(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

stella and sunshine,

060206.. nice date to shen hor.. it s ok.. still have bout six more hours.. but impossible la.. haha.. i m also still waiting.. playing this waiting game very tiring ley..

how come everybody said the feeling of going delivery is gonna shit huh? told my hubby n he kept teasing me now...
if feeling of poo..ur ass part will also feel pressure huh? if nurse din give tablet to clear bowel then in the mid of pushing the baby u push out the shit how?? or will we urinate while pushing?
Hi Sunshinekid,
fri my hubby alsao say am i crazy still wan to go and work and go school at nite somemore. But i still go cos need to hand over things and do my presentation for school. haa..Haa..

Yesterday i latch him on. Today havent. COs yesterday when i latched him after that both sidew bleed liao.

Hi Etelle and Feza,
actually i also wan to wan baby to come out today endup he cmae 2 days earlier. Haa..Haa..
I also have baby hipcup some time more then 2 times... I dun noe but doc say it's ok .... Me getting contraction more often liao... Go poo also more then 2 times a day... Is this normal ??? Now getting more n more tried...
How long do u take to express out 40ml? I started to pump out BM today. Used 20mins on each breasts with interval of 5mins break at each breast and only manage to pump out 30ml.

That's very little right? My boy always falls asleep while suckling so pump out is only my choice.

Actually how long should we pump from each breast huh? First time pumping so a bit lost leh.

i didn't really look at it. I think maybe 30mins for both? Sigh. Used to be able to pump 90ml at each time.

If u alternate the breasts every 5-10mins, u can get more milk. There's no std. everyone said diff stuff. So i guess if u don't feel sore, should be ok lor.
i oso face the same problem, i onli manage to pump out 50ml of bm on day 9.. and it's onli for my left breast.. my rite breast din even have anything coming out.. but when my ger latches on, then the milk start to come in.. she oso like to sleep while latching on and she will wake up every hr for a feed.. wat shd i do to make her sleep longer?
although i'm on epidural, but i still have the urge to push.. the feeling is like u wan to go toilet to poo and there's something at ur anus there.. i oso din noe i fully dilated.. but the midwife say if i have the urge to push must tell her loh..

is ur pile still there? i tink i have one.. and it's very painful when i go poo.. i tried taking lactulose, prune juice, fybogel, etc but my stool still abit hard hard..
Hi gers,
A pic of bb shayna chong..

Yr girl got so much hair..... she looks so peaceful.....

u r better than me leh. U manage to pump out 50ml from 1 breast. How long did u take to pump out this 50ml? I only pump out 30ml from both breasts woh..... Maybe next time I shall pump longer. Perhaps my milk supply is not so much.....

Our BM is quite thin compared to FM. Hence, we have to feed frequently if our bb is on TBF. Otherwise, u can pump out more (maybe 120ml) and feed yr girl. She may sleep longer. But if u really wants her to sleep thru the night, FM is the best choice. FM r more filling. U can check with Venus. She gv BM to her bb and her bb can sleep through till 4am. U can find out from her how much she let her bb drink. Thk she let her bb drink for bottle that she has expressed out.

I just gave my boy 30ml of my BM. Half hr later he is crying for milk agn. So I gave him 20ml of FM to curb his hunger lor. I am not doing TBF. I hf BF and hf FM.
shayna is so so so adorable...hee hee
looks so sweet and tasty hee hee
Glad that u have given birth. So blessed

i think hiccups should be fine leh...cuz i also feel it frm time to time...hiccups means bb choking meh????

it seems like breat feeding really not easy hor....
i seem to be having contraction but i don't know if it's it. But if flase contraction would it be regular??? I am going through contraction of 1 hr interval and then now 45 mins leh. Wonder if it is contraction. But it's discomfort only, not pain leh.....Hmmmm shall look see look see hee hee :p
hiccups so dangerous? normally my girl will hiccup at least once a day, esp if i had a heavy meal. told hb abt how she was moving less and he said to monitor n call if no mvt for an hour...

