(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

wanted to get a trad costume for Ivec as well but seems like all the clothes too big for him..where did u get urs from??

B4 i forget...wishing all Mommies & bbs a very Happy & terrific Chinese New Yr!!!!


Ryan wishes ALL a Happy n properous n Healthy New Year!!

Ryan Gong Xi Gong Xi!!
I got them from woodland pasah malam for $15. Chinatown also have a lot, cheaper than those in Metro.

I just brought the smallest size and it fit. Ah ma brought him size 2 and the pant was too big for him.
Hi Mummies,

photographer - vote (share cost)
1) Cheers3344
2) momyam
3) shylyn
4) Draik
5) hunniepot
6) Tiffany
7) jumbo
8) mel_lim
9) petite_thing
11) Jasminetea
Yeah..i saw a lot at pasa malam but all still too big for ivec..think he's small sized..heehhe

Anyway, Ivec's appetite increased a lot these few days!! I'm really impressed..his milk feed increased to 220ml & b4 drinking his milk, he had quite a lot as well!! Heheh..& as usual, mummies will b shaking their heads again, cos we fed him with the CNY goodies as well..he esp adored huat kueh!!

RE: Stranger anxiety
I tot Ivec is a friendly baby as he has yet to displayed signs of stranger anxiety..but these few days, (mabbe too many strangers at one go) he only wanted to b carried by pple he knows & will show his unhappiness by putting a pathetic look when being carried by others..hee..my hub was saying tt he's dvlpment is one mth behind e rest :p
hey i just spoke to my friend re the photo session for the birthday bash.... 2-3 hr session, unlimited exposures... he will put pic into a disc... includes 10 DVDs... he charges $280... any extra DVD will be charged at $10 per pcs....
you can view his works at www.themenatwork.com

spoke to DH, not sure if he can make it for the bash cos his work super busy now got project dateline so can confirm for now...sob sob...
Want to check w u for the installation of the Little Leaps, even though i keyed in the 2 & 3 digit codes for both my dvd players (Enzer & Panasonic), both are unable to detect leh..can teach me how to install sucessfully?
Wow..Ryan so sweet to gong xi gong xi to us..heheh..pity no ang baos to physically pass to him. A big smooch instead ^_^

aiyoo..i love ur bb's eyes..so big & adorable looking.

RE: Bbs CNY photos
Just shown my mum all e bbs' photos..she commented tt all are sooo adorable..aiyah..i still got to wait until my hub reduce e photo size b4 i can post on this thread.
hey shylyn,
thanks for your compliments... hahaha ya when he cries, his tears also BIG BIG....

i was also showing my DH all the pic... they are all so cute....

haha both his gong xi outfit are from Shanghai.. his 2nd yeeyee works there & brough them back for him.... very nice lor... & its linen material so its not very hot... some of the local ones are also warm & uncomfortable.... his day 1 outfit also very nice but we so busy that day... did not take any pic!!
Yah, the local clothing are very hot. We showcase KJ in his traditional clothing for 15 minutes in my mom's place and quickly changed him back to normal clothing. Before we head for his great grandma place, we changed KJ back to his traditional clothing again.
So envy most of you hv bb's photos in traditional clothing. My hubby was thinking of heaving him to wear next year when is can start walking...

Did nt recieve my photographer's sample photos yet. Maybe he also celebrate CNY (he is a malay)
Hi shylyn,

I do not have the little leaps systems, but the leapfrog DVD which I got from Amazon, requires that your DVD player be able to read DVDs from Zone 1 (if I remember correctly, US zone). So you will have to check if your player supports that, if not, you might not be able to play the dvds on your system..
hee..think u hv mistaken, my dvd player can read e dvd but the little leaps system is unable to communicate w my dvd player as the system is unable to track my dvd player model..tried keying in the 2/3 digit for the system to track my dvd player..sighh..bought the item from another mommy..guess got to email her 2 find out.
Or any mommies here know??
that's what hunniepot trying to tell u lo.

Basically, some DVDs are written in different format as to what our DVD player can read.

U tried using ur laptop or pc that has DVD player as well?

I've similar problem for my Little Einstens that my sis bought from US. No prob on laptop but got problem on the philips DVD player. Yet, my mom's the cheap DVD player can play. =p

Anyway, now the philips one can play the code already... =p

Got somebody to crack the player. = -p
ur bb has a heart shaped forehead. So unique. = )

O... wow.. all ur bbs look so nice...

A lot of ppl commented XT is like a boy le... no matter how I dress her. Soop soop.. = - (

Anyway, something interesting to share...

We brought XT home on last Wednesday night and then realised something very funny then... When u play the lion dance song through singing or on tV, she will shake her head like a lion dancing... Haaahaaa...

So funny till everybody couldn't help laughing when we asked her to do that stunt.
Hi ladies,

anyone working today? I'm back to work. A bit sian.

