(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

my gynae is a female.. so i tink it's doesnt reali matter whether my area is bushy or clean.. hehehe..

u r back.. share wif us ur birth story..

I wenr for my checkup ytday, was told tat my bb still nt ready to come out yet.. maybe after cny..
so still have a chance to go visiting.. hehehe..

hi gals...

my birth story...

21 Jan - 1.30pm
woke up and saw got a little blood... tot its bcos of VE so din bother...

later in the afternoon, experience painful menses cramps.. tot its bb trying to engage so din bother...

22 Jan - 12noon
still having blood traces and painful menses cramps.. called up the staff nurse n she suggest might be early labour so ask me go hosp labour ward n do CTG cos its Sun..

reached hosp and proceed to labour ward n do the scan... after 1/2 hr the ward nurse say cfm got contractions but i still not dilated... so she say wait for my gynae to come n see how.. called my hubby n he immediately rushed down..

gynae do VE n say still no dilate but i can admit liao cos will give birth either that dat=y or the next... 2 options, admit there n then or go home wait until cramps become regular... asked him roughly how long i have to wait.. he say ard 12-16 hrs at least.. so i opt to go home...

went to do last min shopping and bought KFC to eat.. my last meal...

cramps become intolerable at 6-9 mins interval... 11.45pm left house to go hosp..

23 Jan - 12mn
reached hosp and admit to labour ward... was wheelchaired up cos its hosp policy...

changed gown n had enema to clear bowels... strapped onto CTG to monitor.. nurse say contractions still mild so ask me dun use any pain relief (though i pain like hell liao)

then hubby went to have his supper... came back ard 1245am n start sleeping n snoring away... leave me to tahan the pain myself... idiot...

cant tahan the pain liao... keep breaking out in cold sweat n almost ripped the blanket apart... request for epidural...

aneasthetist arrive to administer the epi.. hubby was asked to leave the room for a while after epi done... immediate pain relief.. n i can feel the contractions for the 1st time at the centre of the tummy... tot i can go sleep... but unsucessful cos hubby snores too loud liao...

after epi was injected... i go into official labour n pain... heng i injected the epi in time...

nurse came in to check and im only 1.5cm dilated...

nurse add another drip to hasten the contractions..

hubby woke up n went to have his breakfast... grrr....

gynae came to check n im 3cm dilated... he proceed to burst the water bag...

after that i finally dozed off.... hubby oso cont to sleep...

hubby woke up to go had his lunch... he tot i sleeping dunno he sneaked out...

finally i woke up fully... shivering like hell n feel like vomitting... have to urge to poo oso... nurse came in check n im 9cm dilated.. she inform my gynae n gynae told me i will deliver by 3pm...

nurse prepare me for delivery n ask me to start pushing.... hehe.. i vomitted before i start pushing.. then she comment can see bb head liao even before i push... keep telling to use 'gek sai' kinda push... but with epi no feel so have to try n error for a few times...

nurse ask me to stop pushing n wait for gynae...

gynae came n i cont to push... was concentrating on finding the 'gek sai' feeling so din see him see him snip the vaginal opening and suddenly i felt a 'bloop' n bb was placed on my chest at 3.26pm...

wow.. ur birth story very long leh.. start frm 21 Jan all the way till 23 Jan.. hehehe..

ur Zi jie very cute..
is this the picture u took straight after the nurse washed him?
I read your birth story i can't help laughing to myself. Your hubby is hilarious! He seems to know when to wake up for his meals :p Your darling looks big, doesn't look new born hor?
erm, so by stats how many is earlier than EDD so far?

ivory - after reading your birth story i really dun dare to do VE liao. scared induced...
think i zhun zhun 40 weeks then do. meanwhile just ask my gynae to chk thru the ultra scans...
so adorable ur Zi jie hee hee :p so well taken leh....ha ha ur hubby like holiday like that ha ha sleep go eat then cme back sleep again go eat ha ha ha :p inside the delivery ward can they use cmputer?? maybe my hubby be msning away ha ha ha :p or maybe surfing net...if cnanot maybe he be reading magazine....better bring a few magazines hor...
Updates...... VENUS said she is now in delivery ward. She is 5cm dilated slight pain. She said gynae came in to burst water bag and epidural is on. So she doesn't feel anything now.
<font color="aa00aa">bb_ger...</font>
ya lor... very long hor... yap... photo taken after i was wheeled to my ward.. my hubby photo skills lousy.. this was taken by my SIL's hubby

<font color="aa00aa">summer...</font>
the nurse so worry that he will go hungry (cos she tot he in the room all the time) that she asked him to go for lunch.. she never expected him to finished supper n breakfast liao...

not really big lah... he 50cm long.. photo was taken close up lah..

