(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

amanda....same same...JH also have "windy" stomach. tend to trap gas easily so that time i gave her sweet potato...wow liao eh...she 1 whole day refuse milk after that cos v bloated leh. then my mum says sweet potato induce wind. so now i dare not let her try anything
i very scare the wind 'trap' inside one leh... later some more will throw out.... *faint*
then see her uncomfortable then i also sian liao...

I hope you're not offended by what I said.

Like you said, dettol is poison. I'm just trying to illustrate a point.

For those who are allergic to the food, that food is poison to them. So even with small amts, it could lead to asphyxiation and possibly die from it. So never underestimate what seems to be harmless to everyone else.


Like peanut butter, is it harmless? It killed a gal who kissed her boyfriend after he ate a peanut butter sandwich.


you may want to let me have the infor cuz the chart i updating will be uploaded in the forum on every friday just in case u see how come ur details not updated
Please be informed that the bb contest is officially closed for Most Cheerful baby. Total there are 19 entries will be blasting emails to you soon to invite you to view and vote for the baby
I totally agree wif u a person who's allergic to certain food n jus a small amt will take away the person's life. When i was flying n if there's a passenger who's a serious nut allergy we dun serve any nuts for the whole classes.
Alamak I was so busy for the pass 1 week, missed the contest... I jus found a pic of yujie look cheerful one... hmmm... never mind lah, shall wait for another theme

Please to update Yujie's wt n ht @5.5 month
wt= 7.35kg
ht= 62.8cm nai (shortie also)

Thanks ah!
Most Cheerful baby COntest

Voting has begin! Pls note the dateline for the last vote will be 25th July (Tues). Whether you want to vote or not pls let me know your preference so i can close early when all the votes are in.

View the photos at yahoo album. A link has been sent to your email.

Happy voting!
aiyah...never mind wait for next theme
your bb infor already updated previously hee hee :p

Ethan went to PD today took his last 6-in-1 dose he was alright. His weight now 8.5kg and his height 70cm. PD said his weight looks heavy but form the outlook ethan doesn't look that heavy but when carry him can feel his weight ha ha
Hi all,

Just brought Ian to the PD for his vaccine today. and after reading all your babies' weight, I think Ian is still one of the fattest.
At 5mths, he's 8.2kg & 65cm tall. PD says his height is at 50th percentile, but weight still at 90th percentile. hehehe...
So long as he's healthy, I'm happy.

PD says we can start him on cereals now. So, I went to the supermarket, and as expected, there're not alot of choices here. Besides Nestle & Dumex, which are both sweetened, there's only this other Aust. brand called FAREX. Anyone heard of this brand, or have bought for their bb b4? Pls. let me know if u have ANY feedback at all. thanks!

*Etelle: I'll update Ian's height & weight myself.
hehe Ethan tall leh... YJ not so good leh, after her 3rd dose of 5-in-1, she got fever for 2 days even after give her fever medicine immediately after jab leh. Wonder is it bcos of her teething or the jab?

My girl's wt n ht at 50% percentile, but big head at 75 or more percentile... (43cm). So tat day, we laugh at her, Da Tou Da Tou xia yu bu chuo... haha!

Tat mitten ah... cos Yj cannot take cold leh, so we bring mitten for her when go shopping mall loh!
Aiyo, busy n lazy lah, didn't update the blog. Today my hb jus updated... another new milestone for Yujie, found 2 teeth popping out! Aiyo tat nite, my hb saw them scream so loudly while I was having a shower... xie shi wo le! I thought both YJ n him had a fall! OMG!
so u dun want me to update in the chart that i post every friday one ah in this thread??? if u want hv to feed me with the update hee hee

yeah he considered tall hor among all i think so far. Myself is 161cm and hubby think 176cm. Must pray Bochap and believe that God will bless Yu Jie take jab no fever
wowowo like a few bbies alr got teeth pop out alr hor... i last nite like stil no see any teeth pop for my boy lei...

