(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

i bless you
when did i become ESTHER le ha ha...yu must be talking to ur colleague Esther ah ha ha :p

dun envy la ha ha i dun really like it when everyone say wow he so big boy le cannot tell he hasn't even 2....pengz....

Hi i bless u,
cos when we bring him out those didi meimei look taller them him. Ppl always comments your boy so young can talk so well liao.. So they thought he is less than 18mths old. Indeed he is small size also cos some 1 yr ols shirt he still can wear..

i like to haev tall boys lei.. COs i find my hubby short..haha.. I am opp of u.. Other comment my boy only 18mths. I wan buy pants for him. endup bought the 3/4 pants for 2yr old boy and he can wear as long pants..haha
Etelle: Oppps..sorry...hahaha esther is another mummy in another thread!

Jappoh: Mine also small size leh, i tink he is abt 10.3Kg, he was sick for past few weeks, alot of phelgm and vomit after drinking milk.
i bless you
so 4.99usd per item for international delivery? is it cheaper using international? my son now i think 12.8 kg or so...tall and heavy....
yes etelle USD4.99 per item for international delivery. Mashy says she pay 4.99 for one whole set and i pay 4.99 for one disc. So i presume if u get 2 different titles of the disc eg leapfrog n barney then shipping is 4.99 X 2??
i bless you
yeah lor u r right they charge by per item one le...so think buy whole set more worth it like what mashy said hee :p
i bless u

on what u say abt selling it if your boy doesn't like, then why didn't u buy the set, then sell it if he doesn't like? Hahahaha. sama sama lah.
i bless u

hahah, but price more ex mah. If u got the disc cheaper, easier to sell at a lower price.

Wonder how long it'll take for it to come. My boy is being punished now for breaking the DVD, no DVDs for him till this Sun. Argh, very tiring on me too. There goes my baby sitter.
i bless you
is it? haha how come when i young never watch noddy before le....

it is more of cartoon...for fun and entertaining...not realy educational...haha dun everything also educational la very sianz one le..

Maybe we're from different era. hahahaha. that's why never watch noddy.

my boy likes noddy too ever since they showed in on Ch 5 during the school hols. But they've stopped it.

Have a bit of education lah. Like have to finish your chores/ duties, help other pp etc.
no la...i bless you same age as me le...same generation one ha ha....yeah lor channel 5 use to have now thinkng of subscribing to playhouse disney le...

after watching noddy for a few days, i could remember the song already. hahaha. 'make way for noddy, he toots his horn this way'. Gosh, had it in my head a few days. Nowadays, I kept having kiddy music in my head leh. When i'm sleeping, waking, whatever i do, it will auto play the kiddy music.

But if u subscribe to playhouse disney, means you have to also subscribe the basic tier right? Cannot have playhouse alone right?

I'm a bit of a TV addict (my boy is turning into one too) and I'm scared I cannot resist temptation, so I told my hb not to subscribe to starhub.
yeah lor....have to subscribe to basic tier to and adds up to think about 40 a month and hor hb said if just for the sake of playhouse disney like not worth it...for me not really tv addict la but like a routine watcher ha ha :p

yeah cuz now we have kids we end up knowing all nursery rhymes and all kiddo's music haha..

Yah, not worth. Like that u can buy kiddy 4 VCDs a month. ANd kids being kids, they can watch the same show over and over again. I've just 4 kiddy VCDs at home which I rotate. But my boy is already very contented with it.

I'm also the premium member of library so will once a while borrow some kiddy shows like vegetales, bb genius, bb einstein from the library.
oooh ha ha i dun go library one le dun know how to go with one baby and one toddler...yeah true also i got quite a number of barney cds, einstein, wheels on the bus actually many cds le...that's why deliberating till now still haven't subscribe hee or rather maybe if got very attractive promo then sign ha ha

but it seems like those without cable vision are a minor lot liaoz le...almost most people have cable vision...
Does your kiddo fall sick often after starting school? Jerry started school in beginning Jan, and he has been sick every week. Is it normal? I don't remember my 2 older ones having this problem and he is only attending 3x per week half day programme.

Playhouse Disney
I think playhouse disney is good investment. My boy likes to watch elmo's world, thomas the train, little einstein, mickey mouse clubhouse, barney. He attempts to answer when the characters asked questions, hehehe. some are educational teaching shapes and colours.

ya lor, think i remember watching superman and friends, scoobydoo, xiao tian tian and wonderwoman, hahaha different decade....
i bless u

Guess what. I managed to borrow the 'Letter Factory' DVD from the library! Haha, now can watch it before the DVDs come.

If you're also not sure whether to buy or not, try borrowing from the library. Try to go library lah. It's good for them to love books. Children's section is usually noisy, so it's ok lah.

nope. So far my boy has been healthy. he's going for 3hrs playgroup daily.