<font color="aa00aa">wendy...</font>
dun worry.. VE wun induce one ah...

<font color="aa00aa">etelle...</font>
understandable lah... i pain he oso cant do anything... then who noes the labour stretch so long ah...

i dunno TMC can or not... but we can bring hp in lor...
Gong Xi Ni! Ya lor, your hb very funny, sleep n eat very well hor. You had a long labour, must be very xing ku with the pain and waiting..... looking at your boy now, so adorable, it's all worth it ya!
Ivory: nice to hear from u... and glad tat u are fine... hehe ur birth story so cute.. hehe :p
ur zi Jie look so cute leh... kind of alert also hor...
ya i agree leh.. Zi Jie looks big though.. dun look like new born... hehe so happy for u.... Do take good care of urself ya...
Yr birth story very detail hor.... n yr hubby snoring away in the delivery suite... hahahaha...
Glad that u had a smooth delivery.

Zi jie has nice hairstyle....kekekeke.... So lucky u can capture him with open eyes.... Usually newborn always close their eyes leh....
zi jie looks cute too... look more lk father or u? fl he got yr image. but mayb cos i nv seen yr hb. he out without any assisted ah? so good hor... u push so few x je out liao... i push 1.5hrs meh

i dunno nurse bath him he got cry or not cos they bath him in nursery

jia you

KKH also allow hp in delivery suite... TMC i not sure... mayb u can chk w mashy

Congratulation to all the mummy here and Happy chinese new year to all.

It is nice to read all your experience and story here.

I am a father to be too.my wife EDD is end FEB.
we are excited and worry too cos my wife cant realy take the pain .i hope i can so relax like ivory hb eat n sleep.me too a 'kan cheong ' person.

Actually some of the info ur post is useful too .
my hb also cant sleep when in delivery suite.. he walk here n there in e suite haha

i also cant tk pain so i request for epidural to b administer early when i 3cm dilate

dun worry... everything will just pass by without u remembering... my hb told me he alr cant really recall how that long nite pass by hehe
hi bulma,

thanks for yr adv...BTW is it really very bloody when the bb come out? worry i see too many blood n faint liow somemore doc need to rescue me first.hehe so 'pai sheh'.

i hv the same feeling with u cos now feel the bb kicking and moving is very happy and sweet for me,some more the respond from the bb when i play with him is very very great.
i not sure bloody or not hehe cos no strength to see haha but my gyn did say i bleed a lot... but bb not bloody lk dat... dun worry ... wont faint lah... my hb scare of blood too also no faint hehe
Hi Ivory,

Congrats! You boi v cute... I love his hair.... esp the side burn...

U hb v cute....... can eat and sleep and snore so much while u in labour...

I didn't know when it came exactly leh. Coz i didn't have engorgement. When I was in hospital, on the 3rd day, my gynae squeezed my breasts and have milk liao. Guess that's when it came.

I was breastfeeding him in the hospital liao in the day. At night, the nurses take over and give him FM via cup feeding. That's all lor. When at home, it's TBM.
As a hb, I strongly suggest that u follow yr wife into L room and share the excitement. She really needs yr encouragement. It is actually not an easy process as u thk it is. You cannot understand the pain we are gg through. Although there is epidural for pain relief, but there are side effects also. Right mummies?

If u r afraid of seeing bloody scene, u can stand beside yr wife and encourage her when she push out the bb. Just follow the momentum. When she is fully dilated and ready to push, just encourage her by asking her to take a deep breathe and push by the counting of 10. Then take a rest until the next contraction pain comes... I watch birth stories from Discovery Health and most of the mummies push this way.
hi babycutie,

Actually i hv decided to follow her in,only not decide where to stand ,either side or front.
I also watch discovery channel related program.can see the mummy screaming in pain while pushing.
Hi all

Here is the summary. (excuse me ah, broken english n in point form leh)
Morning, went to church, feel tummy super heavy. Need 2 hands to carry.
Afternoon, back home nap, feel 2times contraction. And PS twice. (Thinking: hmm, is this a sign of "shen"?)

Evening, more contraction. Jus ignore. Thinking maybe is a practice for delivery.

10pm, preparing CNY angbao, feel more n more contraction and cold sweat. Jus ignore!

12am, go to bed. Thinking even is real, will still need to have good sleep 1st mah, cos 1st BB usually take 24 hours or more mah... So tried to sleep.

Wake up every hour, due to contraction and pain.
And visit toilet to pee.

3am, cannot tahan, jus wake up and sit on the bed.
HB woke up and saw me sitting there. But I told him I am ok, and asked him to go back to sleep.
On and off, I go walk around in my house, to ease the pain, using yoga breathing method.

