(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

bulma: i saw the clip liao... jarren and feng kai not affected.. hehe only YJ keep lookin...

violet: wow ur hubby so fast leh.. faster squat down to carry xr up...
amanda, she cry so loud
whoever is there will pick her up immediately....
<font color="ff0000">Amanda</font>
Yes yes, I took up the job which I mentioned to some of you.. Very shiong job, but no choice lah, just got to move on. Better pay :p

<font color="ff0000">bulma</font>
Woowow.. so qiao, u managed to capture this "episode" of XR falling over ah. Ur Jarren really so cute.. steady and cool. Just make sure he does not become like my son, very Mummy's boy. Sometimes so whiny that I got to scold him not to cling onto me.. But at times, I think think... I shld be happy that he is so close to me. When he is older, have gf etc, he will surely listen to her liao.. I will be quite "redundant". :p
kpo a bit.. how long have been on the job? oh btw, i was mentioning to my friend abt your company and i know someone there and so coincidentally she actually went to your co for an appt and met you. I told her you alrdy mother of 2 she was very shocked coz she say you look d*mn young loh... heehee. And i add on, your son quite a big boi liao.
IT's ok lah, she also a bit keke, sayang a while then she stop liao. But she still not steady, will sometimes have such accidents
Still havent thank you yet for opening your house to us, ллYour hb really very gd leh, take care and play wtih all the bbs, n all of them respond v well to him

aiyoh, so long then can come in, already so many posts! Sunday xr went back, slept in the car, then once we stopped, she also woke up n didnt go back to zzz til night. But she slept thru til morning lah. Too excited, but i think she enjoyed seeing the jiejie and gorgor play. violet, she kept looking at yixuan n I think hoping the jiejie will play wif her

wah, so coincidence. I also never pay attention, she cry only then I know she bop her head. Aiyoh she also kaypoh, turn n look at other ppl then peng.

thx for bringing the oil to the gathering. zj is really active man. but such a happy bb
aiyo the video so cute.. so poor thing XR fell then the other 3 babies like super bochap continue doing their own thing..

i on the video let elly hear XR cry she look and smile ley.. so uncompassionate my girl..

bulma, thanks for the video..
sunshinekid is really a young looking mummy and so attractive still...figure bao chi mei mei ha ha not like me the tummy big big and i only have one baby leh.....

i agree leh..so now hor when Ethan clingy to me i appreciate leh ha ha cuz hor veyr soon he will have his own life and then i be chilling out with hubby only...so really ought to cherish the times that they want to spend with us hor...its short....
Oh ya, that day you were asking me abt the wristlet price hor... it's S$179 in singapore outlet. Sorry leh, I was waiting for msn to sign in then i accidentally fell asleep. Then by the time i wake up and want to reply you... you offline liao.
Ya loh, my tummy also like elastic rubber like that... dunno when it will reduce back to pre-preg size.
Me and my girl like south pole and north pole... she will stick onto me like magnet when she sees me around. Really appreciate that she is so attached to me. Enjoy it while it lasts!
yar, enjoy the bonding with bb
My girl see hb n i will want us, but she more clingy to our maid, sigh. See her only will get v excited n insist maid carry.
hello again all! hehe..

aiya the gathering at violet's look so nice. too bad had to miss. aiya been missing out so much. ivory's also i miss

Swimming i want to join but BBQ i cant lor cos i must break fast at home. BUT then it's still very hazy so i dare not take bb out for now.
true true...i absolutely agrees haha enjoy the sticky moments...once secondary school age they willl drift further and further but for girls think still alright...boys sigh..

Thanks for the coach price...
<font color="ff0000">Summer</font>
Hmm... what is your fren's name ah? Can say here? IF not, u PM me and tell me leh. I am really curious. I hope I was behaving myself and not hostile to your fren, hahah. I can be, :p I have been in my current co. for 7 yrs. Time to move on. Thank ur fren for me. Beneath the makeup, I actually dun look that young. As for shen cai, if you have a notti and active son like mine, u will be too! He can drive me nuts during the weekends. I suspect answering his non-stop questions, scolding him and playing with him helps in shedding the fats too. Hehheh

tdy.. is camping day for ZJ...

going to dump him at my SIL's place tdy.. n will oni fetch him back tmr evening...

finally.. i can sleep till 12-1pm tmr afternoon.. hehe..

tok to u gals tonite.. going to my SIL's now..

thx for the pictures

hehe, have booked marina mandarin for this sat, using complimentary room voucher, so will go relax wif hb n xr, family alone time
wow how come le??? ur sil so good volunteer help u ah hee

wow u all good le always enjoying hotel stay one...hee
Finally u can get to sleep till 12-1pm hahahaha, must really enjoy the nite w/o ZJ.

