(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

Hi CL, please include me too. I'm ok with SMH Jan 06 mummies. i agree on adding in a biblical verse.. but am not sure which is best.. any one any idea?

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
13) God's child
14) Sysac

Everyone's fastest finger 1st this morning!

Was requesting the pple from my dept to help pray yesterday and got this from my boss this morning when I gave him the update on Sabie's demise:

In case any one wonders how God can let a baby die, which we will never fully comprehend, here's a devotional that will help to make it a little easier to understand.
Title: Divine Protection
Author: Woodrow Kroll
Ruth 2:9
"Let your eyes be on the field which they reap, and go after them. Have I not commanded the young men not to touch you? And when you are thirsty, go to the vessels and drink from what the young men have drawn."
Divine Protection
An Alpine mountain climbing team came to a perilous gap in the ice. The only way to get across was to step into the outstretched hands of the guide who had met them on the other side. The first climber hesitated a moment as he looked into the gloomy depths below, where he would certainly fall to his death if anything went wrong. Seeing his hesitancy, the guide said, "Don't worry. In all my years as a guide, my hands have never yet lost a man!"
With this same assurance, Ruth placed herself in Boaz's hands. God provided someone who would protect her. Boaz took steps to keep her morally safe by commanding the young men not to touch her. He also provided for her physical protection. Under the hot Mediterranean sun, the danger of heat stroke was a very real possibility. But his young men brought jars of water to the field, and Ruth was free to refresh herself whenever she wanted. In Boaz, Ruth found a safe haven from the dangers around her.
God offers the same to all His children. There is never a moment when we are excluded from His divine protection. That does not mean we can never be hurt. It doesn't mean we will never die.
But God's divine protection extends to our ultimate safety-the protection of our souls.
These can never be harmed. They are safe in the care of Jesus.
Rejoice in God's divine protection. Be confident that you are safe in His care, no matter how difficult your circumstances might be. God is the keeper of your soul.
Life can hurt us but it cannot ultimately harm us.
I non Christian so need your contribution on the verse. I will do the sourcing part and checking of address of the wake through the thread or ST.
CL, please include me too. I'm ok with SMH Jan 06 mummies. thanks.

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong

Think I saw hp numbers posted in Oct05 Thread regarding Carole hp. Maybe can sms her to ask? Since she is close to Patsy?
Hi Clare,

Wow, a tough job! Ha Ha. I will try but i hope other Christian mummies can help me on this part too?

Bright flowers - i had actually order sunflowers wreath for my friend as it's her favourite flowers. Thou the colour is not too appropriate....
CL, please include me too. I'm ok with SMH Jan 06 mummies. thanks. But i duno abt tne verse thingy

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
13) God's child
14) Sysac
16) sEPT 03
Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer

The one written on my friend's obituary is as follows:

In my Father's house are many mansions; i go to prepare a place for you. And if i go and prepare a place for you, i will come again, and receive you unto meself; that where i am, there ye may be also.

John 14:2,3
Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie

adding for val..
Some other verse:

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and i will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Psalm 23:6
I'm thinking of Psalms 23 one of the verses:
"Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life; And I dwell in the house of the Lord forever" Psalms 23:6


"Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" John 14:27
Hi Mamachan,


Other mummies, any comments?
This shd be the correct one after all the overwriting.

Bereavement Wreath:

2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
13) God's child
14) Sysac
15) May Wong
16) Sep03bride
17) Tabbiesus
18) Florence
19) Mama chan
20) rena076
21) wenyl
22) sleepingdeer
23) Valerie
Copied this from Oct 05 thread posted by Carole


took a short breather and back...

During my absence, the MEDIA called me. They want interview Sarah abt Sabie and how the forum comes about knowing and all the prayers. But Sarah is not in the right state to speak about this, and will keep intouch with the relevent person soon.

Funeral wake
I have spoke to Sarah, she sound down with her voice fighting back those tears. She will advice me on the address, and will post it up for mummies who wishes to pay last visit to our Little Princess, Sabie.

Thank you for all the nice gestures of mummies who wishes to get our Little Sabie wreaths. Can i suggest if you all can accummulate ie. $140, you all might wan to get 2 wreaths inside of one, which one abt $70, so make it 2. It will look better for our Little Sabie & family too.

You might wish to gather friends/forum mummies whom you know to make a small token to Little Sabie's family. You do not need to restrict any amount, i guess a thought $1 is a good number. Any donations will be up to the discrimination of Sabie's family, whether to donate out or to cover the funeral expenses.

Mummies who is less well to do, you can opt to give a hand written card instead. More impt is the gestures and the thoughts that counts.

Once again, Thank you so much for being supportive mummies, we deeply appreciate for all thoughts.

