(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

hi strawberry, thanks for the advice!! i'm all psyched up already! actually 2 years ago i had to go HK frequently for work, i remember hanging out at Tsing Yi Mall... it's quite similar to SG malls... i oso went to argyle centre where i got sweet talked by the salesgirls there to buy too many bags and clothes!! that was before i had kids n can shop to my hearts' content... sigh...
Tracy, thks for the heads-up on the SIA offer! will check it out!

Wow...all the talk about travelling...sounds like HK is a fun place to go. But will our kids enjoy it at this age? Planning to go Taiwan in Apr on the way to attend a fren's wedding..heehee..dunno how it would be like.
Mom Yam, include me as well.

Jacob Ballas Children's Garden

1) momyam
2) Hunniepot
3) Darik
4) Mel aka motherhen
5) Smurfy
6) jasminetea
7) Tracy
8) TWW
9) Mrs Ho
10) Tiffany
11) Babe
12) Des

Quite a few things happened to my house lately and i have to send my boy to CC. Yday it his 2nd day. So far he has been coping well and the teachers there are quite friendly and always give feedback and reasurrance to the parents. My boy seems to be enjoying himself there with all the materials/ toys provided.
Mrs Ho,
I can share the cab with you if u dun mind although I may not have seen you. I staying in North also. At woodlands.
of cos i dont mind share cab with u...me staying Sembawang...Ur hb will come along? and u will bring ur both kiddo ?
cos need to count head for a cab too....my hb still consider whether wanna follow...
Let me know...

Hope to join u girls....
Hi, I maybe able to join your gals before I got "demoted" (with no maid). Then I will never have chance to meetup with you pple until I grow old.

Momyam/Draik - Do you think your cab can still squeeze in me and my No. 1?

Babe - think you will be popping soon and still so mobile, hee.... I can understand how you feel, I was like that too before my No. 2 popped.

Fussiecat - happy for you, xian mu lah (envy) still can go on tour and let your mum to help to take care of No. 2. Poor me down alone here, stucked with 2 babies. Gee... but I dun mind lah.
Hello <font color="0000ff">bblim</font>, I am back after 2 flts from Syd.

Sorry I did not get yr cream for you as I was unable to buy...
Due to the fact that the cream was out of stock for a long time in the whole Syd. (nt too sure other stations)

I was told they had some problem in manifacturing them...

Any way I will still keep a look out for you.

Lots of Aus flts to find. Hee Hee

<font color="0000ff">Ladies</font>

Can i check with all of, does any of yr kid having the same problem as what I am facing now?

Reyes has no appetite to eat. At times he will eat 2-3 mouth of porridge and don't want aridi. Milk intake still ok. Still active.

What do you think is the problem?

Aiden went thru the same phase as Riz. I think it's a stage they go thru at some pt or another. Cos their physical growth slows down considerably for that period, their appetite is affected. But it'll soon pass. I know it's terribly frustrating and worrying, but they would not let themselves go hungry. Once this phase passes, they will eat voraciously again. My son is back to his normal appetite, in fact, eating a bit more than usual. He is going thru another growth spurt and gaining in height, can see cos his pyjama pants are "shrinking".

My boy's appetite for food and milk are still the same. No change. Can eat and drink very well. Even thou now he's at childcare (juz started), he still eats well.
stephz, i havent' had a break since i was pregant with the first one! tot i could go for nice long hol when no. 1 become older, who knew that we would get pregnant again so quickly! wish i can go for longer break but for now will have to settle for a really short one...

dun worry, wait a couple more years when the kids are older, life should resume to normal!
i so agree with you TWW, gab's appetite has changed tremendously.. rejecting food.. but after wat you wrote i guess it all made sense...

petite i guess we'r all in the same situation now.. u back to work?
Hi des,

Thanks for the transfer, hope that your mum will get well soon.. must have been very tough on you.. which CC is Owen in now?

Amanda has vomited 9 times since this morning, running a fever and diarrhoea too.. I was just thinking to myself yesterday, the last time she fell ill was in July, and so far so good.. me and my 'sway' thoughts.. Im starting work officially on 2nd Jan.. really bu she de to go back now that she is ill and her mummy is not able to be there for her...
I think I saw you at West Mall Food Court on Xmas eve noontime with Gab. Were you there or did I recog the wrong person?

Gab's poor appetite will soon pass. When A refused to eat, I was very frustrated. I thot my cooking was the prob - that he was sick of it. But after 2 wks or so, his appetite resumed to normal.

