(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
Thanks for your comments on Annika. No lah, she where got pretty. Like you, I find Chloe very cute. She is a baby whom pple will want to go and play with. Actually all the babies are so cute, I got no time to go and play with them.

I am especially impressed that Chloe can hold her own milk bottle and quietly drink her milk. Given Annika, she will yank out from her mouth in no time. I wanna train her.. find Chloe so cute holdg the bottle.

Agree with Amanda's comments on the daddies. Violet's hb really very on with babies. I know he has been looking out for Annika too, becos I really left her to "fend" for herself while I fed Gareth, talked to her mummies and babies, etc.

Irene's Lao beng, as usual, very good with kids. Even my superglue Gareth, warmed up to him in the end.
Thanks so much for organising this gathering...Paiseh, was a bit quite late coz my part-time maid was around at hm to do the hsework. Anyway, I really enjoyed especially with all the mummies n bbies ard. I like to spagetties too. Yummy Yummy.

Can email the pics for the gathering to me? Though Nichole may not be capture in the pic but wana keep these photo as memories. nxt time when she grows up, can show it to her..hehe

Ya...so long never see you liao. Ya, you look slimmer. Stress at work? Your hubby oso said I look slimmer leh, help me to thank him for his compliment...hehe

Jarren is sooo cute..Wowww, he is really a big boi leh. Too bad dun hve much time spend with you n Jarren. Anyway, we will meet again in Nov (Shayna's 1st Birthday).
Wow, seems like you gals have fun! Next time i must join!

Is that Annika in the pix... the lovely gal with the hair clip? Aiyo, dunno when my gal can put hair clip... her hair still very sparse... still got pple asking me if she is boi?!!

Uhmmm... why you call Irene's ah lao Lao Beng huh?

Anyway, i tried giving tiff HT brown cereal and she loves it. Yeah, finally found one cereal tat she likes. She finished 2 bowls of it... started with a small bowl coz dunno she like or not, in the end not enough so prepare another one.
you are still the bonkers mummy lor, as expected.

Oh yes, I also saw Joyce for the first time, and Claire too. Sorry Claire, wasn't able to chat much with you yesterday. I was very stressed having to look out for a big baby and a small baby. Hehehe..

Hiazzz.. yes he is. He is mummy's boy. We have spoilt him since young. He cannot play by himself now. Cos since birth, he gets everyone's attention as soon as he is awake.
sunshinekid: annika like wise more independent hor... hehe...

summer: u should have come along leh... hehe... next gatherin must join k... :p
violet, then yr hb's acting skill good lei haha i dun feel he stressed at all hahahahha

yvonne, ya lah u cm so late then my boy start to grunchy liao cos wanna oink oink... so e moment br him bk... within 15 mins he knock off hahahha he grunchy all the way home til my hb drive til buay tahan haha say headache bcos of him hahahahha

aiyo dunno nx x jarren will be like Gareth bcom a mummy's boy meh... siao liao....
Hi Etelle
I have receive the form and email abck to you already. Sorry i do not have internet access at home at the moment and only chat fr Mon-Fri.

Hey all mummies, the gathering must be fun with all cuties around...and looks like a nursery school fr the pics attached here! Haha!
i was surprised that he is very ok throughout lor. 'cos I keep looking out at him if he ok or not.... haha.... scared he stressed out then his migrain will stike again then i jia lat liao. Got to take care of 3 babies after that.

ya Annika's is so thick and nice, envy leh.

And Chloe and Keagen can really hold the bottle very well. My one still need to carry and feed. Sometimes takes 1 hr to finish the miserable 140ml. And I like Jarren's bah bah.... give my FK some....
haha u like his bah bah ah ... he actually is putting some weight bk alr... when he was attacked by asthma, he lose weight then now putting bk.. can see fr his arms and thighs hahahah
I bought the Petite Miama Yoghurt for my son too, he loves teh banana not yet tried the vanilla it but also have that sour look on his face...cos yoghurt itself is abit sour.
vonvon: receive the pics... thanks...

ai... just now i missed out one category...
*Most hardworking takin pic daddy* - vonvon hubby... (he will go all angles to take pic) :p
Thanks for ur compliment.. hahaha... abt my hb, u r not the 1st to comment tat he is very quiet.. even my close frens oso find him very quiet.. hahaha.. i realise tat XR n shayna pattern almost the same.. slp tat time mus struggle n we mus wrestle with them... hahaha..

