(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs


Yup, thks for the suggestion. That's what the infantcare suggested too. Especially when the parents of the infant section really seems to pick up their kids real early. By 645pm when I was there on the first, there were only 4 infants left. On the second day, when I was there at 7pm, there were only 2 left!

My mum will help to pick up Charmaine at 5pm for at least the next 2 weeks lor.

re: comfort toy
She doesn't have one! At my mum's place, she plays with the whole toy box, as in take out all the toys, then put back all the toys, then watch Hi-5, then walk to her car, climb in, pretend to drive, climb out, walk to push walker, push around, abandon push walker, demand my mum to play hi-5 again, walk to swing... you get the general idea. She doesn't ahve a toy that she's attached too.

Oh dear, just when we were just talking about it over lunch on Tue. Yes, I think try to make Charmanine feel secure first. As mentioned, my friend's son had phobia and would cry the moment she tried to put on his school uniform and shoes. Maybe negotiate with your boss if you can knock off earlier for the next 2 weeks.

Welcome back, how's your trip. I'm sure Kae is a good girl during the trip right
Does she has any soft toy? Maybe u can try introducing her when she sleeps at night, not too sure if it's too late to do that tho.
oh, 5pm might be too early. Kekeke, what I mean is, can get your mom to arrive at 6pm instead of 5pm, then slowly along the 2 weeks, stretch the timing a little, so by end of 2 weeks, she'll be used to be picked up by 6.45pm or so. At this age, they are starting to be very knowing and they are like our little alarm clocks! As for comfort toys/blankets, something that she's attached to esp when it comes to nap or bedtime? Hope these timing method will help you and charmaine.
Count me in please. Thanks!

Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie
22) Linda_tjhin
23) Mashybrainz
24) Zhimin
25) sl
26) SSF

THere is a TV room in the centre. Is there one in the infant room ? If yes, pass the Hi5 discs I lent you to the school to play for her lah. I have got jup jup if it helps to keep her there. I can bring and leave with the centre for her

Not too late. Charmaine got a Hippo from 2 years old and this soft toy follow her to school everyday and even to Japan and Taiwan when she went on her trip. The other thing is food ha ha. When my hb picks Charmaine up, she will be given a snack so she is actually waiting for that snack
Will start the ball rolling first. Mummies, lets do contribution of $10 each. Will get 2 wreath and the remaining amount will go as donation. The left over $9 from our bday bash, I will include in there as well.

Please transfer to POSB Current account-757039427
If from other bank , bank code 7171, branch code is 163

Please pm or email [email protected] the transfer detail and your real name you want to include in the card which I will get to put the donation in.

Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie
22) Linda_tjhin
23) Mashybrainz
24) Zhimin
25) sl
26) SSF
Count me in. Will transfer to u ASAP. Thanks

Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie
22) Linda_tjhin
23) Mashybrainz
24) Zhimin
25) sl
26) SSF

U can give a T-shirt that you wear often to the centre to put in the cot with her. That's what the IFC that Caeden attended advised us then. But he was still very young then. Not sure whether the T-shirt thing can still work now that she's 15mths.

And, she's probably feeling depressed that she's the last few to leave. Coz she sees all the other children's parents come and fetch them but she's left there waiting. SO try to fetch her early.
Will start the ball rolling first. Mummies, lets do contribution of $10 each. Will get 2 wreath and the remaining amount will go as donation. The left over $9 from our bday bash, I will include in there as well.

Please transfer to POSB Current account-757039427
If from other bank , bank code 7171, branch code is 163

Please pm or email [email protected] the transfer detail and your real name you want to include in the card which I will get to put the donation in.

Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie
22) Linda_tjhin
23) Mashybrainz
24) Zhimin
25) sl
26) SSF
28) Rachel

Helping Rachel to post and add her to the list of contribution. CL, I'll do the transfer soon.
Will start the ball rolling first. Mummies, lets do contribution of $10 each. Will get 2 wreath and the remaining amount will go as donation. The left over $9 from our bday bash, I will include in there as well.

Please transfer to POSB Current account-757039427
If from other bank , bank code 7171, branch code is 163

Please pm or email [email protected] the transfer detail and your real name you want to include in the card which I will get to put the donation in.

Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie
22) Linda_tjhin
23) Mashybrainz
24) Zhimin
25) sl
26) SSF
28) Rachel
28) babylon

Helping Rachel to post and add her to the list of contribution. CL, I'll do the transfer soon.
so sad to hear the new that sabie did not make it..i was attending 2 day seminar...no access to internet...being thinking the status of sabie...thinking of she is only 18 mth old...it was the same age of my another younger brother who passed away when he was only 18 mth due to accident...
Been very busy and just saw the postings on Sabie. Am so sad and keep tearing as i read the postings. May God's peace be with the family during this difficult time.

i'll do the transfer to u by end of this week. Am really busy. Still got work to complete by tonight. Thanks for organizing!

Will start the ball rolling first. Mummies, lets do contribution of $10 each. Will get 2 wreath and the remaining amount will go as donation. The left over $9 from our bday bash, I will include in there as well.

Please transfer to POSB Current account-757039427
If from other bank , bank code 7171, branch code is 163

Please pm or email [email protected] the transfer detail and your real name you want to include in the card which I will get to put the donation in.

Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie
22) Linda_tjhin
23) Mashybrainz
24) Zhimin
25) sl
26) SSF
28) Rachel
28) babylon
29) durianlover
so sorry to hear about sabie.
I would like to contribute as well.

Will start the ball rolling first. Mummies, lets do contribution of $10 each. Will get 2 wreath and the remaining amount will go as donation. The left over $9 from our bday bash, I will include in there as well.

Please transfer to POSB Current account-757039427
If from other bank , bank code 7171, branch code is 163

Please pm or email [email protected] the transfer detail and your real name you want to include in the card which I will get to put the donation in.

Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie
22) Linda_tjhin
23) Mashybrainz
24) Zhimin
25) sl
26) SSF
28) Rachel
28) babylon
29) durianlover
30) Mongs

BTW, I need some mummies help. I remember that Demny was saying that she went for a x-ray before she knew that she is carrying her third child.
I need some advice from her urgently. Can someone who has her number please check with her if it's ok to let me have her number and pm that to me.
Demny, if you are reading the thread, can u please let me know. thanks.
Hi Mong

Good news from you? I just sms Denmy to check too. Will let you know if appropriate for you to call as she will be induced for delivery tomorrow

Updated payment as follows :
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Funds received </TD></TR><TR><TD>Clare</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chicken Little</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>Aileen</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tracy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Esh_mummy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Queen</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheng</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ky (khengyan)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>SH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sysac</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maywong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sep03bride</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tabbiesus</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>Florence</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mama chan</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>God's child</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>rena076</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>wenyl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sleepingdeer</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Valerie</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> Linda_tjhin</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mashybrainz</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD> Zhimin</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>sl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>SSF</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>chillies</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rachel</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>babylon</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>durianlover </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hey, mongs

the other day i called you but you did not pick up the call.. i saw you and you hb at my parents shop.. was about to call you but you left...

last time i got the advice from the mummies.. tried to create a comfort toy but not sucessful.. then i realise he kind of like the texture of a blanket that i bought from ikea.. coz each time he sees it he will suck his thumb and put his face on it.. then i realise that he loves it.. so i will place it on the bed when it is sleeping time.. that is why i had no problem when i went to japan and china... even on the bus.. coz i happen to have a vest of the same texture..
haha we act at the same time =p

thanks for your concern and shared your painful past with me. my aunt had discharged from the hospital but things are not looking good still. went to see her this afternoon, its very painful to see her in this state now... it might be good if she can join her hb soon... let the pain by bear be us...

thanks for helping me update =)
Selection of wreath


Bible Verse to be included as follows :
Matt 19: 14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

"Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life; And I dwell in the house of the Lord forever" Psalms 23:6

From will be SMH Jan 06 Mummies

Remaining amount after deduction will go to donation.

At first wanted a kiddy wreath but not sure how the parents will react so we stick to the norm.
Hello mummies,
thanks for the quick response.
have talked to denmy. thanks.

ya, saw your number.where was it? can't remember where we went.
Funds Transfer To Other DBS/POSB A/C POSB Savings 039-47513-8 POSB Current 757-03942-7 S$10.00 1140951663

Krissie / Tabbiesus / Cookie / Denmy / Flo / Chillies,
Cali BB items ready for collection. PLs check your emails!
U have good news for us?

