(2006/04) April 2006 MTB


I was giving Shawn those processed sliced cheese like Kraft earlier until I read an article that wrote that it's not good. Better to give pure cheese without salt, preservative. So now, I buy those shredded cheese and give Shawn.

I bought a can of the Pediasure yesterday and added it to his cereal this morning. He didn't make a face this time round! Though not too sure if he will drink it on it's own. Will try and give it to him again in the afternoon! Really hope that this will be my saviour, haha
I bought Chocolate flavour. Realised that the other formulae brands like Enfagrow (Shawn's taking Enfapro now) for age > 1 also got flavour, like honey and vanilla. But decided to try something more diff like Choco first.
Might change him to Enfagrow later.

Hi<font color="0000ff">Bblim</font>,No prob. Just let me nod ok? Did you overcook the patty?

<font color="ff6000">Drinking from Straw</font>

Riz just now manage to drink from this Mag mag straw cup. Like what you hv tokd me, hold abit of the juice and try to let him suck. It works!!! Still having slight problem. He sucks aliitle and spill out the juice. I was happy that he manage to learn to suck from the straw.

Going to let him try and try till he master the skill.

<font color="ff6000">Baby Fair at Taka</font>

There is a baby fair at Taka from 08-25Mar 2007.

<font color="ff6000">Eczema, Common Allergies & exposure to music Talk At KK Hopsital</font>

When yesterday for the talk. Nothing much said maybe bcos I nod lots abt Eczema.

Just to share a few things that was mention there:

* Eczema can be develope as early as bb when 2 mths old.

* Eczema = Asthma.

* Asthma can be develope in bb when 1 yrs old

* In Sin, there are babies allergy to Bird Nest.

* Always wash bed sheet once a week, try washing them in Hot H20.

* Skin Test, blood test are available at KK to test for allergy.

* Avoid thick clothing eg, wool

* Steriod cream are less 'harmful' than Steriod oinment.

<font color="ff6000">Exposure to music</font>

There is another school call 'Seimpi school of music', think is quite good. All the teachers there are well- trained to teach bb to toddlers.

Looks like music is also important to bb / children

I saw some slide that was shown:

* 3yrs kid can play a full song in the show 'ZHAO AN NI HAO'. She start learning piano around 2yrs old.

* Music Mapping- this boy was hearing the song 3 blind Mice and was told to draw something, He drew the lines like in the hospital heart beat machine type- Up & dw. Teacher asked him, he mention the songs goes up and dw then very fast...

* Slight Seeing- The teacher show a few pics on the OHP for 10Sec then off it. The students were suppose to point out on their assignment which are the pics that was shown.

* The students were suppose to follow the beat and nods when to stop and play at the same time without the teacher promting

* The students were to compose their own beat in a time frame given by the teacher (After the teacher has given a demo).

I think I might want to Send Riz there for a trial $35.00. Anybody Keen?

There is 2 schools located at Pasir Ris & Funan Ctr.

Currently the teachers there are having a tight schedule. The school will inform me when they are able to take in more students.

bblim, i think is not the egg yolk. coz' i also tried ytd and is w/o egg yolk due to isaac - allergy. but is ok, maybe is the frying w/o oil?

i tried that using no stick pan, hmm find it ok lei and i put the meat patty together with bread. I've put carrot and a bit of corn flour.

Today my menu of the day is pasta! i did the tomatoe puree, then fry mince pork meat and add the tomatoe puree then pasta. serve with 1/3 of cod fish.. yummy!!!! so happy!

ya more receipe plsssss


This is what i gather fm baobei yi bu lai.

- too big pce of food will make baby tired from chewing and they will "reject" the food.

