(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

it's just a temporary...not as if you're not going back to the workforce forever..i'm sure your mum also doesn't wants to see you suffer and at the same time gotta juggle with work..glad that you got appetite to eat...take each day as it comes bah..

yah lor...but can you imagine that i'm been staying at home for nearly 1 month liao and hardly go out,only breakfast at tampines mall?? can't imagine how i can tahan man!! now i seems to be going crazy liao... i went shopping 2 weks ago and can hardly shop,get tired easily..going to try out my stamina again on thurs.. wish me luck! i hope i can comb the whole of orchard on thurs!! very ambitious..hahaha
Rach, Dun tired yourself out haaaa... Rem to take break in between. Comb whole of Orchard meaning from Tangs all the way to Centrepoint/Plaza Singapura huh? heeee... I used to do tt. Now from Tangs to Taka already enough for me to call a day!

I can't imagine myself staying at home for 1 month also. :p I remember during one period I got to stay at home for 3 days and I go "mad". My hubby came home to see a black face for that 3 days haaaa..
Hi ladies..i am new in this thread...Just wondering if any of u have started to drink those milk for pregnant mums? Cause i tot of buying one but i dont know which one is better...does any body knows..
hi jumanji,

milk for pregnant mums? i wouldn't know cos milk makes me puke!
but i used to take a type of milk before i ws pregnant. it was chocolate flavour but i can't remember what it is now.

ladies, i'm glad to hear that the feverish feeling is normal! i'll take my temperature tonight and will only start worrying when my temperature reaches the high part of 37.
Hi Jumanji,
i take milk..those for pregnant mums.. my hubby bought me the Anmum. Initially i drink every morning but lately i stop cos lazy to make, bought the Brownes fresh milk.. heehee ;p
maybe u want to get your mum or MIL to cook some chinese herbs for u to eat. i'm taking this chinese rememdy and red dates water once every week that is supposed to strengthen my womb. mayb your womb is weak and thus always have brown discharge? anyway, we are nearing the end of first trimester so should start taking bu liao
preciousbabe, ya.. will do so. My mom brew chicken tonic soup for me already and bird nest..
today feeling better so come back to office..
but now at office.. start feeling tired again
Hi preciousbabe and Irene

Just to share with u....not to worry u hor...

When I visit my chinese physician when I got pregnant, she told me that should only start to bu after the 1st trimester when the pregnancy stablised...
N one medical hall owner says birdnest can only take after 5 months...
Hi ladies,

I only take HL milk for now ... my friend just pass me a bottle of FrisoMum. Didnt dare to take full cream milk coz scare too fattening .... already gain so much weight now.. 8(

Hi Terrier,

Did the medical hall owner say y birdnest can only take after 5 months??? I have been taking everyday since pregnancy .... 8(..
hi ladies,

some update of me... went for 1st appt yest... bb is 27mm, okie... 9 weeks old. EDD: 20 apr

wanna chk with you all:- did you go for blood test on your 1st appt? what's the test abt? and when is your next appt with your gynae?
milk, no no to me at all. used to choco HL one, but now it makes me wanna puke. so change to "fruit tree" or "peel fresh", no problem, rite?
Hi twinkle-starry

I drank both ... mum usually brew for me every week and she bought those bottled type and ask me to take one tablespoon every morning ....

Hi Leereiner,

I went for the 1st appt when I was 4 weeks pregnant ... did the blood test during 2nd appt when I was 5 weeks .... the test is compulsory for all pregnant women to test for Anameia ... thalasima.. Hep B , HIV etc etc .. and there is another blood test which some call the triple test or OSCAR test ...this test is optional to test for down sydrome .... and done only at 3rd month

have you got any idea why the medical hall says can take bird nest only after 5th month? i've always been taking bird nest once a month, i boil myself even till now.. Yes, i'm still going facial..once a month. In fact, i didin't really change much of my lifestyle before and after i got preggie except exercise lor..everything and everyday i just take it as per norm lor..

you very good life leh...take bird nest everyday arh... envious man...

i didn't have any blood test so far after visiting my gynea twice leh..but my next visit is next week, i'll be doing a OSCAR teat, sort of like assessment test of the fetal anomalies lor.. Regards to taking fruit tree, me too...i've always been taking juices even beofre preggie and even till now..but i do take fresh milk as well..i think preggie needs more calcium..so if you cannot take milk then gotta get your calcium from other sources eg fish and leafy vegs, etc lor..
Hi Taurus

He claimed something to do with the baby's skin, b'coz it's not form yet, n might affect the formation lor....

