(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Here's a pix of my gal


girl girl so cute think look like u leh hee hee
yeah lo your induction process seems so so so scary leh....

haha yeah lah different hole but very near mah ha ha i heard people said one u dun clear your bowels wait your shit kena ur bb face hee hee :p

i think 1 wk after natural birth can have massage liaoz. So think u still can lah. They all using susie...bbcutie, bulma, smiley and erm...one more who ah carol....Susie contact no. 90072875
Claire/ Jappooh
forget to add the price she quote me is $500 (10 session + 2 free hot masks).....as Bulma told me you can sms her she will reply one hee hee :p confirmation through sms also hee hee :p

i really hope i can give birth soon i have repeated myself so many times hor....sigh....sinking into depression liaoz if i dun quickly go give birth ha ha ha :p

by the way girls Amanda going to deliver at 11pm. She went gynae and was told her amni fluid going down and she is 2cm dilated liaoz. Dun think it's inducing should be natural she told me. Will keep u girls posted
Stay calm ok. Yes, it is not an easy period as we are starting to learn to take care of our bb. Certainly it is not easy to understand our bb cries as they can't communicate. Me too find it hard but i tell myself...must have patience.

all mothers here will be here to support you, should you have any question, i'm sure there are mummies here who either had experience or currently experiencing.

Bulma & Mashy
really envy your guys for completing your confinement. I really can not tahan leh.... i have 17 days to go

Jas jas
Your bb really have sexy lip leh. inherited from you ahh?
Jas Jas
Your baby girl very cute .... Congranssss....

Congransssss!!!! Hope to c your bb pic soon....

Hi Girlsss,
Before you all give birth your white discharge will become a lot a not ??? Mine don't know y today more n more flowing out a bit transparent & milky.... Dun noe y ... izzit the sigh of water bag going brust ???
Hi Sally,
Tat day u asked me abt episiotomy wound healing, it took me abt 9 days to heal

N someone asked abt Jaundice, not all bb got it lah. Mine didn't loh. Jus wonder is it I follow my TCM doc's advise dun take yellowish substances during last month of pregnacy, so didn't kana. (Bulma, rememebered we mentioned abt the test? to compare eating Vs not eating it? Hehe
I using the glass bottle from hospital to store EBM. N used the caps tat I bought from Cheong Choon (@ Chinatown) to cover it. So far so good lah!

I also use hot water to warm up the milk. Pour hot water into a cup and put the milk bottle in for at least 5-10 mins. My CL do it b4 bb cry, when her mouth starting to search. So far so good also. No need for warmer.

Maybe u should consider FM a little for your Caeden. Cos mine also loss weight more than 10%, I so xin tong, I EBM, BF n supplement with FM (once a day, b4 she sleep at nite).

so far, I manage to let bb sleep well at 10pm+, wake up at 1am/ 2am to eat, then 5am/ 6am to eat again. Both nite feeds was EBM loh!

Now, my bb's weight after 2wks, gained liao, from 2.775kg dropped to 2.5kg (in her 1st 4 days), then increased to 3.02kg (at 2nd week)
seems like u very successful in keeping the weight of bb growing steadily hor hee hee :p Goody goody good...hee hee now your CL still around right?? can teach you more hee hee....9 days for the wound to heal ah, how u know it's healed leh when the thread fall out? then when urine or poo how will the wound hurt?
Hi Etelle,

Yesterday i count contraction until fall a sleep... Before i sleep is 15mins a part.
Me wake up @ 5.55am n feel stomach start getting painful. Like stomach pain like that, now having contraction... due noe izzit going to 'sheng' liao.

Wat is labour pain, can bearable ? I try walking n make myself milo... but the pain still there.. must call doc liao ...
Hope bb coming out soon
Look like u will be giving birth today (8 Feb 06). And yes when yr discharge gets watery and sticky and more, it should b a sign of gg into labour. That's what happen to me. Jia you Jia you....

How come yr bb wt dropped leh. My boy was 2.81kg at birth, at discharged he was 2.68kg. On the 6th day my hb brought him to check for jaundice and he wg 3.02kg and PD said that's very good. Its 50 percentile.