- too small pcs like puree like what we have doing 4 - 7 mths then.

so i suppose not too big and not too fine will do the trick. i'm not sure. chewing - hmm i always chew in front of him.. and that seems helpful. Jus that TILL NOW he still refuse to drink from straw *faint*

Darik, such accidents do happen. dont feel bad ok.. just give yr darling more water to flush out the salt in him. dt blame yrself over such issue.. is really hard to judge their food at times..
think this one will be more happening then the one in suntec. went there and was dissapointed. stayed for less then 1/2 hr then left.

fed bb with "soft" rice yesterday... my GOd!! it took her ONE hr to finish it... compared to porridge which she only takes 15mins... think will have to try rice again later...
sorry MIA for a while.. super busy with work lat week..

mom_yam... yes pls confirm my attendance... will send you ezra's pic aft this...

too many postings liao cant catch up...

got a ques for all of you whose bb is FM... now bb coming to 1 yr old, are you intending to change FM? me very keen to change to cheaper brands like the normal Dumex... current enfapro is very expensive lah...

oh this is ezra's latest feat, head down, butt up & smile!! always doing that on our bed....

My friend told me got to change FM at 1 years old. Enya is currently on Similac so will change to Gain IQ. Will get a 400g can to try out first.

Enya has been doing that too!!! But always before bedtime. A bit worry that she will sprain her neck.
I was reading the forum on babywhisperer.com and they said that formula for above 1 year old is a waste of money, even pediatricians said that fresh full cream milk is good enough. They said that growing up formula (for > 1) is a gimick... what do you all think?

btw, the forum (click on the board link) on www.babywhisperer.com is quite useful.. alot of people's advise and questions.
Maybe you can pose this question to Abbott or Mead Johnson and see what response they can offer? Actually stage 3 formula is not all that expensive. Gain IQ for abt $22 for a 900g can. That can probably last 2-3 wks since it's only a supplement to solids. 2-3 wks' supply of full cream fresh milk may cost roughly the same?? A litre costs $3+

Now I've moved on the 2x FM a day, once at ard 3pm for teatime, and 150ml before sleep. Once he finishes his FM, I'll let him latch on. Anyway I think my supply now cannot meet his demand. My breasts never feel full, unlike last time. So my BF days are nearing their end. But I'm satisfied with how far I've come.

Tomata puree & pasta
Inspired by mom_yam's recipe, I tried the same on Aiden today. Instead of minced meat, I added pumpkin, broccoli and threadfin into the diced tomatoes that has been sauteed with olive oil, some shallots and garlic. Pulse the paste in the blender and pour into cooked macaroni. Tastes yummy and very healthy too!
haha tracy.. ezra does that when we tried patting him to sleep on our bed also... he is so notti nowadays.... each time he does that, DH & me cant help but break into laughter... he thinks its funny & does more...*faintz*

i scared he will injure his neck which is not that strong yet...

tanwawas.. never see you at redhill lah?? going there again this sat i think.. what time you usually there?

hey Su... i also think beyond 1, they can get their nutrients from solid food.. 1 doc friend told me he usually go for normal FM cos he does not believe in all the 'good' stuff in the FM... i am very in the mind to change.... will finish my current stock of Enfapro still have 5 tins to go...

cooking soft rice, soup, sweet potato, tomato, green veg & tofu for ezra's dinner...
Hi Su,

Tried giving the pediasure chocolate flavoured FM to Amanda, via bottle, spout, straw and cup.. and she refuses to drink! Mission failed.. sigh.. will try again and see how is her response..


Serious... that is a very good move, from not wanting to drink FM to twice a day... how does your boy drink FM? Via the bottle or straw or cup?
Aiden also does that stunt on our bed. He started it a few days ago. Like u, I'm also worried abt his neck. But dun wan to spoil his enthusiasm by stopping him, cos he seems like having so much fun when he does it. Got to watch carefully, I guess.

I was not at Redhill mkt last Sat. Went to Stirling mkt for hor fun instead. If at Redhill, I'm usually there abt 9am on wkends, my fave b'fast is the fried bee hoon. What time do u go there? I'll probably be able to recognise Ezra

As for milk, I do think that our kids still need milk beyond 1 yr old right? Or maybe that's what we are made to believe, by the FM commercials on TV.

