(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

strawberry, i'm interested in getting a myanmar maid. can check from you which agency u got her from. there's this loan issue that i spoke to in one agency. says i've to pay up the loan upfront and deduct her salary for the next 7 months. What if she leaves before the 7 months is up or i change maid? Whose going to pay me my money?

Hi daphne,

If I remember correctly, you can either pay the loan upfront to the maid agency or you pay via itnerest free instalment, if u change maid within 7 mths, the maid agency will return the money or u stop paying the instalment to the bank
Hey Tiffany,

I had enrolled Shawn initially for D'story club at Pat's Schoolhouse. That is on sats only, and parents accompanied. I have stopped the class though, as I find the teacher not v good as she will punished him for running around the class by letting him turn the pages of the book last, last to get treats etc. He is the youngest of the lot, and I think it's not fair for her to do that.

I have been looking everywhere for a good playgroup/ nursery! So headache. I have earlier registered him for Brighton Montessori, but that is a Fort Road, logistically it doesn't work out now already.. but I still have a place there for him. Just considering what are my options.. send him nearby to so-so schools, or further for better ones... and is that really nec? How to know? Sigh.. so many questions and headaches...

maybe I am just thinking too much. He's not going to half-day school til later when he can express himself much better.
My current maid is from Philippines. My previous ones are from Indonesia. For me, I think I will die without a maid.... Shhhhh... better dont let my maid know this. keke...

Aiyo... where is that maid now? cant recover your valueables from the agency? think we can shake hands also. we are one of those unlucky with maids. haha.. now u try mynamar "gu niang", like me, try indo, cannot make it then now try phil.

I will also be unhappy if the teacher treats my son like tat. I am also on a hunt for a half-day CC near my area. Havent been very active though, coz I am prepared to send L only when he can speak. MMI at kovan is one of my shortlisted CC to visit, but have not visited the place yet. Any reviews on it? Hmm... I have a counsin who sends her dd to Pats at Halifax rd, heard very good.

How is Shawn doing at Shichida? Going to renew another term? Hmm... I have withdrawn L due to my 2nd birth. Now, kinda miss the classes.
hi i my agent is at balestier point...OTTIMO 63553368 they are getting more myanmar maids now compared to indo or phili.. yeah i paid them one full sum but i think you can split into 2 payments. if you decide to return the maid there will be one free replacement... you can get a refund if for some reason you decide to return the maid... that's what happened to the maid that ran away.. my mom didn't want to use that agent anymore so they gave me a refund... it was only aft ONE mth nia...
Anyw for myanmar maid you really have to be patient cos they really are from kampong.. my "fren" didn know how to use the over. she turned the knob to heat but nv turn on the swtich!!! switch on the lite but forget to switch off.. but despite all that she's very hardworking and when you scold her she dun give one kind of face.. but really really have to have A LOT OF PATIENCE. you have to do it and show it to her... esp washing your colored clothes.. she recently washed my hb's jacket but 4got to take out his passport... mixed his white jacket with my purple top so...diseaster lor!!

was in HKG training for 2 weeks.. when i got back, think got too much clothes and she didn't wana wash so she packed her stuff and left!!!! at least she din leave when i was in HKG if not... anyway i reported police.. oh yeah.. i wanted to save my $100 insurance thing in case she ran away.. wah liao... was in panic mode cos i din buy... have to [pay like S$5000 if she "elang".. luckily she was found. she didn have any $ but i dunno how she managed to get to the ambassy!! then the ambassy called her agent and demanded the employer- that's me!! to get her a ticket back home.. i was furious lor.. i felt like a sucker... but no choice cos if not i've to keep paying for her levy which is lagi not worth it lor.. so LL bot the cheapest tix. and the best part is like now holiday season so even the budget tixs are EX!!! i really damn damn sway lor!!!

was without maid for almost a mth... damn cham man...

i dun think can recover the jewellery from the agent cos she went to the ambassy st8 and plus now aldy too late.. so prob aldy sold it and enjoying her wonderful life,shaking leg in the philli while poor me still slogging like a cow...

congrats yeah... the last time i saw you bb still your tummy... how time flies.. anyw i think i close shop liao.. hehee...
hunniepot, thanks for the feedback.

strawberry, i juz checked with MOM website, this agency at Balestier has 6 demerit points. on a personal level, what do you think of this agency? are they helpful and transparent?

LWS more expensive. LWS for playgroup is more than 750+ even after subsidy!

