yesterday and he knocked his head onto my furniture because I moved a little. I got to pull him to the cabinet where I kept of bedsheet, sort out my bedsheet, placed him into the playpen while I cleared his toys from the bed. He climbed out from the playpen and fell onto the bed but he was not hurt. I placed him onto the floor again screaming at him not to climb onto the bed while he was crying and I am changing my bedsheet. And when I was finally done, I got to take my dirty bedsheet to my washing machine. I got to run to my kitchen because I do not want him to catch me and grab my legs again. He ran after me crying all the way. Then I got to run back to my bedroom again with him following behind.

This is so tired. I am going mad. I found myself screaming at him everyday and hitting him too. I dun like myself doing that but I just sit and watch him doing all the things that are wrong. My mom and my sis has already said that I am not firm enough with KJ. I cannot watch any TV, read or do things that I like. KJ wants my attention 100%. Dh said that he will prefer Ds to go childcare after 2 year old. I dunno if I can stand KJ nonsense until he is 2. I know I will miss KJ very much if he goes childcare, but at the same time I cannot stand him sometime. I also dunno what I want. I dun know how to become a good mother, I am not even interested in the subject on parenting. I love KJ, but...{/crying}
Hey Draik,

You sounded very stress up. Take it easy with your little one. I guess at this age, they still wouldn't understand much what we are talking about. Just remember, they know you are angry. But they dun know why you are angry. So even if you beat them, they also dun understand.

I know it is easier said than done. I just beat Enya 1/2 hr ago. She was tossing and turning in bed for 2 hrs and refuse to sleep. Then I got frustrated, beat her and scolded her. She got excited when I beat her on her thigh. She thot I'm playing with her. Then I scold her and tell her to go to one corner of the bed. She then realised that I got angry. And quietly lie down and finally fall asleep.

So moral of the story is they dun understand why we beat them. I think you might want to get someone to look after KJ for a few hours and you go get some time for yourself. You will feel more refresh after that.
Thank Tracy,
yes I am very stress and Dh was outstation. Nobody is here to help me. I just manage to make KJ sleep, went to the kitchen wanted to make myself a cup of cold water to cool down, then I heard KJ crying again, rush back and try to make him sleep again. He has wake up and I think I dun need to sleep until 1 or 2am.

Sometimes I cant even scold Amanda, she will either ignore me totally or cry and cry non stop.. sometimes, like you, I also doubt my own parenting ability.. I was literally screaming at her during each meal time for the past 2 weeks, shouting after her whenever she was mischievious.. what I do bascially when I am alone with her at home and when she really pushed me to the limit, I will just pack my bag and bring her out with me.. either go shopping or have a cup of coffee on my own (with her of course).. at least I get some fresh air, instead of being coped up alone at home.. which can sometimes makes things worse facing the 4 walls and having a mischevious toddler running and climbing all over the place
Hmmm... Being a SAHM is really not easy huh. But I have been dying to be one. Maybe I'm just tired of working and being a mum at the same time.
Sign, KJ is still not sleeping yet. He wanted me to read with him which I have totally no mood to do that. I just want him to sleep. I wish reading to him will make him sleep but for KJ it does not work this way.

Thank hunniepot and tracy for being around at midnight. I really need some listening ears.

Does KJ likes watching vcds? I know it is recommended that they shouldnt watch too much of that but I really find it a very useful tool if I need some time to myself, and when there is no one there to help me take care of her.. at least I get a break.. even 10 mins intermitently is good enough
Thanks hunniepot,
I am going to play Hi5 for him now, hoprfully he will after that. Thanks for the idea. My brain cell stop working when I am stress up.
my heart goes out to you.... and I totally understand what you are going thru - the dilemma of wanting to send our sons off to another caretaker, but missing them terribly when they are away from us. sometimes when i get so frustrated having to manage A's antics, i end up shouting "i'm tired of being a mother! i think i will be better off with you in the child care centre!". and immediately regret it later.