Sunshinekid &amp; Amanda
xie xie leh hehehe but hor i mus lose more wt leh.

*high 5* Keagan oso adopt my bochap attitude at times hehehe...
<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
Gareth will be 4YO this December. To me, kids can start taking abit of seasoning after 1YO. We will put a bit of soy sauce/sesame oil into the porridge for tasting. Not so much though. Then at about 15-16 mths onwards, they should be trained to take more solid porridge, or soft rice. Frankly all these depends on how strict the parents are. Some are very particular, not even french fries at 2YO.

But for me, I am quite laxed. Also, my inlaws have spoilt him rotten. Behind my back, they feed him what I also don't know. I am also not in the position to control. Good thing is, he eats everything. He is not picky about food, except..... veggies! This one i m very headache.
etelle, i think at least after 1YO bah...

nowadays so many pple kena bar fr msn in office ah hahaha so i m not the only "ke lian chong" .. v sianz hor.. no choice lor more hardworking in forum hehe yest forum lk not much to read hehe cos i as busy as a bee at home hehehehe

ivory (whisper) my "relative" visit me liao last middle of nite hehehehe so happy hahahaha
stella: my mom told me can start to give them a little now but not too much then certain food dun give lor.. like those seafood or what...
then now when i bring her out then got steamed fish, i will give her cause she quite like fish and tat is the only 'outside' food tat i am givin her...

Bulma: hehe ur 'relative' visited u and u very happy ah.. hehe y huh.... hehe on trial to promote jarren liao ah... hehe :p

Etelle / Bulma: saw ur blog u all givin ethan and jarren bisuits hor.. from where u all buy?? normally at ntuc one limited leh...

sunshinekid: tink u will have ur own area when u go to the new job?? hehe then can msn liao lor.. hehe
haha ya lor scare preggie mah cos hor late 8 days haha usually wont late so many days.. thk really too stressed hahaha

i called cheong choon hor... they say delivery for toiletries is min $150 order lei how to order so much things? siao... so end up cant order fr them lor
Just realised I didnt really answer Etelle's questions. I thot she was asking me when can give seasoning.

I think for them to eat what we are eating.. shld be at least 1.5YO. Cos our adult food is very saltish. But we must not give them soft soft porridge for too long, if not, they will not want to bite anything that is not mashed up, very reliant on porr then it's a headache.

What u want to buy? Anyone bot carseat from Cheong Choon? Thinking of buying a front facing carseat.
i only wanna buy pigeon wet wipes mah tot wanna order 1 box (8pkts) since i use quite fast then a fren also say she wan 3 pkts then even if i order 2 boxes to share w her also wont cost $150 mah haizz see how lor

sunshine, bulomum or yvonne, u all wanna share? pigeon wet wipes order hehe each pkt $8.50 :p
1 pkt got 3 packs huh? But I juz bought 2 pkts during the Seiyu Super Sales...Anyway, I dun mind getting nother 2 more pkts if you can't make up the quanity. Think these will last for the next 6 months.

These few days, Nichole is learning to stand up. Though she can't really make herself stand but at least in kneeling position...hehe so happy
haha i have 9 pkts at hm cos i usually order i box..hee..hee..

Elvin stand on his playpen and cot already and when he is in the cot stand up is 45 degree i will ask him to walk forward and stand on 90 degree. So far do that once. It like 2 step forward.
thanks for answering my queries hee hee :p

so u delivered Gareth at 29????

biscuits i give gerber sweet potato star, piegon fish and spinach biscuits and baby bites original and carrot leh
hee alot of variety hee hee :p
I will PM you the contact. This guy has very wide contacts for nannies.

Me damn stress out...especially the last 2 hrs. My presentation is going to start in 20 minutes. Really hate presentation, worst is in front of all the managers n directors...
My fren's surname is Chia... rings a bell? but you are good lah.. 2 kids and still look so radiant.

Does the Gerber Sweet Potato Star comes in a tube container? My sis was telling me her fren is recommending this star snack in a tube like container where babies can jus pick up and put in their mouth and it will melt.