Whenever yr bb cry, check whether is his diapers full, if not is he hungry or else is it he wants cuddles. Also monitor is he peeing and pooing well. If everything is ok but he still cry and cry and cry, he may hv colic. U can add some colic drop in his milk for him to drink. Every morning after bath, u can let him drink 1 teaspoon of gripewater.
Yr girl has got sexy lips....kekekeke

U can try calling susie to check whether she is available. It is not compulsory to get a massage lady. But confinement is the time to nourish our body so its better to get one so that can help us to expel the wind and water that stay in our body.
congrats on ur little girl
after such a long induction, the c section took only 10 mins. i'm sure seeing ur bb made it all worthwhile

jia you! sounds like u'r going to deliver soon!

yesterday, one of my colleagues who gave birth last june said when the elephant legs reduce in swelling means going to shen liao. is that true for u moms who've given birth? mine still v swollen, then walk already back ache and v area ache. yesterday worse...dunno if accidentally walk wrongly or what, inner thigh actually hurt when walking. today wake already feel better, tho back still aching like mad.
hi all

I am from the June 06 thread & am consolidating the next bulk purchase for Neurogain Pb fish oil plus. For me, gynae recommends taking the capsules from 3rd month. It costs about $31 (30 capsules) to buy from the gynaes and pharmacies.
I have contacts to get at $26.50 each for a minimum of 5 bottles.

Pls kindly email [email protected] by 15/2/06. Thank you

Anyway, for those who are clueless abt Neurogain PB plus fish oil, these are the info.

Product Details
DHA & AA: EFA`s with a structural & functional outcome.

Everybody needs DHA & AA. DHA & AA are particularly important early in life to meet structural requirements for brain & eye development, growth and immune functions. DHA & AA enter into the composition of biomembranes and play an important role in the proper functioning of the membranes and receptor-neurotransmitter functions.

Our ability to synthesize DHA & AA from precursors ALA & LA is limited. We rely more on dietary sources of DHA & AA rather than conversion from precursors. It means, the less we get DHA & AA from our diet, the less we have in our body. At times of high requirements, like during pregnancy & lactation, such a dietary intake should not be neglected in order to minimize the risk of deprivation. DHA & AA can be found in fish & eggs.

A healthy & balanced diet is particularly important during pregnancy & lactation to minimize the risk of fetal dietary deprivation. Conditions like closely spaced pregnancies, multiple pregnancies, unhealthy maternal diet, lifestyle should require extra attention.

?Maternal DHA consumption during pregnancy and lactation continues to be studied intensively as a means to improve pregnancy outcomes as well as to optimize perinatal brain and retinal development.?

What is NeuroGain PB PLUS
NeuroGain PB PLUS is a special formulation of conditionally Essential Fatty Acids for Pregnant & Breast-feeding women. NeuroGain PB PLUS is rich in DHA, low in EPA with AA & OA to help Pregnant & Breast-feeding women meet important pre & peri natal nutritional requirements. NeuroGain PB PLUS provides a balanced intake of omega 3 Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), omega 6 Arachidonic Acid (AA) and omega 9 Oleic Acid (OA) fatty acids.

Who needs NeuroGain PB PLUS

Pregnent & breast-feeding

History of low birth weight, pre-term births

Frequent, multiple pregnancies

Allergy to fish & eggs

Poor, unbalanced maternal diet

What is the ratio of DHA : EPA in NeuroGain PLUS ?
The NeuroGain PLUS "DHA oil" is specially concentrated in DHA and diluted in EPA to mimic natural levels of DHA & EPA in the human milk in line with WHO recommendations for DHA supplementation at an early stage of life.

Early in life, high EPA levels may lead to: increased blood loss at the time of delivery , depressed AA status and affected growth.

DHA-rich edible fish oil, AA, OA, EPA and Vitamin E as antioxidant in a soft bovine gelatin capsule (gelatin, glycerine, water)

The DHA: EPA ratio in this formulation is higher than 10:1.


Dosage : Take 1 capsule daily with meals or as directed by your physician.
hi girls,

sorry haven been online for awhile.. it really looks like i m gonna be the last few to pop.. so far not much difference ley.. now i m obsessed with looking at my panties for signs and also keep telling my girl to come out..

my legs still swollen and my v area is so pain.. can t even turn in bed.. so whenever i have to turn, i will have groaning sound.. my hands and fingers are numb.. and basically, i look like an inflated helium balloon..

congrats to all the mummies.. your bbies all look so adorable..


try to relax and be patient.. all the sufferings would be paid off soon when you get to see yr bb smile..
I also have the glass bottle. Hubby finds it really cute and decided to keep it. However, can we buy the caps to cover it? Hmm.. will ask hubby to check it out at Cheong Choon. by the way where is Cheong Choon located at Chinatown?
Hi venus,

Cheong Choon is at Blk 34 Upper Cross St #03-132. Tel No is 65323855. THey only open at 1pm onwards on Sat, and Sun may not open so I suggest u call them before going down. BTW, heard that MT A also sell the caps... so u see which place more convenient for u..

