(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Hi mummy@home
welcome to our thread. I have sent you a new memmber's form for our thread. Pls fill n and send back to me. This is to ensure that if we gathrings, bb contest or any updates u be informed L

just put XR to zzz. Now must do work n submit tonight! Argh! and still have to prepare some stuff for tomor's morning lesson. tired out. preparing for sch speech day so finish at 7+ just now, then went out for dinner some more. Was good but too tired to really enjoy.

I'll send u the photo by next tues ok? transfer $$ to you before tt. thanks!
Zi jie as usual always in push up position hor ha ha so cute leh....hee hee :p

okie let me know once u xfer okie
I was suggesting to my hubby that we order tingkat for dinners leh. can anyone advise me is it cheaper to cook at home or tingkat? One thing is i am not a good cook haha sometimes within the same weke i will repeat le hee hee
and also i feel the cost seems to be the same if nto cooking at home incurs more. pls advise me!!!!
hello all,
i'm finally online. now settled at usa.

i wld say if u can cook lor.
cos u control n know wat u eat
also, think hb will appreciate the efforts.
$ wise.. i not sure but i ordered tingkat prevuously cos i was ftwm.
now temp sahm
here in usa i also try to cook cos it's ex to eat out!
professor, your boi look "mai mai" lk dat v cute haha u shave him, izzit?

ivory, nx x zj can go b muscle man muahahhaha constantly doing push up or he showing off to elly izzit hahahhaha

mommyhome, welcome to our friendly forum =) all our bbies in this thread are borned jan to Feb 06. my boy considered sleepy thru nite. I didnt do much lah i wanna do also nothing i can do haha he just will routine himself to rub and flip and turn all around his bed and then tired alr will cry and yell till he shiok with his eyes closed and then after abt an hr will suddenly left w meow meow sound thn slowly will all asleep haha but some x he ok.. will just rub rub rub meow meow meow then sleep liao...this is considered luxury for me liao haha without the yelling and crying. when he sleep, his kar-chng 'keow keow' also hehe nowadays he just sleep whatever style he want. no longer can control him to sleep on tummy or on his back cos he now like little adult will just flip and turn even while sleeping.

etelle, no time to search for cheerful photo of my bb lei haha

i prefer to cook at home if i am SAHM lor.. i fl cheaper n food less oily... usually cook just 1 soup then another dish is probably egg or fish or chicken depending what soup i cook.. but i dun fry.. i usually just boil soup and steam smthg so as to minimise cleaning up =p e easiest is cook porridge... just throw everything in and let it boil... my hb and me like to eat mince meat fishball veg porridge which i invented haha all nutrients inside lei... so i buy 1 pkt mince meat ($3) 1 pkt fishball ($1+) and 1 pkt veg (less than $1) then will cook the same thing for 2 consecutive day.. so v cheap only haha about $5 things for 2 pax for 2 meals lei =p for taste, i will chin cai add "ma yew", pepper and also spya sauce.
same leh... weekend i always cook porridge too.
same also...mince meat or fish, fishball or meatball, vege porridge. hahaha...u will be surprise wat i throw into the porridge. somex wat i find i will throw...hahaha
i minimise fry as well so no need do much clean up.
i cook dry fishball noodle as well... v easy leh. use instant noodles lor but i dun add the seasoning. drain the noodle dry and add some chilli, mushroom sauce, sesame oil, tomato sauce and add some fishballs n vege....and its very delicious liao....
mashy: $900 is the one near ur place ah... mine is $1000 leh!!! wow lau... maybe my house tat area quite wu lu... then the price is higher... how much is the charges at town area??

etelle: for me, normally weekends if i free i will cook... cause if those send to home one not very healthy.... u can try to plan for a week mah... then wun be cookin the same dish lor... for me, normally i will have vege, fish and soup... only cookin method and vege different.. but sure steam fish one...
<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
I suggest that you cook lah. Though cost may come up to about the same, but at least u are assured that for home-cooked food, there is no MSG (unless u put, hahahah), less salty, and u control the portion u eat. IF tingkat, sometimes their portion may be quite huge, thus u are sort of force to finish everything, if not wasted mah.

Cooking is quite easy. DOn't have to eat rice everyday. Can try soup noodles, chicken macaroni soup, pasta, Jap Udon, etc etc.. the list is endless. I tell u , u go to Popular bookstore. They have a huge selection of cookbooks at very very affordable prices, eg, $3.50. The recipes are simple, and the ingredients used can be purchased easily. Hate those dishes that need special spices, and got to run half of Sg to get them.