shayna is so adorable! like a little doll

think i finally know the diff betw a BH and bb stretching liao. BH take longer to subside than bb stretch? BH getting more frequent, but not uncomfortable. so far still zero signs, but still early? 17 more days for me; hope she wont be overdue.
Hi girls
yesterday have been having regular contractions at 45 mins interval. Then all the way the way till i go to sleep. Then while sleeping, felt pain the tummy...and i have to sit up...but after that then okie liaoz...the pain came on and off about 2-3 times....now okie liaoz leh...no show...no water bag burst...so think i shall just wait and see....
according to what i know when you admit to the hospital they give you enema to clear your bowels and all once for all. But then if not ime to give you then if really shit and urine comes out right. Also never mind cuz i heard the nurses, midwifes and all are evry experienced and they know that this scenario will happen and they are well prepared for it. But i heard horrow stories about nurses from a certain hospital will scold the patient for pooing and urinating during delivery...but then nt sure now if it's still the same though.
Etelle / VS,
The nurse forgotten to gv me enema to clear my bowel. When I pushed, I can feel that my shit comes out....kekekke... But the nurse did not scold me.... Anyway not my fault....hehehhee

It is very common if some shit comes out while pushing even though we had cleared our bowel. Because we need to push real hard so that baby can comes out. I heard from my hb that during my 1st delivery, he also saw some shit comes out when I shit even though I was given enema to clear my bowel. The nurse did not scold me.....

If nurses do scold, it is a very very bad customer service liao.
hey mummies.... the baby pics all so cute leh.... so envy.... hope mine will be soon.....

etelle: we hand in hand liao.... maybe we givin birth on the same day.. hehe...
i think if shit come out also no choice. how to hold back one? anyway, i hope staff now are more understanding. cant imagine, try so hard to push thru the pain and kena scolding?

sounds like u might shen soon
all the best!
so the shit comes out it doesn't affect the baby ah like hit bb on face or wat? then where does the shit goes to a different place?? yeah lor if the nurse really scold then it's very bad service hor cuz how we know right....

i sure hope we give birth soonz hor hee hee....

yeah lor cnanot scold us hor not within our control mah. I sure hope now the staff will not be like tat lor hor...hee hee :p
Heard from one of Lai yee's friend (sunshinekid) she has given birth today. I haven't heard form lai yee though will inform you girls again when she updates....
sound horrible...but u r rite..got to push so hard..the shit will come out together even after taking enema cos not quite possible to clear the bowel within such short period..
like those ppl who went for colorectal scanning, they have to empty the bowel for whole day before going..
heard customer service is quite bad in KK..but not sure cos my colleague working there and she just told me another 5-6 senior gynae/consultant just resigned, so left all the young docs..
Lai Yee had a short labour of 3 hrs and delivered at 3.08am. She did not use epidural only used laughing gas and thigh jab. Her baby weighs 2.46kg. Very easy for her to push and she has no tear and no episiotomy and no piles hee hee. Good man!!! Ha ha ha Congrats Lai Yee!!!
Wow!! That sounds like a very easy labour woh. No tear, no episiotomy....that means no stitch.... Then heal very fast leh like that...

sunshinekid.... don't forget to post yr birth story and bb pic.....
ya, how nice! no tear!!! i think coz her bb is of good weight at 2.46kg. Mine has alrdy hit 3kg and 1 more week to go. Would be going for another checkup tmrw, see what Dr says.
wah...so fortunate... 3 hrs of delivery only, somemore no tear no epi n piles..
so if baby small also good thing.
by the way, i have a question here, do u all continue to go to work until the day u deliver or?
cos i am having more n more difficulties moving around and sometimes jus after walking for few min i got to stop n rest due to the pressure on my tummy.
wat is the thigh jab for?