Do we need to bring the caps to the hospital? Then can ask nurse to sterilise the caps for us or we have to just use hot water to wash it? Cos I know hospital glass bottles dun come with the plastic caps right.

Hi jasjas,

Ur bb v cute... sexy lips like what they say..... ask u hor.... Is it better for C section with epi or GA? My gynae ask me to consider C section cos my pelvic bone narrow and bb big.... I still haven decide whether to opt for elective C or try natural then see if need emerg C... He says it is 50-50 per cent chance may end up emerg C.
What is your bill like? I worried if the bill will be v high for emerg C .... Did u buy the abdominal binder from hospital? Do u intend to do malay massage?
Hi Claire

Re: swollen legs and fingers, it's only now at 38+ weeks that I started having a bit of the swelling.
I rememebered with my previous pregnancy, the swelling came on towards the time very near delivery instead.

I went for my check-up last Sat at 38 weeks, baby is about 3.1-3.2 kg and I have gained one kilo in one week due to water retention ( the one kilo will be gone the next morning after I elevated my legs).

Hi Sunshinekid,

Congrats !

Hi Ivory

When I read your posting, it reminded me of how "helpless" I was when my cf nanny left and I needed help which my inlaws were not very kind.
I rememebered watching my baby so closely that every movement any time of the day would sent me into a frenzy, esp her cries. I even slept with my glasses on so that I can "monitor" her trying not to fall asleep. When I am left alone with my baby then, it sure was very stressful , thank God that I engaged a domestic helper then. Dun worry, you will get the hang of it ( bathing, burping, feeding, playing , educating, soothing etc) very soon. My hubby was commenting about how "lost" we were back then as first time parents, but he looked at me now and it's a totally diff picture.
Even with a big tummy now, I bring my 30 month old hyper active toddler out to the mall every evening for an hour, albeit kinda tiring. In the past when my gal was an infant, I didn't even dare to bring her out on my own to the mall, but now I would say I should be able to .. with time and experience, you will gain the confidence to handle your baby very well
Hi babycutie

How are you coping with 2 now ?

My discharge is still the same, though head is already engaged at 37 weeks and I am coming to 39 weeks this Fri. Doc said within 10 days (by Feb 14, my EDD is Feb 17) and he thinks my baby's weight will be similar to my gal's birth weight, told him not to "scare" me. :p

thanks for reminding me of the hospital bill..

jasmine and bb_ger,

what was the bill like at mount e?? since both of you have given birth there already need lots of advise..and is the service and food good??

so the swollen hands and legs could mean nearing delivery huh?? coz i have been doing a lot of walking, so unsure whether it s becoz of this that my legs get swollen.. my water intake did nt change much so i dun think it s becoz of water retention..
Hi Feza

The more water your drink, the *less* water you retained. If walking or standing for long period, it will cause the feet and legs to swell too. For my case, yes, the mild swelling on my right feet and right hand means nearing delivery and my weight fluctuates by one kilo throughout the day, and could see my feet's swelling went down whenever I elevated my feet on stacked pillows and after a good night rest.
Hi All

I am engaging Mdm Rohayah for massage through recomemndation from one of the threads in this forum. I have a massage lady previously who was pretty good, only thing I didn't like about the previous lady (Rose) was that she is always late or never on time and sometimes unable to come.
Anyone tried Mdm Rohayah here so far ?
I am planning to do a 2 weeks massage instead of 1 week.

For those doing massage, do get ready a thin mattress and beach towels and 2 sets of mattress sheets as the oil can stain the mattress.

my concern is not over my legs.. coz though they look swollen but its not in pain.. but my fingers are.. it s numb and sometimes i could feel electric buzzing thru the tip of my fingers esp my right hand..


those who have gone for CTG scan?? is that payable or included in the package??

i didnt believe when my makcik said the swelling will come and subside 2 times. the 3rd time swelling means nearing labour. before my labour, my feet swell so so much. my sandals got so ketat but stil i didnt believe my labour was coming. in the end, it was real.. i gave birth 3 weeks earlier.
Hi Feza

My fingers have been numbed since I was in second trimester, but the good news is it will go off after delivery
now my fingers are like "butter fingers" not very agile and that's normal.

really huh?? coz my sandals also now ketat.. but other than the swelling.. there s no other symptoms la.. like one of the girls said those who are still waiting is like canned food waiting to expire..
Hi Girls,

I'm still alone... I still having contraction but the pain just go off... so i wait lor...