5am, buay tahan liao. And my HB happened to wake up. Saw me, struggling at living room. I was holding on to the cabinet and practise Cat pose + breathing. I was thinking to use EPi when reached hopsital.

I told HB, need to pack up bag. And to call gynae whether to go hospital?
Gyane confirmed can go now!

Reached ESH in 20 min.

Midwife told me there are 3 types of pain releases... then, she checked my dilation. She said, wow 7cm liao ah! Then dun need epi n tat injection at thigh liao!

So I go without both, left with laughing gas... I refuse to use, scare later cannot push. But was forced by the midwife to use. bo bian!

Gynae reached abt 7am plus. I was dilated to 10 cm liao, and ready to push.

And I started to push, feel like going to PS. (thinking, hmm, dunno whether my poo will also come out or not? Paiseh later if got poo... hehe!)

After 4-5 pushes, bb is OUT! At the same time, gynae cut.
(Point to note, dun me like me, paiseh to push. Jus push, n hold breath long push. I was like mei qi, stop n breath in, bb got suck in again, waste effort!)

Then, my gynae doing the sawing, chating about plactenta receipe... hehe!

Now, I still got a bit of pain from the cut. Dunno why? Got 1 small pile came out. Dunno is pile or cut pain?

N bb's photo, need to reduce file size 1st. Best of all! Hehe! (also, taken plactenta! Want to see? Hehe!)
Name of bb: Xie(4) Yu(3, meaning universe), Jie(2, meaning clean)
Wt: 2.775kg
born in wk 37.
Length: 52cm
congrats! Finally chosen a name ah ha ha :p u really matched eery name with ur bb face ah hee hee :p Nice name...hee hee
wow ur tahan gong very good hor hee hee :p so which means by the time u reached hospital no time to clear bowels liaoz....Mmmm.....

I think hubby's support in the delivery ward is extremely crucial cuz wife will feel she is going through it with the hubby and not standing alone. But of course if hubby really have those serious phobia of blood like Venus hubby then better not....

CNY in another 2 days times. Girls have fun ah!!!!
hey professor,

welcome to the group.. anyway, when is yr wife s edd?? you might wan to send details like wife s edd, gynae, bb gender and hospital that kind of thing to ivory so that she can put you into the list.. mine is also at the end of feb so seeing that one by one of us is popping makes me all excited..
Yr boy quite long leh at 52cm and his name also sounds nice. What is his head circumference?

Wow!! U really can tolerate the pain till 7cm. It must be very painful right? But how come u still thk this is a practice for delivery? Usually such pain means real contraction liao woh.

But really admire you. BTW, can share with us the yoga technique of breathing? It may be come in handy to some of us leh.... especially those not opting for epidural....

Remember to pose pic of Yu Jie.
Venus has given birth to a baby girl 3.32kg at 640pm. Smoother delivery. Natural with epiduraldeliery. COngrats!!!!

bochap's bb is a girl hee hee :p not boy leh...hee hee :p

paiseh... thought its a boy...kekekeke... because the word Yu (universe) is more like for boy leh.... kekekeke... But hor if u don't see the handwriting, the name sounds like a boy name leh... Sorry hor... That's my opinion only...
Von delivered marcus Kang at 1901pm. Baby weighing 2.646kg. She said she has a hard time pushing and almost nearly needed vacuum suction. She is very tired but happy.
bochap: Welcome back!!!!
Wow... u actualli tahan so long ah... hmmm yong qi ke jia....
So how u feelin now? Do take good care of urselves ya...

Venus / Von: COngratulations!! hehe... so happy that ur babies are in ur arms liao.... *envy* hehe
Fast fast share w us ur birth story ya...
<font color="0000ff">CONGRATULATIONS TO VONVON &amp; VENUS!!!</font>

Wow...another 2 Rooster babies! Welcome welcome... And to the 2 new mummies, take care and rest well.
seems like a lot of mummies on leave today... thread not so active today.

I am on half day today... Here's wishing all Abundant Wealth &amp; Health in the Year of the Dog!
Hi Feb2006 MTBs,
I juz came from my checkup and doc said that i'm 1cm dilated, baby engaged and cervix oredi ripe (soft). So he said it might juz take a few days then i can c my bb oredi..He did the VE and it's a bit painful, i didn't bleed though.

My bb is 3.1kg at week 37+. If need to induce, I'll be scheduled on the 2nd wk of Feb.But i'd rather go for natural so will try to eat curry, pineapple and walk walk the next few days to fasten the dilation..
Ooops, the pain that I'm having are the start of contractions...so doc said i should monitor.
Will keep u updated.
<font color="aa00aa">hi galsK</font>
thanks for the congrats
tdy so happyK expressed my 1st 60mls of breastmillk

just came back from paed check upK bb has admitted to hosp for jaundiceK paed say hope 1 day of light will be enuf so bb can discharge tmr n in time to celebrate CNY..

