(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

my gal started to play with her toes when she turned 4 mth..then proceed to biting recently when she turned 5 mth..

i hope not so fast preggy! my c-sect wound still feel abit painful aiyo...

Hi gals,
i have a problem here see who can help me.

Elvin wanted to be carry to sleep during weekends lei. He wan to be at the position like breastfeeding then his hands will hug me. End up i cant do anything during weekends.

As for weekdays, he can sleep in his cot without problem lei. CAn sleep for 3 hrs lei. When come to weekend if i put him down 5 mins he will wake up liao.

How? Wat should i do? I follow the steps how my MIL put him to sleep during weekdays and my mil see liao also say it the same way as wat she did but dunno when comes to weekend doesnt work anymore.
my boy also like his finger so much even he wakeup at midnight he wil suck his hand ,sometime suck until got sound and my dad got to wake up and find where the sound come from at the very begining.
my son suck his finger when he is 2 mths.

WHen reach 3.5mths he play and pull his toes.

when 4.5mths he suck and bite toes liao. Then my MIL day i gg to have a bb soon.

Hi gals,
elvin can sit on his own for abt 1 min last wk. But we have to put him at the sitting position lar. HE dunno how to put himself at the sitting position yet.

When he in pram he wanted to be at the sitting position also. When reach supermarket he wanted my MIL to carry him then he push his own pram. When we saw that all of us laugh..haha..

Kids really make our days bright. So regret that i dun have bb earlier.
I think my hubby not stressed because he din do much to take care of the bb at home. I practically do everything
And best part, he wants 4! Ask him go fly kite!
usually he sleep at the bouncher during weekends but like only 1 hr loh. Then when he need to be carry i will pat him to sleep then put him on my lap at less i can rest my hands not so tired.

Just that 2 weeks ago. he wan to be at the breastfeeding position and he will hug me. Can be at that position for 3 hrs lei. So i very siong.
the problem is he only wan me to carry him in that position. When with my MIL he sleep in his baby cot.

same same. I also do everything. My hubby at hm only play game and use computer then play with bb. HE dunno how to bath him, change diaper, feed and he hope to have 3 bbs also.

Rubbish lah. Impossible. Hehe.

As for Elvin, let him cry lah. Sometimes just have to let him cry it out. Esp now already grown up. Not newborn anymore.
BINGO! My hubby every night go home play LAN game, play station, watch TV! He knows how to bath, feed and bath... but that's only upon 'requests'. He has no initiative at all. Super tired. So every night bo bian, need to sleep at 9+ together with my gal and wake up at 1-2am to pump milk.

Me born in 79 loh... you referring to my real name or "Summer". So, am I your "xiao xue tong xue"? keke.
Yes, my mum told my bro that when he put on shoes for my niece. She say wear shoes before 1YO and the baby won't walk to walk when she gets older.
Hi professor,
yes i hear that cant wear shoes b4 1 yr old.

he wont cry. Just that he will not sleep and play the whole day. I have to play with him loh.

For me i also dun believe abt the have bb soon cos i find it not logic.
did any mummy here let yr bb wear any leg chain with 'long long' sound.actually is good cos can know if they are awake or moving,some more can track them down when they start crawling.

haha, no lah. u too young.

Maybe he overtired? Sometimes u have to watch his tired signals and let him sleep b4 he gets too tired. When he gets too tired, difficult to sleep lor. then u'll have to rock him to sleep.
i removed her anklet le... coz i find it very distracting when she is sleeping and fidgeting and I keep hearing the 'long long' sound in the living room.
my gal needs to be rocked in yaolan before we can transfer her to bed to continue with the sleep..can't sleep on her own and she screams oftens
no lei is not too tired. My MIL say he recongise me. When he see me he does not wan to sleep in the cot and wan to be carry to sleep.

Mon i on leave so i try out. Then bb refuse to sleep when i pat him on his cot. When i carry him he sleep. After put him down 5 mins he wake up. Then i told bb that i am going out so ah ma pat him. Then he sleep for 3 hrs lei.