I totally understand how you feel abt 'bu she de'. But give yourself a few wks and u shd get used to the new schedule. Hope Amanda recovers before 2 Jan. How is your maid now?
hmmmm... i think you saw the wrong person cos i was in HKG on christmas eve leh...

yeah.. i hope this phrase will pass by soon... anyw i so agree with that they'l not let themselves go hungry lor.. since her appetite is so bad i'l let her eat watever she wants.. beta some then nv rite..
Strawberry, when i outside, I also anyhow let my gal eat. Coz I noticed she doesn't particularly fancy outside food except for fries...not too good ya.

Petite, how was ur flight? used to ur life again?

Stephz, yes yes muz think positive otherwise feel even more tied down with 2 kids...erm..not really active but trying to be but down with flu bug now so praying i recover before I pop....
hmmm... yeah.. gab fancies fries A LOT!!! but since she not eating so i just let her eat lor.. to my hb's dismay though.. din want her to be a french fries kid but no choice...well i guess at this pt as long as they are eating.. anything at all.. its good la...
Hunnie, I hope Amanda is getting better now. Tks for the concern. My mum is able to be discharge today. However, she will need to wear the brace even longer than expected. probably 2 mths.

I sent Owen to MMI at Raffles. The CC is quite spacious and its clean and neat. The teachers there are strict and caring at the same time. So far, the children at MMI are quite well behaved for all levels. There's no ear biting or fighting and no rudeness to other children cos the teachers do not tolerate such behaviour. It is nearer to my work place. Thus, I will need to carry him to and fro before and after work. I feel sorry for my boy that he has to be up early. Today is his 3rd day in school. I thot he would be able to adjust quite well, who knows. He still cry. Feel so heartpain. He's getting more and more sticky now esp after we sent him to sch.

I understand how u feel. I oso feel terrible to leave Owen in CC. I guess, we have to go through the phase, after a few weeks, we should be able to adjust. All mummies jia you!
Hey Momyam,

I'AM STILL HERE!! Haha, just got back from our trip to BKK. Went pretty well and Shawn was really happy during the trip. It's like he knows it a holiday
haha. Or maybe it's just that he have the both of us all to himself for that 4-5 days.

Am not joining you all for the garden, partly because we have been there not too long ago. Shawn has also been having some slight diaarhoea since we got back, probably due to too much juice which I gave him during the last day of the trip.

You gals have a great time!!
Hi all,

Wish i could join you all on 5 Jan. But need to work on Sat mornings and hubby not in town to bring son. Am sure you all will have fun there. Brought son there a few times. He enjoyed it and referred to it as the 'big park' But quite tiring for us coz have to follow them everywhere coz the structures still a bit too challenging for them to climb safely on their own.
BTW, did you read about an article on straits times complaining about excessive chlorine used in the water in the water play area. She said the colours on her son's tee ran after being wet and she could not get rid of the chlorine smell even after bathing him. Did anyone has the same problem? I won't know coz my son never dared to step into the water area. He just likes to stand around and watch the other kids play.

Mrs Ho,
u too got pm..

What are the things we need to look out for? Anything else we need to bring besides the usual, ie, extra clothing, diapers, water..
Strawberry, mine is opp. I dun fancy giving her fries but hb will give it to her. Otherwise, she will juz grab...ke ke ke..once a while I guess ok.

Des, looks like MMI at Raffles not bad. I really dunno if I shld try out putting her in one...otherwise at home also dunno wat she learn if I go back work.

Su, glad to hear u had fun. Do share ur fun pics on ur blog ya!
Hi Des,

Not to worry too much about safety. As long as supervised by adults, should be fine. Need a fair bit of climbing to get up the tree house ( prob not for pregnant mummies)and the last time I went, the slide attached to treehouse is not working so need to climb down. There is also a pond with a floating raft to watch out for.

As for things to bring, the usual stuff you bring for swimming if intended to play in water area, bucket and stuff to play in sand pit. Should be enough. For me, usually I just bring his water bottle, a napkin to wipe his sweat and fresh set of clothes.

Hope that helps.

Hey momyam,

Sorry, I dont think I will be able to join you guys on the 5th as Amanda is still ill.. at this rate dont think she will recover by the 5th...


Thats terrible, cant imagine the trauma that you &amp; your mum went through.. but it is good that she is recovering.. and you found a good childcare centre for Owen..


