(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

i brought ethan to the neighbourhood salon that we freqeunt. Then ethan was alright throughout until towards the end started becoming impatient le...and then the stylist use the sahver and shaved off professionaly and gently lah and it was actually quite fast lah...those who are experienced will be gentle especially when come to the soft part of the skull.

if you all have mothercare receipts pls let me have it if u dun want. I wish to apply for their VIP card. Think have to hit $300. Thanks. I am willing to transfer postage to you girls. Thanks.
hi everyone,

i just receive news from sally that her dad has just passed away.. so she won t be online.. those with her Children's Place spree, any queries pls revert to me.. let s not disturb her for a while..

i duno ley when and where we going next week.. nobody give me consensus on what we re doing next week also.. so we discuss again in msn la..
hope sally is ok...

haizz dunno why recently keep hearing many pple passed away... my uncle also just passed away.... last sun was his funeral. Have been crying for few weeks before he passed away since knowing he will be leaving us any time. Today just went for his prayer again. haizzz vvvvvv sad. like losing dad a second time. b4 he passed away, he came to my dream and bid farewell to me. Then 3 days later, he left us *sob*
Everybody takes for granted not knowing that life is very vulnerable. Especially after having our own kids we should look after ourselves. We can't afford to fall ill. If only all of us can cut away all the unhealthy habits.....

Its never too late to start..... Go for healthy lifestyle everyone....U can do it....... There is no excuse....
hey gals, for those who still wanna learn how to use the sarong sling, see below email from MIM

We will be open next Saturday 22 July. 11am-4pm. We will have a sling class that morning. We have yet to put this up on our webpage, but for those of you who want to register, please just send Email to <mailto:[email protected]>. Limited spaces available only.
i don't want the mothercare receipts le. Have to collect so much ha ha $500 within 3 months doubt i be able to. So give up the thought anyway i seldom buy at mothercare maybe the kiddy palace card will do hee :p
How's everyone?? Lately quite busy, no time to chat in forum &amp; msn.My uncle passed away last sun, chloe hving fever, flu &amp; cough since monday &amp; oso my freaky mad boss gone crazy again. Suay!, so many things happened in one week. Very stressed &amp; sianz.

My Condolences, take care!

Pls help to update chloe's wt 7.1kg @5mths.
BB Contest
up to today and at this time i have received 13 payment but 12 submission of photosa. The baby photos received are from Mindy, ivory, Bulma, Smiley, Genevieve, Jappooh,piglet (fen), mummyo,bbcutie,amanda,violet,etelle.

bb ger pls remember to send in your pic before the dateline.

Etelle: Pls update for me XinRu info...
Height: 66cm
Weight: 6.7kg
hehe seems like Ethan and Xin Ru is almost the same in height... hehe

Weight issue:
MY PD say Xin Ru really shou le... when she check XR tummy, she say can see she really slim down but if cover her tummy, she looks ok.. cause her face and leg are 'ba ba'...when she carried her she nodded her head and say ya, now carry her not like last time liao.... Last 2 visit, she mention tat XR weight is abt 75 percentile then tis time round she say tat her weight is at 50 percentile liao le... so ask us not to worry abt her weight...
As for her height, PD comment the same thing again lor... she is tall... hehe

Milk intake:
We ask her abt the milk reduce stuff then she told us tat it is due to the first few months, she is drinkin well (180-210ml) so now her body is regulatin to a normal diet... and she calculated that per feed she got to drink at least 140ml... another reason is tat now at this stage, they dun ahve the patience to drink milk (Hong sim).... so even if they hungry also hard to feed them.....

She say tat we can start to add cereal to her milk liao le... so will be doin it in this comin weekend... they gave us NESTLE and we bought Heniz... Any comment which is better???

tis time round, when she took her injection, she only make 1 sound... was so surprise.. hehe and she no develop fever tis time round also... thank goddness... but her i tink her butt feel painful so when we reach home, seems like she cannot sleep on her back cause she will sleep halfway then wake up and cry... ke lian....
But finally, she no need to take jab liao... her next jab is at 1 years old le... hehe

When i was there on saturday, i saw a baby boy and he is at 9.3 Kg at 5months!!! huge rite... the clinic asst told them tat his weight is above the range tat they calculate for percentile at 5 months liao... hehe he look really very bah bah leh... hehe and fair... :p
<font color="ff0000">Morning Gals</font>
Had a very fun weekend at Desaru. We drove up, so it was quite a leisure. Had fun at the swimming pool and building sandcastle at the beach too.