He drinks his FM thru his magmag straw cup only. No bottle for him - he rejects the teat outright. And I have no patience to feed thru cup/spoon. Luckily he takes to the straw cup very well. Now going to train him to hold the cup himself.

I was reading Tracy Hogg's (the Baby Whisperer) book, and her advice was to be persistent. You have to try EVERYDAY. Not try today, unsuccessful, stop a few days, then try again. U have to try everyday. But that's a lot of FM down the sink, if Amanda does not drink.... quite heartpain

Oh yah, re: the tomato puree and pasta, I forgot to mention that I added some thyme too. Makes the pasta smell almost like the adult version. Yummy!
Wow! Me going to try the Ala Pasta too. Today gave him a few strand of soba, he eats. Looks like he will nods how to eat pasta then.

<font color="ff6000">Drinking from straw</font>

<font color="0000ff">Tanwawas</font>, Cheers to yr boy! He can drink milk from a straw cup. Like a big boy now.

Mine, drinks H20 alittle from his Straw MagMag cup. So worry he has not enough H20. Just like today, we went out, I pour 180ml of H20, came back with almost the same amt. So I still let him drink H20 from his bottle.

<font color="ff6000">Last Feed of FM for the day</font>

My boy now don't want to drink his last feed of milk. Wants to sleep, but wakes up middle of the nite, so I gave him H20. Anybody having this problem??

<font color="0000ff">Su</font>, Saw yr posting on bb plus, I did use it on Riz too. Hell for me during the 1st 3mths. He don't want to sleep during the day.

Yah lor, I really don't know if it's due to bb plus. My hubby was blaming bb plus all the time when Shawn was still young, saying dunno what it did to him when he was in my tummy, how come he sleep so badly??! He's still sleeping badly now at night...sigh. But daytime is much better.

But now, he's very satisfied with how Shawn has developed and said maybe bb plus is good afterall. But still, we are abit scared to use it again for our second one (I'm not preggie yet) Just in case he/ she turns out like Shawn and doesn't sleep well also!! Cannot take it ah if second one also like this?!? Will be so maxed out.

Do you think using it makes a difference to Riz's development?


Maybe you can try and add the pediasure in Amanda's cereal first? She might take it?
Petite & Su
What is this Baby plus thing that you both are talking abt??

My boy does not like water too. I just feed him H2O prior to and after his meals. Sometimes while he is playing I'll let him take a sip or two. If he is thirsty he'll drink 10 or 20ml, if not, he just push the cup away.

Once in a while, I give him home cooked barley water that has been lightly sweetened as a treat. That he downs in a flash!
Hi tanwawas,

Both petite and I used this during our pregnancy... it's a kind of fetal education system, used from approx 20th week of pregnancy til the end.

Supposed to help the baby develop more comprehensive linkages and brain cells in the brain. Cos the number of brain cells is born with, and cannot be generated after birth. So theoretically, good to start off with more brain cells.

You can read more here if you are interested


i remember that everytime I use babyplus last time, Shawn will kick and kick in my tummy... miss that so much now.
it's kinda nice.
Hi Hunni,

is pediasure soy based? remember i mentioned mine reject milk too cup, straw , bottle nothing work . last wkend i bought Isomil and so far so good , i m keeping my finger double cross
my bb used to not like water too. my mom boils red dates and wolfberries. and i let her drink. if she doesn't boil that i'l put a bit of ribena in her water. if not gripe water. i feel its beta that she drinks than not at all. but i'l have a another bottle of just water to give her during her meals.
twinkle - advice dont give too much soy base milk. is not good for babies, not sure why but was told that is not so good compare to FM.

tanwawas, sorry for being a turtle hahaha.. what is thyme har?
Hi twinkle,

pediasure is a lactose free formula.. so shld be soy based?

tanwawas & Su

Though it is a long battle.. guess will have to stick with it.. tried letting her take biscuits b4 milk, also reject.. she sipped 1 mouthful and spit everything out... put it into her cereal and she refused to open her mouth at all...
<font color="ff6000">mom_yam</font>
Thyme is a herb. I bought my ground thyme from NTUC, under McCormick brand. Actually I also dunno what is it, until I read Annabel Karmel's pasta recipe, went to do a bit of research, then check out NTUC for the product.