I will transfer the money to you tmr after work. Sorry for the delay.

I had invited u to the yahoo group. Let me know if u have receive it okie?
CL, transferred to you too!

queen, last ultrasound check on Kirsten's hole in the heart was Oct and the hole is 2.4mm wide so considered very small. Can't really tell when doctors put their stethoscope to her chest. Don't worry too much about Isaac's ok? With so much reassurances, I think you have nothing to worry about!

CL, yah I look tired hor? Look haggard also right? Kirsten will sleep through on days that she has enough rest. When she's overly tired and doesn't nap enough in the day, she will wake up many times. Normally happens on days that we go out.
Hi CL,

re: Saby
Very sad. Cannot take it...this life and death thing is just too overwhelming for me...as I am going to deliver soon... please include me in the wreath. Thanks! I'll do the transfer soon. Please bear with me if my response is slow as I will not be accessing the computer this weekend.

Will start the ball rolling first. Mummies, lets do contribution of $10 each. Will get 2 wreath and the remaining amount will go as donation. The left over $9 from our bday bash, I will include in there as well.

Please transfer to POSB Current account-757039427
If from other bank , bank code 7171, branch code is 163

Please pm or email [email protected] the transfer detail and your real name you want to include in the card which I will get to put the donation in.

Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie
22) Linda_tjhin
23) Mashybrainz
24) Zhimin
25) sl
26) SSF
28) Rachel
28) babylon
29) durianlover
30) Mongs
31) Denmy

Queen, Flo,
Have gotten your emails. Will get back to you real soon.

Please sms or call me if need to get me urgently, k? I'll keep everyone updated on the delivery via sms. Wish me luck!!!
RE: Wreath
Cookie mentioned that she will not be checking the forum that often. Not sure if she want to chip in as well? Is it appropriate to ask her cos she is pregnant?
I am in contact with Cookie. Explain to her what happen liao but I din ask her to chip in.

Good luck to a smooth and fast delivery.

I am organising a playgroup but not sure how many children can my house accomodate. Think keep to 6-8 children bah. Please list down your name if you are interested. Only open to mummies in this thread.

Location: Jurong West (Near Jurong Point)
Date: 19 May or 26 May
Time: 11am to maybe 2-3pm


Here's the outline of the activities:

1) Introduction - Movements Song:
- The more we get together
- Head and Shoulder
- If you are happy

2) Language - Matching Game
- Match words with body parts

3) Craft Time - Drawing and Colouring
- Draw the outline of two hands (Pre-drawn head with eyes, ear, mouth and nose)
- Colour them
*If I have time to make some dough, will add in so some children can dough play while waiting to do the colouring

4) Gross Motor Skill - Water Play
- Outside my HDB flat

5) Lunch
Any suggestions? Pot Luck for babies and adults?

6) Social Skills
- Lunch Time
- Interactions for children and adults

Name/No. of pax
Payment update
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Funds received </TD></TR><TR><TD>Clare</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chicken Little</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>Aileen</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tracy</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Esh_mummy</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>Queen</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheng</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ky (khengyan)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>SH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sysac</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maywong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sep03bride</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tabbiesus</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>Florence</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mama chan</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>God's child</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>rena076</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>wenyl</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>sleepingdeer</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Valerie</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD> Linda_tjhin</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mashybrainz</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD> Zhimin</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>sl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>SSF</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>chillies</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rachel</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>babylon</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>durianlover </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Denmy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Check the ST, nothing stated for Little Sabie so still waiting for update from Oct 05 mummies
Will like to contribute too.
Will start the ball rolling first. Mummies, lets do contribution of $10 each. Will get 2 wreath and the remaining amount will go as donation. The left over $9 from our bday bash, I will include in there as well.

Please transfer to POSB Current account-757039427
If from other bank , bank code 7171, branch code is 163

Please pm or email [email protected] the transfer detail and your real name you want to include in the card which I will get to put the donation in.

