(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

sunshinekid: Watson doesnt carry the banana flavor i gave my boy leh. Ok we can lunch maybe next Monday cos this week completion, very bz. I'm working in lawfirm, you working in a bank?


haha, expensive cod liver oil also no use? sigh. Maybe he'll be better as he gets older. Coz got lots of immunity in his system already.

Wah, don't like that leh. Like that u will become a hermit leh. Don't let the children affect your life so much lah.

My boy has also been throwing a lot of tantrums lately. He kept wanting to go to the playground after school. Had to drag him home each day as he'll lie on the floor and cry if i refused. sigh. so naughty. Realised that he hated the noti chair more than the cane. So will use the noti chair more often now. hehe.

i bless u
wah, so fast. How long ago did u order it?
so what supplements exactly did you give your boy? I think i need to fill him with more vitamins to up his immunity. Yesterday, cough and stuffy nose again for the 3rd time in 3weeks. Haiz...

if you got cable tv, now got preview for bb tv on ch01, you watch already? Quite entertaining leh.

been giving him animal parade multivits 5ml and nordic nats cod liver oil 2.5ml. SO far so good. Could also be coz he had built up his immunity when he was in infant care so now he's stronger. That time he was sick thru out the 6mths. Very jia lut.
hahah vs ya lor. if expensive stuff = good health. the rich kids take da yu da rou everyday plus expensive supplements. must be super scholars liao hor.. aiya then all our kids where go chance in school liao. ahhaha...
By the way..just for your info, health supplements sold and distributed in Sg is not defined , not subjected to pre-market approval or regulated under HSA. so the responsibility rests solely on the importer and manufacturers.

hahah, yah, that's right.

Oh well, just thot u gals should know that the cod liver oil has different grades & different sources. Not all are equal.
hmmm so vs, meaning hor,since hsa doesnt regulate the supplements, there is no so call standards. so we can oni assume wat the manufacturer states as the best grade loh. hahah.. so really see us consumers lucky a not loh. whether wat u get is wat u paid for.
ya lor siewlng. so hor. really see we lucky a not loh.. suay suay believe the ad on the product, pay lots but all become waste loh. in and out.
MP..sometimes we have to pay more for the advertisement the manufacturers/importers invested to promote the products lor ..or nicer packaging...haha...or u might be paying for the brand only..
I am very stingy to spend on health supplement, so basically G is not taking any .

Good that G is healthy.
I'm not so lucky, my boy kept getting sick last time & so picky with food, so bo bian have to eat supplements.
its been some time since my last post here. Early Lunar new year wishes to everyone.
祝賀 大家:
事業正當午、身體壯如虎、金錢不勝數、 工作不辛苦、悠閒像老鼠、浪漫似樂譜,快樂非您莫屬!
年年有此時,歲歲有今朝! 新春快樂!
just want to say this is not the dec mummies babes or maid ah ha ha :p what i meant is they saw it from somwehere and posted to share with others so i copied to let you all see onyl..
i bless u

yup. Just got it. The postman didn't even bother sending it. They just put a slip in my letter box to tell me go collect it from the post office. So I went today to get it.

So, does your kid like it? Yah, they charge only 4.99 for the shipping. My boy likes it very much. Now when we practise all the phonics, he'll point to his DVDs and wanna watch. The way they teach the phonics is rather good.

Now he knows A, B, C, O, S. Hopefully he'll pick up more along the way.
just to share a little joy with all
j1 finally is starting to imitate what we say
and so far, he knows "wet", "where", "there", "up", "car", "wait" but still dunno papa n mama lor
bulma: oh u mean that cheeky elder son of urs ;p still dun call papa mama?? Mine already starting calling me by name and my hubby! He also imitate us alot! He is very chatty and he knows the names of many fruits and vegetables, from apple pear mango pineapple, to brinjal pumpkins snowpea brocoli etc. Credit goes to my inlaw who teaches him during the daytime. And he also knows the occupation name such as policeman, fireman, doctor, soldier etc...

mashy: ya he likes to watch too, i'm thinking of buying the whole set. My son knows A-Z but phonics still not sure.
i bless you
i also got the phonics one and my son seems to enjoy it but he is more keen in learning when i sit through with him. I also thought of buying the whole set but also want to hear feedback.

the whole set good?

