(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

Re Sabie
I was looking through Sabie's yahoo photo and when it comes to the family shot i really couldn't take it any more... it is just so so sad... the little one, so full of life then, now gone. If it hurts us so, can imagine so much harder for the family... May Sabie find complete rest with the Lord now... and till she meet her daddy and mummy again in Heaven, may GOD just continue to strengthen the family in love and faith.

Hi Queen,

I know what you mean. My friend pass away leaving her 20 mth old son..... all of my friends who are mothers feel so heart wrenching. As a mum, even if we were to leave the world, our kids will always be on our mind. It is not a burden any mum can let go....... So after the funeral wake, most of us - our perspective just change. We are no longer upset that our kids wake us up in the middle of the night.......... I think it is vice versa......... Patsy will not be upset if given the chance that sabie wake her up in the middle of the night....

can't take it man, too many sad news in this week............
Dun think it is near MRT you will need to take feeder bus.

I have a older kid so either all join or daddy will bring his little gal out.
clare - ya so brave to look thru those pics. i remembered i last read one link by a mummy ..also same case where the bb passed away. my tears were also flowing while i read thru and looked at their family shots. i dun think i have the courage to go to see sabby's one.

re:bb sabby
its so sad that she couldn;t make it but on the other hand, she is not suffering anymore and back to the Heaven to be with the LORD. May GOD be with her family at this time in need.

mamachan - wah so late and ya couldnt sleep. are you OK? better rest more since u need to work the next day. will take a look at the pics this weekend. u guys seem to have fun with the gathering.
i have been avoiding coming into this forum eversince i read about saby's case. coz i can't take it. i i didn't even dare to go into Oct 05 thread to read about it. but today, i tot i come in to see if there's any update. but was sadden to hear about the news. I can't imagine having to go thru what her parents are going thru.my heart really goes out to her family...
Wow Esh Mummy
Congrats on becoming a SAHM. I guess it is a full time job. Looking at SAHMs at my house yday, they are having late and cold lunch. So time management very important leh
no no, not looking for any job for now... gotta be SAHM for abt 2mths-6mths... depending... as mil going to Switzerland, for dunno how long, with my bil as bil going there to work for 3 yrs with his family n one toddler n one newborn... hence i've to make this alternative arrgmt...

once we know the duration she'll stay there, then i may plan to go back to workforce again... but meanwhile, i'll enjoy my life as SAHM with my baby eshley first....hehehe
esh_mummy - hee...welcome to SAHM club although i just quit after being in tat 'job' for 2 mths when i got retrenched. so u gg to be in that club for long or temporal only? frankly, i think that job is the most wei da one. not an easy task to juggle between ME time and BABY time. but it definitely pays off being able to bond with ur bb and get involve in their growing up. the bond and closeness is definitely there! anyway you be getting a maid soon..so shld be much easier on your end. at least u need not do housework coz for me, i dislike doing it lor. and being a SAHM, i feel guilty having to engage a part time cleaner. hee.. for a start, do enjoy yourself and sort of take a break away from the normal routine of work and work! maybe the real SAHM can comment more
RE: Saby
Yap.. tears filled my eyes when I read about Yuki's updates. Must endure and cannot cry in office also. Can't imagine her parents' feelings now. It is sort of consoling to know that she is free from the pains and sufferings now as she has returned to be with god now.

Wow..so envy. Really missed the time I had with Jamie when I am 2mths SAHM.

RE: Speech
Sigh, after I returned to work force, Jamie did not progress much in speech. She is still the same as last time. The lazy mummy here had not teach her much. Too tired after work. How ah?
very sad to read abt little Sabie this morning.. am speechless and my heart really aches now.

CL, sorry for messing up the house yesterday. in my rush, I've even left behind my dirty plate and spoon... really paisay. food was yummy. can share receipe? to all mummies/babies met yesterday, nice meeting all yesterday, some again, some first time. will write more soon. very sad to think clearly now

I think i want to eat them up myself liao. Ha ha dunno if you can finish 2 packs by expiry liao.

