(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Mom Yam
Ok lah..not as nice as Burger King's breakfast..hmm..i'm drooling already...sighh..but got to watch my weight..put on 1 kg :p
Hmm..nice to hv a CNY gathering w all e bbs & mommies & daddies...c whether any mommies can offer their house..i need to check whether mine can..


Heehee, I asked my hubby after the 1st time you suggested meeting up for CNY but he said he wanted to rest during the CNY period as Amanda just recovered from a loooong 1.5 months of diarrhoea and then bronchitis then.. let me check with him again tonight?
Hi ladies,

Re: Earth Best Jar Food
Didn't manage to watch the news last night but only read about in the newspaper this morning. Until today I have not bought any jar food for Enya before. So it don't really affect me. But I know there are many people buying. So mommies, do keep a lookout for news like this.

Poor Amanda, sick for so long. You do take care too.

Ok, I'm leaving office now. Pop in tonight if I have the time.
Hi mummies,

I was thinking we can organise a monthly playgroup for our babies at, say, Botanic Gardens or Sentosa and the like. Not necessarily have to go to a mummy's house. Just a suggestion. Anyone keen for the idea?
aiya...at this hour and I still can't fall asleep...I really dunno wat's wrong wif me..it's been 2 nites...stress at work and tired but juz can't sleep even if I close my eyes and lie in bed...
Good morning mummies,

Happy New Year!

When I saw the news, I was quite worried. Luckily, I did not feed my boy of that particular brand.

Great idea to meet outside. I actually tot of bringing my boy to Botanic Gardens tomorrow together with my dog.

If I remember correctly, we stayed quite near to each other yet din manage to meet up.

U try to relax and calm your mind. Sleep after your girl has slept. Perhaps it may help? I always felt asleep very fast once my boy has slept.
hey Tanwawas,

I like the idea of meeting outside... bigger space for kids to 'roam'... we just brought ezra to the beach during 3rd day of CNY... nice break & very refreshing breeze... but i cant say so much abt him liking the sand & sea... hahaha

try the good old traditional method of counting sheeps... read a super boring book.... drink a warm cup of milk... but i can understand your frasturation very tired yet cant sleep & rest!!!

btw does everyone here knows who lives where?? pardon me, quite new here so... anyone here living in Bt Merah, Tiong Bahru area??
Tanwawas & DES: I'm very very game for Botanic Garden if you gals wanna go....

Des, u r right abt the jar food.. now i'm thinking should i feed isaac healthy times a not.. should be save lor hor...

babe, hope you are ok. if you have any things bottom in your heart.. do share with us. if you need privancy you can always pm or msn any of us that you feel comfortable.

Is it possible for you to go for a short getaway? that may help you.

hunniepot, hahahaa.. no prob i fully understand. Is not easy to handle all of us and our children now starts cruising / crawling. not like last time they can just sit / lie there and look at each other.. take care of amanda..
Tracy & mom_yam

Thanks for your well-wishes, Amanda has recovered already.. but it was a really difficult time then.. couldnt stop doubting myself if it is something that I did wrong or something that I didnt do which led her to be ill for so long.. guess we learn from such incidents too.. try to take it easy.. it is a way for our babies to build up their immune systems.. and that will also make us appreciate our own mothers even more!


Agree with mom_yam that perhaps a short getaway will help

RE: Gathering

Discussed with hubby, think we will give the CNY gathering at our place a miss for now.. we really did enjoy opening up our place for gathering the past couple of times.. but just that we are pretty drained from several incidents that happened at home recently.. will be revitalised after my honeymoon (with baby) trip next month!

Im also very game for botanical gardens gathering in future.. Count me in!
Poor quality taken from phone...
gong xi to all mommies and babies in April thread. Whishing everyone good health!

Here is the before & after before we go 'visting'




Hunniepot - Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

Sent liao...