we SAHMS don't have it easy. especially when we are alone with our toddlers in the house. our lives, which basically revolves around their meal/sleep times, is totally hampered. if i need to go run an errand and i can't bring A along, i need to "book" my dad in advance so that he can help me take care of my son. if my dad is not free, then I need to change my own schedule to fit his. sometimes i feel like, i'm the only one in the whole wide world to be totally responsible for my son. my husband can go play his badminton, my dad can go play his golf, my mum can go for her singing classes, while I can't do my own stuff unless they are absolutely free. i need to bend backwards and flex my own schedule so that someone else can take care of my son while i go out. it feels really unfair sometimes. ok, enough of my grousing.

with regard to KJ's supposed misbehaviour, i do have some suggestions. like the switch episode. all toddlers like switches, believe or not. we bought child-proof plug covers to cover all exposed plugs in our house. and not have to worry abt A getting electric shock while playing with the switches. now he does not even pay them any attention cos he got tired of playing with switches. and as for the baby powder, keep it out of his reach at all times if you know he will always play with it if he sees it.

i think that rather than telling them cannot do this cannot do that, we shd find alternative ways to keep our kids (or our sanity) safe. If you want to discipline, u got to be very consistent to drum in the message. like A, who used to like dipping his hands into the toilet bowl. every incident i catch him doing so, i will speak to him firmly and bring him away. his dad also does the same. after a few wks, he got the message, and he never tried to dip his hands again, although he still likes to peer inside.

Taking the time to update my blog :p as you said, we have to flex our own schedule to fit theirs.. now that she is asleep.. this is the only time I get to update my blog in peace!
Well, my switches do have child proof plug but it still look dangerous when he switch on or off. I wish somebody can invent something that cover the whole switch like the weather proof cover with lock.

And I always keep the powder container out of reach except when I need to use it. He was too fast for me so I ended up have to change the bedsheet.

Now KJ is sitting by myside watching the vcd like an angel. He was a devil before I switch on my vcd. Hopefully he will sleep after that.
Hmmmm, Draik n Tracy, Reanne behaves the same too - playing with switches, open/close bottle cap or containers lids n doing all the wrong things. I muz admit at times, it juz drives me crazy when R tries to push her limits.

I also snapped earlier on when she kept snatching my stickers booklets when I was giving her them as rewards. She then started throwing tantrums when I took it away from her. Somemore, showing me this teeth-clenching expression and trying to bit one of the balls. But when she saw no signs of me giving in, she simply ran and hug onto her daddy for shelter.
After L's and my explanations to her, I gave her a 2nd chance when she kept pointing the stickers booklet again. But this time round, she actually tore a page while trying to snatch it from me. Grrrr, I told her that since she was behaving rowdy, I wld not continue anything with her and left the room. Then she quickly followed me and insisted me to nurse her now which I tink she knew that I was really mad at her.

Draik, playing with switches was a past hobby of R but a strict no no for L. Her hand always got slapped by L whenever he sees her doing that. Luckily, somehow R got over this hobby liao. No more playing with swithes.

Playing with Ru Yee Oil bottle n Snuffles/ Zambuk bottles is oso 1 of her favorite pastimes. But I will limit Ru Yee Oil to her cot when I am getting her dressed after her bath. And she usually return it to me when I asks from her. She only enjoys replacing the cover of containers to lock it and demands me to open for her everytime when she put on the cover.

And she oso enjoys exploring my laptop which is one of her forbidden hobby as well.

Sometimes, I feel that this is juz a passing phrase when they are extremely curious of their surroundings. Haha, mayb R juz wanna find out what's so interesting abt the laptop/ PC that mommy keeps playing with it all the time. Not sure if some mommies may feel that I am being irresponsible by allowing her to explore with some dangerous items e.g glass bottles or laptop etc. But my point is that if we keep preventing them from exploring around, I am afraid that this may kills off her curiosity eventually. And she wld no longer be interested to find out more. Also, the other worry is that she may attempt to explore those forbidden toys when I am bz in the kitchen or not paying attention to her. That's worse even more dangerous from my point of view. Does this sound like lame excuses from a lazy mommy seeking an easy way out?