<font color="ff0000">Sally</font>
Oh dear. My condolences to you. So sad to hear about this news. Yah, dun know why recently hear of so many deaths. Hiazz.. life is so transcient. We won't know what will happen next, so best is treasure each day!

<font color="ff0000">Amanda</font>
Xinru is quite tall at 5MO hor? She is taller than Annika. You may want to try Chor bee to be added into her milk. Annika is taking it quite well.
hi amanda,

Heinz definitely better than Nestle to my humble opinion. I don't like Nestle baby cereals and brown rice. Cos last time gave to my #1 and noticed he'll drink sooooooooooo much water after eating that. Find it's tooooo sweet or maybe they add dunno wat thing inside.

This is wat i feel.

Hiya Stella, pls update Reyes latest weight and height for me. He's now 4.5mths at 7.85kg and height 61cm. Sigh notice his weight not much increase. This boy not sucking his milk now, i got to spoon feed him. sigh sigh sigh
Sunshinekid: hmmm ya lor... everyone say she will be tall in future.. hehe cause me and hubby's height quite ok... hehe
wow u see annika is heavier than XR leh... haizz
the chor bee u give hor is pure one?? that type buy in NTUC or what?? tat time i saw one tat has 'Si Shen' one leh... u try tat before?? good?

Mindy: so i tink i should give her Heniz straght lor... hmmm Reyes is takin the 4months one huh?? wow... Reyes at 4.5months is 7.85kg liao... hehe
HUH!! tis weight still no increase?? ok liao mah... hehe mai too big la.... :p
mashy: sorry leh.. last friday din tell u abt the bag thing... cause had a quick lunch then come back and rush things liao le.... paiseh huh... so u managed to get anything durin ur shoppin last weekend??

Haha, shop till I drop on weekend. Total damage was nearly $400!!!
No choice. no clothes to wear. so had to stock up my wardrobe. But didn't get the bag. Coz Bulma said she's passing me her ice packs. SO I'll probably just get a thermal bag.

So good. My office is really office wear and suits are so expensive! Could only afford 1 suit at this moment.

Tell u gals hor, be careful when u go out shopping. During the weekend shopping, there's a young boy abt 3-4 yrs old, took a wooden hanger and wanted to hit my boy. Luckily my hb was ard and pulled him away. Spoilt brat!
ah amanda ah,

Cos at 4mths jab that time Reyes weights 7.6kg mah. So now 7.85kg, not much increase loh. this boy lately hard nut to crake lah, lie down he gets very angry. Wanna sit up. Yup, he eating the Heinz that blue box one, that's for 4-6mths. The other red box one is for 6mths onwards (hv banana in it). I also give Reyes this Eu Ren Sheng Si Sen Brown Rice. One container abt $8.60 i think. Reyes likes it a lot.
Mashy!!!! Same lei, my ah ger kena bullied too!!! The funny thing is at the same building (Suntec), she kena bullied TWICE by different boys!!!! When I was in Mango shopping, suddenly i saw her becoming very quiet and eyes red. I asked her wat happened, she said that boy pulled her dress!!! Then later on, we walked and walked ard and one boy (think he was abt 2, 3 yrs old) ran up to her and slap her face!!! I was MAD! Cos when the daddy stopped the boy from doing that, the mummy said loudly "why stop here and make a big fuss!" I talked loudly back, "some people dunno how to teach their children, instead of apologising, think it's ok for her child to hit other kids! OHHHH mY POOORRRR dalrling!" opppsss, i know many people looking but heck care. not my fault!
that's bad, how can that boy slap your girl! really bad 'jia jiao'! Y'day bring my bb to chalet and i also caught my fren's boy pinching her arms... twice. I asked him 'hey, why you pinch mei mei?" Then he ran off!