I oso nt into TBF.. i tried to use FM at nite but she oso wake up every hr for more.. The FM i gave her was 60ml.. seems like she gt quite a big appetite.. hehehe.. nw i take about 10-15 min to pump out 50ml of BM.. i tink i gt plugged ducts for my rite breast.. the recipe for promoting BM quite gd.. my mum cook for me every alternate days and my BM seem to increase.. when i was jus starting to BF, i'm like u onli manage to pump 30ml from 2 breasts.. wat brand of FM do u give ur boy?
u shd keep letting ur bb latches onto u.. initially i oso no BM den i let my ger latches on until i have sore nipples and it's bleeding.. feel like giving up.. but no choice continue for the sake tat BM is best for bb.. den nw the BM is coming in.. maybe u can try to drink the payaya and fish soup.. it does help to promote the production of BM..
<center><font size="+2">February 2006 Babies!!!</font></center>

<center><table border=1><tr><td><font size="-2"><center>S/N</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Name</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Age</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>EDD</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>BB Gender</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Weeks Left!!!</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Hospital</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Gynae</center></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Ah ger</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>(0.9)</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>steph</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>9-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>0.3 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Judy Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>marcia</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>10-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>0.4 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Kenneth Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>Wendy Ter</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>10-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>0.4 </TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Etelle</TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD>11-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>0.6 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr HK Ho </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>Keitong</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>11-Feb-06</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>0.6 </TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>MTAN</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>11-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>0.6 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>et</TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD>12-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>0.7 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Everest</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>12-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>0.7 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr HK Ho </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Grace Goh</TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD>15-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>1.1 </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Bamwicca</TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD>16-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>1.3 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr HK Ho </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>fan</TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD>17-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>1.4 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Christohper Chong </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Lenny</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>17-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>1.4 </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr WH Kee </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Amanda</TD><TD><center>25</center></TD><TD>18-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>1.6 </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adrain </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Penny</TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD>21-Feb-06</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>2.0 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>feza</TD><TD><center>24</center></TD><TD>22-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>2.1 </TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr Ben Neo </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>Yong Jin Foong</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>22-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>2.1 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Gordon Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>Claire</TD><TD><center>25</center></TD><TD>24-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>2.4 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Chen Lin Han </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>niko76</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>24-Feb-06</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>2.4 </TD><TD>GHL</TD><TD>Dr Mary Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>39</TD><TD>Vs</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>27-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>2.9 </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>hipee</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>28-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>3.0 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></center>

<center><font size="+2">February 2006 Babies - We are born!!!</font></center>

<center><table border=1><tr><td><font size="-2"><center>S/N</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Name</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Age</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>EDD</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Birthdate</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>BB Gender</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>BB Name</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Age / Days</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Wt @ Birth</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Hospital</center></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>mashy brainz</TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD>1-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>Caeden</TD><TD>37.0 </TD><TD>2.8 kg</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Bulma</TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD>12-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jarren Lo Yi Jie</font></TD><TD>26.0 </TD><TD>2.77 kg</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Ah_may</TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD>21-Feb-06</TD><TD>13-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boys</font></center></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>25.0 </TD><TD><font size="-1">1.9 kg &amp; 2.3 kg</font></TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Ivory</TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD>23-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>Zeng Zi Jie</TD><TD>15.0 </TD><TD>2.96 kg</TD><TD>GHL </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>Sally Cinnamon</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>12-Feb-06</TD><TD>23-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Sally</TD><TD>15.0 </TD><TD>2.5 kg</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>siewlng</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>10-Feb-06</TD><TD>23-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Xie Yu Jie</TD><TD>15.0 </TD><TD>2.77 kg</TD><TD>ESH </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>smiley</TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD>3-Feb-06</TD><TD>24-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>14.0 </TD><TD>2.45 kg</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Ling79</TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD>5-Feb-06</TD><TD>25-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>13.0 </TD><TD>2.63 kg</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>gingerale</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>2-Feb-06</TD><TD>26-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Annalisa</TD><TD>12.0 </TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Venus Teoh</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>2-Feb-06</TD><TD>26-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Corrine Ong</TD><TD>12.0 </TD><TD>3.32 kg</TD><TD>GHL </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>vonvon78</TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD>7-Feb-06</TD><TD>26-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>Marcus Kang</TD><TD>12.0 </TD><TD>2.65 kg</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>I have a bb ger</TD><TD><center>21</center></TD><TD>8-Feb-06</TD><TD>29-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Shayna</TD><TD>9.0 </TD><TD>3.2 kg</TD><TD>MT E </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>babycutie</TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD>23-Feb-06</TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>6.0 </TD><TD>2.81 kg</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>jasminesym</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>17-Feb-06</TD><TD>2-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>5.0 </TD><TD>2.8 kg</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>oscar</TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD>10-Feb-06</TD><TD>2-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>5.0 </TD><TD>3.2 kg</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>5-Feb-06</TD><TD>4-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>Elvin</TD><TD>3.0 </TD><TD>2.86 kg</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Jasjas</TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD>14-Feb-06</TD><TD>4-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>3.0 </TD><TD>2.89 kg</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD>16-Feb-06</TD><TD>7-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>0.0 </TD><TD>2.46 kg</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></center>
Congrats Sunshinekid, yours is a dream labour!

