(2006/04) April 2006 MTB


Good to hear that Amanda is eating more now. Same here, Enya can also finish one big bowl of porridge and ask for food. Pretty scary to see her eating like that sometime.

Many of my friends are telling me that children at this age tends to fall sick easily. When they have fever means their body is fighting against a virus. Like your son, Enya's fever also shoot up to 39.5 degrees. Really worrying. So now I started her on the colostrum tablets. Another mommy from another thread introduces me to this gummy vitamins. Yet to check it out. Really need to build up her immune system.

Hock hua is the Fu Hua Chinese Medical Hall. I got my colostrum tablets from there too.

mommies, pls help! I'm desperately looking for advice (and comfort). Leo developed hives on tues, apparently it's a symptom of allergy. we went to see PD, who gave him med for his cold and running nose, and said that the med for running nose will also help subside the hives. he also said the hives will disappear in one day, usually. on wed morning, it didn't go away so we went to KKH to get 2nd opinion. the doc there said the same thing, that the hives will disappear in one day's time. Well, it's already thurs and the situation is not improving, it's getting worse. in the meantime, my poor leo is itching like crazy. and his face looks so swollen with all the red welts
((( i searched the net for remedies but apparently there isn't any cos hives is a symptom, not a condition itself. We checked with his CC and he didn't eat anything extraordinary on tues so we dismissed food allergy. accding to a website, having a cold may also trigger hives. we are at our wits' end as to how we can get rid of the hives as soon as possible.
<font color="0000ff">Re: Health suplements for our kids</font>
Wow... Ruixiangmom, how do you feed him with so much things? Doesn't the little one struggle?

I tried Delrose before but my girl refused to drink.. half of my mind thinking of forcing her to take first.. and then slowly she will get used to it.. just like gripe water.

Hunniepot/Tracy, are the colostrum tablets difficult to eat?

I heard that we adults should take too?

Happened to see that colostrum tablets by New Zealand? It is extracted from cow.

Any idea, Fu Hua's one is from which animal?

Re: Fever

Mummies, I guess, we ve no choice as to build our little ones' immune system and get them drink more fluids.

I have heard some saying that our children at this time would keep having fevers, partially because of growing the molar teeth.
Wow, u gals are feeding supplements already ah. The only thing my gal eating is the good old cod liver oil bought from NTUC. Is it necessary?

My gal's appetite is very good. Even my CL surprised at the amount she can eat and thereafter fruits. Now her favourites are strawberry and yakult.

I think it's good that our kids have interest in food and think it's a good time to expose them to variety too, varied nutrients too.

Fussiecat, if the hives dun subside by today, u shld see the doc again. Might be some form of allergy that we are not aware of and if it's triggered by cold, I am sure there's some solution. See dr for a peace of mind also good. Meanwhile, keep him cool to reduce itch.
<font color="ff6000">fussiecat</font>
i think i totally understand what you are going through. about 1mth back, my girl had the same thing. it was so stressful cos she was sooo itchy and i am expecting baby #2 (any day now!) also, so it was hard to monitor her and stop her from scratching all the time. my husband was v upset cos he couldn't bear to see her in so much discomfort, he described the skin on her back as being like leather cos she scratched it so much
. in the end, took her to the PD who said she was suffering from some kind of allergy (could not determine at that point if it was something she ate, something she touched etc etc.... we initially had thought she developed an allergy to her bath soap) so his solution was to just treat the rash. he prescribed:

a) an antihistamine syrup (this stops the itching, antihistamine is also present in many cold medications)
b) anti-itching powder to be applied after bath
c) soap-free wash (he gave us a bottle of Dermaveen but i'm now using Cetaphil on her)

luckily, it cleared within a few days after that. we are still not sure what triggered it off but i have permanently switched to soap-free wash and hypoallergenic shampoo cos i think her skin is really sensitive. PD's advice was to also try to keep the skin cool and dry to prevent discomfort. he said that he doesn't usually encourage kids to sleep in aircon but in the case of rashes, hives etc, it is good to keep them cool so aircon is ok. hope this helps you
Hi Koalarie,

No, Shawn does not struggle when I want to give him the supplements. The Delrosa is in his drink for breakfast and dinner, and he like it, and the rest of the DHA and Colostrum capsules/ tablets, he loves them! They are treats for him, in his opinions.
He wants me to give him more actually, but I follow the dosage of course.