yipee! dun worrie he will soon utter more words. I think he knows le just when he want to say haha
Jarren has done a good job isnt it.. so happy for u.. heehhe.. he is very smart in many ways, he just doesnt like to haolian.. hahaha shy boy lah.. i am sure very soon he knows how to say EXCAVATOR or Motorcycle. anyway, tell u a joke. that day, i overheard a proud daddy telling his frens that his son is so good at saying long hard words. he said, my say can say words with 5 syllabus. LOL. his son must b a scientist. hahaha
bulma..tks for sharing the joy..we are happy for you too..It's jus a matter of time he will catch up with those words.
Jarren knows how to eat humble pie ..alot of kids nowadays like to yaya papaya only haha..like parents like kids
Glad to know Jarren is speaking more!! Don't worry, boys are indeed slower than gals... ALOT!
Gareth hardly calls me at 2YO as well. But wait till he is abit older, now tell him to shut up also so difficult. He just rattles on and on.

The whole set is good lah, go and buy.
For MJ to speak like pro is jus 指日可侍de lah!

And most of the time, a lot kids also 小时了了,大未必佳... now cannot tell how good they r going to be... hehe!
Anyway, i met so many ppl tat r good academically, but cannot make it at work lah, mostly got attitude problem de. Like my classmate, 1st class honour, go n challenge his boss... tell his boss what can he do with him? He is scholar here leh... siao one... Jeopardize his career. Got IQ no EQ

great news! I'm still waiting for my boy to open his 'golden mouth'. Till now still doesn't talk much. Only babbling. But been adding more vocab each day. He can understand very complicated vocab from us, and take multiple instructions in a sentence but yet he still can't talk. sigh. He could even hold his pencil properly. Think he might be one of those to write before he can talk? hahaha. His motor skills are better, so he tends to sign for everything, like milk, wait, stop. He could do the actions for the songs, just no words. I taught him 'Jesus loves me this i know'. His actions are so funny. When we reached 'He's strong', his action for strong is like those Mr Universe type, the arms put down rather than up.

Yesterday he called my dad 'gong gong' when he came home, my father was so happy.

And. my boy still calls me 'di ah'.

i bless u, Etelle
Haven't watched the Maths one yet. Watched the letter factory, storybook, talking words 1 & 2. Must say i'm really impressed with the teaching of the words. Even I myself learnt it for the first time while watching it. They taught about the silent E, where the letters will 'call' its name when the E is at the end as in cape, cute, like. And when there's 2 vowels, the 2nd vowel will keep quiet and let the 1st vowel call its name as in team & bee. I didn't even know that. Hahaha.

Definitely worth buying the whole set.
hey mummies, do you think our toddler now will be able to sit still to watch disney on ice? i have missed disney on ice for 2-3 years so tot wanna watch it this year but think i gotto br j1 along cos i dun think anyone wanna tk care of J&J for me while me and hubby go enjoy. yeah yeah... i admit it's I wanna watch rather than J1 wanna watch haha i m a fan of disney on ice :p
I remembered u mentioned abt boiling nan xin n bei xin for C's cough... can u share your receipe here?
How much nan xin n bei xin to be used? What is the proportion of water?

YJ coughing?

1 pear, chuan bei (ask the med hall to help u pack into separate doses), 12 pcs nan xing and 12 pcs bei xing, water to cover the pear (for me i add more water, coz my boy doesn't like to drink plain water then, so i put in more water), rock sugar (optional).

Double boil for 1 hour.

Eat the pear and drink the water. Once to twice a day, for 3 days to 1 week.

I boiled once a day and separate into 2 doses to feed him.

Also watch what kind of cough YJ is having. This is good for heaty coughs, bronchial infection (qi guan yan) or what they call the bai ri ke (hundred day cough).
YJ was having running nose n cough since CNY eve.
Today i boiled, nan xin bei xin with Ji bing n pear for her to drink, her cough disappear le... hehe! This receipe was told by the medical hall.
Happy New Year to all mummies n their families!

What is Ji bing? How to pronounce in Mandarin, can indicate the number as in Ji2bing3? My boy also started to cough again after we came back from trip to Genting yesterday? How do I know whether it is heaty cough?
I asked the medical hall, they told me to mix with Ji2 Bing3 (i think this is a Cantonese name, but it is written on the pkg I bot). I asked whether heaty wat cough can take or not? The medical hall told me as long as cough. U can ask again when u buy...

I think the chinese name is shi zi (柿子), it is in dried form, with sugar coated. http://baike.baidu.com/view/37085.htm, it says "除鲜食外,柿子整个晒干之后可以制成柿饼"
