(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Rach, glad that everything is okay for you! Our EDD is only 1 day apart!
I'm starting to have some bitter taste in my mouth. Hope not a sign of MS coming.

Telly, I think the vomit is caused mainly by your hunger. I realised I cannot be hungry too, will start getting a weird feeling. It will go away once I eat something even a small bit of biscuit will help. Maybe you buy some biscuits or snacks and keep it with you all times. Take care!


Hi all mummies-to-be,

Can I join in?

My edd oso falls in April 2006. I am into my 6th weeks, a 1st time mtb. And i am seeing Dr Lawrence Ang.

Went for my 1st visit last sat. Managed to c a water sac only. And I had bad MS eversince taking the An-Tai medicine given by gynea. Anyone having the same prob? Took leave today to rest at home.
Twiggy, have a good rest and dun move about necessary. take care... and stay positive... talk to your baby... it might help..
Hi girls,

Bad news. Just back from doctor and she said my hcg levels have gone way down, and confirmed its an early miscarriage. Sad of course, but never mind, it's nature's natural selection. Also, it was good that it was so early. All in all, I've known that I'm pregnant for only a week. Guess it could have been worse. I'll try again. Dr says we can try again in two months time.

Take care girls, all the best and be good your bodies.

Sorry to hear that....please..have a mini confinement and 'bu'back your health ok....

Now dun worry about anything but to concentrate on nursing back your health....

take good care...
Hi Twiggy,
I'm so sorry, pls take care

I also bled on Monday.
For a moment I thought my menses was coming. I was doubting whether I was really pregnant or it was my imagination
So I bought another HPT, it was still positive

When I reached home after work, I immediately lied down. But luckily it has stopped...for the time being

My first appointment is tomorrow, I hope that everything is fine
Hi Twiggy,

sorry to hear that...you gotta take plenty of rest and really do a good mini confinement to "bu" your health.. it's very important ok? After that then try again, have to stay cheerful and positive also hor!!
Hello Jasminetea,

yah lor..only 1 day aprt but my gynea told me that it's not exact maybe a week or 2 earlier..lucky we not seeing the same gynea,otherwise if both happen to give birth on the same day and around the same time then the gynea very jia liat!! haha... ;p I dun feel well 2day..
no appitite and nausea.. i dun like...haiz...

Welcome BBLim,
i experience very bad giddy for taking the hormone pills but i dun have "an tai" medicine.. i stop taking the hoermone pills once my culture test result out. I dun like the feeling..i can fully understand how you feel lor but wat to do, cannot choose leh..
Twiggy, feel sad for you... glad that you are so strong.
remember to rest well and yes, a mini confinement will be good for your health also..
Hi Twiggy, I'm so sorry to hear tt. Please take good care of yourself. Don't be dishearted.

Welcome BBLim!

Rach, yup true. My gynae also said that the EDD is not exact. Might be earlier too.
Do take good care of yourself. Try to keep yourself occupied so that you will not think of the nausea too often.
Updated List!

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Choo</TD><TD>07/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Des</TD><TD>11/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Don Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Preciousbabe</TD><TD>12/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Cordelia Han</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>GT</TD><TD>13/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Henry Cheng</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasminetea</TD><TD>15/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Lisa Chin</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>16/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rach</TD><TD>16/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jo</TD><TD>17/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr H K Ho</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mrs Ho</TD><TD>18/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>May</TD><TD>18/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irene</TD><TD>19/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cutecute</TD><TD>20/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Terrier</TD><TD>20/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maraquan</TD><TD>21/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Telly</TD><TD>26/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little Fish</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Goh Shen Li</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gebbera</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mandy</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr T C Chang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wishbear</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr H K Ho</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBLim</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Leereiner</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lemontree</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adelene</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </td></tr></table>
Hi Jasminetea,

Me feeling terrible for the whole day...no appetite and feeling naasea..yeeks feeling...me nothing to do..how to keep myself occupied..sianz...guess going to nap later so time pass faster...
pls do take good care in the meantime...dun carry anything thing at all and rest in bed as often as you can..walk slowly and do things slowly also, dun exert too much stregth for the time being...should have gone to gynea as soon as you found out you are spotting.
hi all

just wana share a little note on bleeding and spotting.. Mandy, its good to call your gynae up immed when u c red or brown, early pregnancies cant b taken for granted...