Try not to overstimlate Enya during the day and see how it goes. Coz I realise that whenever she gets overexcited during the day e.g. after her swim or waterplay, playing slide before bedtime etc, then she has difficulty dozing off, keep tossing n turning on the whole bed + latching or keep waking up in the middle of the nite as frequently as every hourly.
Hi all,

long time not come into forum to "post".

Looks like lots of things going on...

Mui66, thanks. I am going to do just that.. just thinking if I should bring Xuanting to studio to take photo or ask daddy to try to take. I take; sure hand will shake or she will shun off from the camera one.

Anybody renewed her NRIC at age 30?

I just did. Can't believe, I am that old!

Brought Xuanting to zoo on Thursday this week. She pretty enjoyed the zoo though if the weather is slightly cooler, would be better.=p

calm down. I know how you feel.

Just this week along, I was baby sitting my girl at home as my parents are off to China.

It is almost a nightmare to me when her daddy is on leave. Else, *cross fingers* she was pretty well behaved when I was with her alone.

This girl would try to do some things that she not supposed to do when her daddy is around. She will attempt to test waters too to see our limits too.

My friend's mom said is norm as both my friend and her sis were like that when they were young.

She told me we got to learn to be firm and she also told me sometimes hitting or screaming the child, just wouldn't help. They simply do not understand since they cannot control their emotions/tempers at all especially now till age 3 years old.

Also, during this age, she told us we got to be consistent with the way we taught our little ones else they would never obey after one or two times we let loose.
hi bblim & other mummies

interesting topic u all r talking abt here that's so close to my heart too...i've got a may 06 girl too...

my house has no exposed plugs cos all used up but she likes to attempt to press the switch on & off now...should i b stopping her?

another bugbear of mine now is touching of fans...i find it futile to keep on telling her not to cos she's so curious abt it n even though i bot the fan covers from daiso, i feel it's still dangerous cos when she goes to others' homes, they might not hv the covers. so wat we did was to always drum into her that she can touch or press the buttons but not the fan...but recently was sharing wif my cousin who has 2 older kids, she says it's wrong too cos she will end up pressing fan buttons when she goes to others' houses which is rude too...so cham! everything oso cannot...

n let's not go into pushing of chairs..so afraid they will fall on her one day..
draik & tww,

how come what you girls says sound so familar to me? hmm and i'm not a SAHM and i can also tear my hairs whenever isaac always trying his luck to get his way.

draik, trust me they understand. just that when they get discipline from us, they tend to seek for love n comfort which i guess is common.

just like you how i wish someone can invent the whole child proof to cover the whole switch socket. the playing with switch thingy is getting to my nerves. and the child proof DONT work on me at all!! he will always successful manage to plug out those white stuff tat meant to stick on the socket.

What i does nowadays is, i will do the scolding my hb or my maid will do the explanation to him when he keep crying and crying. partly 1 has to be bad guy and 1 be good and also whenever i am soooo angry i cant have the patient to explain in nice tone to him.

But end of the day is quite useless he will still insist that i have to hug him and kiss him. end up it appears as like i scold him is wrong hahha.

Tvvweeee... ya can u believe it isaac kws how to switch on tweee and fight to watch program of his interest. obviously he wins in most of the match.

honestly ever since he appears in my life I HAVE NVR able to watch programmes of my interest like my fav GHOST WHISPER. coz' y th time i pat him to sleep i also went into my dream land. i lost a lot of my time but i gain back his company and his crazy cries hahahaa..

Tracy & bblim - ya those is what we call han ming.

hey all mothers, dont worry i guess our kids now at their exploring stage. u kw those try and error kind. they will want to throw the ball and see what will be the reaction of the ball. i was being advise to let them do the curious and they will learn more as they grow. of coz' we as parents will see them like a hawk making sure they ae safe and sound.

let us be more positive and patient.. patient is what i think i really NEED ahhaha.. and somehow by the age of 2 they will be more tame and understand what is NO and listen more to our command.
Oh yah, on touching the fan.
I have got a standing fan that is already cannot stand properly. I found KJ shaking the whole standing fan one day and I hit his hand again. Lucky all the fans in my house are ceiling fans except for one. I am so glad that my Dh insist on ceiling fan for every room when I renovate my house.