Thanks for the gathering.. i bet shayna mus have made alot of frens...
bbger: hehe but at least he not tao tao kind then ok la... hehe cool mah... :p
haizz like what i told some mummies last nite.. she not her usual self leh... she so cranky... first time i got to use strength to make her sleep leh... when she finally sleep at nite i felt so exhausted... hehe
Shayna also pettie hor... hehe she and Chloe pettie pettie one...

joyce: sorry ya.. yesterday i heard u sayin Chloe was underweight then i reply 'is it' only and break the conversation... how come she underweight??? and i heard u sayin she 2 weeks no eat?? what happen??

yesterday i left violet's house with Xin ru sleepin... until i met my hubby like 15mins later, she woke up... then all the way cranky till abt 4+ when we were on our way home after lunch... then she slept till 7+ with me leh.. haha so shiok... tink she really very tired liao.. cause tink too many ppl then she buay gum wan go sleep...haha.... tink at infant care she also like tat lor...
Violet ,
Thank for organising this gathering... Chloe really enjoy herself with some many bb alone n toys... She come back home still very active n play till 8pm then sleep till 5am today .... wake up still active play ...i 'faint'...

Amanda ,
She underweight bcos she cough, fever, flu n asmatha for 2 weeks . That y is lose weight. Now slowly gain a bit weight liao but still small size.

Ur ZJ really very cute n keep smile... i carry him for a few mins , cannot tahan liao plus he like to jump on my stomach ..haha now i know y u cannot tahan him ....haha...

I saw ur boi clap hand .... very cute ... i must start training chloe to clap hand liao ....
joyce: oh... think Chloe also belong to those pettie ones bah... she takin porridge or cereal?? dun worry la... as long heathly and can eat ok lor...

haha ya... Zj like to step on ppl's tummy... hehe
Mummies ,

Anyone interested to bring baby to swim on SAT 21 Oct 06 at my house ( bukit batok )
After that can BBQ at my house?
But hor , yesterday me n kelly think when we BBQ where to put BABY ??? so i think all must bring stroller ...hehe
i would love to go but planning to go back IL's place this wkend leh...
if they all go then u pool will be full of babies, wat a sight!
I am asking my hb to call his sis and check how's the haze in KL now then decide later in the wk.
violet ,
I also worry about the haze ...

Smiley ,
Ya hor , hb can do the job of take caring ..keke

SWIMMING &amp; BBQ on 21 Oct 06 ( Bukit Batok )
Swimming at 3pm onward...
BBQ at 6pm onward ...

hmm... joyce,
on 2nd tot.... maybe not wise to plan for outdoor activity now? 'cos the haze condition can get better or worst, cannot predict one leh. So if that day happen to be very hazy then got to cancel then all the food will be wasted....

Maybe shd wait to do it later? wat do you think?
Joyce...if u have it on another day, I don mind joining....since I live in Bukit Batok....but tis Sat cannot....need to prepare for coming Hari Raya...
tis sat cant lei thanks for the invitation. anyway, nowadays so hazy, outdoor activity is a no no for jarren lor cos he is asthmatic then PD asked me try to keep him at home
I also sob sob cos i cant go.. sound super fun...
... din get to see all the cute, prettty, stylo bbs.

If i am your hubby, i will b super stress also.. adult easy to handle. for bbs need a more jing sheng. Think both of you like kids lah.. My hb and me observed that during the aquaduck class.
yes, i love kids but can't afford to hv too many. Too stressful liao... so I always admire those who have more than 2 kids. Pei Fu them!
For my hb he told me 4 years ago that he didn't know he likes kids so much until our gal is born.
Guess he really enjoys watching our kids grow up
Yvonne &amp; Amanda
Hahahaha... i never really slim down leh, maybe the clothes i wear yday makes me look slim, me still at 58kg ah 3kg is damn hard to get rid of hehehe. Yvonne will xie xie my hb for u

Keagan is forever sitting one corner n observe other bbs play n he always kaki do kaki thing hahahaha....