<font color="ff0000">Gathering</font>
So these picts are taken in Ivory's hse last Thurs ah. How can dun see Ethan?
<font color="ff0000">Amanda</font>
What $1000? U mean u pay $1000 for infant care now? OMG.

<font color="ff0000">mommy@home</font>
Welcome to join us! So u just came back from the US? Cool. How are u adapting?
Do chat with us more often yah.

<font color="ff0000">Stress</font>
At times like this when I am stress at work, I long to stay at home and take care of the kids. But I know once my job is more eng, I will want to go back to work. Hahah. Ironic.
sunshinekid: i tink mashy tat $900 should be before subsidy rite... so mine before subsidy is $1000... hehe
ask u huh... u got give annika bm a not huh or total FM?
sunshinekid: i also very stress now leh... how i wish i can be SAHM u know.... even if i love my current job i still hope to be a SAHM... u know every morning my big boss come into office, she will call me when she stepped into the office... instead of callin my boss..... then keep askin me those stuff tat need to go and search search and reply... then is like i still got some stuff pending for so long liao and i just sit here and answer her question can liao lor.. other things no need to do liao la..... so fed up leh....... i need to destress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sometimes i really kana her stress till i dun wan to do... like now lor.... i got tonnes of things to do but i dun feel like doin.... not because its friday leh.....

*sorry huh.... blar out my 'bu man' to u...
<font color="ff0000">Amanda</font>
OIC. Scare me, I thought u gals are paying $900/1000 cash. I am not giving BM to Annika anymore. Why leh. She is on total FM. Recently her drinking also not so good. My mum giving her Chor Bee to try out. She got some from a neighbour who is a babysitter. My mum will boil stock using chicken/pork bones, ikan bilis, soya bean etc.. and after that, cook the Chor Bee on the stove. Quite troublesome as it is not those instant kind.

It's okay lah. Everyone will feel stress at one point or other. But I always think, I should be thankful to have a job, have a stable income, so better dun complain too much. Just ren and after that, go home and see the loveable kids.
etelle, when i on ML, i usually plan 1 week menu on sat nite. For example
Lunch : bread w campbell soup
Dinner : rice w steam egg and a YTF soup
Lunch and Dinner : eat the mince meat fishball veg porridge
Lunch : fish slice veg bee hoon soup
Dinner : spaghetti add mince meat and fish slices (mince meat and fish slices balance uncooked from wed and pm) to it
Lunch : noodles in ba kut teh soup
Dinner : rice w steam chicken and ba ku teh veg soup
Lunch : chicken veg macaroni soup (chic and veg balance uncooked fr thurs nite)
DInner : TGIF DOnt need to cook hehe

actually a lot dishes v simple u just mix them around then can liao lor...i also dunno how to make fantastic stuff... all the dishes i know how to mk are brainless type haha but u must plan properly so that u wont waste food hehe
Sunshine and Amanda, really that stress har? For my case now, I'm super stress at home! My elders 2 quarrel all times, then I got to face my mil lah, the maids lah, and sil's baby &amp; maid "dump" here. All these also very stressful to me! So unhappy that I feel depressed sometimes, ESP my stupid Mil. Lately can't stand her more &amp; more!!! Me decide to go work liao. Going to be property agent. 10yrs back wanted to do but never, so now better go now (else I shd will really break down at home)

Not I wat lah, was complaining to my mama last nite that I really can't stand my mil. Ya sil's baby to her is her GEM. But pls dun always push sil's baby to me! I really hate it. I guess I dislike sil lah, sil's baby lah, all BECOS of my mil. Mil really double standard when come to sil's baby and my Reyes. A little scratch on sil's baby, mil also got to make a BIG fuss. Any little thing on her baby, mil will keep coming and tell me as if I must take care of sil's baby like that. I really danmn hate it!