As for the live cultures in his milk, he's not even aware of it.

Actually he eats everything. Even my maid is amazed. He even loves his banana flavoured diarrhoea medicine (sachet banana flavoured live cultures)!
babe, miu66 and mrs ho, thanks SO MUCH for your advice... currently leo is taking bricanyl for his cough and a syrup for his running nose. Doc says the running nose syrup will help subside the hives so i'm guessing it contains antihistamines... will bath him using soapfree wash, i am using lactacyd... should be okay, rite?

mrs ho, i read the other thread, many mommies say cannot expose to wind... tht's wat my MIL said too. But aren't we supposed to keep him cool? so waht's wrong with having fan? in the meantime, i am switching on aircon in the house.

I am a hive sufferer myself. Apart from taking precaution like using the right products etc, there is really nothing much you can do. When it hits me, I can only take antihistemin and bear with it.

regarding exposing to wind, seems like that is some truth to it esp air con cause the air is dry and it irritates it further. I keep cool by applying calamine lotion but it is a bit drying for the skin too.

If it is of any comfort, it will go away as sudden as it came on.

btw, did your hse undergo painting recently? for me, i am allergy to some chemicals from new paints.
fussiecat, with a few above advice above. thot just want to share with you..

I had hives when i preggie with Isaac. and is exactly the same as Leo, this moment i have it very next morning disappear. It always attachs me during nite time and for that matter it actually affects my sleep then and i dont get any MC coz' no prove that the hives attack. Until after the 5 attacks, i was so angry that i took pictures of my butt (i still have the pic hee hee) to show the doctor. Only then i was given med and mc.

The other method (fast and easy) if there's nothing you can do. GINGER mix with Chinese Rice Wine and use towel soak it and rub the affected areas.

NO FAN AT ALL... just normal room temp. That will somehow help. Fan expel wind and wind somehow triggers the hives (the cold logic - usually the TCM will have the hot and cold thingy).

Is very frustrating and angry when it attacks, until the very end then i realise i was then allergy to the multi vit that the doc gave me. The attack only came to me when i was 7 months preggie.. it just happens like that.

Hope one of the methods (given by indidual moms) will suits Leo soonest.
hey tracy, stephz, ET and hunniepot - there is a contest for mother and baby look alike lei! It will be on 25/1/08.

You girls can consider joining or any mothers that you baby looks like you!!

Age of child under 24 months
email your photos and particulars (mother &amp; child) to [email protected] by 22 Jan 08.

Particulars include: Name and age (both mother &amp; child) &amp; contact number.

There are also most enchating smile (25/1/08 noon) email: [email protected], most beautiful eyes (25/1/08 2pm) email: [email protected] and most chubbiest cheeks (25/1/08 5pm) email: [email protected]

if you are interest email your photos and particulars (mother &amp; child) to mail to respective emails (as above) by 22nd Jan 08.

1st price: S$ 800 cash + $500 hamper
1st price: S$ 300 cash + $300 hamper
3rd price: S$ 200 cash + $200 hamper

GOOD LUCK!!!! oh.. forgot to mention.. it will be held on Singapore Expo Hall 6B.
My husband and I were looking for a new car to buy last Dec... and went to "XXX brand" showroom to look at the "YYY model".

We tested drive the car and pretty like the ride.

So the second day, we went down to make a registration. My best friends went with me too so that they could help to see that the sales agent did not bluff us.

Then on the last COE bid in Dec, they went in <font color="ff0000">at 13010</font>.

But the results were slightly higher. So we didn't get it.

WE fully understood and the sales agent did call to apologise as well... stating that they had already gone beyond their max (12k).

So, we accepted his apology.

Then the second bid came. On Jan 10, this time round, we were a little KS.

So, we constantly checked the bidding page and the bid they have placed for my husband.

Just after noon, they did their bid. Then ard 2.40pm+, they revised till 10k close to 11k. But at 3.15pm, I noticed that the bid is closing at 13k and so smsed my sales agent asking him how is the COE bidding so far...

Then at 3.45pm, we checked, it had gone to 13k+, but the bid is still at 10k+. I attempted to call him and could not reach him then he called me, but i was on phone then. So when i returned call, he said he is discussing with his "GM".