But anyway, my gynae never put any restriction on food intake, that'll include birdnest?
Hi Rach,
I miss my facial sessions n thinking of going tomorrow, but just dunno if the products would be harmful or not? In fact, I stop using facial products except for cleansing...

I feel myself getting out of social life liao...been on leave past 2 weeks, everyday...study....very bored....n have to deal with all these pregnancy discomfort... my puking getting worse these few days....even bath at night can also make me puke...
alamak terrier,
i read in some thread that cannot use SKII cos got dunno wat ingredients inside..but i still use as per normal everyday n twice a day..reagrds to facial, i told my beautycian that i'm preggie lor then she'll know wat to do..best part is, i just started my IPL programme 1 month before i know i'm preggie then now i have to postphone my IPL till after birth leh..

aiyah...dun feel that you are out of socail life, you on leave for 2 weeks only..me have not been workig for 1 month+ liao..lagi chaim rite?? i understand study can be quite bored at times but bo bian leh..you have to finish your course..maybe you should look at the brighter side, take it as imparting some knowledge to your bb too lor..whahahaha..why not you go n see your gynea about your puking, think they have some medication for it leh..i'll experiece nausea only when my stomach is empty,so i'll take small bites to prevent lor...moreover so far i only puke twice..
Hi terrier,

If your MS is getting worse, u may consider going to see you gynae ... my gynae gave me an injection on my bum to break the cycle ... I am feeling much better after the injection ...

As for facial, maybe you can tell your beautician that you are pregnant and check if the products they use is safe for preganant women ....

Hi Rach,

haha ... credits goes to my mum lah ... since she knows that I am pregnant ... very gan cheong goin round to ask ppl what to cook for me .. she even preparing my confinement menu liao ...haha

By the way, how come your gynae did not ask you to do the blood test? I tot its compulsory?? Or maybe your gyane do it together with your OSCAR test. My gynae tells me that the OSCAR test is around S$200 plus ... my blood test is around S$90 ...but coz hubby did the blood test together with me .. so we paid around S$180 ...
you so fortunate...me and my mum stay very far apart...my parents stays in the west and i'm at the east..hiazz...2 ends of s'pore leh..

no idea why gynea didn't ask me to do blood test leh..maybe later bah..think no hurry as my GP told me that can do it at 4th month..not sure how much is the OSCAR..i didn't ask my gynea..in fact i quite bo chap about things,eg. i didn't check out the prices of my gynea then i go to her liao...i quite spendthrift in a sense lor...thatt's wat hb always say abt me in the past...but now he dun say liao cos he scare i not happy then bb also not happy so he'll give in to watever i wan...hahaha

u r so fortunate ....lucky u

I am like Rach, i stay in East and mum stay in West. anyway i hv not told them yet till I m stabilsed. Let's see what the GY this week.
Hi Rach and twinkle-starry

Yah ... I am very fortunate .. and I stay pretty near to my mum's place ....


I also like you ... quite spendthrift ..but hubby wont say me coz I buy using my own money and spend within my means ...8) ...

Yah I think most ppl do the blood test in 3rd or 4th month but I more KS ... early early do ....kekke ... me also didnt really ask abt the cost and whatever the gynae say ... I just ok ...but now that I add up the cost ... wow ... just in 1 month ... 3 visits to the gynae cost me ard S$550 ... abit siong ... my hubby also say very ex ... tts y I start to take notice of the cost involve ....
Taurus, Rach

I also never think much, i just pay what my GY say. but my GY will breakdown the bill for me and explain why this time is more than the last and vice versa. It helps me to monitor abit.
terrier, my mom brew all these for me... should be okie i think... cos my grandma din say cannot take.. my 1st pregnancy i also took these.. should be okie ba..

Leereiner, I havent do any blood test yet.. next appt which on my wk12 then do...
Taurus n twinkle-starry,
maybe alot of others are also like us...gynea say how much then pay how much lor...such things cannot bargain like BKK market...whahaha...it's not cheap to have kids, i always tell hb.. Taurus, my hb is more of a practical guy lor..he dun understand why i gotta buy clothes, jewellery, bags,etc almost every month. he feels that have already then y must buy so more then he'll say me being extravagant lor...though i'm using my own money..i believe every women also same as me wat, i dun see anything wrong.. but now,situation different liao, me not working liao so every month he gotta give me allowance and even buy clothes and bags for me...all becos of..bb..heehee!!
Hi Rach,

Yah lor...really not cheap to have kids nowsaday ... my mum just told me ...last time they only to KK to confirm their pregnancy after they missed they menses .... then the next visit is to deliver ...where got like us ... go check up so frequent ... I ask her abt epidural ..she say where got such things in the past ... give birth sure pain wan ... no need epidural ...hahah... I guess really generation gap ... we so much luckier now ...