Thanks for your concern, Amanda vomited about 20 times since yesterday, brought her to see her PD, they inserted a tablet into her anus to stop her vomiting, but was told to observe hjer if she still continues vomiting, have to bring her back to hospital to put her on the drip..

Regarding my maid, think she is fine so far.. actually we didnt have very high expectations from the start... all we wanted is to engage someone to do the housework at home, so we can spend more time with Amanda, (actually I kinda regretted not getting a maid earlier while I was still a SAHM) so I could have spent quality time with Amanda, and not get so uptight whenever she messes up the house... and now is really quality time spent with my hubby and Amanda..
Guess it is up to us how we manage our maids, I dont order her ard, I always say "Can you help...?" or "Please", I buy snacks for her (like keropok, and she is so happy) but of course there are some thigns you still have to remind them, thigns that are impt to you, like what Su mentioned, have to say it in mock horror, mock jokingly.. etc etc..

RE: Fries

Amanda also LOVES fries! I just bought those frozen fries from NTUC, and intend to oven bake those for her when she recovers...
I have also started sending my boy to CC for 3 days last week. On the 3rd day, the teachers encouraged me to let go, go off for some time and let him get used to without me around. After 1+ hr, I went back, he also start to cling to me from then onwards. Even at night when he sleeps, seems to be having nightmares, b'coz cry in middle of sleep.

I still can't bear to leave him there, but this wed onwards, still got to leave him alone there for longer hours.

Hunnipot, hope Amanda recover soon. It must be really bad that she vomited so many times.
fussiecat - for me actually not so bad lah cos' last year when in States, we went round the place like the Precious Moments Chapel and LA Sea World even tho I was preggy with No. 2 then, so not so deprived.

Guess when my No. 2 is 1 year old, life will be easier, haha... already start counting down.

babe - take care of your health, very important to be well during labour. Keep us informed when you pop. Bet now you can't wait for that day to come and regain your "freedom" (of the excess load) and "agility".

hunniepot - guess for me as a SAHM and hubby not around, I don't have tons of washing to wash and iron, or many dishes etc to wash, my maid is mainly to help me to watch out/take care of my kids when required. For housework, my maid is ok (partly I'm not that particular). Too bad my maid is those who thinks she is the "smart" type" and often use her own judgement in the wrong way.

If clothes/things spoiled, I can change/buy new ones and just give reminders and teach her again and again until she learns.

However, should anything happen to my darlings, I believe I will never forgive myself. No amount of reminders will be of use.

Ha... I often joke with my friend that I will die earlier with heart attack cos her "smartness" always ended me with shocks. I really thank God that nothing happens to my babies.

Btw, did the doc say what's the cause for Amanda? Do you let the maid handle her food/utensils? Hope Amanda will get well soon, it's very heartwrenching to see our darlings suffer.

petite - you can try giving rice, noodles etc instead. My No. 1 didn't want porridge anymore, she will tell me "No" whenever I ask her. But she will gladly eat anything other than porridge.

She loves fries too esp MacDonald's and with ketchup. Maggie mee is her favourite too (keke...just like her mummy, mayb in the genes)

Draik - pm you.

There are 2 hotels, Disneyland and Hollywood. My HK fren recommend the DL hotel as the fixtures inside have the Disney characters.

However, I wouldn't go in May as it is hot and humid, yes, very much like Spore. I would rather go in Feb or March, even April is still ok as i prefer cold than hot. However, you really have to bring very thick clothing for the kiddos then.

Happy New Year to all!
If u r worry, u can go for trial. I know my centre offer for trial w/o the need to enrol and the hassle of cancelling and refund. The person in charge I spoke to when I went there advised me to put him for trial of 2 weeks, however, I want to save on the registration and part of the reason, he has to go (no choice), we decided to enrol full time basis.

Terrier, heartpain hor. The teachers told me that after I left, my boy is doing quite well. So i decided to cancel my half day leave tomorrow. Will just leave him there and pick him after work. If he sees me, he will be like your boy also. Cling on to me tightly and his eyes will also follow where I am. Its heartpain but alot of mums I spoke to, said they will get use to this routine soon.