Totally understand how you feel... i also dislike presentation but sometimes jus cannot avoid.
<font color="0000ff">Yvonne,</font>
Steady and good luck! I know what u mean, I also have to go through that quite often.

<font color="0000ff">Etelle,</font>
Aiyooo.. u announcing to everyone my age leh. :p

I bought the biscuits that comes in a red box, outside says Mama or something, with a cute baby face on the box. It says from 7MO onwards, but I personally find it quite hard.

My girl loves the Gerber puffs alot, I bot the Strawberry &amp; apple one.

<font color="0000ff">Summer</font>
What is your friend's name? U make me xin yang yang leh.
yeah its in a container one...long tube container hee hee...sweet potato and strawberry flavour hee :p

sorrie sorrie...haha din mean to reveal your age....
I jus PM you on my fren's name. Anyway, you dun look your age so never mind lah....

Thanks! That's the one I have in mind. Oh, so our babies can start taking this ah... okie good good. Gonna buy one to keep her entertained over the weekend.
Yesterday YJ like a rubbish bin ate so many foods. Nanny gave her strawberry cake (faintz), cheese n yogurt. She ate! N somemore can take her usual 1 bowl of porridge during lunch n dinner...
I asked nanny dun give her cake lah! Too sweet liao not healthy.
how come ur nanny give her anything and everything one...cake got egg inside le....and then cheese and yogurt though can feed but must observe the 3-4 day rule mah...like that putting bb to risk le...*touchwood* if got allergic reaction how to know which food cause it??? must be careful with baby le....my own view ah...no offence.
aiyo yj ate so much... and the nanny must be laughing and happily telling u how much she fed yj and how happily yj ate hahahhah when she did all the wrong thing but dunno she is wrong and yet feel proud of it hahaha... i thk u better tell the nany dun give cake lah too sweet also w egg inside... thk better avoid lor thk she give too much snack lah hahaha
Ya loh, nanny feel so happy tat yj can eat so much! N dun think she is wrong! San nuo jing!
I told her dun give yj junk food. She said she never give yj chips n tibit leh... faintz... her definition.
I also think so tat yj eat too much snack liao! But yj tam jia leh, see ppl eat will crawl n hold on to ppl legs... n mouth moving... haiz. Nanny see liao sure give her one leh. This morning I oredi feed YJ some milk at 7am, reach nanny place, nanny still give her biscuit (1 stick lah) then say later feed her cereal... aiyo I feel not right leh. Zhen mo bai?
Zhen mo bai?
haha let pple take care is lk dat one lor difficult lei but since yrs is nanny, u shd be able to give instruction haha unlike my mum, i m helpless hahaha but hor instruction or timetable is one thing lah even if u give liao, provided nanny follow. u give, behind yr back she no follow also no use one lor... i also dunno how to help... wait "hai ni mei you nanny" hahhaha
think hor you have to ask ur nanny to cooperate with you leh...cuz if not if yj anythign wrong *touchwood* u r the one whose gonna suffer lor....but like what bulma said if she do behind ur back u also dun know so it boils down to trust also lah.....

my menses flow this month hor alot le...got like clots coming out also...is it normal???????? i seldom like that one leh....
Hi mummies ,

u can come if u can make it on sat ... Anyway , my friends is coming for BBQ so i still need to prepare food. But if u want to come for swimming without BBQ also can ..bcos got 3 Baby of my friend coming ...



Swimming &amp; BBQ
Hello Gals!!!!!
The other recept gave me her password to access internet...finally
or i be so bored to death hehehe.

Yvonne can pm me the contacts oso, my sis might wan to look for a nanny near her place at fernvale.

Hi gals,

See you all go for so many gatherings liao. So xian mu! Weekends are a no no for meetings like that. My 2 older ones got swimming, art class, dancing etc etc. Aiyah, you know kiasu parents. Kekeke...hope to meet weekdays with you girls one day, must jio me hor!

Thanks to the one who recommend the bb yoghurt from NTUC tampines! finally found it! so excited, bb loves it.

Think the menses quite heavy and irregular the 1st few mths after birth. Clots are normal. If in doubt, call yr doc.
I bot the Gerber veggie puffs also last weekend. My boy learning to pick up but aiming no good cannot put in the mouth, hahaha. Anyway good to practice his motor skills.