<font color="ff6000">hunnie</font>
It's going to be a long hard battle.... hang in there! Btw, when are u leaving for Male?

<font color="ff6000">su</font>
yes, I rem my boy kicking me in the tummy when I spoke to him, it's such a nice warm feeling that I now miss very much. I kinda miss my pregnancy days. will take note of this babyplus system when i conceive No 2

Got 2 luggages and 1 trolly bag.. trolly bag contains me and hubby's stuffs.. while the 2 luggages contains mainly Amanda's stuffs, mineral water and food.. *super kiasu*
Hi Hunnie,

have a nice trip. Me dying for a holiday but due to work commitment can't go for one. So do have fun on our behalf and remember to post nice pics to show us ok.
Hi Petite,
saw you previous post on Seimpi... am interested in the trial... the Jumpstart class at Funan? Will there be discount if more people go for the trial class? They are currently very full huh?
<font color="0000ff">Su,Tanwawas,</font>
For my case, mu husband blame that the bb plus (he calls it the 'TOCK TOCK TOCK') does not work. Cos he can't see the difference. He said very liao qewk when I hv to bring the bb plus outside to use... I even used it on the way hm after the chinese dinner. Had to hid it with shaw etc...

He told me not to use on my future pregnancy. That's Y I am trying to find more details if to use it on my next pregnancy the next time round. (Also b'cos of bb don't want to come out)

<font color="ff6000">Riz's Development</font>

He nods how to hold bottle during confinement, 1st mth, can lift head on tummy, during his 4mths, I spilled H20 on my bed and I said SHIT, he turned and look at the basin of H20 on my bed.

Now he learn bad things very fast. He understand what we are talking and he started so call talking was abt when he was 6mths.

My mom did tell me her friend bb also don't like to sleep and very alert. From 1mth onwards, he nods where the sound comes from.

<font color="0000ff">Hunnie</font>, Have a safe flt there and enjoy yrself... Remember to book yr seats early....
<font color="0000ff">Su</font>

Ya lor! They are short of manpower. Waiting for them to call me. If they don't, I think I will try to arrange a class after Apr, (after our darlings' B'day)

<font color="ff6000">Kindermusik $25/-</font>

1) Jumbo
2) petite_chose

<font color="ff6000">Seimpi $35/-</font>

1) Su

2) petite_chose

Those who are interested, just cut and add in yrself ok?
Strawberry, can i have yr DS photo and name soon?

Hunni, happy holiday!!!!!!!!!!!! and also can give me amanda photo before u go having sun tan by the beach hahaa??? i so envvvvvvvyyyyyyy u
hunnie, enjoy ur holiday!!!


Kindermusik $25/-
1) Jumbo
2) petite_chose

Seimpi $35/-
1) Su
2) petite_chose
3) jumbo

Am also interested in Kindermusik, must go for both so can compare mah :p

Kindermusik $25/-
1) Jumbo
2) petite_chose
3) Su

Seimpi $35/-
1) Su
2) petite_chose
3) jumbo
Hi Ladies, mia for a while as I was soo busy at work. My colleagues mum suddenly passed away ( she was only 52 yrs old) so I have to cover her during her leave. Really felt sad 4 her cos its a sudden loss plus shes rather close to her mum as well. Guess I really learn to appreciate my parents more after becoming a mother myself.

