(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

hi violet..

y u dun 1 ur boy 2 grow teeth so early? me cant wait 2 hv my girl wif teeth leh coz i can buy those cute cute biscuits 4 her 2 bite.. :p

Hi gals,
here some pics to share.



Hi smiley,
thanks. I will try to email them.
Hi gals,
whose bb is on enfalac A+. I email to them using the link smiley provide. And they call me within 30mins and say that will send me the enfapro A+ sample. Dun request online cos they will give enfagrow. So email them and get your sample.
jappooh, did they says when they will send huh?
i remeber they tell me when bb reach 6mths old then they send. i still waiting cos my gal not yet 6mths old. prepared to call them if no receive.

elvin looks so cute with his 2 teeth!

Sure! Thanks! How to collect from u? Maybe I drop by at your place one of these days? Haha, my weekend schedule very packed now. So many things to do b4 I start work.
Can help me update too?! My boy is 8kg and 70cm. Just went for jab.

My son still bo gay, but I also gave biscuit liow. I bought those Japanese brand biscuit for him. Those melt in the mouth type. He likes le.. can finish one at one go... but I give small piece bit by bit la..
Thanks for the infor. useful

Done, look out for the updates this friday

Bo gay can eat biscuits ah? My son only got milk and rice cereal nothing liaoz hee hee :p
and can we start using baby-walker for baby @ 5th month? any idea to share? cos my sis mentioned we can start using baby-walker but my gal will only hit 5month next monday
i put my baby on walker but take out the wheels.. hubby dun allow, say dangerous. I think as long as your baby's feet can touch the floor, can put him there.. my baby loves being in it, cos he can sit or try to stand.

Bo gay got bo gay way of eating one! heehee... put in the mouth until the biscuit melt and he can swallow. He can now hold the biscuit by himself and wait for it to melt. But cannot hold long...
I put my bb on walker with the wheels and she actually uses her legs to move the walker backwards and also "crawl" backwards.

Seems everything is reverse action haha..

Etelle, my gal weight now is 6.5Kg as at 5 month ..height remains the same.
can lah all the babies here whether 5 months or not also in walker le. but for me i let my son sit in exer saucer leh din buyw alker cuz dun want to use walker function.
i have this concern cos..Canada actually banned this thing, baby-walker. and i dunno if my gal is strong enuff yet..
Etelle what's exer saucer?
My son very lucky, got both exersaucer and walker. Gifts from people... So one in living room, one in his room. Just nice! Now Ashton cannot live without them. Dunno good or not.

Vs, exersaucer is something like the walker, but without wheels, so the baby cannot move around the house. But allow the baby to stand or sit and got toys around to entertain him. I put my son into the exersaucer once he can hold his head, abt 3 months plus. Maybe tat explains why he got strong legs (kick me, very pain) and loves to stand.
Hi Amanda,
the gap abit lar not very big.

Hi Smiley,
i think mine will arrive quite fast cos she mention my boy going to be 6 mth soon.

bo gay can eat biscuit one. I give Elvin baby bites and it smelt in his mouth one. Elvin will hold the whole pc by one of his hands and bite with him teeth and chew. Another hand will hold hte mug mug cup and drink the water after his chew. He continue this process untill he finish the whole pc of biscuit. He love it lei..

As for the walker i put in to rocking mode so can run one. Elvin sit walker when he is 4 mths. Usually for him to sit and play with his toys and not running abt.

so cute bb is on reverse one har. My nephew last time also like that he crawl reverse one. Never crawl foward then start to walk liao.
i put my gal on the leapfrog activity station but can't sit for long..no patience cos can't move.

running out of toys to entertain her already..

Maybe u should try rotating toys. I've a couple of toys, but I will rotate them so that he doesn't get bored with them.

my boy will turn himself ard in his exersaucer. Hehe, he's still not tall enough, so i put some playmats below. He loves it.
my gal's fav toy is her own fingers..haha..i am running out of toys too..n getting heavier for my sis to carry for long period.
sounds i am kinda suaku here..need to shop around and see what are the products available in the baby stall..
thanks for the info..
think the gap in his teeth now is no prob since milk teeth will drop out later. Impt thing is for the permanent teeth to be straight.