At 4pm, bid closed.

They ve basically given up!

If you looking at the "http://www.aas.com.sg/coe/coe4.htm", the bid was finalized at 50 more!

We had actually wanted to do a top up actually.. but waiting for the sales agent to call... but he nv called to advice us accordingly.

So, we were very very unhappy about this and I called him to give me an explanation.

He was very apologetic again.. (As usual).

Then said he would need to check with his mgmt on this as the sales agents have no rights on the bid control! (Don't know how true.. )

Then I asked him, does his company forsee that we need to do top up? IF so, can he tell us how much amt they are bidding and we would advice etc.. and he said, "it is not the practice for my company to do so... and not for my clients at least... if need be, I would see to it... otherwise what difference is my company to the distributors distributing the japanese cars!"

So, fine. I don't want to "" his msg... but his this sentence did sound very assuring, isnt it?

And I believed.

He later said, he would check with his mgmt on more details and update us again.

So, okay.. we waited for his call.

On Friday, he called...

He told us that there is the newer batch of "YYY model" that just came in and everything is the same. The only downside is OMV is low.

So I ask him how low.

He said <font color="0000ff">at least 5k lower</font>!

So, I asked him why such a difference and he explained.

I discussed with my husband about it...

<font color="0000ff">The new batch is selling at 3.1k more but omv is 5k less and so means that the coy is making 8.1k more..</font> am i right?

Initially they could not confirm if we could still get coe and the amt they are going in... so many phone calls and meetups went on and on...

till Wednesday night, we had our last straw!

If taking the new batch, the coe that they are bidding is <font color="ff0000">at 13k only</font>.

So, question to the coy, what differ that i shd take their new batch then.

I called him yesterday morning... told him, we stayed on the old batch... whatever his coy wanted to bid on.. then he asked me if I want to do top up?? I reminded him his words...! He said he needed to discuss with his boss and would call me in afternoon.

So, he didn't dare to call me in afternoon. He called my husband instead.

This time, they are going to give us guaranteened COE and they are giving some freebies as well: E.g. don't know what bluetooth adapter, then reverse camera and then two-toned leather seats (said to be better leather seats than previous one).

I told my best friends.. one of them said the new batch contained all these!

And why they are still not willing to let us have the old batch... or honour our decision!

So, now, we needed to confirm with him if the coy is bidding a Cat A or Open Cat as the difference is huge!

Haiz.... if you want to know which coy... pm me .... help me release the steam in me....

I have never met a company which is so dishonest.
hi fussiecat,
2 week ago K also hv hives. KK give us some medicine and scheduled an appt w the specialist.

Specialist gave us zyrtec which is for cold and allergy. This one work better than the outpatient provided. He did mentioned this is body reaction and cause not known and he dun recommend we do the allergic test yet since he is young. So far he is ok
hey mommies, thanks for your concern... Leo is finally okay! the hives slowly disappeared yesterday. my mom said it could be due to heatiness so i made barley for him. also wiped him down with rice wine mixture. if it ever happens again, i may try zyrtec. in the meantime, i think i'll boil barley for him every week... i really really appreciate all the advice i got here!
momyam, can provide more infor on the contest? U have to be present to participate or juz send in pics? The beautiful eyes, charming smile contest is for baby only or have to be both mommy and baby? Heehee...
Hi evon,

Why car agent did you go to? the other time I bought our vehicle from Honda, we chose the non-guarenteed COE price. The COE then was v high, but our agent assured us that even though we choose the non-guarenteed COE price, they will definitely get the COE for us, regardless. And they did. Our final COE was $3000 higher than the time when we first book the car, so we 'earned'. Sometimes they will try a few times one....
Hi Evon,

We went to Toyota, and like Su, we chose the non-guaranteed COE, max no of bidding is 6 times, we got it at the 5th try and our COE was at least $5K less than the COE price then.
Thanks, mummies.

I don't mind that if they have tried... but the second bid's so obvious that they are not eager to get the deal. You can check the bid they place for you at http://ocoe.lta.gov.sg.

They didn't give a proper explanation on that and kept wanting us to go for the newer batch...

So, you can tell definitely something is not right about this sales.

Anyway, we are tired. Wish to get over this soon.