We are like canned food waiting for expiry....think of it will be a real challenge if we pop same day...Dr Ho will run around so much and those waiting at his clinic will swear and curse.....hahaha sorry imagination run wild from waiting to pop.
i sure hope all of us not on the same day ha ha if not like that time my friend said Dr Ho has a no. of deliveries then in the end cnanot frequently check on her and then very fast need to go off...ha ha ha :p

yeah hope my turn be soon and i cna be a happy mama cnanot wait hee hee :p

Thanks Ivory always have to trouble you to come and update the chart hee hee :p

i alsready started my maternity leave liaoz about 11 day before my EDD leh. Cuz towards nearer to your EDD you will have problems moving around, no mood to work always sleepy and easily tired so better to rest early lor...u can take your ML yet? 2 wks before should be fine unless u find staying at home bored and want to work till deliver also can
hi gals...
long time no chat here liao... simply really no mood... totally stressed out with bb..

2nd day after i deliver dunno why started crying everyday...

1st nite bb at home, i simply din sleep... so stressed at every single sound he make, every movement he make...

1st week.. nobody help me take care of bb at all... MIL too busy with work... i dun even noe how to bathe / feed / change diapers... she just leave me alone with the bb... every nite i cry to hubby...

3 days after bb home he was admitted to hosp for jaundice... i feel so relieve.. yes.. im bad... i feel so relieve cos i can finally rest... even if just for 1 day no need to hear bb cries...

2nd week... SIL's maid came to our house to help out cos my SIL whole family went on tour... so the maid help to take care of bb 24hrs a day... hubby n mil both tell me just let the maid tend the bb, i go rest, dun bother n dun stress... so i really dun bother.. everytime bb cry the maid will run to him.. i just remain lying on the bed... sometimes feed the bb

now is the 3rd week... maid has gone home... but MIL offer to take care of bb at nite (till confinrment ends) so i can have undisturbed sleep until end of confinement.. bb is very awake in the daytime... wun sleep at all... demand to be carry walk walk all the time, cant put him down or sit down n carry him... now i just let my mum do all the carrying... he can be very naughty... cry for milk every hr n just drink oni 20-30mls... his usual appetite is ard 60-80mls... keep wasting my breastmilk...

Re : Feeding
tried to direct latch on.. but when bb went to hosp for juandice, he become very impatient n keep pushing my breast away... make me feel so stressed n angry... then hubby say express out n feed lor... dun stress... worse come to worse go on total FM... really stressful cos all my frenz direct breastfeed n all of them tell me i should do the same!! very stressed... now bb daytime on EBM, nitetime on FM cos MIL feeding..

Re : Milk supply
my supply came in the day bb was admitted to hosp... funny rite? 1st try express total express out 60mls.. 2nd try 100mls... have been trying to maintian at that... every day i will express abt 3-4x.. so everyday total express about 5-600mls..

Re : Engorgement
once in a while i will have engorgement n it really pain like hell... cant even sleep on the side the breast is engorged... wat i did was i put a hot pack on the breast for a few hours... massage those painful spots once in a while... expressing more frequent... it takes almost 1+ day for the engorgement to fully release... juz have to bear with it..