Any kids see my hb will sure one to play wif him cos he's one big kid himself

I always chow Keagan how to clap hand so he followed lo. It's his favourite action n not to mention flying, he like to flap his hands hehehehe
hi mummies..thanks for the payment. Below is a summary update. cheers!

sleepingdeer - $14.84
Ivory - $9.90 (received)
Cookie - $25.80 (received)
slinky - $19.87 (received)
Wenyl - $30.59 (received)
Flo - $32.15 (received)
mashybrain - $10.72
mongs - $21.68 (received)

I also can't make it this Saturday, got 2 birthday celebrations to attend in fact!
Anyway, i echo Violet's sentiments. It's better not to plan any outdoor activity at this juncture, just look at the weather today! Aiyo.. so bad, when I knocked off and walked out of the office, the haze was really very bad.

I think you lost weight leh. Not just the clothes u were wearing lah.
received the pics liao.. thanks so much ya!!

ya lor.. ZJ ba zi very strong.. all the family members oso kena bullied by him.. except my mum.. haha..

haha..now u know my tong ku le.. dats y i cant slim down.. tummy every day swollen from his jumping n kicking.. hehe..

cute? monster in disguise oni..

gathering we see how the haze condition 1st lor.. else will b inhouse gathering lor.. this Sat afternoon i will b at BB Ave 6 to visit another of my preggy fren.. so can pop by ur place if got gathering at ur place..

violet / ilim..
next gathering must get ur hbs to there.. so ZJ got tree to hang on.. haha.. ZJ super satisfied with all the trees yday.. hehe.. esp the big big tall tall one.. haha..
irene: no leh.. not the clothing tat u wear la.. but u look slim le.. hehe because u lost fat la.. so not reduce in weight... hehe :p
haizz forget to mention in the previous posting... tink tis week gotta MIA from MSN liao... my big boss lookin out for me msn-ing... so i maintain active in the forum.. hehe
Morning mummies!

I think I am gg to be active in forum too, as I am serving notice right now.. My last day at work should be sometime 1st/2nd wk of Nov. Nothing much to do now, just got to handover to my assistant.
Phew.. going to have 2 weeks break before I start work in December. Can organise gatherings during these 2 wks? :p Then I can join in during the day mah.

Your ZJ looks really solid and sturdy. His milestone is quite advanced hor. Like a 1YO.
Hehe... my hb cool meh? tink he act cool lah.. so actuali XR n shayna nt same pattern... she is the hyperactive kind.. Rgd shayna's size, she n zj almost the same weight leh, hw can be petite? hehehe.. chloe is the petite type.. ooohh.. i jus love to look at her.. she's sooooo cute....
by the way, amanda... XR reali look like u... alot...
smiley: dunno leh.. cause she especially quote my name to one of the buyer.. she say 'i mean example amanda computer can download the chattin thing a not...' so i guess she must have seen.. haha :p
sunshinekid: u startin the job tat u mention the other time is it??

bbger: hehe ya la.. i mean tat kind of cool la.. hehe :p
haha i tink i heard kelly mention to me before tat Shayna also hyper one.. hehe huh.. she same height as ZJ ah.. hehe paiseh paiseh... :p so she also belong those tall and slim one.. hehe good leh for gals.. :p
ya ya chloe so cutie pie rite.. hehe
ya.. so many ppl say she look so much like me... hehe
Haha thanks for the compliment on your commend of my HB *Most good hubby and daddy* - Bochap hubby
Hehe tat's the usual, I bochap... he from day 1 is like tat liao, take care of bb.

YJ also like K, observe other bbs play n kaki do kaki thing. Like she cannot see the rest of the bb like tat leh... maybe she kana my bochap attitude hehe!
my hb say why jarren like living in his own world when at the gathering haha cos i show him a video i took where claire's xr fell bkward, yujie and fengkai will look at her when she cry but jarren lk nothing happen continue play his thing hahahha

clair, u wan that video haha i "yan jiu" the video liao thk nobody cause her to fall but she lose her balance hahaha cos i scare it was my son who push her or wat so i look at the video over n over again hahahaha to ensure it's not my son else i will scold him haha

oh ya!! clair.... so sorry i didn't look after xr well while u are eating!!!

sorry sorry...... I was called away and forgot to get someone to took over.....