got teeth pop means can eat biscuits liao lor hehe i cant wait for mine to pop teeth hehe wanna buy biscuits for him to mum mum =p

bochap, sm x my hb also suddenly will scream for me, i also will scare til my soul nearly leave me haha they kan cheong spider one lah

stella, ethan tall tall lei xian mu si wo le
Stella: i send my vote to u le... (via sms)
hehe seems like u and me got a lot in common leh... haha we are of the same height and hubby also.... hehe and our kiddies are on the same date of birth... hehe
Wow Ethan is tall leh... 70cm liao ah... hehe

siwlng: u terrible leh... tease ur own bb.... hehe so funny ah u.... :p
hehe just now forget to mention abt the percentile thing....
Xin Ru height is at 75 percentile and weight at 50 percentile... hope she maintain like tat... hehe

bulma: ya agree... tis time round really very hard to choose leh... hehe and i voted for my all time cheerful baby.... hehe :p
aiyoh...you like my parents last time also keep saying that to me. Think my girl girl also nan2 tao2 zhi4 yi4 jie2

so difficult to choose from all the babies! I want to save and put as wallpaper, see already also can't help smiling along with them
will vote via sms, thanks
I have reecived the votes through all channels from bb_ger,Bulma,mindy,Amanda,Smiley,Bbcutie,
ilim,Fen,Violet, Claire, Oscar, Butterfly, Jasmine, Ivory.

Just to update.

Yeah Amanda
Ethan quite tall i think tallest so far in the feb thread same height as Jordan (elfstar son). 2nd tallest is Chloe Choo hee hee (jasjas baby at 68cm).
Hi Etelle,
thanks for your link.

Those mummies who give bb enfa dun request for sample now cos they will send enfagrow which is for 1 yr old bb. And with a $2 voucher whcih expiry in oct. By then our bb not 1 yr yet so the voucher will be no use at all. FYI they only send 2 pkt instead of 1 tin hor.

ya now i goving elvin the baby bites biscuit. HE love it so much. When bite with his teeth have sound somemore. Very cute.
hi hi.. i m from mar thread, but my girl is born on 25/2.. dun mind if i join in..

it seems tat most bb got teeth liaoz.. how 2 tell if there r signs of teething?
envy lei can see bb munch biscuits...... hope my boy will faster "tua li" toothless world haha then i also can buy biscuit for him to munch =p

alamak! i c all the bbies here so tall, i drool meh my boy haizz so shortie
Jappooh, oh oh...i request samples liao. but i dunno when they going send me. someone from mead johnson saying will send me samples when bb more than 6mths old leh.... i still waiting lor.
Thou after receive can give u...heehee

I so long neber measure my gal height liao but she not v tall too lah...maybe now abt 63-65cm....

Early have teeth gd meh? i prefer later leh.

I thought u'll extract e chart from yahoo! groups. ;p
@ 5 mths, Ian's height is 65cm, and weight is 8.2kg.
Me & my hubby both quite tall, but our fat boy also not very tall lei... I'm 1.72 & my HB is 1.82.
But we're not worried lah, coz my HB also avg height when young. Then at puberty, suddenly shoot up.
i try 2 give her teether lor coz sometimes when we carry her n we put our face close 2 her face, she can suddenly turn n wanted 2 bite u.. but then give her teether she bite a while, then dun 1 liaoz... mayb she prefer bite human.. hehehe
i not so "clever" yet, dun know how to extract hee hee . ley chey le ha ha :p By the way the yahoo group one i key in individually for you quite a number of you one leh hee hee :p

Hi taurus
new here. Pls PM me your email. I have a new member's form for you to fill in

ethan also bo gay lah hee hee :p
Welcome Taurus,
my boy not teething yet, but sometimes when we carry him he will 'bite' us on the shoulder.

My gal last time had 1st teeth at 10mths old. I hope my boy dun grow teeth so early oso....
Hi smiley,
the sample i mean that request was give efnagrow is online one. Since someone call u maybe is enfapro lei. Do let me so i can call up then and ask also.

Aiyo, yujie also shortie mah! Did u go n check your DIL's ht? hehe... wait taller than Jarren ah! hmm...

I got free tin of FM, I forgot to pass to u tat day during the fair, u wan? I can pass to u.