Re : Epi wound
Wound starts to feel not so pain 10th day onwards... think on the 13 or 14 day the stitch nearest to the anus came off... and the pain totally gone from then onwards..
ivory think u r too stressed out... r u on ur own for confinement?
think i will be easily irritated by baby's cry too cos during my SIL's confinement period i was not working and helping out with the baby..sometimes i felt slapping my nephew whenever he cried for no reason.my elder sis also threw her baby onto bed when she cried last time..then she cried even louder..need to be very very patient...tat's y ppl said mums r very 'wei da'
i was thinking i do not wanna have a 2nd baby cos pregnancy is real hell..

etelle, i din tot of going on leave yet...scare boredom..somemore nobody at home also
wat do u do at home everyday? ur EDD jus few days away..must be super gan chiong n hoping fr symptoms now..hehe
congrats! ur labour so easy, really envy. And u were just online yesterday some more. pei fu peifu. share ur story and pics when u'r back!

after pregnancy, hormones still raging, and if no one around to help, it can be really tiring. at least now ur mom helping out, so try n rest as much as u can. take care of urself.
<font color="aa00aa">Vs...</font>
my MIL n mum helping out... but bo bian... once bb cry i go snapped too...

i dun mind giving birth to 2-3 kids... i just need someone to help me take care that's all...

<font color="aa00aa">claire...</font>
ya... my hubby has been trying to be very supportive... of cos can get quite stressful for him oso... cos i cry for no reason... just hope this phase will pass by soon lah.. now im trying to train myself not to be too jumpy at bb's cries... but really hard lah... considering the fact that im not a bb person.. im that kind where got bb i will siam one... now is bo bian.. cant siam...
Everest: What an idea...hahaha...but like what Etelle mention, it would be better if we give birth on diff days so that Dr Ho has more time to check us. After all, we are paying him $$ to check on us leh. But on the other hand, we can support each other if we happen to "pop" on the same day.

Ivory: U sounded really stress leh....do take care &amp; relax, otherwise may hv post-natal blues. Do not think too much, just take a step at a time. I know it's easy to talk &amp; difficult to do but then, do try lar. We are all here to support you.

Vs: I'm also still working cause I dun want to waste my ML. But now was hoping to start ML leave so that dun need to face the irritating things at work.
ha ha i am very gan cheong and also waiting for my signs to be more obvious seems to have contractions leh...hee hee today the interval is 30 mins liaoz...Hmmmmbut then when i sleept he contarctions doens't affect me wonder why????

jian qiang yi dian k...dun cry anymore
ya..don think so much Ivory..cos the more u think it could get worst.
think as time goes by u will get more n more used to it and can handle much better..somemore only left 1 week before confinement is over.

i am interviewing the confinement nanny tomorrow..cos i don have MIL to help..mum busy with 2 nephews also. wanted to DIY confinement initially but hubby was against it.
worried the confinement nanny will not do a gd job..
it's real tough to be a mum...so many things to worry..have to go thru so many pains..*sign*
yet hubby can tease me..jus for a 'moment of fantasy' i got to suffer for lifetime..
in the long run u have to take care of your kids also cuz no one will always be around to help you mah. In the first place do u like kids???
haha your hubby so funny ..yeah better get someone to do confinement you will need and appreciate the extra help....
Don't thk our shit will affect bb lah. BB comes out from the V opening while our bowel comes out from anus mah.... Its a diff opening totally....hehehe

Sally Cinnamon,
I told my mum abt the BM recipe. She said if u got milk means got, if don't hv means don't hv.... kaoz.... Where did u get the hf ripe papaya? What type of fish bone u used? How long u cook the soup? Thk hv to get hb to buy to increase my BM.
Finally did my massage today. And ouch!!!! so painful..... but hv to endure cos she has to take out all the wind in my body...... Hope that I don't feel so much pain after a few sessions.... Now still wearing the tummy wrap. Its still bearable because my stitch don't hurt liao..... I should be able to wear it till tomorrow morning.....

My place is very windy these few days..... Hope that it will stay this way.... so that I won't feel so hot.....