i had bleeding at week 6, called gynae and was put on 1week bedrest, taking hormone pills n jab.. but 3 weeks later had brown discharge, n doc said though not red, it was another bleeding in the womb.. another jab n bedrest... 1st trimester is specially impt.. so please gers, do call ur gynae when u c other than clear/white discharge. they reali know best if you should rest or immed give u a jab to stabilise the pregnancy... any delay can be of great harm...

im currently into 20th week, and am certainly glad tat bb is doing fine.. though 1st trimester was reali difficult, i was glad i had help on hand and my gynae Dr Adrian was reali assuring...
Hi Twiggy,
sorry to hear about your sad news. Do take care.

I think you should really call your gynae immediately. My gynae told me that these are emergency and I should call his handphone or the 24 hour line.
Hi Jasminetea, thank you so much, I will

Hi Rach, Oouch!! Heehee. Yes ma'am, but ever since my 2nd pregnancy, I'm kind of "kan kai" leave things to God. What is mine is mine, what is not mine (even if I've passed 12 weeks), will not be mine

Hi Wish bear, thank you for your concern. I'm feeling so tired after lunch, how I wish I can sleep
How abt you girls? Except Rach, you can sleep after "mum mum", so good

Hi Celine,
I totally understood you. My first pregnancy, I was given 1 mth MC for staining. I madew it and my son is now 3 years old. 2nd pregnancy, there was blood clot, also MC for 1 mth as blood clot is associated with high risk miscarriage. After my 12 weeks, the blood clot miraculously GONE, everyone was so happy. But the detailed scanned on 20weeks broke my heart. My pricess had serious heart disease (gynae said it was by luck) and we had to let her go.

This is my 3rd pregnancy, so I'm a bit, hmm, I also dunno how to express how I feel. I can only feel secure when I deliver the baby and see the baby with my own eyes. I really hope that day will come.

My gynae is away, oni back ytd, that's y I didn't call him. Will see him today, hope to have some good news.

Dear all, thank you so much for your concern. It's my own obstacle that I need to go through, but with your help and support, I'm sure I CAN!

I know what you meant by'feel secure only when deliver and hold bb in our hands'....yes...if the baby is ours,it will be ours no matter wat...we really have to think positively and look on the bright side..

You are such brave lady...I am sure this round everything will go smoothly for you....
Hi Mandy,

So sorry you had to go through that, but it's made you a stonger person now.

We're all under so much stress now. First we worry about passing the 1st trimester safely. Then in the 2nd tri, worry about the detailed scan. Then in 3rd tri, praying that we can make it through the final phase and after delivery, hope the baby is healthy and normal.....wah, no wonder we'll drop so much hair after giving birth!!! Hee hee hee!
Hi Maraquan,

Yes yes, I know I was noti, heehee. Thanks for your concern. How are you? Feeling ok?

Hi Rach,

How's your appetite?
Hi Mandy,

You brave lady...i have the same thought as you. My hb ever told me that watever god can give you, god can also take it back...so i also didn't like take extra careful lor...just let nature take it's course lor...
Me only had dinner yesterday..wasn't feeling too good yesterday. today seems slightly better but still not much appetite...

Thanks for the welcome &amp; for including me inside the list.

HOpe to learn more from u gals.

Got to get back to work liao.
Hi Ladies!

Rach, now it is my turn. I think I got my first signs of MS this morning. Started to feel nausea this morning. Got vomit feeling but didn't vomit anything out. Can't eat whole day. Now feeling very despressed and upset. So sian. Wish I can go home......

Mandy, sorry to hear about your experience. But it definitely made you a much stronger person like the way you handle this now.
Take care!

Take small meal..have some biscuits with you...me also have nausea feeling esp at night...but still didn't vomit....

nowadays I feel that I get hungry easily...just finished a packet of mee pok at 12plus just now and now I am hungry again....
think later take one apple or have biscuits....
Hi Choo,

Ya.. I do. Actually I never like biscuit haaa.. But now no choice. I get hungry easily too until today. We are indeed experiencing a lot of changes in our body!

me have been taking biscuits,cereal and milo past few weeks when hungry...just now just finished one cup mee as crave for it...yummy!but just one cup mee in a while....
Hi Ladies

Just went for checkup today...Dr Adrian could not detect the heartbeat of the feotus and had taken my blood for HCG test....result will know on sat....

meanwhile, i m feeling ok ...no bleeding or anything except nausea and tiredess....

anybody have the same experience

very worried....keeping my hands cross....