Pai seh lah, really need to yell out all these!
i would love to hv those recipes of ur home cooked food...hee hee

teach me leh ur fishball noodle sounds delicious ha ha :p
sunshinekid: haizz u dunno ah... i already ren qi tun shen liao le....its has been like tat for weeks liao le.... i really feel so tired and drained out leh.... i find tat i got no strength to work in tis way...

how much FM u givin to Annika per feed and how many hours huh?? my mom ask me to buy chor bee also but i wanna check w my PD to start solid a not... then hor the chor bee must be mix with stock one ah?? not just when water boiled, then mix it?? tat's how we made for my sis last time la.. hehe
stella: either buy those stock in NTUC to make the soup lor.. if not then put ikan bilis into water to boil till the nice smell come out, after tat transfer the soup to another pot.
From the soup, put in meat la, fishball then noodle then add a little salt or 'wei jin' to taste better.... but better dun use 'wei jin' la....
mindy: hehe i stressed up la... they really tot i really very free... then just now my boss came over my place to take file, then i open the forum full screen and reply.... just now i kind of pissed off then i say very loud 'now i shall show u all tat i am very free' then they keep quiet....
but as property agent is flexible one rite, no need go 9-5 one rite?? then it's better also la... at least wun coop urself at home and have family stress.. hehe i really wish i can go back to my child care teacher job...
stella, cook la.. easier on the pocket and more nutrious.. pros of cooking is save money, more nutrious as you cook just before you eat. there are lots of simple food you can cook.. even a stir fry vege and rice with soy sauce is nice once in a while.. there are some many types of vege and so many types of meat you just mix and match lor.. that what i do mostly.. you can cook western or local..
<font color="ff0000">Amanda</font>
I give Annika 150ml per feed at about 3-4hrs interval. She is not a big drinker. I think in total, she takes 5 times a day. I am not sure if Chor Bee can be mixed with water. I think can lah. Jus that my mum feels that with stock, it's more nutritious.
Yo amanda, u used to be childcare teacher har? Then y switch job lei? hahahaha u funny leh...say that to yr collegues! ahhahaha

Nowadays whenever Rick doesn't drink milk (but ok at least i spoon feed him, he'll finish everything), I hate my mil even more!!! Cos that time infront of Reyes and sil's baby, she said that to me "Aiyo, if only Reyes's fat can give to this boy boy (sil's baby). Reyes too big lah!" Pls where got ah ma say like that one???? And now I see see look look like my Reyes lose weight already and u see, also refuse to drink milk! ALL BECOS OF MY STUPID MIL!!!!! When i told mil Reyes knows how to shake hands, she NO reaction one but then KEEP ON asking me to see sil's baby clapping hands!!! Then keep saying how clever that baby is blah blah blah....
Wah, Zi jie so strong!

What vege u put in your porridge ah?

$900 is after subsidy.
Very ex hor?
It's at town area. Near my home got 3, nearest is $688, High class one $950, then another one is $595 (all after subsidy). But timing cannot lor. So think have to go to the one near office. Heard the teachers were previously from Etonhouse. Then after 18mths hor, will teach Japanese or Chinese as 2nd language leh. High class man. But gott go and see. The principal told me their syllabus is "It's all about me." I wanted to faint. Like so ang moh, selfish kind of topic. She said it's learning abt themselves. Dunno lah, go and see how first. Coz maybe not much choices also.
mashy, i know lah but i mean i wont put scoop of purely MSG that white white thing inside hehe

veg ah.. depend wat veg i buy lor... usually chin cai go ntuc see nice and "shun yan" i just buy then i will cut into small pieces and throw into porridge. sm x i put mushroom/tomatoes also
<font color="ff0000">mindy</font>
Pity you leh. Reyes is so cute, why is ur MIL so bias? Ur SIL meaning ur hubby's brother's wife? IF yes, it's her dotter mah, mayb tats why.

<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
I put cabbage in porridge. Go try it, it's very tasty.

<font color="ff0000">Porridge</font>
Ingredients that I put in and taste good:
Dry silver fish, dry scallop (put 1 will do lah), cabbage, peanut, carrot. Simple right? All dump inside and boil.

<font color="ff0000">Soup base for noodle</font>
Ikan bilis, soya bean, chicken or pork bones. Boil for about 2 hrs. Then after that, u can cook whatever u want, say mee, beehoon, macaroni, kwey tiao etc. Can put fishballs, beancurd, prawns, mushroom, minced pork, whatever.
i didn't know u used to be a chilcare teacher. Well i would say eveyr job has got it's "miserable" moments lah. Even working with children sometimes the kids can drive u up the wall leh. They can be naughty until i dun know ow to describe ha ha :p but of course the sweeter moments are more lah cuz once u see the kids and they talk to u u just forget about everything ha ha and start enjoying ur work already hee hee :p

how tomake slice fish sop? buy wat kind of fish ah? hee hee how to make the soup base? hee hee
sunshinekid: hmmm should taste nicer also hor.. hehe maybe can try... hehe annika tried liao ma?? hao chi?? hehe