Wl be gg back to see gynae 2moro 2 check the wound. Will request for a ultrasound scan to ensure nothing is left behind.
Sally Cinnamon,
I hv found the BM recipe liao. Thk got it from someone. Already printed out. Hehehe... my mum kept some dried tangerine peel....will try to cook and drink.
my piles shrink liao no pain liao but my internal stitch below stil bit pain so stil gotto careful and slow when i sit and stand up but walk no prob

etelle, thk u gg to shen... tk care and keep usupdated

mashy, congrats u finish yr confinement liao... i completing min too tis friday yippee wow wow.. on sat, i wanna eat mcdonald bf, kfc for lunch, mos burger for dinner then sun nite eat pizza hahahahhahahahahhaa i wanna drink SARSI, COKE, PEPSI... i wanna eat ICE-CREAM HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA

ivory, relax lah my bb day n nite cry cry cry i also lk dat.... v super tiring but bo pian, we give birth to them ... everyone (even daddy) can complain dun tk care of bb but we cant... i now day time nite time all i tk care (only when massage lady come then my mum help me tk care but some x middle of nite, my mum also help me pat him to sleep cos she buay tahan jarren's crying hehe)... bb cry at night, if i no wk up, my hb will kick m to wk me up to tk care bb meh... i so "ke lian" but no pt self pity lor or get agitated lor just hope jarren will b better and stop his crying marathon. agitated also nd to tk care mah so no pt lah... i nowadays stand waiting for milk to warm also can doze off hahahhaa u can see how tired i m meh

so how u all fl susie's massage?
How many days of confinement u do huh? February is a short mth leh. I read from Jan MTB and someone post 40days. My mum said 30days... which is which...

Susie massage is firm and painful. While massaging my tummy, she kept burping. I gong gong still ask her u hv a lot of wind ah...She said this wind is from u, I took out for u...kekekekeke.... I kept laughing when she massage the oil on my tummy....hehehehehe... My tummy is sensitive and feel ticklish when touch.... But when she massage firmly... alamak...very painful leh.....

Yr massage last 1 1/2hr? Mine only 1 hr leh.... Maybe I scare ticklish at the tummy so she shorten the massage timing at that area I guess...
Hi gals,
susie massage is good?

I dunno wan to get any massage lady anot. Is it too late to engaged now? What is her price?
How to contract her?
those of u that are finishing confinement, mean your bb almoist full month liao? What did u do to celebrate other than sending out the ang gu kueh and red eggs? bb not out, hb already talking abt what to cater for full mth...then say must cater both lunch n dinner coz his side sure come over during the day. siao liao...

if go c section, can still do the malay massage? or cannot? do u noe if susie still busy in feb coz last time heard she was quite fully booked.

Hi gals,

Finally, can hv sum time sitting infront of my PC.
Wah, My Birth story is such an ordeal one..

3 Feb 8:30am
Admitted to Mt A for induction, due to low aminotic fluid..

10:30am - Check B.P and temp. Belt on CTG monitoring and insert 1 induce tablet.

3:30pm - Got mild contraction due to the effect of the tablet. Gynae came, check dilation but not at all...=( continue to wait

10-11pm- Gynae instructed staff nurse to check dilation, still 0cm arr....wait again

4 Feb 8:30am - Gynae came, check for dilation again, cervix opens 0.5cm. ( Was told by gynae tat mus dilate at least 2cm den can break waterbag) Insert 2nd tablet again.

3:30pm - Gynae instructed staff nurse to check dilation again, still 0.5cm. Sad arr, stubborn cervix, wait again

7pm - Gynae came, last check on dilation. Still 0.5cm. Getting fustrated, ask gynae if I can opt for c-sec. The waiting process is very long, and still no dilation. Gynae told me, got 2 choice, insert the last tablet and wait till nx morn or can c-sec at ard 10pm cos I had my dinner ard 6pm.

7:15pm - after discussing wif hubby, opt fo c-sec

9:50pm - Get ready to Operating theatre..

10:15pm - Epi injected, lower half numb. Gynae start the ops..while doing, he kept toking to me, saying another 5 mins or so, baby will be out..
( was thinking,where got so fast)

10:26pm - Baby is out, finally!!!!!! Gynae finished up the stitching etc.

11pm - Out of operating theatre.

Pardon me for my long story!! My advise to those who hvnt popped, pls dont opt for INDUCTION unless bo pian..