Petite & Su, gee..i didnt know tt theres even a prenatal edn for unborn bbs! Does it really help? How come u r considering whether to use it 4 your 2nd pregnancy instead? U mean its e system which actually makes ur bb too awake during the 1st 3 mths?

aiyah..envy u indeed..wonder when i'll be able to go on a holiday? We'll definitely b bringing Ivec along as both of us will miss him a lot even we r away 4 1 day! But with him still so young, a bit diff leh...so tt's why i peifu u..can bring Amanda along ^_^
HI <font color="0000ff">Shylyn</font>

Yap there is. I did not nod abt this till my mom tells me abt it. I started late (4mths) on my bb. But I will try to do it everyday.

To what we nod here is bb tends to be alert. Does not like to sleep. Sleep abit wake up aridi. We are not confirm if the facts is true so we are hoping those mummies that have used the bb plus to share their finding with us.

So far we nod most cases are induce pregnancy. Su & I end up with C-sect.

<font color="0000ff">Su</font>

Riz is very active, cannot sit still even in MRT. Is yrs too?
my bb never use bbplus but also very active... think mayb when i was pregnant too lazy liao so now it's pay back time.. haha..tonite.. she chewed off the cordless phone's antaner(i think wrong spelling)!!!

hmm... holiday.. sounds far fetched to me.. the furtherest we went was batam for a nite. it was ok but difficult cos she was not very comfortable with the surroundings. if ever there is a holiday i'll definately bring her..

anyway just wondering what kind of activities do you have for your bbies when they wake up?? my bb is so active i can't keep up with her. she wont sit still when i read so i normally just let her roam ard the hse herself and she'l play by herself.
Hi petite,
Same here! He cannot sit still for 1 second! Even my FIL commented that he cannot 'ding4 xia4 lai2". *shake head*. But he will sit still for storytime, cos he likes us to read to him
su, how do u do reading to him?? i tried to hold nix in my arms and show him the pages while i do the reading but his attention span very short.. i always stop at 2nd or 3rd page and tat's it... How can i complete the whole book with him?
Same here! He must stand up and jump on the seat when we take the bus or MRT. And if I'm not careful, he may reach out to pull someone's hair. I've encountered that many times, and had to apologise profusely to the "victim". Thk goodness they are quite good-natured abt it, except for an uncle who turned around and glared at us after my boy tapped his head.

Luckily I only need to bring him on public transport during wkdays when we go out. Wkends, when daddy drives, most occasions he'll sit quietly in his car seat.

He will sit still for storytime too. He managed to identify his favourite book "Toes Ears & Nose" by Karen Katz a few days ago. I asked him to bring the book to me, and he pushed aside all other books to reveal the correct book. Many lift-the-flap books have been defaced. He tore out many of the flaps, and we saw no pt gluing them back since he'll tear them again... sigh.
Jumbo, I suggest that you read the same book over and over again, so that he'll be familiar with it, and start to like it, then he'll sit quietly to listen to you. My boy is like that too. He doesn't like new books and when I read them to him, he'll just crawl away after 2 or 3 pages. Must persevere to read to him, and soon he'll grow to like it, and sit to listen.

Choose books that are not too "lor soh", just simple one liners per page with a few words each sentence. I find Karen Katz books are good for babies < 1 yr old. Colourful graphics with very simple storyline.
Same too. Riz loves the story of 3 Little pigs. Everytime he will pull out all books beside my bed and search for his fav story for that day.

<font color="0000ff">tanwawas</font> this uncle must be don't like children. Abit like that gets angry.

2 days ago bought Riz out. Travel by MRT. Reach Dohby Ghuat, before my husband (carry Riz) could come out of the MRT, this fat, impatient Guy just rush to come in, don't even care abt knocking onto Riz. Going up the escalator, this lady just rush and knock again onto Riz. As if this is the last flight of escalator that is working!!! Just wondering this pp what should we do to them???