Choo, I understand what you mean by craving for the cup mee. I also had craving for maggi mee last Sunday but dare not eat. Forced myself to eat something else miserably. Haaaa... My hubby suggested he go and buy mee pok for me but I still don't like, just want maggi mee! Alamak!
Wendy, I will go and my gynae next Tues to see if she can detect heartbeat or not. Keeping my finger crossed too.

I'm also feeling nausea and tired today.

We all pray for you. Don't worry too much. Meanwhile, take good care of yourself.

Hi Ladies

Can I join in chat? Just tested positive last week .. EDD should be early May. JUst to check if you gals experience frequent cramping during the early stage of pregnancy? I had pink n brown spotting before i found out I was pregnant but the gynae did not say anything when I went to see her. Understnad that some of you are taking hormone pills...may i know what is that for??
Hi May,

Welcome! I have off and on cramping during the first 3 weeks of my pregnancy . Nowadays I seldom get them (I'm into my 7th week plus now)

Your gynae didn't give you any jabs or medication for your pink/brown spotting? I got brown discharge at my 5th week, I was given a jab, horomone pill to stop the brown discharge. That is the purpose of the horomone pill.
Hi Jasminetea,

Nope, I told her the situation but it seems that it is perfectly normal to her .... she is more concern on the cramping part .... in case of etocpic pregnancy coz i did the v.scan at 4 weeks plus and not able to see anything .... was schedule to go back this weekend ... the spotting stop after seeing her only occassional cramping. I wasnt prescribed any medication as I told her that i am already taking folic acid ...she just ask me to continue
Hi May,

My gynae was very concerned about my brown discharge. Was given 3 days MC 'cos of this. I guess different gynae got different way of handling the situation. Who is your gynae by the way?

At my 4th week, I was also not able to see anything from the scan. Only see the baby sac at 5th week.
Hi Ladies,

Sorry, I MIA for so long. Was badly hit by MS. Oh... its a terrible feeling. Sob SOb SOb...

MS has made me not want to do anything at all. Just work, go home n rest! Cannot take it.

The hormone pills that the doc gave me really makes MS worst x 10times. I decided to stop taking the pills and i called the hospital to ask them for permission. The nurse said must take, cannot stop but can cut down the dosage.

Oh... its terrible!

Hi May,

Welcome and congratulations! I had cramping too. Its less nowadays. Doc also thought the preg was ectopic and did blood test twice. All is ok but i have to take the hormone pills to stablise the womb. The pills make me feel very sick! Hope u dont have to take them too. Take care!
Hi Jasminetea,

My gynae just gave me an emergency number to call incase of bleeding or severe cramping .... i guess she is trying not to cause me any unneccessary anxiety ...8) ...

I have yet to decided whether to stay on with this gynae as I just went to see her once i found out that I am pregnant ...
Hi cutiebaby aka May,

Thanks for the welcome! Can blood test determine ectopic pregnancy?? Can I noe when u take the test?
i read from somewhere that sometimes when you experience cramps... its due to your womb is stretching.. if no red/brown discharge, should be okie... and if it's become painful.. consult a doc at once...
Hi May,

My doc told me that by doing the blood test, he will be able to know if the HCG levels are increasing normally. It usually doubles every day but in the case of an ectopic preg, the HCG levels wont increase at a normal rate.
Hi May,
I had ectopic pregnancy before. The doc couldnt find any pregnancy sac at 6 weeks but saw a swollen fallopian tube. My HCG level was increasing but at a very low rate. I had consistent cramps at my right side of the lower abdomen and bled like having menses. The bleeding subsided after a week and then I continued to have alot of brown, reddish discharge. I will suggest that you go to KKH 24 Hrs clinic if u experience intense cramps and severe discharge. Meanwhile, don't worry so much until your blood test comes out. Take care
Dear mummies, thank you for all your support, it means a lot to me

Hi May,
Welcome to the family!

