(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

eczema...how to identify ah?? yeah lor i also think he shouldn't have heat rash le but only on the face body all clear....how ah? change milk ah?


on face then likely eczema leh. can try to change milk. R u breastfeeding? That time my boy changed to isomil, then ok liao. He was allergic to cow's milk.

Can apply some cream for eczema. I used Dermaveen.

you're welcome. that time my boy took abt a week to clear all the rashes. After that, the rashes never came back liao coz we switched to isomil.

u can try goat's milk too if u want.
hi mummies,
i found the VCD liao. So happy.

elvin also have eczema. But his case consider as light case. When he is young red rashes abit here and there can always been seem. Try many cream dun work well. But when he get older he out grow it.

Like wat mashy say some babies is due to allegies so u have to observe.
re: allergy
N case is worst when he was young. lactose intolerant. so sensitive that breast milk also cant drink. also got lots of rashes everywhere.the i switched to isomil and full organic skin care. till now no prob for rashes at all.

first few weeks milk suppply is like that. need not stress. give urself sometime. how u coping with 2?
etelle - hope u r coping well. must continue to bf even if milk is v little. else wont be able to build up ss de.
take care.

koli - how's your hb? sms u but no reply lei...

animal costumes -
can anyone tell me where can i find animal costumes?
required for my 2 yo and 4yo


You can consult lactation consultant at the hospitals for advice if you are really keen to bf. The low milk ss mayb due to insufficient fluid intake, irregular pumping, diet, etc. Let your bb latch on as much as possible in the initial weeks, think it worked for me.....
etelle - like jasmine said. better to let bb latch rather than pump. bb's suckling is the best way to stimulate ss.
u can contact me if u r really keen to bf.
btw, i'm still bfd my 22mo girl

yah, if you're keen, go and look for LC. I went to KKH, very good LC. forgot her name already. taught me to express by hand. Gotta seek help early if u keen.
Hi all mummies,
Wowww....so long didn't come in to the forum. Have been busy with my work.

Summer/Stella and Claire,
Congrats on your NB baby!!! Take care, rest well and enjoy the maternity period with your little precious.

Have you found any confinement lady?? You can contact this agent who may be able to help you (Mrs Chen, 67566386). I think it will be quite difficult to find one who is willing to spend the CNY during your confinement period. I also did not have a confinement lady during the CNY'06 and the CL only came in on the Chu wu. She only worked for 3 weeks and we are already paying her $1800.

I am intending to enrol Nicole to Sheknah Motessori at Punggol Plaza. It is only 3-hr session and charging at $1050 per term. I may start her for only 3 times a week which is abt $750 per term. If not, I think I will only let her starts at 3YO.

Steady leh.....still bfd your 22m girl. Good...but dun think i can do it. The last time I bf for 3 months, I feel so contented liao...haha
ah may, wendy, mashy, jasmine
thanks for your advices haha me not those PRO bf kind....for me is i will try and if have milk feed, dun have use FM....hope i dun offend those who are pro BF
etelle - no prob ah. jus do whatever u r happy or comfortable la. but we r here to help if we can.

haha.... i just mistook my bb ger photo to be my son... cos i let them wear the same clothes. haha...
Etelle: Ya i agree with u...don't overstresys urself becos of BF, especially got 2 child now, very tiring too.

Claire: Ur baby is cute,is a ger or boy? Is he doing the photolighttherapy,got jaundice?
hehe, she's a girl
had jaundice but now ok liao. new problem, lots of little pimples on her face and feels rough. hoping that it'll just go away in time.
how's evan's rashes?
wah.... ur bb eyes sooooooo big! so nice!

re: my hubby
my hubby re admitted to NUH. they found that it's brain haemorrhage.
his bran is bleeding. he worked too hard that his brain got dehydrated. luckily it's a small vein. now condition stabilised
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Hello Mommies!!</font></font>

Sorry to interrupt....i have brought in a few very nice Disney Rompers and other apparels in the BP thread

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">All are authentic Disney apparels from HK. Designs not available here. Stocks are limited!</font></font>

Do visit the thread and check out the rompers for your babies for this <font color="ff0000">Xmas/CNY</font> festive seasons! Thanks for your support of this BP!!
aiyah... this month is an unlucky month for me. my hubby in hospital my uncle diagnosed to have cancer. final stage some more... i am so depressed

don't be depressed. At least 1 thing good is that u found out your hb's condition before it's too late. My friend was widowed at 24+. Her hb whom i knew also, and also very young, think abt 27/28 just died while reading newspapers. At least now know the prob and take preventive measures. That's why i'm also thankful that i know my hb has high blood and so he's taking meds and doing check ups.
Hi mummies,

Finally hv some time to login here to give some updates. (Thanks, etelle for updating u all on my delivery)

Well....ren suan bu ru tian suan....never expected myself to go into pre-term labour. Had some pains on last Tues 'down there'...thot becoz' bb's head rubbing, so ignore it. Then on Wed, as usual had bh contractions but this time with slight lower ab pains....but came &amp; go...wanted to go kk for check but then pain went away....so ignore. Then Thurs morning, had slight spotting....immediately went down to kk...dr said already 4cm dilated so warded immediately as pre-term labour. Was given oral medication &amp; put on drip to stop the contractions while they administer jabs to mature megan's lungs. Laid in bed from Thurs to Sun....at 4.35am, water bag burst, had the urge to push but waited for dr to come b4 I started pushing, he came at 6.35am &amp; Megan was delivered @ 6.53am.

What a drama!!! Was discharged on the following day but Megan hv to stay till she's wk 35....actually can bring her home this wkend but becoz' she's like Marcus, also G6PD deficient, hv to stay for 14 days....haiz....been running up &amp; down kk everyday to give her my bm &amp; to latch her.