Have u pumped him up with multivits and cod liver oil? I do, maybe that's what helped. either that or he became immune from all the germs from the infant care. Anyway, haven't seen any of his classmates falling sick yet.
so do u give both Multivits & CLO at the same time? I am afraid of vits overdosed, so didnt dare to give to Annika.

Playhouse Disney is Channel 33? I think i have the Channel for the older kids.
mashy: Wah i dun know the library has such DVD to borrow. How to borrow? Need to be any special member? I only borrow books there.

yah. I also scared overdose, so i reduced the recommended portions to make it within the RDA. Scared Vit A poisoning, so his multivits i buy the one with lowest Vit A content and reduced the portions recommended.

i bless u
u need to sign up for premium membership, then can borrow 8 books (including 4 AV items). Think it's $12 per yr. Ok lor since we borrow so many AV items. And during the hols, we get to double up reading so we can borrow up to 16 items.

They've lots of children's DVDs/VCDS/CD Roms, so i think it's very worth it for us lor.
YJ started CC tis Mon, yesterday night started to sneeze le

I got give yj vitC n sometimes CLO also. Yet kana...

RE: Library
If u wan to borrow books oni, jus need to use your IC. For Yj, we applied a membership card for her using her BC. Is FOC de.
We have been borrowing books for her for months, once expired, we will go change new set for her. So every now n then, she gets 'new' books to read. Haha save$ on buying new books.
Every time, we borrow the books back, we will use wipe to clean them. To remove the dirt n gems haha!
Yj likes to read, in CC, teacher pacify her by giving her book to read, then she will stop crying le.

haha, i also applied membership for C. Think when he was very young. 1st or 2nd mth only went to apply liao.

Been borrowing lots of books for him to read too. But we never clean haha. Just try to borrow the cleaner ones.

But normal membership cannot borrow AV items. So if u want to borrow AV, have to upgrade to Premium membership.
I have few VCDs, some are passed-down, for yj to rotate le... hehe! N she oni get to watch on weekends, sometimes on weekday night. Not much time for her at home in fact haha!
mashy, jarren also eat multi vit and cod liver.. also always sick.. so frequently sick til i also immune and sian to say anything :p

jarren also the free membership for library.. so far only been to library once to borrow haha find it so ley chay :p stil must purposely go return when time's up
heheh. so many people borrow from library ah.. good leh. i just bring r for walk at library niah. he loves shifting the books around. think sometimes NLB has "promotion". they allow each member to borrow up to 8 books. may be the next visit, u mummies can check with the librarian. In case u find borrowing 12 books is not enough for your little growing mind. ;)
Bulma: Haha the way u say abt ur boy like so jiat lat! Now i let my boy try Kawai Kanyu Drop i heard it's not bad, similar to cod liver oil but in soft candy drop form. My gf's tuition kids been eating that and it's good immunity.
Hello I_Bless_u,

You bought this one ah:

Vitamin A+D
KAWAI Kanyu Drop S (Banana Flavor)

Besides this, do u stil give others like CLO and Multivits?

Great, my offc is just opposite Watsons at OUB centre, will walk over to take a look on Monday. Thanks.
I give cod liver oil everyday and he is seldom sick prior to attending playgroup. Up till now I don't want to load them with too much supplements, but looks like with the intro to playgroup, he needs to boost his immunity liao, but like sunshinekid, I am afraid of overdosage if we gave them too much...

Playhouse disney is ch34. nickelodeon(ch33) and cartoon network(ch 35) is for the older ones. You try the kawai kanyu drop already do review ok? :p
sunshinekid: The type of kanyu drop i give, the chinese medical shop at arcade says they can get for me if i want, they carry other types one. So if u want that type then u ask them to get for u. Think within 2 days can get liao. $28.

what kind of cod liver oil did u give? Heard that there's many different grades of cod liver oil leh. Maybe jarren needs the very pure type. Hahha, like his expensive backside, need pampers, maybe he also need expensive cod liver oil.

ai yoh, u stay near compass point right? so convenient still complaining. What we do is that we'll borrow on Sat when we go for dinner. THen return it on another Sat loh on our way to dinner lor. Not that troublesome lah.

Good that YJ doesn't watch much. Once they start, they get hooked on it very easily. LIke my boy. sigh.

I also don't like to give, but my boy is very picky with his food and he was very weak when he was younger. Kept getting sick. So have to boost up his immune system lor. Just check the content table and make sure the dosage combined is not above the RDA lor. I usually give lesser than what it's stated coz he will draw the rest from the food he eats mah.
Hey, u work at Raffles pLace? Maybe we can meet up for lunch

So if both Watsons and the Chinese med hall sells the same thing, then no need to get the med hall to buy for me right? More convenient to get fr Watsons. Both sellg at $28 also?

I will buy and let the kids try. Oh yes, i also have Channel 33.

mashy, heall the whole has been taking the cod liver you introduce me to buy from vitakids

now go compass point also lazy cos need to br the 2 kids... also j1 quite itchy hands