Yah hubby last time also complained I buy things like nobody biz ... especially when I am a shoe fanatic ... I can buy 5 pairs of shoes at one go without a blink of eyelid .... can u imagine I got 200 pairs of shoes at home .... hahah ... but now all cannot wear liao coz most of my shoes all 4 - 5 inches high ... now can only wear mules .. I tell my friends I look like a walking potato now...kekek
Hi Irene, should be no problem, u oso taking all these things in ur 1st pregnancy?

Hi Rach, thanks for ur encouragement, I really hope I can have the stamina to go thr the last leap, I've spending too much money n time on the course liao... One good thing is I'm taking child development subject, so can have some knowledge on kids...

I'm oso in midst of IPL course for hair removal, but guess I have to stop that liao...

I booked facial for tmr...hopefully I can shop after that...

Hi Taurus, I've been trying to eat n eat liao, hiaz, sometimes the MS just stuck out of nowhere...After the injection, so u no longer have any MS?

U know, I oreadi start to feel frightened sometimes to think abt delivery time liao...Irene, how did u go through ur 1st one?
Hi Taurus,
i tell you a secret..i also like to buy shoes..then my mum complain no space for my shoes liao and ask me to bring all to my house then guess wat? i throw all away on my way back home..then my own house got more space to stock up!! haha..that's wat i always do..even for clothes,i'll bring some to my mum's place when my wardrobe is almost full, if not then i'll give them to my domestic helper then got extra space for new clothes..except for bags..i can't bear to give away (kinda ex lar,heart pain),only keep at my mum's place if not then i lend to my sis lor..then got more space also..heehee..but cannot let hb or mum know lar..

i agree that people nowadays are more fortunate, even for the kids..their toys are much more advance then my era leh..now children play gameboys and xbox..my time is those small 'computer game' can play only 1 game... where got such things as gameboy??not to even mention xbox!!

no worries about the walking potato lar...i'm sure will eventually shed off after birth..i think l look more fleshy now cos tummy not really big yet..is like not here nor there stage...so look more 'plump' leh..not so nice when wear clothes leh...

you have to stop IPL..really!! not gud! my beautician refuse to do IPL (also hair removal) for me when i told her that i'm preggie last month.. me also going to town for facial tomorrow, follow by tea with my friend then shopping lastly dinner with hb..

wow..you taking child development arh...then you sure have your ways with your bb in future lor...can lobang my bb with you anot?? hehe ;p
Wow so nice to high tea with friend. me shall be shopping ard, probably go haircut, and wait for my hb to knockoff n dinner...

aiya, those are theories only lah, also dunno what to do when the actual thing comes....
Rach , Terrier,

Envy u gals leh can go shopping , high tea... me still got to work and stress over it .. i knoe no good for me and baby ...
Njoy shopping!
terrier, ya.. i'm taking these also in my 1st pregnancy.. but forgot which trimester liaoz...

my first kid, i'm induced, as my cervix is 2cm opened without contraction.. Induced birth is very painful.. more painful than natural birth, this is what i heard from others.. was admitted at 10am, induced at ard 11+am, then around 2-3+pm, i cannot take the pain, so asked for epidural.. the midwives there told me around 90% of woman asked for it.. not sure how true thou... then at 5.25pm, gave birth with the assist of forcep..

this time round, i told my gynae (i change my gynae thou) that if possible, I will not want to have an induced labour.. wanted to try natural.. and if possible no epidural.. hahahaha.. but dunno i can tahan the pain anot..
terrier, twinkle-starry,
me very pathetic leh...have been stuck @ home for very long liao...so whenever i go out, i'll make sure i max my day..moreover my galfriend is in sales...so she can high tea with me,though not everytime lar..yesterday last min,i went out wf my ex colleague,suppose to meet up for tea then end up till dinner and left bugis @ 11pm! heehee...very san ba..tok alot..

terrier, got theoretical background better then dun have mah...at least you can understand children better..therefore may be easier for you to handle..good leh..think i'll go bookshop and buy some books and read up too! haha
Wau Irene,
you so brave arh...sure or not?? you dun wan epidural?? think i comatose without epidural leh.. i have very low threshold for physical pain,will faint...i really thumbs up for those mum without epidural leh!! one of my cousin lor, she 1st time mum and she natural birth,without epidural..my god!! can't imagine how she survive it, moreover she labour pain for very long leh...wau sat...that's mother love man!! take my hat off...