Dear all,
Just went for my first appointment. TC Chang was recommended as he is the head of fetal development specialist. He just went to NZ for 4 mths for this research. And this is my first time with Male gynae, blush blush

He was very detailed, asked me abt my previous case. He would do quite a lot of tests along the way as I had "history".

He did a vaginal scan, I was really nervous. We saw a tiny feotus, blinking &amp; blinking and no blood clot, we were very happy. Feotus is 2.6mm, 6 wk old and could see the blinking heart beat.

I've blood test for HCG level and will do another one 1 wk from now.

I asked him abt the bleeding/staining, he said it was fine so long I don't experience cramping or blood flowing out. Just rest as much, lie down more. He said the staining/bleeding would improve once we lie down, yes I noticed that too...

I asked him abt triple test, he said it's considered old fashioned, so pay say, heehee. He would do certain tests, but I forogt the name liao. I think I will trust his expertise as he is the specialist.
He also mentioned we need to be extra careful due to the last pregnancy, but this is a new pregnancy, we should start afresh.He also told me we take one step at a time. So I guess that'y he didn't tell me my due date. Think it's ard 25th April.
Oops, we got 2 "Mays" here.

May (maymummy), yup! Possibly your gynae is doing that. Just be more careful and take good care of yourself.

May (cutiebaby), no wonder didn't hear from you. Hope your MS will go away soon. You can't avoid the horomone pills when given to you. I just finished taken mine yesterday. Take care hor!

Preciousbaby, I had read somewhere before that going manicure and pedicure is no problem. In fact, it was encouraged to relax oursleves. But to be safe, better confirm with our gynae.
I will check with my gynae on Tuesday.

Mandy! glad to hear good news from you. Don't worry about asking pai say questions
I think the gynae are used to it. We are all worried for our babies mah. Shall updated ur EDD for the time mean.
Any changes, just let me know.

Updated List!

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Choo</TD><TD>7/4/2006</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Des</TD><TD>11/4/2006</TD><TD>Dr Don Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Preciousbabe</TD><TD>12/4/2006</TD><TD>Dr Cordelia Han</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>GT</TD><TD>13/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Henry Cheng</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasminetea</TD><TD>15/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Lisa Chin</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>16/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rach</TD><TD>16/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jo</TD><TD>17/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr H K Ho</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mrs Ho</TD><TD>18/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>May (Cutiebaby)</TD><TD>18/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irene</TD><TD>19/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cutecute</TD><TD>20/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Terrier</TD><TD>20/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maraquan</TD><TD>21/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mandy</TD><TD>25/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr T C Chang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Telly</TD><TD>26/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little Fish</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Goh Shen Li</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gebbera</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wishbear</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr H K Ho</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBLim</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Leereiner</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lemontree</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adelene</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>May (Maymummy)</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Rach, Des, Terrier and Jo and ladies who are interested in Yoga Class.

A little update.

I just emailed Birth and Beyond regarding the yoga classes for pregnant women. They do conduct private classes if we all want to be in a group together. We need a min of 6 persons and have to commit to 10 lessons minimum. Price wise seems like market price. I will check around for more to see if I can get a better price.

I will email you ladies after I gathered all the information.

However, one thing you need your gynae's green light before you can start exercise. So do check out with your gynae is this is okay for you to exercise first. We can start anytime if the gynae is agreeable. But I would possibly wish to start at 12th week onwards. What do you gals think?

Anyone else who is interested?

Hi Jasmine,

What's the location? If it's somewhere in the north, I'd like to join in.

Also, can you update your list? I've decided to go for Dr Adelina Wong at KKH. My first appointment is next week so we'll see how that goes.


Have you read this posting:


It's very sad! But it'll also make us do more research and to be a bit more aware of our options should we deliver late.

Hi Precious baby,

For manicure not a problem, but for pedi, u must tell the pedicurist that u r pregnant. No massage on your feet as there is a point to our womb, if she exert pressure wrongly, hmm... no good no good. Same as the foot reflexology, they will massage for your only u have pass 12 weeks, wait till everything has been stabilized. Even if after 12 weeks, they will avoid massaging that particular point as they are afraid of the consequences. So it's our duty to tell the masseur.

As for facial, my beautician said can not use AHA product, also have to inform them. Ask them to use pregnancy-safe products.

Hope these helps!