mindy: hehe was a childcare teacher takin care of playgroup before...when i was ard 18, 19 years old... cause too young to be in tat line.. wanna go for more better job lor.. so mai work there lor.. pay very little... hehe

bulma: hehe hmmm healthy... hehe :p

mashy: tink for town area for tat price i tink ok bah.. but its ex la... but i tink amk is a good area so the price higher rite... cause a lot of ppl mah.. hehe
etelle: hehe ya was a teacher before.. hehe it was fun.... then some of them were so close to me tat when another toddler came to sit on my lap, he came to beat the toddler... then one nursey boy also close to me... he see i carry other toddler, he will get jealous and ignore me one leh... hehe so cute....
for me, the miserable moment is with the supervisor... cause she see we all teacher very click then she jealous and pick on us....

u can use what sunshinekid mention those to make soup base.....
I rec'd a 900g free Friso gold sample which I do not need. Any takers? Prefer to collect fm me at either SK or HBF.

PM me 'cos today I on leave will go home to check email 'cos I scared later too many posts in the forum liao.

If no takes by weekend, I will post in SK/punggol thread then the "Free Items Corner".

Cabbage? Reduce BM right? I very little BM leh.

Oh yah. asking all mommies who express at work.
How do u do it? What to bring? How to store and bring back? Need ice-pack? I 1 pathetic bottle nia. Just a pathetic 30-40ml. Haha, still wanna bring back. Cannot waste.
Cabbage will reduce BM huh? What else will reduce BM. I know wheat grass also cannot take when BF coz i went Fu Hua and the lady say take wheatgrass will 'duan4 nai3'.

Expressing at work:
I bring my sterilised pump and 2 avent bottles (125ml) and keep them in a Ziploc bag. Will pump in the handicap toilet after lunch. I store my EBM in the pantry's fridge (tied up in a plastic bag). I dun think a normal ice pack can keep your EBM refrigerated for so many hours leh... the normal ice pack that I have is only good for like 2-3hrs. I bought the Fridge-To-Go for outings and it's really good... feels like a fridge when i put my hands in. Hey, 30-40ml better than nothing... I admire your spirit! Keep it up!

BTW, i think sugar cane helps to increase milk supply leh... but I am not very sure though but i realise when i drink that during lunch i can pump out like 220-240ml which is very good for me liao.
mashy, so little... u cant avoid pumping in working hour izzit? u get yr hb to check or u check w HR whether they have lactation room and also fridge for u to keep yr EBM or not. For me is convenient cos we have lactation room and fridge.

when i express in office, i hv e followng:-
1. breast pump (everyday br to and fro home)
2. 2x 260ml bottles (i thk depend how many times u wanna express in office then u br how many bottles cos after each express, u will put inside fridge mah then u will need another bottle)
3. sterilising tablet to sterilise pump for next use but if u only pumping once then dun need
4. container for put pump inside to be sterilised for next use (also not needed if u only pump once)
5. a handkerchief (when u pump in case leak or what then u need it)
6. the liquid detergent to wash the pump after use (not needed if u only pump once)
7. ice pack and ice bag (for transport BM home)

think i didnt miss out anything liao bah... cos i stop expressing in office abt 1 mth ago then now alr stop giving bb EBM. but horrrrrrrr, how come stil got MILKKKKKKKKKKKKK???? anybody knows must how long then will totally no milk ah? hate to put the breast pads

Yah lor. So little hor.

But at least it accumulates with the rest to make enough 1 feed for Caeden. Now that he's going infant care, all the more i've to pump. Maybe make sure he settles in easily first lor then stop.
I pump according to my girl's drinking time, tat is 3times.

Initially, i pump in the toilet, after i dropped the bottles 2 times, bottle bm gone, now i do in my office's main power control cum shredder room.

-2sets of pumps (bring home on weekend for thorough washing)
-Sterilisation tablets (Mothercare selling 56pc for $4 instead of usual $7)
-washing detergent
-wet wipes
-waterless hand sanitizer
-tissue paper
-milk storage bags
-air-tight container for soaking
-membrances (just in case)
-Fridge-to-Go for storing in office
-1 pc ice pack to keep FTG cold throughout the day
Wah, so many things to bring.

Think I just bring 1 pump, 1 small bottle, 1 towel and bag to bring milk bag can liao. Haha, advantage of having little milk.