RE: babies perspiring

Do your babies perspire alot? My girl will perspire like nobody's business.. I will let her sleep in her cot in the room, turn on the air con, no blanket, and she is wearing only the shortsleeve romper and her whole head will be wet with perspiration! There was once my hubby woke up in the middle of the night, and thought that she pee on our bed when it is actually her perspiration
<font color="119911">babe</font>, Maybe you can try Lampe Berger aroma burning oil. Can help you to sleep better.

<font color="119911">Mom_yam</font>, Yap Riz got into the semi-final. Me so happy that I can't sleep early last nite. Today woke up at 0700hrs, (baby's call time) and not feeling tired.

Got a bad news to tell you... I might not be able to make to the B'bash at 1300hrs... Might be there around 1400hrs. (Cos that day, lots of children came to my house during CNY gathering, he does not want to eat his lunch. Wants to play! I had a hard time feeding him, end up in my bedroom feeding him on his high chair.)

<font color="ff6000">Photographer</font>

Are we confirm to book my husband's friend? Need to let him nod so that he can take leave for that day.

<font color="119911">Hunniepot</font>, I do understand how you feel when Amanda fell ill and took a long time to get well. When everytime Riz fell ills, I blame myself too. Wondering why his immunity so weak. So I choose to stay at hm most of the time with him. Dare not bring him out too often, scare he fall ill again.

<font color="119911">Ezrababy</font>, no prob.
<font color="119911">sweating</font>
I think it's the weather these days, warm and humid. My boy sweats a lot too. His hair gets so wet that I can style it like Takuya Kimura's hair. And it's not like he moves abt a lot. Just crawls around the house up to his usual mischief.

<font color="119911">Ezrababy</font>
I stay in Redhill area! Do u stay ard here too?

<font color="119911">Botanic Gardens</font>
Shall we organise one soon? I'm looking forward to it!
hahaha ezra have that problem too... his whole head will be full of shiny water droplets...

guess they wil grow out of it cos my sister daughter when younger also like that, all day her hair is like having the 'wet look' style but now she is 2 yrs old, she looks very neat & smells good too...hahaha

wow petitething,
congres Riz got into the semi finals... so you need to bring him down to the show for finals? when? we thinking of visiting the exhibit... so maybe can go support Riz
botanic garden gathering: i'm available on 10th March 2007, Saturday. Anyone interested?

1) Momyam & baby

Baby Sweating:-

Hunniepot!!!! iSAAC has exactly the same prob. imagine with aircon - singlet and shorts - sweat.. and nowadays he seems to kw air con = comfort. when u ask him where got cold cold he will look at the aircon.

there is one fine night, we decided not to pamper him.. he cry non stop and keep looking at our aircon.. so no choice we on it for him.. best have to be with fan hor.. *shake head*. is so bad that his neck is always red and lots of rashes on his neck..

Petite - Gong xi Gong Xi!!!!! ya, when is the finals we go and support him.. scream Riz name loud loud so let judge kws he has supporters. hahaa

Congrats on Riz entering the finals!
What other stuffs are there to see at the event besides the contest?

Think there isnt much we can do about baby perspiring.. just keep wiping them? It is worse whenever she latches on, seems like she uses ALOT of energy to suckle, always ends up with a wet head, super sticky body.. and end up wetting my bed

RE: Botanic Gardens gathering

I cant make it on the 10th leh.. got to attend a wedding lunch on that day

RE: Baby perspiring

Quite relieved to know that Amanda is not the only perspiration generating machine around.. my hubby was quite concerned as he is scared that she will grow up perspiring alot and skeli have BO then no good..


Issac very smart leh.. know how to demand for air con liao
Tks mummies.... Riz will be there on the 02 Mar Fri. The contest will start at 1430hrs. Center stage. If he makes it to the final, he has to go there again on Sun at 11am. Hope to see you at the fair and if you happen to be around there during the contest, don't be shy to cheer for Riz ok! Bring rattles, banners, loud-speakers. Hee Hee Hee!

<font color="119911">Hunniepot</font>, Not yet la. Riz just got into the semi-final only. Hope he can make it to the final.