Hunnie, what did the doc say about Amanda. I cant imagine such a young toddler vomitted so many times. i feel so heartpain for her. Give her lots of TLC when she recover. Hug her for me.
Hunnie, I am quite glad that so far this centre seems to work quite well for Owen. He sleeps early now. Latest by 1030pm and he do not really have any nightmare. Teachers in this centre will feedback on how your child behave and what they learn.
Stephz, haha, i am also counting down! so bad, rite? i am jjust looking fwd to her 3rd or 4th month when she'll be easier to look after...

motherhen, i finally booked the air tickets and hotel! we had wanted to stay at the hollywood hotel cos much cheaper but guess what? no more rooms available! so boh pian we booked the DL hotel... thanks for the tip abt the clothes... my boy can't stand heat also, and prefers cooler weather, but i'll bring extra clothing to layer, just in case... i'm thinking of getting gloves for him... where can i get besides Coldwear?
Thanks gals for your concern, Amanda is fine now, stopped vomiting.. and is at least playing with her toys now.. she spent the past 2 days sleeping and vomiting and was so limp... she hasnt eaten anything since Sat night.. so ended up syringing porridge water into her mouth as she didnt want to drink much water either...


Just as I said my maid is ok... I was ultra pissed with her last night.. I am also down with stomach flu, vomited and had fever.. I told her to sleep early if she has finished her tasks, so she slept in the living room outside the kitchen last night.. Amanda then had diarrhoea and wet the bed, so me and hubby had to clean her, shower her, changed bedsheets, scrub her clothes.. all in the kichen.. and I am sure she heard us but pretended to continue sleeping.. so the 2nd time Amanda had diarrhoea, my hubby asked her to wake up and that was only then she woke up and helped.. I was like.. wah liao.. how buay zhi dong can she can? Will give her another month to see how, if not, will just send her back to the agent...

Are you going to employ another maid? If I am in your shoes, I will also require my maid to keep an eye on my girl, but luckily my parents are ard to help out.. so her main tasks are the housework mainly...


Thats good that you found a good CC for Owen, what is the teacher to student ratio? How much are you paying per month?

what did the doc says abt Amanda? Stomach flu or rotavirus? If your maid is handling Amanda's food, do get her to wash her hands. I have a friend whose son also got rotavirus when she changed maid. And her maid is the one that handles the food and utensils. You might also want to give Amanda Glucose water to keep her hydrated.

Re: MMI Raffles
I have heard good comments about MMI at Raffles Place. Thinking of leaving Enya there when she is older and hopefully I stick to my current job too.

Re: Colostrum Tablets
I have bought from Fu Hua Medical Hall at $39.90. Buy 2 get 1 bottle free. Any mommies interested can go and buy. Can any mommies advice how many tablets to give a day? I read the bottle 2-4 tablets a day. Isn't it a little too many?
Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
TIME: 10am
DATE: 5/1/2008, Saturday

1) momyam
2) Hunniepot
3) Darik
4) Mel aka motherhen
5) Smurfy
6) jasminetea
7) Tracy
8) TWW
9) Mrs Ho
10) Tiffany
11) Babe
12) Des
13) koalarie

BTW, how many spouses are going as well? Jasminetea, is ur husband going? My husband is very shy and if all mummies are there, I am a little worried of him not able to mix in..

BTW, is this place nearer a food court one? Are you all having breakfast first before going down?

We may go down earlier to explore....

By the way, does the place have shelter? (In case it rains?)

Cross my fingers that Xuanting sees so many her-age friends, she will be extremely delighted.

U and your husband are too "soft" le.... I would have woken her up at the first time... afterall, she supposed to be a helper at home.

But, maybe it is possible that she has slept....

Are you using the rice water constantly to feed Armanda? Did you try to dilute the milk powder too? These are some tips that TCM gave us. No plain water as it is useless and doesn't help our little ones filled and hydrated. Rice water is very good. Or some energised/ionised water... something called p-something one... (can buy a pharmacy)
An interesting article for you to read...

How to spot a troubled child
ONE sure sign that a child is troubled is when his behaviour changes, and stays changed, especially if it follows a stressful event, such as when school starts.
For some children, every new school year brings a little fear. It may lead to trouble with sleep or a loss of pleasure in things he normally enjoys. He may be more clingy, shy, or become less confident.

If this goes on for more than a few days, parents may want to check with the teacher if the child is behaving normally in class.

Should the teacher say that the child is a little quiet but not giving any trouble, alarm bells should ring. 'It's the quiet kids we sometimes miss,' said Dr Daniel Fung of the Institute for Mental Health.