Guess what time KJ sleep last night....2:30am. He turned into a devil after the VCD finish. Dh just sms me that he will only be back in the evening. I think I will have to look after him for the rest of the day again because Dh needs to sleep when he come back. Looking forward to tomorrow when I can dump him at my mom place and let the 2 old folks look after him.
Wow, u really shen tong guang da ler. Hopping around the threads, juz like me.
Btw do u need any Taiwan tourist info? I still have the brochures and booklets from the last trip. Can bring along on our next outing if you want.
bblim - thanks for offering me the brochures etc...but dun think will need cos my hb is quite familiar w taipei oredi..he has been going there for biz trips like 5-6 times per year for the past 5 years! he's my tour guide n live directory! hahah

draik - sorry to hear that things r not quite good for u now...anyway that u can delegate or get help? we mummies must also destress or else will go bonkers one! part time helper or maid perhaps? or even kind relatives who dun mind just tending to ur child in the afternoon...wat abt going for outings w mummies...i find my ger cranky when she stays at home for too long...time passes faster too when u hv others for company...we hv a thriving playgroup in another thread..if u r keen, can join us. we hv outings every week...bblim has just joined us too
<font color="ff6000">draik</font>
sorry to hear about your difficult night last night, you are definitely not alone in your frustration, i'm sure all of us have felt this way at some time. totally agree with cheri that it would be good if you could somehow find a way to leave your child for just a couple of hours every week, it will really help to preserve your sanity! my girl also gets really fussy if we stay home too long, she gets bored and i take her out for a walk or shopping or whatever so that i don't go crazy from her constant insisting that i turn on the tv and keep changing channels for her.

being a WAHM isn't too different from being a SAHM cos the only time i can really get any work done is at night when she sleeps. long ago, i concluded that i needed to balance my child, work and husband, so we imposed a fairly strict bedtime schedule on her. she goes to bed no later than 8.30pm so that i would have time to do work and have a bit of "alone" time with hb to chat or watch tv. then the next step was getting her to sleep thru the night without waking up to nurse, that wasn't too hard.i really can't stress the importance of a good schedule or routine for toddlers, i think it really makes our lives much more manageable as well.
Thanks for everybody concern,
My Dh has came back and I complain and complain and complain to him. I hope it does not make him feel bad about leaving me alone, but I really need to let him know that his son has bully me.

I am amazed how you make your daughter goes to bed at 8:30pm. If KJ goes to bed at 8:30pm, he will wake up at 5am! Now that he goes to bed at around 12am or earlier, I can work on my laptop until 2am, wake up with him at 10am the next day. If I stay longer into the night, I will have to nap with him in the afternoon.

I have got a part time maid but she can only come every fortnight and she is so scare that I will look for another maid. I have no intention of looking for another maid because if I put KJ into childcare I can do my housework myself. So got to close one eye at the moment. By the way, which thread are you talking about? I seldom, almost never check other thread here except for this thread.
<font color="ff6000">draik</font>
believe me, the waking up time is trainable! at 1st she was waking up at around 6am. i had already used the "controlled crying" method to get her to sleep on her own so i knew it was kind of ok to let her cry a bit and she would eventually go back to sleep herself. so basically, my rule was to either ignore her (ie. listen from my room but don't go to her room) or go over to her room and just go like "shh shh go back to sleep, it's not morning yet" if she woke up before 7.30am.nowadays, she wakes up at abt 7.30 or 7.45 so i guess my day starts earlier but i do sometimes nap with her in the afternoon if i have nothing important to do.

anyway, i also recently read an article about sleep and small children. it said that small children need about 10-11 hours of sleep and the results of some research showed that most kids' body clocks wake them up at around 8am, so even if they sleep fairly early ( like in most western countries, kids sleep at about 7-8pm), they do have the ability to sleep till around at least 7am.
I realised that Amanda has been testing my patience for a long time when it comes to throwing things off the high chair. I will get so mad at her whenever she does that and she will purposely do it just to see my reaction, seems like she LOVES seeing my angry face.. as she will make sure that I am looking at her b4 she throws anything down.. so for today, I just put on a straight face and ignored her when she stretched her hand out, waiting for me to notice her so she can throw her toy.. but getting no response from me, she got kinda sian and didnt throw stuffs as often as b4.. maybe our kids are just testing our patience and reaction

Cool Dw. I hv gone thru many pharses like this with Riz too.