Wah, tired out man. Had some guests from US in school today, then had to host them for half day. Luckily had some events on so they could watch those or else I also run out of ideas on what to do
hi Vs,

can let yr gal try it lah ,as long as she is strong enough u jz need to put a small pillow in front of her chest .my boy start using walker at 4th mth,normally they will go backward first.
jz watch out of her toe,dont pull the walker while her toe on the floor this will hurt her skin.
Yr bb so cute leh, so fast got 2 tooth liao. Dun worry abt the gap, when other teeth grow, all will fall into place. It is the adult teeth tat is worrying. My P2 girl got gap between her front top teeth though her bb teeth v nice one, haiz, so nan kan.
Enfalac A+ can use up to 1 yr old, ingredients got a bit diff from Enfapro, those mummies using Enfalac A+, r u changing milk for bb?
Hi jasminesym,
the ingredients is alomost the same just that some minerals like protein etc are higher. I intend to switch to enfapro when bb turn 7 mths.
Wat brand biscuit u give ur child?? I bought those Pigeon ones, but I think very blend so Ashton dun really like. But after I bought one Jap brand (dunno wat name), he likes alot. Just now when to see what is the content, gave me a fright, got alot of things, eg milk powder sugar and all... I tested it, its more tasty then the pigeon one lor.. no wonder he likes.
Your son really know how to enjoy! One hand biscuit, one hand mug mug!!!

reason is i dun buy many toys..most of the time i rent the toys online.

from my observation, she prefers to mingle with her own body..thinking how to creep, how to crawl..aiyo..

i'm still waiting for my gal's tooth to come out.
My son also loves his fingers. But he always put in too deep and ended up vomitting... So I must stop him everytime I see him doing that... But again, he still somehow managed to make himself puke... I spent 2 hours giving him the milk, and all puke out... sometimes I very angry lor..
yes, my bb tiffany also loves to stuff her toes in her mouth! so now i dun apply lotion on her feet which i used to in the past.
guess what..i heard bb who plays with the toes will have younger brother or sis..
genevieve ur son sounds bulimic..haha..self-induce vomiting

gotto wipe the toes n fingers frequently..to prevent infections..my gal playing with toes but the legs still short and she can't reach to munch the toes yet.. haha
you dun mean they will have younger bro or sis very soon right? you mean in the future hor? i dun wan another baby so soon...
haha..ya ..in future..if very soon i will pengz also.
my sis's two elder daughters did play with their toes but not the youngest son...dunno coincidence lah..cos i m thinking of stopping at one
Ya lor... worrying hor!! He vomit liow still can smile one... aiyo!

They say when babies want to learn how to walk, they will play with toes very often. So Tiffany and Summer maybe your dds gonna try walking soon!!

summer, unlike u, I want another baby so much. But hubby dun want. So can only salivate when people tell me that they are pregnant. So far got 4 friends tell me so and I am green with envy!!!!!!
My girl also like Avent Magic cup than her Magmag... funny... but sometime I feed her water via spoon, she preferred the most
genevieve my hubby also said samething..so i have to counsel myself to stop at one...i worried my gal will be lonely next time..it's better to have siblings..
my gal pukes like merlion too..stinks lor
my gal looks like boy..if i don tell u it's girl girl u will mistaken her as he..haha
been waiting for her hair to grow but till now still clean head..*sign*
My bb also lah... so little hair... never seems to grow. Got quite alot of people ask me "boy or girl huh?" Never mind one lah, will grow with time. I had little hair till abt 3YO... poor me. Hope my gal will be better.

I actually wanted to have one quite soon but after the fatigue from looking after my lil' one.. i pull back a bit liao. HB wants another one though. You looking after bb on your own?
the biscuit is BABY BITES.


Elvin start to bite his toes 1 mth ago when he is 4.5mths.

i also hear my MIL say that when bb start to bite there toes means will be having bb sis or bro soon.

i hope not now cos now my job still in a mess havent decide to stay or go so cant get pregnant now.
Walk soon?? i am hoping she can sit soon first leh....now she needs my support to hold her arm.

i think i wan to be fair to my girl first..let her enjoy 2 yrs of undivided attention.
I looking after my own BB... but everyday see him grow, so cute le... really want another one le. But hubby dun want.. he say very stressful.

hi gals,

actually i hope once i have make up my mind on the job stuff then i will prceed to plan for bb no 2. My hubby hope to have 3 but i tell him to stop at 2.