I will once again keep all update on the venue once Sarah beeps me.

Chicken Little, if response from this thread is good for sending wreaths, maybe can just send 2 instead of 1? Of if need to fit in the bible verse, than 1 big one will do.
Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
(Psalms 23:4)

COunting me too
Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie
220 Linda_tjhin
Some thoughts on my heart and no where to share
It really is heartwrenching for all of us as mums to know of Sabie's passing away, already seeing them sick with fever and nasty coughs is enough to send us in a frenzy and heartaches. As I was just loading up pics last night from the playgroup and enjoying the group pics, as well as looking out for any other updates on Sabie in the wee hours of the morning and then saw a beautiful pic of her playing at a water fountain. Lots of mixed emotions and feelings just overwhelmed me.
But I choose to believe that little Sabie wants us mommies to really treasure every moment with our babes now. Sarah, the mum, I just found out that prior to Sabie's scheduled op, was organizing a BP for diaper bags! And that she had actually booked a trial class for Sabie at JG or was it GUG and even requested for them to postpone the trial for her till Sabie has fully recovered.
I'm just so amazed at how Sarah never stopped Sabie from enjoying her life and in fact, enable/empower Sabie to live life to the fullest! Despite her having a hole in the heart (from my understanding, unless I'm wrong) from birth.
Looking at the playgroup pics and at how much fun the little babes are having, I just feel that as a mum, my role in life is not just to make sure Daren becomes a smarter than usual boy with all the overwhelming assortment of classes that our generation has to offer (not saying that they are bad, am sure they are good), but really to empower him to live his life to the fullest, to have all the fun in the world while learning through his playing/exploring. To just allow him to be himself, to believe in him in all that he do and just love him the way that he is. Both my hb and I agreed that a champion in life is nothing more than someone who has the unconditional love of the mom and dad who believes that he can be anything he sets his heart on to be. And as Christian parents, to just call forth his future that it will be blessed and great with the Lord's favour and to train him and guide him in the paths of the Lord leading to life more abundantly.

As for little Sabie, though she's just 18 months old, I believe her mom and dad must have allowed her to live her little life to the fullest.

Thus, some pics in the playgroup title and description, " Just Do it! Live life to the fullest!"
Include me too on the wreath.

I'm ok with Psalm 23.

Here's another sugg:

Matt 19: 14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Psalm 27:4
One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life and to inquire in his temple.

Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie
22) Linda_tjhin
23) Mashybrainz

yah, i agree with you. Even though Sabie's life was short, it was filled with love and joy.
As you would probably have found out, Sarah had difficulty getting preg. I would think that giving and receiving that 18mths of love is better than not having any. I'm sure the Lord already had plans for Sabie.
Please include me too. Thanks.

Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie
22) Linda_tjhin
23) Mashybrainz
24) Zhimin
Oh dear oh dear... hole in the heart. I didn't know Sabie's heart condition is due to hole in the heart. Isaac also has a hole in the heart... I'm scared now.

Has Kirsten's hole closed yet?
From Isaac's last visit to the doctor, he did not do an x-ray, but it seems like from what he can hear, the heart murmur is still quite obvious. He mentioned to wait till August and check again. He does not rule out surgery.
Re. White gold / donation
As what Carole has suggested, shall we top up some money each as a small token?

Re. Media
While I understand how this unfortunate event can be newsworthy, but I really do not understand why they have to choose this timing for interview. At least wait till the funeral and all that are over right? I have a feeling those media must be from those 'ba-gua' night papers.
RE: Media
Yikes.. I hate that. It reminds me of the Silkair incident that killed 3 of my teachers during sec sch days. The media came running to us as my frens and I were weeping at a corner. They can sit there and wait until we stopped crying. My name even appeared in the papers. They are rubbing salt into wound by doing these.

RE: Verse
Although I am not a christian, but I felt the verse that mashy posted is not bad.

Matt 19: 14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Dun be afraid really. I've a cousin who has a whole in his heart and was operated on much later too in his teens and needed blood transfusion from relatives of same blood type which is part of the process (I think), he turned out alright. I think really depends on the condition and situation back then. But the specialist didn't say anything about operating? I think Sabie had her heart valve or something being operated on.
Dun be scared. I am one with hole in my heart. And I give birth to 2 kids natural birth. Relax.

No problem about the topping up. I will sum up how many we have, wreath price and then we will contribute to both.

Me too for the one posted by Mashy. if we are doing 2 wreaths then these 2

Matt 19: 14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

"Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life; And I dwell in the house of the Lord forever" Psalms 23:6
May Wong
Yah, I remembered that silkair incident. But didn't know about the reporters. 4 beloved teachers passed away all at the same time (3 in the air crash that rushed home to attend the wake of Mrs Soon) Not sure if you remember Mrs Soon, she left behind 2 young children I think.
Hi mummies,

Just read about little sabie.