Parents need to find out what's troubling their child. Asking the child directly might not be a good idea if talking about emotions is not something the family does routinely.

Instead, Dr Fung suggests watching out for signs that the child might want to talk, and to give him the time when that happens. 'It is important to help the child face his fears. Don't laugh at his fears or ignore them,' he said.

One way is to share with the child your own problems and how you dealt with them. It tells them that even Mummy or Daddy has fears.

Another way to build up their resilience is to teach them skills - sports, doing chores at home or even learning to cook. Explained Dr Fung: 'If they can take care of themselves, they won't be so fearful. It's confidence that helps the kids.

'Kids who are most prone to becoming emotionally disturbed are insecure. They are not independent, they are very reliant on people.'
Hey Hunnie,

Glad that Amanda is better now, it must have been terrible for her and you and hubby for her to be so sick. Hang in there. Ruixiang's 'slight' diarrhoea has also grown to a full blown one and his diaper area is now angry red and he would wail everytime we attempt to touch or wash or apply cream to it. See them so poor thing, I also heartache. My maid was saying how come Ruixiang come back from Thailand so many problems (he got some rashes on his legs too). Sigh, makes me so guilty even if she said so jokingly.


3-4 tablets not a lot. I actually give Ruixiang 3 at the same time. :p I read from internet that there is no dosage for colostrum, ok to give more. So far so good.
fussiecat, can try OG as I think is cheaper than Coldwear.

hunnie, some times maids does sleep like a log, so I suggest u give her the benefit of the doubt this time round.

any mummies here let yr maid sleep with yr kid? do you allow her to close the door of the bedroom?
hi mummies,

wld wanna to bring my girl for holiday in apr, wonder does my girl need to pay for a ticket? if she doesnt need a seat but prefer to have kids meal? if yes, need to pay, approx how much compare to adult fare eh? how about airport taxes?

sorry so many doubts, very mountain tortoise.... saw some of you had bot your jr for holiday so am thinking to do so... hee...

RIZ has turned to a Fussy eater. Don't want to eat his meal now.. He has turned to French Man. Eat bread and fruits only. Help!!!

Wat can I offer for him to eat???

I am loss.

Thanks for the info on the colostrum tablets. Currently gave her 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. I'm just worried that it might be too heaty for her. Now I'm a bit paranoid. Always feeling her forehead just to make sure she is ok.
Stephz, thanks for the wellwishes. Now I wishing bb will pop asap coz start my ML n sitting at home coz so sick of going into office and do work..haha...

Petite, have u tried pasta? cheese? yougart? My gal likes meat and keep asking for meat..some 'lor bak'? U started her on adult food with salt?
Hi motherhen,

My maid does not sleep with my son. He sleeps in his own room and will come running to our room to cuddle when he wakes up. If he is to sleep with someone, I think it should be with family, rather with someone else. My maid currently sleeps in her own room and from day 1, I told her cannot close door and sleep (and must wear bra at all time cos my colleague's maid go around the house bra-less!).

Hi Tracy,
I guess it's ok to be more concerned in the beginning with the colostrum tablets. You can observe for a while first. Make sure she drinks plenty of water. It's really just milk with colostrum, so it's not that worrisome.

Koalarie -guess I can understand why Hunnie did not wake up the maid cos I'm the type who dun like to disturb pple in their sleep. But like what you said, they are supposed to be here to help, haha... that's why sometimes I wonder to myself who's the maid. Me going this Saturday to Jacob Ballad. Also wonder how my gal will react seeing so many of same-age friends.

Hunniepot - you dun have to wash the clothes, bedsheets, maybe just rinse and get the maid to wash them clean the next day.

After sending this maid back, I won't want to have more headaches with a new maid. Actually a bit emotional about sending this maid away.

Now with her attitude change, she's quite ok. But whenever she causes my darling to fall or other thing that endanger my kids, I just felt so angry and worried and I often thank God that nothing bad happens. Then I regret not sending her back. Now when everything ok, I was like wondering should send her back? I think I will cry when the agent brings her back this Sunday.

fussiecat - hee... my No. 2 shld be able to sit on her own without support by next week. How time flies.

Leereiner - from what I know, the fare will be more expensive when they turn 2 years old.

petite - as mentioned earlier, you can try rice, noodles, mee sua, bee hoon, udon etc. A rotation of the food is necessary.

Tracy - I dun think you paranoid cos this concerns our darling, better to start with low dosage and then gradually increase.