Yet, I think what is impt, are these factors:
1. Teachers must be patient and able to communicate with my girl.
2. The place must let my girl feel at home.
3. Must let me feel comfortable that I know my girl will be comfortable.
4. Must have external activities.

I would say, Creative O is a bit costly; yet this seems to be the one that makes me and Xuanting feel comfortable and the nearest at my mom's place.

Heeheee... Xuanting stays at Teban Gdns on weekdays lo... so i got to find one in Jurong/West Coast area.

Playgroup 1 starts on 7 Jan. Be prepared that currently there are only 3 + XT signed up for this group; so don't be surprised if you sign up ur child, may be joining the playgroup2 too.

Xuanting is joining the AM half day playgroup.

BTW, this CC ends at 6.45pm lo!
Wow, all the talk about CC and maid.
I think I really have to find support from no.2 mommies when my no.1 comes in early Jan. Now already feeling so tired running around with no.1. Can't imagine when no.2 demands attention somemore. Was intending to send my gal to CC too but just couldn't really let go coz she still can't quite express herself. Otherwise, those ard my area all ex (Novena area). Can't find good playgroups too unless u talking about parent accompanied ones like GUG. Anyone knows of any?

I went to Creative O impromptu yesterday to look see, and the staff was nice enough to bring me around the centre even though I'm supposed to make a prior appt before I can have a tour of the place. Overall impression was ok, very different layout from learning vision kent vale, with open spaces as classrooms. Just felt that by allowing all the kids in the centre to nap together in one big room, can the kids actually sleep with so many others around, some fidgetting, some making noise? And when I asked the staff what does the centre do to enhance the kids' creativity, she could not really give me a direct answer. Instead she just handed me a pamphlet to read....

But I was really impressed with the wall mural in the art&craft (?) room, which previous batches of kids painted themselves.

I'm thinking of a AM half day playgroup for A too, but looking at the timetable + fees, we'll be paying like $30+ a day for breakfast, 2 hrs of activity, shower and lunch. Like a bit ex hor?

I'm still keeping my options open for the time being, but basically LW is out cos even more ex!

Backtracked a bit. Where is this medical hall that sells colostrum supplements that you mentioned. I have been giving my son the one form GNC. Ya, very ex $70 plus for a bottle. Hoping to find a cheaper alternative. Wondering if Guardian or Watsons has it too.

BTW, I tried out D story at Pat's Siglap too. But thought registration fee too ex. Very much like a shorter child care program. Maybe more suitable for later stage.


Hi cheers,

Just kay po abit here, I also give Amanda the same colostrum tablets, you can get it from hock hua, the last time I got it, it costs about $30+ - $40

oh dear.. i didn't noe... cos aft my maid ran away i went to so many places to "hunt" for A maid... so eventually i went back to them.. i did take a maid from them once... but i sent her back not that she was no good but she demanded too many things from me.. so she steals food from my bb.. she was getting fatter but my bb thinner..

anyway in my opinion i think all the agents are the same its the matter of luck... the maid that ran away was recommended by my fren who said that agency VERY GOOD wor...

i think you should go down to the agency and take a look and see how comfy you are with them.

there is also another one my fren recommended in bukit timah shopping center called SUN. its on the first level. had to wait more than 1 mth for a new maid so i din use them..

so far my this current maid is ok except for communication prob and she's a village girl...

but 6 demerit pts is a lot of an agency and i'm surprised they are still in biz!!!

Dun say Kay po. Thanks for being helpful. Where is this Hock Hua? Any chance in Toa Payoh where you stay? Do you break the capsule and mix contnets with water?

Hi mummies, esp those have experience with maid, pls give me some pointers.

For these 2 days, I'm again pondering to send her back or not. But everytime I will get soft-hearted the moment, she remembered to do her daily tasks properly.

I find that she does care for my babies eg. play with them, smile with them. But I'm rather confused in the sense that many a time, she can neglect them totally (I mean if you genuinely care for someone, no matter what you are doing, you will still keep a watchout for dangers for them).

Due to that, my No. 1 fell down a few times under her care as she was not even watching over her.

The other day at Mac, before I eat, I reinforced to her that still must watch over the kids even when eating. As I ate, I looked after my No. 2 while she fed my No. 1. I still have to jagar my No. 1 and how she fed.

I quickly ate only half the burger and let her eat (cos' me think it's quite poor thing to watch and cannot eat. I used to let her eat while feeding my No.1, but realised that she cannot multi-task and it's my dd who will suffer).