I wonder how is my girl coping at the nanny's place today. Has been going out for the past few days. Now when we say kai kai, she will kick and wave her hands excitedly. Hopefully she can stand not going out today.
heheh..paisey, tot Hunnie mistook what i meant. Hmm..so what's e model of ur mum's cheap dvd player? I was telling my hub to test whether the system can be install if we were to buy a new dvd player as our current one is also siok siok liao..

yaloh..today back at work oredi..not tt sian cos no boss around..so can do own stuffs at own pace..heeheh

some of the so called cheapoe brand can play most dvd including those self-copied ones... like pre-sch concerts... the other one is the 'Akira' or something...

me also back at work... super difficult to get up this morning... but once at work.. not so bad + another hr can knock off on the dot...

oh we brought ezra to ECP beach yesterday thinking that he can play some sand!!... but he kind of dont like the feel of sand but looked at the waves.. once i tried to lower his feet into the waters, he will struggle & lift up his feet... so mission failed... good thing we cant find any sand toys yesterday for him!!
hmm..dunno whether they allow free testing b4 purchase..heheh..really bu fu qi tt the stupid system cant work leh..:p

Can try Kindypalace..they hv some nice bb boy's hats..i had a gd time laughing at ivec when i force put on a bandana on him..heheh...he looked really upset trying to pull down whatever we tried to put on his head..heheh..so cute with his redded face..hee...this mommy very naughty..
Happy CNY to everyone...heehee...looks like all the babies are dressed in traditional costume. Guess mine seems less conventional for the first CNY....
Hi ladies,

me still at work. Super sian. First day still have to work so late. Co only give everyone $2 ang bao. So motivating!

Wow, all your bbs wearing traditional clothings. I never buy for Enya. Knowing her, sure cannot tahan the warm. But I got her one red dress. At least got New Year mood.
Hi tracy,

me also still at work. u got $2 ang bao better than me nothing leh bcos my boss are Ang mo so such thing.

how long u hv to stay on?
hi Twinkle,

I left about 7.45pm. Can't stay later as my hb working night shift tonight. My ang mo boss also never give me ang bao but did say gong xi fa cai to me.

Here a pic of my girl at her cousin's place yesterday.

Hey mommies,

Would love to be the photographer for your bash, can let me practice before going freelance :p but so unfortunate that it's a monday!
got to work... Next time if anyone of you need photographer for weekend, pls consider me hor, my charges are v reasonable

One more pic taken over the new year! Happy Golden Pig year everyone! May all of you be healthy, happy and 'earn much much' in the new year!

hi shylyn,
thanks ok maybe will drop by one Kiddy Palace this weekend...

hey petite thing,
thanks for the info, will try to look for it at yahoo...

hey Su,
so you also into photography!! nice shots you have also...
Hi Tracy,

I saw on the news that Earth Best breakfast variety are the one got contaminated. not sure did i heard it correctly.

I guess avoid Earth Best first will be good
Yah, not all earth's best food is affected, only the apple peach breakfast is. The news yesterday night was rather misleading though, kept on focusing on the Earth's Best brand... as if everything is contaminated. But of course, best to avoid giving any Earth's Best food for a while.
never heard of this brand b4 until i read e newspapers today. Makes me hold back from giving all these ready processed food to Ivec..but come to think of it, the food we gave to him when we r dinning outside is no better..hee..i shared my breakfast at MacDonald's with him earlier this morn. Think he likes e cheese in the burger..hee..& yup, the bread as well..
Happy birthday to Nix
Happy birthday to Nix
Happy birthday to Nixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxon
Happy birthday to Nix!!!!!!!

This is a early greeting from aunty Jasmine & Isaac. Wishing you healthy, strong and grow handsome each day. Of coz! be more well behave ok..
petite, didnt kw abt that.. u joining?

Jar food - now make me so worry... the best earth is only 1 type of the food.. not all. like what su says.. only the apple peach barley.. those who is giving or had given dont worry.

shylyn, me too!! but i ate hot cake.. so isaac share that with me hee hee...

mommies, anyone interested to meet up? maybe hunniepot, u mind to open yr house again for us to go? hee hee

su, i like the one that the little one changing.. so cuteeeeeee

aiyo yo.. so many cute babies in their traditional clothes.. tmr i will try to post up isaac ones.. hee he..

everyone here i wish u happy lunar new year.. Gong Xi Fa Cai... xin xiang shi zhen!
I'm impressed..matthias know how to play e piano!!! man chiam very steady sia..hehehe

Mom Yam
Heheh..i wanted to order hot cakes initially but decided to try their new pdt..bagel..i think..but still prefer the gd old Egg muffin...Ivec likes e cheese though he nearly choked on e bread...heheheh...silly mommy..forgot to bring his water :p

shyln, is it nice?? i'm tempted to try tat tmr lei. hahaa

i dont like their muffin.. i always find that very hard lei.

Daphne, long time no see!! and matthias is still as chubby as then so cute!

i wont mind meeting up for CNY.. maybe after 26th, we can meet up again hahaa

Baby Bash, i will update next week ok.. me still in holiday mood hee hee
