(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Hi gals.
Congrats to all newborn babies.
Feel So nervous and excited when I was reading the updated infor.
I just went to see doc yesterday and I did VE check as well. I was already 1 cm dilated too.My baby weighs 3.4kg and asked me cut down carbo food. If not I will be suffering as I am short and petitie size.Hiazz.. I already cut down alot.. hiazz. He said i might be giving birth on the eve.
Anyway I wish everybody and babies be healthy and smooth delievery for all coming mummies.Ganbate!!

oscar: u also dilated liao ah.. wow.. so many poppin leh... so excited liao...
wow 3.4Kg.. quite big hor.. hehe some more u pettie size... how many weeks u in liao??
Amanda: I am now in midst of 38 weeks.
Sob sob.. I have been cutting my carbo: rice, bread and potato. But within 1 week, Baby grow from 3.1 to 3.4kg. hope he is not a fat sumo
Hi gals
I am still around too. I woke up this morning and realised that i had fresh bleeding. Bit worried, but after last night experience i told myself to monitor the bleeding. So went to work... and had meeting at 9am. Half way meeting, my mind could not concentrate anymore. So boss asked to go home.

Checked on bleeding - little drop of mucuos form. So called gynae. suggesting that i admit but i thought let's monitor another few hours to see if i am still bleeding as I want a natural labour. So will see condition...now at home... waiting...
oscar: oh.. so anytime may pop lor... hmm i tink at birth should be ard tis weight liao bah..cause at tis stage weight quite stagment liao... so dun worri lah.. hehe

Venus: ai yeo.. got fresh bleedin ah.. hmmm if u dun feel well better go hospital liao... take care and update us ya....
<font color="ff0000">Venus</font>

You monitor first lor. Is it your mucuos plug is out already? You should be delivering very soon. Any contractions? All the best to you! Your baby may come out on the same day as Smiley's!
got fresh blood and mucus kinda discharge ah.....maybe should go hospital already????

i think hor if u cut down ah but then bb take in all the remaining of what u eat also the same. Sometimes u but down but bb eat everything absorb everything then will also grow mah right??? cannot help one leh.
I agree with you. Although i cut down, bb still can put on 500g in 3 weeks. And i read that if our intake is insufficient, bb will siphon from our reserves within our body. Anyway, it's good to cut down otherwise we will have a hard time trying to shed all those extra pounds. So far i have put on 15kg! Thinking back... it's so scary!!! Dunno why i allowed myself to put on so much!
Dear Ladies!!
Updates! SMILEY has given birth at 1239pm. She gave birth to a baby girl 2.455kg 45cm. The baby looks like her she says
Congrats Smiley..
look like quite a no of early Feb babies cant wait to come out..

Hope i can wait till after CNY..

Hi Oscar,
wow your baby is 3.4kg liao har. Mine is 3.2kg have my checkup yesterday also. Total i put on 13.5kg. Always tell baby to wait for another wk or so..Hee..hee..
Congratulation! Really happy for you! Do update us soon.

Hi gals,
Just woke up. I was really tired, just i didn't sleep well last night.

So far, bleeding has stopped. Spotting only. Bb is still very active in the tummy. Called my gynae, so decided will only admit myself when there is another round of bleeding. So far i'm feeling ok, slight vagina pain. will see how it goes tonight.

Yeah... i guess it is time for all of us... one by one will pop.
Congrats!!! Don't forget to share your birth story and download pic of yr precious.....

Wee!!! Finally gone for my waxing. Purposely took halfday leave today for that. Remove unwanted hairs from my underarm, leg and also down there. Its chicken feet waxing off the underarm and leg. But come to BW, its really painful..... That 2 super painful strips.....all hairs were remove using 4 strokes of strips..... Very incredible... but painful also.....