Now they offered guaranteened bid if take new batch of the car.... so I told them... I would let the COE bid results to decide if I should take the old or new batch. If the COE bid results happens to be the lower or similar to what was placed in their first bid, I would stay onto the old batch. Else, new batch.
Re: Rotavirus?

Hi mommies,

how you tell if it is rotavirus on toddler?

My girl has the vaccine taken sometime ago... but on Sunday, she had diahrrea twice and then vomitted twice as well. I could feel that she had lots of gases in her tummy.

We had visited a GP and that GP suspected it was food poisioning.

After taking the medication, it did feel better.. though one of the medication is making her lethagy.

She was fine in the morning but we didn't let go cc... and then this afternoon, she had another diahrrea again.

Don't know if we should look for second opinion? Or bring my daughter back from Jurong to see the PD?
Hi Evon,

That looks like the symptoms of rotavirus. I think you should seek 2nd opinion. Not all GP can diagnose rotavirus. My girl got it last round and GP did not suspect rotavirus at all. Until I went to see Pd.

As for now, you might want to stop giving water to your girl. Give her barley water instead. Pd ever told me that the water they drink will be absorbed by the virus and end up make the diarrhoea worse. Dun give FM too. Give Pediasure instead.

You adults do take care also. Rotavirus can be spread to adults too. My hb got it from my girl the last time. Remember to wash your hands after you clean her.


My husband is down with same symptoms too. Was having diahrrea every hour after we went to see a 24h clinic in the midnight.

This morning, we saw another GP for opininon as the medication didn't help him but that GP also said food poisioning.

Then in meanwhile, Xuanting's diahrrea came back at night again.

This time worse.

Almost every hour too!

And she vommitted few times though.

My mom brought her to see another GP for opinon and that GP (who healed Xuanting previously) said it's gastric flu (which I suspect that too as when she cramped, her tummy area also tightened; if it is food posioning, it shd be intestinal area).

So, we are keeping a close watch now.

I am a bit worried that it may be rotavirus too.. though Xuanting already had her jab previously.
Sigh... my poor mommy is now snoozing as she didn't sleep last night.

While my girl has finally sound asleep after last night's suffering.

And my honey at home is also sleeping after the medication did help to curb the diahrrea.

Poor them.


did ur girl end up taking antibotics?

Xuanting just took antibotics two weeks ago after she got flu bug... if keep taking it, is also not good for her..

Don't know how.. now Kid's clinic is closed too... and my work is piling up too!!!


But I deeply appreciate for the job I have now. Though stressful during operation hours, can still work from home if need be and my "ah moh" bosses are relatively understanding too.
Hi Evon,

Really envy you have this kind of working arrangement. Working from home is really a luxury for me which is not happening at the moment.

Do bring Xuanting to see a pd. I think they are more pro in diagnosing children. The last round Pd never give Enya antibotics. But if no choice you have to let her finish the antibotics so that the flu don't come back again.

And the rotavirus vaccine does not prevent children from getting the virus. It just make it less serious.
Hi Tracy,

Don't envy le.. very high committment is required.. and tix pl (just like any other financial banks) axe ppl also super fast too. U nv know who's the next one to go.

So can be quite scary at times.

= 9

Looking at your message, makes me a bit worried. That and Sunday's GP didn't say cannot drink water.

But we are giving her rice water and rice water /w little FM too... hopefully that is equivalent and will help too.

I guess maybe your GP don't think Xuanting got rotavirus so never tell you cannot drink water. You just monitor her situation and see how it goes. If really don't recover within these 2 days then you better bring her to another doc.
Hi Evon,

Amanda also kena stomach flu the other day... and we gave her pedialtye.. in ice form.. at least it helps to replenish the minerals and water loss due to diarrhoea and vomiting.. you can get it from guardian
Hi Tracy,

thanks. My girl is getting better. we brought her to see PD after she was having diarrhea on Tues night.

PD said not rotavirus. Maybe food poisoning or stomach flu but looking at her not having fever, should be food poisoning and will take a while to heal. She gave her a stronger diarrhea medication.

Anyway my mother is sick with flu now. And I have a feeling of vomitting.
Mmm.... where's everybody?

Koalarie - hope you and your girl are feeling better now. Do try to drink more water.
Btw regarding your case, which car company is that?