<font color="aa00aa">jasmineK</font>
fortunately is I dun have to endure the labour painK just the pre-labour pains oniK guess its the rite choice to ask for epiK else my hubby sure dun have the opportunity to sleepK hahahaK with all my screaming

<font color="aa00aa">Amanda / babycutieK</font>
yapK Zi Jie very alert oneK he drink milk oso eyes big big..

<font color="aa00aa">bb-gerK.</font>
Confinement? As expectedK. This cannot that cannotK must wear long pants must wear tshirts with sleevesK haiK

<font color="aa00aa">bulmaK</font>
bb looks 100% like hubby
yap natural without assistedK the nurse try to scare me say I must noe how to push else gynae have to use vacuum liao

<font color="aa00aa">professorK</font>
if ur wife definitely cant tahan pain, dun try to be heroineK then u can sleep oso

my hubby oso super scared of blood, but he quite ok when the nurse bring our bb covered in blood to usK of cos he dun dare to see when gynae was stitching me up.. he oso missed seeing the placentaK else he sure faint n dun dare to eat beef in futureK hahahahaK

<font color="aa00aa">siewlngK</font>
ur bb oso very long lehK mine is 50cm
<center><font size="+2">February 2006 Babies - We are born!!!</font></center>

<center><table border=1><tr><td><font size="-2"><center>S/N</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Name</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Age</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>EDD</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Birthdate</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>BB Gender</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>BB Name</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Age / Days</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Wt @ Birth</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Hospital</center></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>mashy brainz</TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD>1-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>Caeden</TD><TD>26.0 </TD><TD>2.8 kg</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Bulma</TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD>12-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jarren Lo Yi Jie</font></TD><TD>15.0 </TD><TD>2.77 kg</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Ah_may</TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD>21-Feb-06</TD><TD>13-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boys</font></center></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>14.0 </TD><TD><font size="-1">1.9 kg &amp; 2.3 kg</font></TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Ivory</TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD>23-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>Zeng Zi Jie</TD><TD>4.0 </TD><TD>2.96 kg</TD><TD>GHL </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>siewlng</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>10-Feb-06</TD><TD>23-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Xie Yu Jie</TD><TD>4.0 </TD><TD>2.77 kg</TD><TD>ESH </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>smiley</TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD>3-Feb-06</TD><TD>24-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>3.0 </TD><TD>2.45 kg</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Ling79</TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD>5-Feb-06</TD><TD>25-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>2.0 </TD><TD>2.63 kg</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Venus Teoh</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>2-Feb-06</TD><TD>26-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>Corrine Ong</TD><TD>1.0 </TD><TD>3.32 kg</TD><TD>GHL </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>vonvon78</TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD>7-Feb-06</TD><TD>26-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>Marcus Kang</TD><TD>1.0 </TD><TD>2.65 kg</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></center>
Hi gals

My boy finally take to the bottle liao. phew! he accepted the nuk teats. :p Now can start expressing again!

However, he's been using me as a pacifier, been on me for 1.5hr!!! So tiring. But coz trying to get him to drink more milk, I'm not going to ji jiao with him now.
Hi all,
Happy New Year.

still struggling with my babies especially the night feeding. hb and me are now endangered speices aka panada. babies are still not sucking well, so I have to pump milk to give to them via bottles. actually not enough, so have to supplement with formula. Still have a headache with the names, cause we are trying to find two names with related meanings and after first consultation with the shifu, we are not satisfied, so we waiting for the next set of names from the shifu again. so right now calling the babies gor gor and di di if not then babies.

Congrats to Ivory, Siewlng, Smiley, Venus, Ling, Vonvon. Welcome to mothermood.
I find it super tiring, worse than when I handle 3 normal academic classes and 1 normal tech class and 1 express class when I started teaching. :p

hi all
thanks for congrate!
I tried TBF, tough... same as Mashy, I feed for 2 hours each time.
Refused bottle. At 2 hours interval, super tired. Now lying down n type, back aches..

Although feed so much, PD still said my bb weight loss more than 10% liao. Got to monitor. Worried...
As for Jaundice, heng ah, so far, dun have... (hmm, maybe my TCM doc is correct, dun take yellowish foods b4 shen?)

As for previously, PD said bb's heart got sound (likely cause by heart got hole). Today, tat sound is softer liao. Will monitor again!

My breastmilk finally "full tank" liao, but a bit pain now. Trying to express out, hope bb can drink and get fat.

(Bbcutie, dun worry, I purposely choose a name tat cannot be identified as boi or gal one hehe!)

Last, wish all Happy Lunar New Year! Enjoy the foods ah!