May go back for regular BW wax after birth.... Find it more hygiene....
your EDD in 23 feb, so fast you do your BW alrdy ah? I called Wax Affair and was advise to do like 1 week before since the BW can last about 3 weeks. My edd is 15 Feb so will be doing on the 9th. Unless bb decides to pop earlier then bo bian. Did you have yours done at Wax Affair too?
smiley congrats,

girls, just an update from ling.. she is now resting at home coz gynae said that she s 1cm dilated.. so her girl will be out in a day or two..

venus, you take care and update us..
Because my girl pop 3 wks+ in advance previously at 36wk 4days so I scare this time round I may be early also. I will be 36wk this Thursday. So I thk I better go earlier in case..... Of course if 3wks later still not pop, I may go agn for one last wax before shen lor.....Yes did it at wax affair.

Yeah went to Wax affair. And yes really painful especially after stripping off the hairs at the front areas. That 2 killing strips...hahahaha.. Not so painful when she wax off the hair at the labia area. Now i felt sore lor but not red leh.... Yours leh? Still sore? Hair starting to go liao buay?
Seems like everyone did their VE to chk whether cervix dilate liao buay hor?

Feza does yr gyn did that in your last checkup? My gyn didn't leh. When is yr nxt chkup? My nxt chkup is nxt Sat.
mine was especially painful when she stripped off the labia area... my hairs started to grow abit liao.. can feel the top part abit pricky liao.. duno my hairs will grow out so fast.. hehehe..

My gynae did a swab test during my last visit and i was tested positive for Group B Streptococcus.. i am very worried abt the result.. will tis bacteria be passed to my bb? is it common among pregnant women?

then i better get my unruly p hair clean up b4 the appt.. then at least i would nt be so shy in front of gynae..

dunno what happen to ET hor?? sekali she give birth liao..
u have delicate skin...hahahha...

My gyn did not perform any swab test for me leh. I am not very sure abt this Strap B bacteria thing also as I did not have any swab test done during my previous pregnancy. I only come to know this bacteria thru this forum. I thk it should be common among preggy bah....

Thk stella got it leh and she is given a course of antibiotics.

Yeah better get the hair nicely trim just in case...kekeke

What's ET forum nickname huh? Wah she jing qiao qiao go shen and nvr inform us.....hahahha
ET hasn't given birth yet according to my last chat with her. She can only log on to internet during weekends when she is at her mother's house. Weekdays she is staying with her in laws and there is no internet access there. That's why she seem to have MIA in msn and in forum : So if u want to chat with her wait for weekend for her to log in hee hee maybe i should get her to give me her contact then we can sms one another hor...

i also have the strep b infection. Gynae gave me a course of anti biotics to clear it lor. Once finished the course of anti biotics should be fine liaoz....not to worry...

bbcutie/ feza
i also have not kena checked VE leh. I went gynae at 37 wks and no check. Next visit is this friday to check heartbeat CTG scan then ah maybe got VE? I also not sure...i be 38 wks by then liaoz.
i did not clear my "hair" down under leh ha ha ha :p cannot even trim cuz cannot see and paiseh to ask hubby...ha ha heck it lah...ha ha gynae may have seen lotsa untamed hair liaoz ha ha forget it...hee hee i cannot tahan the BW i am sure ha ha so forget it hee hee :p those kind of pain is another separate kinda pain ha ha ha :p
yea stella that kind of BW pain is you find yrself one.. so must be psychological prepared.. for me i dun think i will do it.. just let it be lor.. i will just trim and shave with a mirror as an aid..
Its a once and for all pain.... U will feel so clean after all the hairs are gone.... U only suffer for 2 days at the most (area being sore) and that's it.... Unless u r gg back for regular BW....
Do u all have a lot of discharge huh? Lately I have a lot of discharge leh. Sometimes I can even feel the discharge following out leh. Its not watery but mucous like lor. I don't have itch. Is it normal?
i know the cleanliness of it but the thought of the pain is terrifying ha ha that one is like feza said "zi zao" de hee hee :p so better not lah.
haha.. ya.. i have sensitive skin.. before i went for BW, i already told the indian lady i have very sensitive skin.. she asked me nt to worry coz she will be using honey and aloe vera wax.. did she used the similar wax on u too? is the pregnant indian lady did for u? she very professional rite? she distract ur attention by talking to u.. hw long did she take to stripped off all ur hairs?