Will be getting another car soon, do you or
anyone has any good car model or also agent to recommend? Email to [email protected]. Thanks.

Draik - bet you didn't receive my sms earlier, haha... guess you know why.

Momyam - hope Isaac is feeling better now. You take care too.

Babe - Congratulations on the birth of your son. Pm you my blog, you may be able to find some similarities in your gal's behaviour towards the No. 2 (cute). Happy confinement.

Fussiecat - I remember when I was very young, I had a taste of hives, my mother applied something (dunno is it rice wine) and wow, it was a real reliever. Can confirm is it rice wine, keke... must be prepared in case of relapse.

les_petite - I'm getting my CNY goodies from Compass Point, more convenient and got to taste before buying you see, thanks for offering anyway.
any mommies here get medela pis to loan for a mth or two? Juz the motor n tubings coz trying to half the time to pump to increase supply. Currently having a sinle pump n takes like ages to pump out. Thks...
babe - hee... guess the mummies here are missing. Kekeke... Maybe you can try under the main page under the "free item" or WTB topic, cos' I don't think many owe the medela PIS, but no harm trying over there.

The lycos mail has been rather slow lately and also my M1 broadband also "cranky" at times, so I post my reply here.
Ya, me a SAHM, will you take NPL too and become one too? I thank God for my 2 darlings and I have no regrets being one and I will be one as long as I can (sigh, but max can only take up to 4 years NPL do you know that). Don't worry about your No. 1 not potty trained, you will be surprised one day she asks for "no pampers" herself.

Btw, is your No. 1 in GUG? I'm thinking of sending my No. 1 there too.
Hey Stephz,

me not missing lah. Just went into "hiding" for awhile. Having very bad backache, so cannot sit for too long in front of PC. Pm me your blog leh. I will pm mine to u also.

Re: Potty Trained
Enya is not potty trained yet too. But she will tell me "oh! poo poo!" after she pooed. I'm trying to tell her that she has to inform me before she poo. But she still dun get it. I guess i just have to be patient with her.

Re: CNY goodies
My hb got some NTUC vouchers from his co. So going NTUC to buy everything. Save the cash for ang bao.
Stephz, thanks for the advice. I really sian pumping and I really feel like giving up liao...latching and pump when I feel I not so tired. Yes my no.1 in GUG. Not too bad but chose it mainly coz it's near and wanted her some exposure coz she doesn't really mix with other kids since she's with my mum and seems slower in speech. Will start her on some music class in march at mandeville at united sq.
Tracy - pm you already. Oh btw, forgot to tell you that method, you got to use warm water (not cold water). That method works on me, maybe you can consider giving it a try.

Babe - me can understand the stress of pumping, but don't give up (hee...tho I have) since you have someone at home to help take care of your No. 1.

Is the GUG class good? Got a call from Apple Tree yesterday that I can put my No. 1 in if I want to, beginning Feb. So was wondering should I put my No. 1 in GUG and then only go to Apple Tree from next year? The other time I went to GUG, I was impressed by the social level of the kids (when 1 of the door was opened). How about the mandarin class?

Draik - got it.
Mine no mandarin class coz I attend the early morning 930 one. I would say the classes are ok. Yes those that started off with them early are more social I noticed too..

never receive your pm leh. What hot water and cold water you talking about? I just pm you my blog.

take it easy and dun be too stress out. Or else milk supply will be affected. We all hv been thru this. I know you can do it again. Jia You!!!!
Tracy thks....dunno y feel I cant make it this time...so tired n guess I didn't get a good pump. avent manual takes loads of time...this time breasts forever soft..not a bit of engorgement..pump out pathetic..tiring ah!!!
Tracy - Just emailed u. Hmmm.... should be no problem this time I pray.

Babe - I have read that if stress, the milk supply will drop drastically, relax, now you still can have chance to increase your milk supply (cos' not yet a month right?).

Hmm.... guess the rest of the mummies busy with their CNY stuff.

Btw, just to share a piece of good news.

Hee... it's not me pregnant with No. 3.

It's that me hubby coming back for good next month. Hurray.
Babe - You willing to try Fenugreek to increase you SS? It worked for me.

Stephz - You mean Apple Tree accept 2 yrs old? When I called them reagrding playgroup, they say only accept 3 yrs old leh.