So I took over the feeding and also watch over my No. 2 as she ate. We are sitting on those long bench type, so my No. 1 is between her and me. As I turned to watch over my No. 2 beside me, my No. 1 fell and hit her head against the table. I noticed that my maid's body was facing away from my dd instead. That means she didn't even bother about my dd as she eats.

Yesterday, went out to foodcourt to eat again. As I went round deciding what to eat, I glanced back many times and noticed that she was constantly watching me. Before I went to buy food, I had told her to watch over kids, can't believe did she mistaken to watch over me??? She was feeding my No. 2 then. Thank God my No. 1 was sitting down quietly on her own.

Even at home, when she feeds my No. 2, her eyes will be glued to the TV. I'm not saying cannot watch, but at least glanced a bit at the baby and not for the whole 2-5 minutes watching TV without looking at the bb.

Yesterday, as I was feeding my No. 2. She wants to take over (hands take over the bottle), with her eyes glued to TV. Of course, I didn't let her take over.

Many times, I want to watch the show and often ended up watching over her feeding my No. 2 instead as her eyes are on the TV.

Almost every night, she will interrupt my story time session with my dd. Told her a few times, until I just ignored her completely and still didn't get the message. Dun understand she knows I'm reading a book to my dd, yet she cannot wait a while later to ask me.

More frustrating thing is that when my No. 2 is cranky, she will want to ask me thing at that moment (non-urgent stuff). Like just now, I was trying to get my No. 2 to sleep and I was also wathing over my No. 1 myself. My No. 2 was a bit cranky. My maid still can interrupt and ask if can throw rubbish, as if she can't see that I'm already irritated enough.

My maid isn't really a bad girl. The problem is she will always use her own judgement to overrule instructions, eg my FIL came every week, so dun need to inform me when he came last Wed.

My main concern is that she doesn't seem responsible enough to watch over the children.

Am I bad to send her back to agent?

Just now was really determined to send her back, but got softhesrted when heard her ask my No. 1 if want to pee on the potty before she sleeps (haha... me quite easily satisfied type).

But on the other hand, I wonder would I get crazy first in times to come (cos everyday battling if want to send her back to agent).
Hi cheers,

No need to mix with water, just give in tablet form will do liao. You can get it from hock hua in TPY HDB hub, just next to watsons..

Hi Tracy,

Here is the pic

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Hello Mommies!!</font></font>

Sorry to interrupt....i have brought in a few very nice Disney Rompers and other apparels in the BP thread

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">All are authentic Disney apparels from HK. Designs not available here. Stocks are limited!</font></font>

Do visit the thread and check out the rompers for your babies for this <font color="ff0000">Xmas/CNY</font> festive seasons! Thanks for your support of this BP!!
hahaha.... i didnt hide anyone.. sob sob.. i wish i did so the kids can play at my hse again :p

i didnt disappear lei.. i am here all these time waiting for someone to remember me.. hahaha!

I'm still around. ZZZing soon though.

Wonder when is hunniepot? She's usually around at this time of the day.

I suppose everybody's busy with Xmas/holiday preparations.....


You still want the kids to go your house again uh? Your house was awfully messy when we left that day! Hope your maid did not complain abt having to clean up!
hello tanwawas!

Miss me ah? ;>

I was up around that time, but didnt post... was reading up about maids, as mine is arriving today! Finally, I can remove the 'maria' title from myself liao..

Remembered you were asking abt the shichida method? What do you want to know more about it?
hunniepot you make me laugh so hard early morning - the maria title.. I also miss you wor.. why you never say i miss you lei.

I'm sorry i didnt notice that amanda put the playdoh into her mouth. i should have watch her until i keep the playdoh :p

but i do enjoy playing playdoh with the few kids that day hee hee...

TWW - i dont mind la.. i got help her to clean hor.. that is after my fuzzy boy slps heee hee.. my maid she is ok one.. she is very happy preparing things for guests and clearning things. strange woman she is the one wanted to decor my hse with xmas stuffs. she is more excited than me prior to the party hee hee..

shall we plan one botanic garden @ children park say 5th Jan???

anyone keen?? timing - morning say about 10am?? if so.. please feel free to post or email moi!!!

SO EXCITED now.. xmas is really COMING!!!!

Darik, no picture lei.. that day hor.. everyone so busy talking and chasing the kids and me forcing everyone to eat until all of us forgot to take pic sob sob.