Bereavement Wreath for Little Sabie
2)Chicken Little
7) Queen
8) cheng
9)ky (khengyan)
10) SH
11) Sysac
12) Maywong
13) sept03
14) Tabbiesus
16) Mama chan
17) God's child
18) rena076
19) wenyl
20) sleepingdeer
21) Valerie
22) Linda_tjhin
23) Mashybrainz
24) Zhimin
25) sl
26) SSF
28) Rachel
28) babylon
29) durianlover
30) Mongs
31) Denmy
32) Precious Moment
May very interesting leh. Bu kui once a teacher before. I put down aden's name first. I can bring the water pool for you.

I am organising a playgroup but not sure how many children can my house accomodate. Think keep to 6-8 children bah. Please list down your name if you are interested. Only open to mummies in this thread.

Location: Jurong West (Near Jurong Point)
Date: 19 May or 26 May
Time: 11am to maybe 2-3pm


Here's the outline of the activities:

1) Introduction - Movements Song:
- The more we get together
- Head and Shoulder
- If you are happy

2) Language - Matching Game
- Match words with body parts

3) Craft Time - Drawing and Colouring
- Draw the outline of two hands (Pre-drawn head with eyes, ear, mouth and nose)
- Colour them
*If I have time to make some dough, will add in so some children can dough play while waiting to do the colouring

4) Gross Motor Skill - Water Play
- Outside my HDB flat

5) Lunch
Any suggestions? Pot Luck for babies and adults?

6) Social Skills
- Lunch Time
- Interactions for children and adults

Name/No. of pax
1) Aden / 1 adult at this point
mongs - joining the preggy club? *wink*

may - wow..the activities looks so interesting. i will put my name down assuming my hb won't be travelling during that period. thanks for organising!


I am organising a playgroup but not sure how many children can my house accomodate. Think keep to 6-8 children bah. Please list down your name if you are interested. Only open to mummies in this thread.

Location: Jurong West (Near Jurong Point)
Date: 19 May or 26 May
Time: 11am to maybe 2-3pm


Here's the outline of the activities:

1) Introduction - Movements Song:
- The more we get together
- Head and Shoulder
- If you are happy

2) Language - Matching Game
- Match words with body parts

3) Craft Time - Drawing and Colouring
- Draw the outline of two hands (Pre-drawn head with eyes, ear, mouth and nose)
- Colour them
*If I have time to make some dough, will add in so some children can dough play while waiting to do the colouring

4) Gross Motor Skill - Water Play
- Outside my HDB flat

5) Lunch
Any suggestions? Pot Luck for babies and adults?

6) Social Skills
- Lunch Time
- Interactions for children and adults

Name/No. of pax
1) Aden / 1 adult at this point
2) Caleb + SSF n HB
Our Playgroup is like a monthly event.

First one at Mamapanda 15 Mar, second one at my place 18 Apr then next one at May's in May
May is organising playgroup in MAY.. so Mamapanda and you going to change name respectively to March and April? Hehe...

BTW, what do you all normally eat for lunch during playgroup ah? This is the first time I organising.

Sorry that I got to hold it on a Sat. Cos I am working and Sunday must go in-law place. Only available on Sat.

I am organising a playgroup but not sure how many children can my house accomodate. Think keep to 6-8 children bah. Please list down your name if you are interested. Only open to mummies in this thread.

Location: Jurong West (Near Jurong Point)
Date: 19 May or 26 May
Time: 11am to maybe 2-3pm


Here's the outline of the activities:

1) Introduction - Movements Song:
- The more we get together
- Head and Shoulder
- If you are happy

2) Language - Matching Game
- Match words with body parts

3) Craft Time - Drawing and Colouring
- Draw the outline of two hands (Pre-drawn head with eyes, ear, mouth and nose)
- Colour them
*If I have time to make some dough, will add in so some children can dough play while waiting to do the colouring

4) Gross Motor Skill - Water Play
- Outside my HDB flat

5) Lunch
Any suggestions? Pot Luck for babies and adults?

6) Social Skills
- Lunch Time
- Interactions for children and adults

Name/No. of pax
1) Aden / 1 adult at this point
2) Caleb + SSF n HB
3) God's child + bb + hb
4) Sept03 + bb + hb
5) mamachan + bb + hb
6) rachel + bb + hb ( TBC )

May - thanks for organising! cant wait for exams to be over then gather celeste wf her buddies again for some play fun!

i think there is one playgroup organised by SY next weekend (Apr 29) in the east. But too bad, cannot attend coz hb just touched down from US. else will sure atttend as well.