<font color="ff6000">Baby Fair</font>

At the fair there are Milk powder companies- Dumex, Nestle, Weyth and others, Babysafe, Pureen, mums & babies etc... wonderland-themed play area- carousel, choo choo train, story-telling and performances.

There is a toddler crawl telematch too...

There is another contest there too under the HSBC- Baby Idol Contest. The contest form is found in Mother & Baby Mag. But I think there will another type almost the same at the fair itself too.

<font color="ff6000">10Mar gathering</font>

Sorry I can't make it.... But if there is another gathering at Sentosa, I have lobang. We can go and take Cable car too.

<font color="ff6000">B'bash</font>

I hv an extra coupon for the globetrotters. If any mummies can't get hold of the coupon in time for the bash, let me nod ok?

hey i stay very near at depot rd... almost every sat we will go redhill mkt for bkf and sure back back the nice soft warm just baked bread home somemore!!

10 Mar gathering...
sorry cant make it that day got a marriage enrichment weekend to attend...

petite thing..
where to get the coupon for globetrotters?
Have anybody tries babysafe mattress for yr darling? Any feedback? I am thinking to get one from the fair.

Hope it might help him to sleep better and he does not perspire that much.
Hey petite,

Yeah lor, how to get the ticket for globetrotters? I signed up for mumcentre, they sent me the welcome package vbut dont have anything on globetrotters
RE: Baby perspiring

Oh, so it is a common problem. My son as well. He has sweaty palms and feet too. His feet will smell if wear shoes for too long.

RE : bad breath

Ha ha, my son has so many problems. Noticed that his breath starts to smell a bit recently esp after a sleep. No longer the nice baby breath kind. My mother said coz he eats fish every day. Well,I hope it's not because his digestive system is not too good. Anyway, I am thinking of using toothpaste now. is it too early? have your babies start brushing with tooth brush yet? I'm still using the finger soft bristle. Any tips on dental hygiene?
Hi cheers3344

My girl eats fish for 2 meals a day... and she smells very fishy too! But her breath is still ok for now..

I am using the baby 1st toothpaste on my girl and using the finger soft bristle as well

Can I check, when you use toothpaste on your bb, how do you rinse their mouth? Or do they just swallow them?
yah hunniepot, i wish to know too. have not tot of that yet. you put toothpaste on the finger bristle and brush like that? how to rinse? my son will swallow for sure.

petite thing, i tried bbsafe mattress and it does help.. last time my ger used to perspire whole entire back.. and wake up multiple times cuz of wet mattress.. after i change e mattress, then i realise my poor ger has been suffering, cuz e previous mattress too hot.. not cooling type..

and yes, me stay in queenstown, quite near redhill la..
<font color="119911">first teeth toothpaste</font>
i bought some, but have not started using. is it really ok if i use the toothpaste to brush my boy's 4 teeth, and not have to make him rinse his mouth? kinda sceptical leh, although this is exactly what this product is for! i can't imagine swallowing my toothpaste!

my boy's breath is still baby breath, even when he wakes up in the morning and tumbles all over me such that i can smell his breath. still quite ok.

<font color="119911">ezrababy</font>! u stay depot uh? which blk? i almost bought a unit there!
anyway, i'm at the redhill mkt almost every morning. if u see a person carrying bb in sarong sling, then it's me! maybe we'll see each other tomm! i'm usually at the char bee hoon stall (the one opp a chicken rice stall). by the way, the bread not so fantastic leh, imho.

<font color="119911">mom_yam</font>
can do the botanic gardens on a wkday or not? saturdays hard for me leh. btw, who's sahm here? i know hunnie is.
<font color="aa00aa">Kyla</font>, Tks for the info.. Now I must get the mattress at the baby fair. Poor Riz, did not know you suffer that much. Lousy mummy!

<font color="aa00aa">Tanwawas</font>, Me also SAHM. Both of us are not french. But I learnt French in Alliance Fr. Use to travels alot to Paris. So instead of putting my french to waste, I thought of starting a class. Riz is use to me speaking french to him. I will bla bla anything that comes into my mouth in french.