<font color="ff6000">Liquid Intake</font>
Does anybody knoes how much Milk / Liquid in a day should our bb drink at this mth?
I know what my hubby will do. He'll rush up to them and scold them upside down! He is that protective over his precious lil' darling. I suggest putting Riz in his stroller. Like that only got the stroller knock ppl, nobody will knock Riz.... heehee

Liquid intake
At our bb's stage, milk intake shd be 600ml to 700ml a day. If u feed him yoghurt or other calcium-rich foods, can decrease the milk intake accordingly.

I doubt my boy is drinking that much. Probably less than 500ml a day. He doesn't love his formula milk that much (but luckily he still finishes what I make for him), and my BM is on the decline. I do feed him baby yoghurt once in a few days though.
<font color="0000ff">Tanwawas</font>

My HB actually grumble loudly so that the person can hear. If is me, I sure be very 'bitchy'. My bb pram is really big. I call it 'Merce'. Everybody have to give way. But there are many times, there are pp simply Bor Chap and stand infront of my pram just to go into the LRT.

Ok tks. He is suppose to drink 720ml. Currently he will drink abt 500- 540ml.

Spoken to some Nutrition Specialist just nw, they said funny as why he only reject only at nite, but is still ok, maybe due to teething.

<font color="ff6000">Peadisure Milk</font>

Peadisure is not Soya-base. Is cow's milk.

<font color="ff6000">Enfagrow</font>

Those flavour as Vanilla and Honey are with added Sugar in it. Only the Plain flavour is without Sugar
tanwawas, where do u get the Karen's books from?? u know, i got alot of books at home. My aunty is working in publisher.. she always bring me tons of books.. but not many books suits him..

is Peadisure good?? heard so many good comments but dunno why good.. hahaha..

wat abt Mamil Nite? anyone tried? is it good for bb before bedtime? where can i get it?? i couldn;t find in supermarket leh..
my bb also drinking less than 500ml a day.

you can get mamil night at NTUC. My friend said very good cos her bb can sleep throughout the night with mamil night only. I tried when my bb is about 7 months old but he still wake up for night feed so i gave up.

I think Shawn just likes to read. We actually started off with an animal book by DK publishing, and will make funny noises along with the animals shown on the page. He gets amused by that and will look forward to reading before bedtime. Once he warmed up to reading, we started reading him other books

Jumbo, there's a BP on toddlers book here. I just bought I think almost 20 books from her (tokomama). V poor now.



Actually all flavoured milk got sugar in them... but I was reading somewhere that said that the added sugar, though not good for our young ones, is a small price to pay for the nutrition that they will get from the milk.

So much milk?!?! 600ml-700ml?? Shawn only drink about 360ml at the nanny, and dunno how many ml from me... hopefully my breasts still contains the remainder milk he needs :p


Sometimes I think the world will be a better place if everyone is a parent. Then we can emphathise with one another.. then people won't display such behaviour to children/ parents... sigh.
smurfy, i couldn't it in NUTC, Giant, Shop and Save leh.. wanna give it a try but till now didn't manage to get it..

Su, which book u bought?? Shawn show interest on it??
Hi Ladies,

I am also an Apr 06 mummy and have been a silent reader of this thread on and off. Hope I can join you gals here.

Petite, can I also register my boy for the Seimpi trial class? Will it be conducted on a weekend as I'm a working mum?

Thanks a lot and hope to get to know mummies here better.
Hi Jumbo,

I bought the book when I was in the US, but Singapore also got similar books, I saw before.
Also quite cheap... there is this bookshop in Suntec that carrys them. Cannot remember the name of the store though, saw the book at their pasa malam at Rivervale Plaza. They go there sometimes.

Actually dun need to get the same books, I think kids all like silly sounds, so get some story books that will let you make sounds... that should get them interested. Hope that helps.

am interested in the classes but when are u all organising and where are these places? I seriously should try to expose my gal to more stuff

Kindermusik $25/-
1) Jumbo
2) petite_chose
3) Su
4) Babe

Seimpi $35/-
1) Su
2) petite_chose
3) jumbo