in fact i'm very scare of giving birth....i've learnt delivering bb and cutting the umbical cord,etc...that course will puts me off on having children...but now no choice, preggie liao...but i try not to remember all those that i've learnt..(self deceiving)
Hey Rach,

I also want to buy some books to read up leh .. not sure which one is good for us to readup hor.

then my GY ask me not to buy , he said when i m stabilised he will gave me some leh so me thinking not to buy too many lah
i bought 2 liao actually...Dr. Miriam Stoppard - Conception,pregnancy & birth and the other Johnson's Your Baby & toddler from birth to 3 yrs. i only read the 1st one, the other one think i'll read only after 1st trims lor...scare it anything happen..then lagi sad...heehee..

your gynea so good arh...give you..me buy leh..
ya.. will try to do so.. but dunno will succeed anot.. hehehe.. i guess if without induced, should be ok lah.. if others can do it, why can't we.. hehehe...
i got the "what to expect when you are expecting". Good book i will say, as it shown stages by stages how the baby grow in each month and some FAQs.
My gynae also gave me another booklet, but more simplify one...

he say mah if i buy now u know like u said if anything happen , waste $ ... somemore my condition not stable yet so he say never mind lah he normally give too.

he is nice.. he also give me discount at times bcos i see him few years liao and finally i am pregnant.

Choy! must hv happy thoughts... happy! happy!
regard to this delivering issue..i really dun want to think so far..i really scare lah...

you how many weeks preggie liao? i feel that i also not stable yet so i only read those that guide me on what to expect toyour body and the symptons lor..dun dare to read too much.. gotta welcome more
positive thinking and happy thoughts

last week the GY say shld be around 5-6 weeks but unsure bcos my period not regularly. so i m visiting him again this Friday. Also me bad news also, the look-like sac is only 0.9cm and found cyst which never been there so got to monitor lor
think you gotta rest more and take gud gud care of yourself...me got brown discharge when i was in my 5th week n once red spotting
my menses also not regular but after sometime, gynea will let you know how many weeks base on the length of the bb...me bedrest
alot when i was in my 5-6weeks cos of the spotting and it really helps alot..you should bedrest more often...dun worry too much,stay positive n b happy then bb will also feel it n
got strong strong will power to stay with you...
Hi gals,
Wow, reali had alot to catch up...anyway, just want to ask if u gals suffer from bad complexion after expecting? My complexion used to be alright but ever since expecting, I get alot of pimples. I saw other pregnant ladies on the street, all their complexion very nice. Don't know y I'm like this.
I also used to like shopping alot. Now, I've changed into a total different person. Can't be bothered to go shopping coz also can't buy any clothes and shoes. Don't bother to dress up coz no clothes to wear, can't put on make-up, can't rebond and colour my hair. Haha....think I reali look like a hag now.
I would say pregnant has made me become more mature. Now, I really think twice before I spend my $10.
Btw, Rach, the books dat u recommend r they difficult to read? Coz I can't tahan wordy books unless they are exciting novels.
Hi twinkle-starry
Dun worry too much okie... During my visit last week, I oso still got a blood clot and a cyst...gynae says hopefully they would disappear later...

Hi Irene, I still envy you, at least you oreadi got 1st time experience...

Hi preciousbabe, me too, got pimples pop up here n there....
Hi Ladies,
I am back at work today ... feel so good to be back ...otherwise so so bored at home ...eat sleep sleep eat ...

Hi terrier,

I feel much beter after the injection , still got nausea feeling on and off but didnt throw out ... before injection I will vomit after most meal ... but now ..not sure issit becoz of the injection ... i dun have much appetite ... even if I have craving for certain food ... I take a few mouthful and dun feel like eating liao ...

Also do you gals get turn off by certain smell of food?? Last nite mum wanted to cooked fish porriage for me ... just a slight smell of the fish porriege send me running to hid in the room ... cannot tahan the smell .....

Hi Rach,

Really envy you ...still can shop and high tea ... for me no mood to do anything ... last night mum n brother keep laughing coz hubby say wanna bring me to go buy some maternity clothes ...but I no mood to go ... they all so surprise say now even use shopping to tempt me also no use .....

hello everyone, I'm joining u guys here after being sometime in the March thread... EDD 5 Apr, 26 yrs, TMC, Gynae Dr WK Tan.

Now about 11 weeks and somehow my MS got abit worse..arghhh....hope it really goes off in wk 12...

Btw, do u gals have the feeling of tummy cramp or stretching? Dunno y these days like more pronounced though I have no spotting.