My girl sama sama... at 4 months she is only 6kg... i think now at 5MO, she maybe same weight as your gal.
ETHAN can flip now!!! Hee This morning hubby woke me up and said see your son flipped on his own. And when we put in back to recovery position and asked him to try again. he did it without assistance. Good. Haha but looks not easy for him to flip wonder if it's becuz he got heavy buttocks ha ha :p

Minday/ Mashy
what bad experience. for me i dun know how i will react le.....
Hi Mummies,

Have not logged into this thread for nearly 1 month cos' tied down with work. So much postings to catch up...have been back to work for 3 mths liao...It's really tough juggling work and baby...weekend also can't rest

Have started my baby on solid for 3 weeks...feed him Heinz rice cereal twice a day, 2 tea spoon each time ...he seems to be enjoying it more than his milk! worried that he will develop milk rejection...it's a cause of concern cos' his weight gain is slow...he's only 6.8kg at 6mths (adjusted age is 5 mths cos' he's a premie). He's drinking only 150-180ml every 4.5 to
5 hrs...

Hi Etelle,
Pls assist to update my baby's details. His weight is 6.8kg, height is 62cm.Missed the previous 3 baby contest. Would like to take part in the current one. The theme is "the Most Cheerful baby" right? I've submitted the photo. Which account do I transfer the $2 to?

Hv tried to put chor bee in my boy's milk but seems that he drink very slowly. Nt sure he does not like the taste or the nipple holes are not big enough for the flow.
Do u face this problem when you feed Annika?
Mindy: then Reyes take a lot of water a not?? can share w me the feedin schedule for Reyes.. like when u give Heniz and when u give the chor bee... hehe

mashy: hehe were u the one who say bring bb to underwater world then ur boy kana hit by one boy huh??

etelle: hehe yeah!! Ethan can flip liao... hehe
Summer...my dear friend is BIG at birth leh!! 3.545kg. Pd told me it's ok, but i scare. Drinks som much yet no fresh!!!
<font color="ff0000">Mtan</font>
Annika drinks quite fast leh. I suspect your problem could be the teat hole. Tried to make it bigger, cos Chor Bee is very thick u know.

<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
Yeah, so happy for you. Another milestone.

Poor thing. If I were you, I'll slap the boy back liao. So horrible. If the parents can't discipline, then others will have to discipline him lor. If not, get your gal to slap him back. Hehe

yah lor, poor thing, always kenna bullied...
Annissa... my bb also NOT SMALL at birth leh! 3.430kg! Your PD really say ok ah... i am bringing her to see PD this month.
<font color="ff0000">Annissa/Summer</font>
Wow.. both of your babies are quite big at birth
I guess sometimes, babies are not big subsequently also depend on their genes lah.. Not to worry so much.
Healthy is most important.
Hi Hi,

Long time no log in. Good to see all mummies &amp; babies doing well......

Have a can of Promil Gold Follow on formula (400g) to give away. Also giving away some Avent Disposable Liners.....

Pls let me know.....
hello evryone,
sorry hor long time never log in liao... very busy cos no maid still.
my maid supposed to come but then the day she was about to send to my place, the agency found out from her medical report that she has STD. walau eh... how can take her. then i waited 2 more weeks, the agent still never keep his promise to get the maid i have chosen after the STD one, my hb got fed up, scolded him then we terminated his service. joined another agency, waiting for new maid still... sian, sleep five hours a day leh.doing most of the housework.

MY in laws recreating trouble again. this time round i never scold back cos i too tired liao. i just turned my back to face them n keep quiet... no strength to quarrel.
any one got new maid agency to introduce?

bulma miss me huh?

Really long time no see. Your Maths Kit is still with me leh.

Don't do so much housework lah. Some things can close 1 eye lah. Or get a part time maid to help out first?
Summer....i also don know leh?? In this forum, another mummy saw him, he suggested to supplement with formula??? Her baby is less than 3kg at birth, which comes as a surprised to me cos he is very pro-breastfeeding one.

Anyway, by the following chart, Anya is on the 50percentile, i'll leave it as it is. Bear in mind that this is Abbott's URL which is a FM.