But I was really maria for more than 2 years leh, my hubby is a part time ahmad (he helped out with housework when he is free), been so so bogged down with housework since Amanda arrived.. so glad to be able to spend quality time with her instead of getting uptight whether she messes up the place or spills her drinks or food on the floor liao

Aiyah, we unspoken one mah, of course I know you miss me, I thought we telepathy right

No worries about Amanda eating playdoh, she eats anything and everything except her own food.. used to it liao.. can see that you are very good with kids, if only Im half as good as you.. I dont really know how to talk or play with kids...

5th Jan is fine with me, what time??? I still owe you $$$, will transfer by this week hor?

I read the blogs on the maids before, but I don't agree with all the points..
it's really up to the family on how they want to treat the maid. Treat them as human, and what goes around comes around.. even if not in this life, ha ha, maybe next. Just need to be nicely assertive with them.
xmas party
Sorry for missing it as J was still quite sick that day. he has been down with cough and cold since last mon and vomitting almost every night due to the phlegm stuck at his throat. Took him to PD on monday and he was prescribe anti-biotic. Now recovered.

congrats on yr "promotion"!

Children park
What time is the outing? In the morning? If afternoon, I cant make it as have to attend a wedding at night.

Blog on maid
I also disagree on most of the points. Actually I got a bit angry after reading it.

Really dunno how to adv you on yr maid issue but i feel that "long pain might as well short pain". Not healthy to have this nagging feeling and frustration in you daily.

For me, apart from judging my maid's performance by my own observation, i also take my cue from J. Kids are very smart one, they know who is "good" or "bad" and if that person takes good care of them or not.

For J, he has very good r/s with our maid. To the extend that when I sing the Barney song of "I love you, you love me....", J will go and give the maid a hug and kiss. And thus becoz of this good r/s, my maid has never let J come to any harm. No baluku, not fall, no cuts. (but when Daddy takes care, fell down 2x liao!!)

Like Mom_yam's new maid, I can see that she has better chemistry with Isaac as compared to her ex maids. And with that chemistry, they care more for the kids and take better care of them.

But you have to judge is it a "chemistry" issue or this maid of yours is simply the "gong gong" type.
Motherhen now i kw who u r!! MEL!!! *HUGS* dont worry abt the party.. glad that finally he has recovered.

ya i agree on the chemistry part.. is very impt and i agree that with good r/s with the kid same goes to isaac so far No much baluku, no fall, no cuts. Baluku - i cant blame her coz' isaac is REALLY VERY ACTIVE. those who see him will know.

TIME: 10am
DATE: 5/1/2008, Saturday

any objection?????
blog on maid
oh, really that harsh (agitating)? *pls don't get too upset, mel* I din seriously read thru cos me no maid / intention to get one. Just sharing the link I came across since so many talking about maid issues.
hunniepot - dont worry abt the money u can trf me once u r free.

Ya we have the telepathy - di di di.. can sense? hahaha..

playing with kids.. no la, i dont have that much of patient. just nice that 4 of them willing to sit there and play with me and they dont mess me up.. so i'm just being lucky at that pt of moment. regret didnt do a mini story book play before the kids start leaving :s which i have in mind.. but as usuall busy gossiping that day.
Hey mom, u all got gathering never invite ah...Long time never meet all the mommies liao..DUnno can still remember face or not.

Erm...5 Jan ah, if I haven't pop and still can trottle out, I will join u all. Haha..
Got gathering must jio lehz...
haha.. sorry babe for not jioing. Err coz' har partly my hse not very big, 2nd i did post to ask anyone keen in having xmas party but not much pple replied. So i invited those who often keep good contact with me.

Talk abt whether recognise you, i've attended a few outing but i dont think i've seen u lei (only from yr blog).. hopefully i'm able to catch u before u delivery

the next gathering i will try to accomodate everyone
but you mommies have to give me some good support la..
Ya lor never invite, hee... actually guess me also cannot make it too then (cos of maid's issues). Dunno 5 Jan can go, hmmm....Sat???

motherhen and other mummies who pm me - thanks for your reply.

Regarding me maid
Actually my maid (as mentioned before) will hug my No. 1 and vice versa. So just dun understand how come she doesn't look out for danger for them? My maid is actually smarter than her peers type. Just find that she seems to lack the knowledge to watch out for dangers for kids.