No problem lah. No problem about the recipe. Will post in the yahoo group over the weekend
Re: Sabie
As mom ourselves, we can really empathise with what Sarah is going through. It will be tough for her to get over it. But I'm glad that the bonding amomg the mommies in the Oct2005 MTB thread is very strong and hopefully they can help Sarah to pull through probably the darkest moment in her life.
re: Sabie
I couldn't sleep well and Kirsten kept waking up. A few times I was going to sleep but I started to imagine the scene at the hospital, I felt overwhelmed with sadness and grief. Only managed to sleep 4hrs.

May peace be with Sabie and her family. During many melodramatic moments in our lives, we always forget that God always makes the best decision for us. It's really God's will. Perhaps He knows the kind of suffering that little Sabie will grow up to live through and chose this time to bring her back to Him. May Sabie now watch over her family and bring them closer amidst their devastation.
Yes, initially like yours screen shows O still can run. But now it is dead dead. Ya thinking of getting pigeon one because the cover got lock think cheaper and better

Is Kirsten still not sleeping through ? YOu looked very tired leh. Can leave her with someone for half a day at least and go recharge
Re Sabie
If anyone is sending a wreath or flowers to Sabie's wake (if there's one, no news yet) pls count me in. May not be able to check this thread so pls sms me okie? Thanks
CL, Mamachan, no more bualuku at all on Kirsten's head after we reach home. Hubby couldn't even tell. Thanks to your quick actions! I haven't seen such a big one on her head before!

EshMummy, welcome welcome to our SAHM club! Hope you will enjoy it. It's really a roller coaster ride, you will truly enjoy the endearing moments and be so thrilled to hear them learn to say new words. On the other hand, when they get sick or get separation anxiety and clings on to you like superglue the WHOLE day, you'll curse yourself wondering what on earth were you thinking of when you chose to be a SAHM! It can get boring at times so it really helps to know other SAHMs and meet up occasionally. Hope you can join us!

Wenyl, poor thing! Mine wasn't as bad as yours and I'm not even pregnant. Be careful what you eat now ok?
Wreath for Sabie
I am in for it too. I can make the arrangement.
2)Chicken Little

Good to hear that. I was also taught by my family GP to use ice for any swell.
CL, count me in for the wreath too. thanks! sounds strange to send to a complete stranger but yet it feels like the only right thing to do....

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
Thanks for volunteering to arrange for the wreath.

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
Thanks for volunteering to arrange for the wreath.

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
Thanks for volunteering to arrange for the wreath.

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
I just posted to ask for address. By the way
what message do you want ? Read from the thread little Sabie like pretty and colourful but no appropriate hor. Any budget for me to work on ? I will put as SMH JAN 06 Mummies right ?
Please count me in. Thanks! SMH Jan 06 mummies is ok with me.

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
Maybe you could quote a verse from the Bible or provide the message for the wreath?

"SMH JAN 06 Mummies" is great. Flowers wise I thought its ok to have bright colours since Sabie likes it. What does the rest think?
Thanks for coordinating!
Hi CL, please include me too. I'm ok with SMH Jan 06 mummies. thanks.

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
Me too. Thanks for making the arrangement CL. I know we can always count on our lobang queen

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
Amending cos there are some overwrites

Hi CL, please include me too. I'm ok with SMH Jan 06 mummies. thanks.

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) Flo
11) MamaChan
12) SH
Hi CL, please include me too. I'm ok with SMH Jan 06 mummies. i agree on adding in a biblical verse.. but am not sure which is best.. any one any idea?

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) God's child

yah being a sahm we really have to sacrifice our time inculding eating.. i beliveve many sahm have tried time management but it is very diffcult coz our little one is ever changing .. now that they are more mobile it is worse.. plus the nap time is always changing...so bo bian one..


thank you so much for having us.. elijah had fun walking around your house..haha.. thanks for the lunch and all...
see now aden walks well right..
Hi CL, please include me too. I'm ok with SMH Jan 06 mummies. i agree on adding in a biblical verse.. but am not sure which is best.. any one any idea?

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
13) God's child
if u don't get any response from the Oct05 for the address, maybe we can keep a lookout for ST obituaries tomor.

Hi CL, please include me too. I'm ok with SMH Jan 06 mummies. thanks.

Wreath for Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