Luckily her wt is quite ok....I thought I might be able to deliver a 3kg+ bb this time (marcus was only 2.6kg at birth....38 wks)....but really didn't expect this to happen....

Here's a pic of her....
Intended to stay with my gal at the hospi but Marcus missed me too much that he cried 4 me every night. So, no choice but to discharge the following day after delivery.

Now diligently pumping every 3 hrly to get milk flow established (didn't get to latch megan after delivery coz' she was immediately sent to special care).

Am lucky enough to hv enough milk for her. Able to tbf her from day 3 onwards. Firstly, she's not taking much at this pt in time (40ml each feed). Secondly, am able to rest quite well. Now able to pump out 80ml per 3-4 hrly. Hopefully milk flow will continue to increase.

Megan doesn't really like to latch on. Seems like she preferred the bottle to my breast.
Pretty sad coz' I prefer to latch her. But she's still taking my milk, so good enough lah.
Hi Wendy,

Thks. Actually she's not chubby....just that her cheeks r slightly fleshy, so when take pic, she looks chubby. She's v scawny leh.
Hey Vonvon..

Congrats!! Megan is pretty! She looks chubby, I like her fair complexion, and she has rosy cheeks yah.. Nice mouth too, ying tao xiao zhui.

Don't worry abt the kids being small at birth. Rem Annika and Gareth? They were 2.46kg and 2.33kg.. but look at them now, growing okay.

Just in case I dun come in during X'mas time, here's wishing all mummies an advance <font color="ff0000">MERRY X'MAS!</font>
vonvon: Congrats! What is G6PD deficient? I remembered seeings this on the Eu Ren Shen Ba Bao Shang, kids with G6PD deficient cant take this powder.

Thanks....now she's a little darker coz' under phototherapy. But I guess (&amp; hope) that she'll be as fair, if not fairer, than Marcus.

She lost wt leh....now only 1.99kg. Nurses said usually bb will lose some wt b4 gaining. Now she look even more scawny than at birth. My poor Megan. See her so skinny makes my heart break.

Christmas is ard the corner &amp; yet I can't bring my girl home to share this season together. Very sad.

Hi i_bless_u,

G6PD deficiency is an inherited condition in which the body doesn't have enough of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, or G6PD, which helps red blood cells (RBCs) function normally.

Ya....certain chinese medications cannot be taken. So, best to avoid all chinese medications. That's y my son, who is also G6PD deficient, never taken all these "ba bao shang", etc.
congrats. No worries, baby usually gain weight after 2 weeks. 1.99kg, very easy to catch up. (My ray is only 1.89kg at birth, at 4th day or so only 1.74kg ) Megan looks great. actually at 35 weeks onwards, they will store up fats,that's why will look chubby at birth. for premature baby, they will look thin, but will be ok as long as they can suckle well.
By 4 months, baby will be more chubby.

please take good care.
hi vonvon,
i can feel your heartache.
my boy was scrawny too....cos he also delivered early at 36 wks.
but ya dun worry, bb lose wt it also because of water loss.
btw your bm ss is good so u r giving very best to megan le.
take care and happy bfd!
von von, congrats... ya baby gain weight v fast once they are out so not to worry

my son alr a "michelin" haha

galsssssss, anybody got good solution to help me??? j1 alws cry and struggle e moment gg to put him on carseat. he will cry fr point to point... v sianzz... tried methods like sit beside him, his fav toy for him to play, fav book for him to read, read to him, sing to him, distract him w this n dat... all never works.

should just leave him alone to cry til 1 fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee day he realise pointless to cry? we hv been leaving him to cry for the past 1 week, he stil continue to cry and struggle lei should continue?

he's been like tis for 4 months liao the thing is he since baby alr is sit carseat one lei just dunno why suddenly refuse
bulma - bribe him with food?

btw, your bb in car set or u carry?

sounds like he's fighting for attention.
else it's jus the terrible twos lor....

for us, we just let the kids cry in the car seat :p till they get the message.
think abt J1 is maybe the terrible 2 stage thing? for 4 months liao, maybe also because now got competition? my boys if only alone behaves like angel, but 2 together, like to fight for all your attention. gets really bad these few weeks. think got another year to tong... I leave my boys to cry till they realise no use. or worse, mummy cannot take it liao they get canning... bad mummy.
wendy, i tried food too... also no use. my bb also in carseat ah.. both carseat in back seat...

so i think i will just let him cry lah just feel sianz... everyday must listen to "orchestra"

ah may, mayb T2 mayb attention seeking lor

get ear plugs.

seems that j1 is fighting for attention. Since you've tried everything, just let him be and cry until he gets the point.

Or next time, u tell him, if he cries, he goes home. And don't just threaten. Do it. Tell him before you leave the house that he has to behave. If he does that again, head home. Do a few times and he'll get the message.

Once a while when he behaves, reward him. But don't make it all the time, or else he'll expect it everytime. Make it a surprise for him for behaving. Or give a star.


Marcus also refused to sit in his car seat at times. Then I'll coax him either by snacks (not exactly v gd idea coz' it attracts cockroaches) or by telling him that we'll be driving him to see excavators (right now he's kinda 'infactuated' with those excavators)....then he'll allow us to buckle him up.

Now that we changed our car, we installed dvd player &amp; this definitely helped a lot coz' he now climbs into his car seat on his own, waiting to be buckled up &amp; then he'll get to watch his favourite barney show.

If it's really a headache each time u bring him out, maybe can consider buying a portable dvd player or PSP for him to sit still in car?? But may not be that good for his eyes....hv to enforce 'rules' that he can only watch in the car (which most of the time is of short distance, so shd be ok for eyes).