U interested?
I took the french beginner's course at AF too! Kinda lost steam after half a yr cos attended the classes after work, very tiring! Now can't rem much of what I've learnt. But boy, did I enjoy the course in the peak of my interest! My classmates were fun too.

Me interested? Yah, but Punggol is tooooo far for me.

Yes, my little darling curls up when sleeping and he looks like he's crawling and fell asleep halfway. I think babies like this curling up position cos it makes them feel secure. If u feel it could be the aircon, then dress him more warmly. My boy always wears sleepsuits to bed. So aircon is compulsory at night. I tried turning off the aircon one particular cool night, and he was grumpy throughout the night cos too warm for him!
<font color="aa00aa">Tanwawas</font>, Ha found some1 that can speak french too. Ca Va?

I dress my boy in long sleeves and long pants. Cover with blanket. On aircon. But he will perspire behind his head while sleeping. He like to turn and turn till the blanket not covering him. At times too hot, he can't sleep too.

Wish they could tell us how they feel.

Got to feed Riz now... Bon nuit. Bien dormir.
petite - bon nuit! u've rekindled my interest in french. gonna dig out my french books to study liao!

any mummies going babycare festival at suntec next friday?

drinking from straw
i boiled some barley water today, lightly sweetened it, put in mag mag for my boy, and guess what, he sucked it non-stop from the straw. I'm so so happy!
hi hunniepot and petite thing
my baby too has the same problem perspire a lot.
According to a baby chinese medic book its because baby 's body is a bit weak. My baby is so when she had her chicken pox after her chicken pox she perspire a lot especially at nite, chinese call DAO HAN. Sometimes baby who had fever not long ago will also perspires a lot cos they are"weaker". i just let my baby drink some black dates with dangshen(just a little bit). but only drank once.
RE: BB Perspiring
Ivec perspires a LOT! I tot he's the only one who has this but apparently, most of the bb experience this as well..phew..anyway, he will perspire especially during his milk feed..seems to me that the sucking motion uses a lot of his strength..heheh...

RE: Straw
Sighh..how to train bb to drink from straw? gave Ivec some water in his mag mag bottle w straw but he gets really fed up w e cap, cos it kept hitting his eyes..heheh..& when we tried to put e straw in, he pushes it away...:p

RE: Brushing teeth
Saw a white strip on his gum, felt tt its almost time to start brushing his teeth, or rather gum to get him used to brushing...just struck my mind on how to prevent him from swallowing e toothpaste...a bit is ok but long term basis of swallowing too much toothpaste isn't ideal right??
Gee..i wish i could speak a third language well enough to communicate on a regular basis with Ivec too..hee..cos bbs learn languages very quickly..hmm..at least he can speak another 2 dialects ..learnt from my ils & parents :p
oh..btw, Congrats on Riz making it into the semi finals..^_^

RE:Air con
hmm..seems like many of the bbs sleep w air con at nights! Ivec cant..he will get a blocked nose & wake up in e middle of the night..so bobian, tough life, got to bear w fan..heheh
Des, i lost your contact cause the stupid service centre reset my phone. could u pm/sms me again, then we could meet up, say for bf at dat new kopi-tiam ard our place on Sunday.

Mom_yam, i've been controlling matthias diet and so far, he's slim down a lot but still chubby hor.

On perspiration, matthias sweat a lot and salivates alot. Guess it is part and parcel of growing up.

Anybody heard of ezcema?
<font color="119911">hunniepot</font>, wow! so many prob with Organic bb food. Guess moderate is the best thing..

<font color="119911">Tanwawas</font>, You so cute (tres mignon)! Nvr we can practice our french here too. The next time we meet up, I will teach you the ABC in french for yr bb ok.

Me will be at Baby Fair from 1345hrs onwards this 02 Mar Fri. Riz taking part in the Dumex Contest.

<font color="119911">Shylyn</font>, Tks. Will you be going to the baby fair too? Think Riz might have the same prob as yr son too. He will clear his nose and throat. His dad say his mouth is dry, can't sleep. So now aday I will on the aircon for few hrs then off it before I go to bad at nite.