Etelle was admitted to hospital 7plus this morning .... waiting to delivery ... dun noe 'sheng' already a not .... no msg yet... if she msg me i update u girls... provided i have not go in to 'sheng' too...haha
stella is in delivery suite but haven shen.. still waiting..


lemme know if you are also gonna shen coz now i very very the free... hahaha
thx for updating

jia you! bb finally heard your wish liao
hope u have a smooth delivery.

how much does an abdominal binder cost? can buy outside or get from hospital cheaper?
Hi gals,

Stella msn this morning say she in delivery suite liao..... Finally her wish come true liao.....
Woah, Etelle sure get her wish. I was at the gynae this morning also...hehehehhe..didn't know she's already in the delivery suit. Hope her delivery is a smooth one.

I heard from Dr that he's got 3 patients delivering today & Etelle is one of them....8>
etelle in delivery suite finally haha..think she must be damn happy. wish her smooth delivery.

on water retention, i had it since few weeks ago n it din help much even after lifting up the leg when i sleep..i was constantly feeling thirsty n the water i had jus wont come out..my legs r like elephant, cant fit in my sandals which i bought 2 size bigger.
gynae advised to rest more only..

is massage after delivery a must? does it help in slimming or removing the wind? cos i have never tot of this.
this is what i know.. massage helps in removing wind and also to put the uterus back in place.. so that when you grow older, there would nt be any complication..
Hi Vs,

I stacked 2 pillows up , such that my legs must be above waist level when I lie down and nextg morning it helps. Also, dun drink water after 8 pm. Can try drinking tea which is diurectic and would make you pass more urine.

I feel that the massage is a must .. was told it's not so much on slimming but for me it did give me my figure back after the 4th massage and did remove the wind and sooth the aches as well.

i bought abdominal binder from guardian. abt 30bucks. was gonna buy osim magnetic strap from kiddy palace costing abt $88 but i asked if can wear immediately, the salesgirl called supplier and was advised to wear 1mth after delivery so i didnt buy that.

by the way, what is 'shen'?
thanks for the info. wil go and get one

shen(g): give birth

congrats! so glad that ur bb girl is safely out. update us when u'r back

we're rooting for u n bb, jia you!
Hi feza,

i have muy bou pics in my hp but i dunno how to upload. Are u able to help me? If can u sms me i send u the pics.

Hi ladies
sorry to interrupt!
That massage lady, Susie said that she will collect full payment on the first visit, I am not sure if she's reliable, pls advise.
Hi Sally

My friend passed me her OSIM binder not sure if it's the same one you are using. I used the wacoal corset and it works very well for me to regain the shape and flat tummy but very uncomfortable to wear. I only started wearing corset after the binding massage ended.
I have the same concern as u also. She will issue a receipt after receving payment. Thk should be alright. Today will be my 2nd massage session.

Coping with 2 is no joke. Especially when the older one is active. And want to be carried all the time which I can't. Luckily hb took leave to settle tbe birth registration and getting a name from Chinese Shifu and he help to "entertain" our girl by bringing her out to play or buy grocery.....etc...

We hv shortlisted some flexi childcare in our neighbourhood and will be sending her next mth. After my confinement, we will pay these centres a visit and pick one to let our girl to attend.

Congrats. Yr girl has the same birth wt as my boy..... kekekekke.... Do share with us your birth story.

Zhong yu dao ni sheng le.... after so much complaining and anticipating.... Have a smooth delivery and share with us your story too....
Hi frens,
Just to let u all know that I've given birth last Feb 3,2006 at 7.48PM via csection. I labour from 12nn but bb is big (3.4kg boy)refuse to go down my cervix though i'm fully dilated so no choice but to go for csection.
I will share bb photo and birth story later. My CL is scolding me now for using PC, she said i should be resting.

congrats..... What I know is that CL will ask us to lie down in bed as much as possible which is not possible leh...... Lie down there to rot??? Kekeke....

Re: Staining mattress from massage oil.
What I do is I put an exercise mat on top of the mattress and cover the mat with 5 towels. 2 for pillow and 3 for the mat..... Very kiasu hor.....kekekeke