i oso noticed discharge tis few days.. so i used pantyliners to avoid staining my undies.. did u smell anything unusual abt the discharge?

my gynae nv gave me any course of antibiotics.. the nurse jus told me i will be given antibiotic during labour.. hw come my situation is different frm urs? is it becoz they detected urs earlier?
like i told u earlier lor...our gynae know best. Think it's becuz i did the swab test earlier. but i heard also that it doens't mean when u test negative means dun have leh...cuz it can develop anytime...so dun worry just trust your gynae k
I didn't ask her what wax she uses. Just ask her is it hot wax or cold wax and she explain to me that she uses hot wax which can kill bacteria as well.

Yes, Diana did it for me. Told her that she don't look pregnant...She said she is 7th mth preggy liao...

Indeed very professional. I did not take note of the timing. I only know she strip 4 times and all hairs are gone. I also did my underarm and leg. All in all thk ard hf an hour.

My discharge doesn't smells.
my discharge also no smell but then sometimes or rather my panty liner got excess urine smell. Ha Ha cuz hor maybe never drip all finish then go out of toilet so have got bit of urine smell. Think if ur discharge got smell is also normal lor cuz u got strep b bacteria mah. I also leh before i took the anti biotics i have abit of yellowish dishcarge and vagina itchy a bit not all the time. Then the discharge also got a bit of smell. But after i took the medicine then all clear lor...the discharge also no more colour liaoz and no smell......if u really very concern then ask ur gynae on your next visit.
look forward to hearing your birth story and your girl's photos

think Mt A misread the nurse's handwriting and so prob sent to wrong address. havent faxed yet. all the operation date etc dun need to fill in rite? then dunno if have to go c section or not...

I've been having discharge too, and some incontinence, esp when sneezing. Have been using pantyliners for the past few mths liao. babycutie, your waxing so fast? last time went to the one at scotts and the lady seemed to use a lot of strips...think my hair too untamed that time. juz have to keep thinking that she's prob seen it a million times before. wondering whether shd go for BW before delivery. afraid it might be uncomfortable...
good morning everyone

just came in from the flag-raising ceremony. Was telling hb the other day that the one song our girl will know well will be the national anthem. so next time she make noise, just play for her

CNY in a few days time, and already so many bbs out to greet the new year. my girl edd end feb, so think she'll tahan till after the 15 days of CNY
bbcutie: i also have discharge.. those yellowish then a bit sticky look type but no smell... tink tat one is normal.. cause i read near to delivery will have increase discharge...
Thanks Feza for the udpate. Yet another popping. Wow! Amazing. Good! Congrats Ling.

Ivory will be discharged today and she try to updte the chart tomorrow or Friday she said . Wow looks like the list now goes like Mashy, Bulma, Ah May, Bochap, Smiley,Ivory, Ling.....did i miss out anyone...seems like 7 has popped
Congrats!!! Another baby.....

Your discharge same as mine. Yellowish, a bit sticky but no smell.

Yes. Finish all in 30mins. And I am perspiring while she perform BW.

The last time when I go to Orchard Delfi for my BW, the lady also uses a lot of strips. U know its like using rubber band to hit u kinda feeling and its torturing lor. Yesterday's BW was short and sweet. Once and for all suffer that few minutes.
Smiley, ivory, ling... CONGRATS and welcome to motherhood hehe

mashy, u stil latch caeden every hr ah? u TBF, no FM at all? btw, when u bath caeden does he cry? jarren alway cry when bath meh

Ling: congratulations!!! hehe... wow... must share w us the story and pics soon ya...

bbcutie: ya lor.. but not smelly one.. hehe but its normal lah... hehe

bulma: ur jarren so cute leh... hehe how come the lip there got a little white white one?? shen meng lai de?? smile till cannot see eyes... so cute....