<font color="119911">Daphne</font> Yap I heard and suffer from Ezcema attack now and then. Anything that I can help?
hey Mummies and babies, Gong Xi Gong Xi!!! So long nvr log in liao
this is a busy cny.. i am on cny leave for a week but till today, havent gotta any rest.. sigh... yesterday was busy with Nix on his birthday celebration... was so busy.. gosh..

how's everyone's doing and how's ur holiday?? :p

Thanks for the instructions on brushing teeth. I bought the 1st teeth toothpaste from a BP but didn't start using as not sure of how to start. Do u brush Amanda's teeth twice a day?

Petite thing,
I can't be there on 2 Mar as I'm working. Best wishes to Riz in winning the contest.

I think I will be there on 3 Mar when hubby is off. Here the programme for the Baby Fair:

Hi mummy, i'm gog to ask a stupid question hee hee.. i'm trying to fix my son's car seat as mention is has not been use for long long time. and Su has knock some sense to me so i decided to try again haha.

u kw the insert that put on the "belt" i need to upgrade the belt to the highest point. can someone teach me how to adjust the belt to the highest slot? coz' the current slot is still meant for 3mths old baby hee hee...


Petite, i got to work lei!! nvr i will shout on my desk top. MUST update us the winning okie. if sucess i will support him the final match - i promise coz is on a Sun

Daphne anything we are able to help u on Ezcema issue? i suspect isaac having his on his neck.. there's a brand which Mel & Tiff intro to me.. maybe you can consider CALIFORNIA BABY CALENDULA CREAM.

Jumbo, i fully understand! haha i was on leave on wed & thurs end up i'm busier than norm working days. U should have a great time with Nix esp his BD. Hey, post some nice pic on nix blowing his 1st bd candle

Botanic Garden & Sentosa - no prob.. we can always re-arrange.. see when u mummies feel like having.. let me know la. I'm always very onzzzzzz

kyla, u r right abt the baby safe.. i'm eyeing on that mattress too..

Hunniepot - isaac is not clever lor.. is DEMANDING!! haha..
Hi gals, I'm back. Thanks for all the advice. Really wanted to take a short break but juz can't get away from work. I am training teachers in March and guess what, being new at the job, I am going to deal a total of 6 training sessions in juz this 1 mth. Raised the issue with my head but she juz say easy one. Hello, I am new to the ball game and she can rattle off that it's manageable when she is doing less sessions. How much reading I have to do....and also think I will be preaching what I have never done before...Things are juz coming my way at speed...hopefully it's better after this March...

Oh...who's going? Are there good buys?

Baby gathering
Hey I think I missed the details...what's it all about? Really envy those who are SAHM
RE:Air con
>Ivec cant..he will get a blocked nose & wake up in e middle of the night..
Is the air-con too cold or the outlet flowing directly at him? Maybe, could be air too dry. You can consider a humidifier. We find that it helps us to breathe better throughout the night. My gal appeared to have sensitive nose after she wakes up last time w/o the humidifier, now no problem.
RE: Air con
We did not let Enya sleep in air con room. We just had the fan full blast blowing at her. Like all other bbs here, she also perspire like nobody business. We need to bath her 2 times a day and clean her with wet towel many times a day. So I guess it is normal for bb at this age.
<font color="0000ff">Re: Aircon</font>
XT got slept in aircon. Got same prob as Ivec too but we recently be using the humifier and also at times apply bb vapour rub on her chest n so far, the problem has hardly recurred.

Hi Ladies,

Just want to check, any of your bb tend to suddenly lie back while sitting? My girl has been doing that recently. Nowadays, I need to sit close to catch her in case she suddenly lie back. A few times I missed and she knocked her head on the floor.

She is also getting many knocks on her head recently. Either knock the table, cupboard or the floor. She has been getting very adventurous these day. Wants to climb here and there. Wonder how am I going to handle her when she starts to walk. Really heartache to see her crying.

Anyone has any solution?