Count me in for the wreath as well.
Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie
22) Linda_tjhin
23) Mashybrainz
24) Zhimin
25) sl

I like the verse that you posted. It just seems more appropriate.

It really gave me more patience with Charmaine. She's like rejecting to go infantcare. sigh.
Yap.. Mrs Soon was my Sec 1 History Teacher. Miss Koh is my Sec 4 and 5 History Teacher, Mrs Tan also my Art Teacher in Sec 1. Still got one but cannot remember her name. Both 3 of them came back early from their Bangkok Holiday to attend Mrs Soon's furneral and meet with the Silkair incident. Can still remember the date 19 Dec 1997. Time flies..it is coming to 10yrs but it seems so fresh in my mind.
aiyo, cannot take it. tears fill my eyes as i read these posts. think i need to "disappear" from this forum until the whole saby thing dies now. it's too much for me to handle now, think partly becos pregnancy hormones making me very emotional.

for the verse, like may and CL, i'm no christian but i like the one mashy posted:

Matt 19: 14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

CL, as for the donations and wreath, i'm ok for any amount. just give me a buzz and let me know. coz i don't think i will check on this forum till a few days later. thanks heaps!
You take good care of yourself too. Will update you via phone. Dun worry.

Must have been realli hard on you.

What happen to Charmaine ?
HI mommies,
a thot just occurred to me regarding the verse on the wreath.... may wanna check with the mommies who are not Christians but also contributing whether they mind or not... I personally dun.... just a thot ok? No offence meant...
HI mommies,
a thot just occurred to me regarding the verse on the wreath.... may wanna check with the mommies who are not Christians but also contributing whether they mind or not... I personally dun.... just a thot ok? No offence meant...
Yah, Mrs Soon was my English teacher, Mrs Tan is both Chinese and Art teacher and the teacher you can't remember her name, it's Ms Yee..my Literature teacher. sigh, yes it's been coming 10 years on and like what you said, fresh in our memory. I think Mrs Soon had Lupus if I'm not wrong.
Queen and Val,

Re: Hole in the heart
think dun need to worry, I think Sabie's condition was more serious than a simple hole in the heart. I think one of her main valve was too small, and had to be enlarged, and she had other problems other than hole in the heart. It was very serious coz she needed a emergency op almost immeidately after she was born..
RE: Christian Verse on Wreath
I am not christian but I am fine with the arrangement. Just go ahead bah.. I think the rest should be ok bah.

She just refused to go yesterday - cried and cried and cried. My mum gave up and just let her stay at home. Today also had hard time getting her to go. Delcare was suggesting that it's because she was often one of the last few to leave so she sort of felt insecure. For the 3 trial days that I have and the first proper day, she has no problems going. It started on the second day when we only picked her up late, then the next day she started being not happy about going.
Hi mummies...
What happened?? what abt wreath... send to who?
I just came back from GC, couldn't catch up much.
Keep me updated.

Re:Desitin nappy cream
Hi mummies..
Anyone has extra to sell?
Charmaine first few days there , I make sure she not the first one and not the last few to leave. Hmm what time you pick her ? usually the babies what time parents come and fetch ? Can the infant take the charter service from school to SGX which is nearer to hb's office ? Then she can leave with other kids and have bus ride
We lost a baby gal Little Saby of Oct 05 thread this morning. So we are sending one to her.

Desitin, I have 1 tube you want?

I don't think they have chartered svc for infants. I pick her up earliest 7pm cos by the time I knock off at 630pm and take a bus there, it's already 7pm. : (
oh dear... in the past, the IFC which I sent to Daren to when I resumed work last year, they advised me to pick him up earlier for at least 2 weeks if possible, so as not to let they have the insecure feeling. IF it's possible for you to try that, it'll be good, maybe arrange for your mom or MIL to just pick her up and wait for you or hb to come by and pick them back home. Hope this helps. And yes, do agree with Chicken Little to let her bring her comfort toy along.


Yup, thks for the suggestion. That's what the infantcare suggested too. Especially when the parents of the infant section really seems to pick up their kids real early. By 645pm when I was there on the first, there were only 4 infants left. On the second day, when I was there at 7pm, there were only 2 left!

My mum will help to pick up Charmaine at 5pm for at least the next 2 weeks lor.

re: comfort toy
She doesn't have one! At my mum's place, she plays with the whole toy box, as in take out all the toys, then put back all the toys, then watch Hi-5, then walk to her car, climb in, pretend to drive, climb out, walk to push walker, push around, abandon push walker, demand my mum to play hi-5 again, walk to swing... you get the general idea. She doesn't ahve a toy that she's attached too.