The last 1 was at Pacific coffee at Harbourft. Trying to feed him his dinner, (bought bottle food) he ate 2 mouth and don't want. Scream and scream. He only wants to drink my Cold choc drink. So I wacked him, I buay tahan aridi.

<font color="ff6000">As for home plugs / swtich:</font>
My HB covered the switch with sticky tapes. It helps. But he loves to on the TV and stand infront of it. Got scolding, wacking but he don't care. Still carry on.

Riz is also threowing htings on the flr. I still can manage.

But there is 1 thing that I cannot manage is he scream & shout very loud even when he is outside. The whole resturant will look at us.

If you feel like dropping by my place and let the 2 boys play while you take a break, you are welcome.
Hi Ladies,

Just want to check if anyone of you have lobang to get discounted air tickets? I'm asking on behalf of a friend who is travelling back to kuching in Feb 08.
Won't be joining the outing, cos you ladies did not reply if ok to bring my No. 2 along.

Keke...actually partly got a lot of things going on for the last week of Sep lah esp bb vaccination etc.

Tracy - how to get discount tickets?? Any lobang for tickets to USA?

Throwing things
It was months ago when my Amanda loves to throw things on the floor. Guess what I do. The first thing I helped her to pick it up and told her if dropped again, I'll not help to pick it up. Sure enough, she threw again.

I did not help her to pick up the things. After she took her down from the chair (ie. finish her meal), I got her to pick up what she dropped. Haha... after a few times, she got the message and don't throw things anymore. Mummies with this headache, you may want to try this method.

Just to share a pict of my No. 1 and No. 2. Cheers.
Some typo mistake.

The first (TIME) I helped her to pick it up and told her.......

After (I) took her down from the chair (ie. finish her meal),...

Btw, anyone celebrates your Maid's birthday? Care to share. My maid's birthday is around the corner.
hi bblim

Hee.........surprise to see me here
forgot ya email so thought maybe I will post here for ya reference.

<font color="ff0000">Easy Milk Paint</font>

Materials: mixing bowl, a cup of condensed milk and food colouring

Just mix the condensed milk with food colouring. Voila! You can keep in the refrigerator.

There are many other ways to
DIY paint, but this is one of the easiest where you do not need to cook.

I'm looking for lobang, not I have lobang lah. Hey your 2 little ones look so much alike. So adorable.

Agree with babe, isn't it going to be sticky? I have yet to expose her to paint yet. Will try it out when i'm free.

Ya lor, same sentiments as others ler. My 1st tot is wow, I sure be expecting to see ants crawling all over Reanne and her paper ler as she is bound to drip some on her clothes. Any other alternatives beside condensed milk? Have been thinking since yesterday that if using juz water with food colorings, cannot achieve exactly the same effects as using paints hor. But guess that's the safest way if not other better options. Pls advise.
Hi mummies,

Long time never post and there's quite a interesting topics to talk about.

I have finally delivered last Thursday and i still cant believe that I did w/o epidural and it was over within an hour when i reached hospital. Am glad that its over now. haahaaa...

At the moment, my boy has been behaving quite well when he sees mei mei. However, when he saw me breastfeeding her, he will pounce on me wanting me to hug him.

My boy's temper is also quite bad. He wants means he wants. If he cant get, he will cry. So we will try to distract him with other things. So far ok, however, at times, when he remembers, he still want what he wants. When we bring him out, he will behave slightly better when comes to feeding. However, he will not hold your hand. He will want to walk on his own.

Enjoying himself at the pool.
They look so alike.

When my gal was out, she looks so much like my son. Thus, i think i can imagine how she looks like when she's older. hehee..

How's ur No 1 coping with No 2. Is she jealous over No 2?

des, your darling has change so much since the last i have seen him.

Congratulation to you for your #2!!! take good care and avoid all the tabozz things...