Yesterday, I specially brought her out for dinner (cos today Hari Raya Haji). I let her eat first while I fed my No. 1. Then I went off to the stall to take a spoon. Realised that she did not even bother to go near/watch out my No. 1 who was seated on the chair alone (seeing me walk off).

After her meal, she took over the feeding. But yet when I ate, I was shocked that she was not watching over my darling (her eyes always somewhere) and ended I have to watch over myself while I eat.

While buying some stickers for my dd yesterday, I also bought some for my maid's son. Yet while choosing, I also have to watch over my No. 1. Then while using the SAM machine, I told her specifically to watch over my No. 1. Guess where's her eyes - looking at the SAM machine instead of my dd. Not the glance type. Just like she watched TV while feeding my No. 2, only looked at bb after bb finished her milk while her eyes was completely glued on TV and now completely glued on the SAM machine instead of my dd.

Initially was like so angry and wonder why I still buy some packets of tidbits and other foodstuff for her (cos of Hari Raya). But I tell myself that the spirit of giving does not depend on what she does.

I wonder can the care of kids (watching out for danger) be trained? Somehow I believe this should be something that comes from within.

Also wonder is it due to her age? Tho her bio is 30 years old, she looks a lot younger than that.

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all.

Just to check with mummies who have maids, do you buy drinks for your helpers when out with them? Or do you get them to bring water bottles along? How about if you go to those coffee places too?

My helper is so far so good, she is very attentive in looking out for Amanda and Amanda doesnt mind letting her carry, but I try not to let her handle Amanda too much, as her main priority is to do housework, which she has been doing very well, but one thing she is a little demanding, having worked for an indonesian employer in singapore in the past who used to run a food court in suntec.. think he has been pretty generous with her last time
BG Outing
Date: 5/01/08
Time: 10am

1) momyam
2) Hunniepot
3) Darik
4) Mel aka motherhen
5) Smurfy
6) jasminetea
7) Tracy

Hunniepot - Maid thingy

For me, i will ask my maid to bring her own water bottle. But she seldom wants to do so coz' according to her; she dont want to visit the toilet so often. But when we sit down for meals at times i share drinks with her. Say maybe one can = 2 cups. partly i dont drink that much. OR she will just get a drink of her own.

But i do respect her and ask her what she would like to drink or eat.

It is not that i dont let her buy her own food, is that she ALWAYS end up buying very little food or just a bao.

She will return the balance $ to me. coz' she either find the food is expensive or she dont kw how to buy. she always have this concept, little bit of food = cheaper.

SO end up i will just ask her noodle or rice then i will buy for her.

But comes to dessert part, i will buy one for her and one for myself. coz' dessert is special treatment for myself hee hee.. but that will also provided my dear son willing to sit on his high chair for long.

Water wise - i would suggest you play by ear. You can buy her drinks but do encourage her to bring her own bottle (anyway is good for her also, water = healthy mai).

this way even if u go on long shopping, you dont have to worry that she will be thristy.
Hi momyam,

Thanks thanks! Cos I realise she either eats very little or drinks very little.. bought a can of coke for her yesterday and she drank less than half? Wastage leh.. so am thinking either I buy those bottled coke or drinks, then ask her to bring out, so she can drink it, cannot finish, then keep, instead of buying those canned ones..

One more thing, what brand of phonecards do your maids use and how much does your maid use per month? And how often? For now, we just buy her a $10 phone card, we dont require her to pay for it now as she has no salary.. do you make her pay for her own phonecards?
Ya, bottle ones will also do the job or you just share one can with her lor. then that wont be waste hee ehee..

phonecard har.. err i cant remember what brand she use already. Phonecard i paid for her that's her benefit. But then the phonecard i bought since day 1 she work for me till now. She still using the same phonecard. It seems like is very hard for her to reach her family members back in Philippines. so basically i think she has never use before. In fact, i have to "force" her to call back home coz' esp when it comes to send $$ back home. i thot it will be nice to talk to your family, but she often she is quite reluctant to call home.

What you can do, you may consider to set a rule for her.

one month once - you pay.

if more than that, she pay herself.

just in case she abuse this benefit and keep calling home. But i do know some employer very kind, they sponsor all the phone cards as long as the maid is good.

momyam &amp; hunniepot,

too bad i can't join in the discussion of maids cos I don't have one. but will definitely read in case for future reference!


thks, but tiff has told me briefly abt shichida classes and its fees. will keep this in mind while i look out for more enrichment class options for A.


include me for the BG outing! for once, the outing is in the morning.... haha....