THe problem is weekend my MIL not ard so no one can pat him except me.

When during the nite time i pat him he will sleep throughout. My MIL say that is becos bb wan to stick to me cos weekdays once i go hm he will stick to me till his sleeping time.
cannot wear shoe b/f 1yo?
I let my gal wear shoes b/f she turn 1 and she started to walk at 11mths. And I alrdy let my boy wear shoe so many times liao.
wear shoe..
it is up to yr believe lol...sometime cant really tell what is wrong or right.no point to let bb wear shoe since they are not walking yet.

Bulma...this is what my mom advice lol to know yr bb location and movement.
Re : wearing shoes b4 1 yr old...
my side say let bb wear b4 1 yr old in future he very 'gao zao'..

but for me i believe its bcos the feet bones not fully formed yet.. if wear shoes the wrong cutting or size, will affect the feet growth

Re : leg anklet
1 mth old let my boi wear.. less than 1 week he kicked both anklets loose.. n we din let him wear back cos he very action packed when sleeping... can go 'long long long' all nite long..

Re : Avent Magic Cup (with spout)
u all got remove the anti-spill seal inside? cos i find it hard to drink leh.. my boi drink until pek chek keep throwing the bottle away cos he hv to suck very hard then got water come out..
can you PM me your email. I need to send you a new member's form. Thanks.

i never buy the magic cup leh...

i think hor maybe cuz hor change hands during weekend and Elvin know. Hmmmm maybe have to trial and error leh...have to try to let him sleep on the bed lor....try hard lor.
Hi gals,
i find that when Elvin drink the mug mug cup he need to see the winnie the pooh sticker that i paste on the cup 1st. If opp side which dun have the sticker he will throw the cup away.
agree that's a more logical reason. But I just let my kids wear to look pretty la. Not for them to really 'walk' with it lor.
Wear nice clothes liao then bare foot a bit funny leh....

The 2 of them really cute! buddy buddy liao.
Wow so many postings to read hehehe....

Re: Shoes
I started letting Keagan wear shoe since 4mths old but i buy 6-12mths size n soft leather shoe for him lah so shd be ok.

Really ah bb play toes will have younger bro or sis ah..... my boy recently like to grab his toe n put it inside his mouth hahaha....
Me like violet, also feels that body so nice, but bare footed very funny.. so at least wear socks. But sometimes very hot, dunno whether to let Ashton wear or not also..
I oso buy the ones like Irene's lor. Maybe will just wear socks for him sometimes

My boi oso starting to suck on his toes, if have a third one I cannot take it leh.... I will pray hard....
haha... i cant let my boi wear shoes.. he bare foot already kicked until we very pain.. wear shoes we all ended in the hospital for severe stomach injuries liao.. hehe
<font color="ff0000">Violet</font>
Wah.. you wake up so early ah.. in office or at home? I still havent let my girl wear shoes leh, at most wear socks only. Which brand has those soft leather shoes?

Wow. ZJ and Elly so cute leh, it's good to have childhood friends who grow up together. Who knows.. maybe really become inlaws next time. That will be cool.

These days I am so busy, no mood and no time to post in this thread.
I got to pump around 6+ in the morning.... sometimes bored then log in to surf net lor.
If my boy is up at least can put him at highchair and play with him, but today he still sleeping lor.
Hhaa, So cute! I thot Feza's SIL is Elvin?

Ai yoh, ZJ becomes 3rd party leh....


It's $17.90 per bottle for body wash and shampoo. 15% off if manage to get 6 bottles for BP. But, they're having a promo in Aug/Sep. So if can wait , think will be cheaper. Let me know if you're interested. I'll liaise with the Jan mommy.

ZJ will kick those booties out lor..

no no no no no... Elvin is Feza choose one.. ZJ is Elly choose one... hahaha...
