(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

Mummies , see you tomorrow for the Kids in motion class.

FREE Trial at Cherie Hearts
Course : Kids in Motion
Date : 15 Sep , Sat
Venue : Tan Quee Lan St #01-03 Heritage Place opposite DHL hot air balloon.

Timing 10 - 10.30 am

1) Denmy - Keenan
2) Cheng -Aidan
3) Flo - Melody
4) Chicken Little - Aden
5) Tabbiesus - Tabitha
6) Esther - Renee
7) SH - JW
8) SL - Charmaine
9) Chicken little's fren
10) Chicken Little's fren
11) Cookie - Kaelyn
Hi just received the angel wipes.

Angelwipes via CL
1) Aileen 3 x 80s and 6 x 30s
2) Queen 3 x 80s and 6 x 30s
3) AK 3 x 80s
4) Mamachan 3 x 80s
5) yuen 3 X 80s
6) Cheng 3 x 80s

Flo, pai seh have to tompang Queen's with you.
AK,Aileen, Yuen, lets meet up for a RP lunch
Mamachan, let me know how you would like to collect
thank CL for squeezing me in for tomorrow class.

I sms you.. tomorrow if ok please bring the cod fish oil to the class
Thanks for the jacket.

sorry to trouble you. Hope its not too bulky for u.

Ya, I was the one who told hadoe you got ON stuff pending with me and suggested to her to pass u her stuff cuz she say she very busy, no time to meet me. Her loot is sambucol and nordic naturals.
Tomorrow I bring along my backpack, can squeeze in i bring back for you ok. Otherwise I can meet SL another day to collect for you.

BTW, any drugstore spree again ? I need first teeth
Congrats on your new job. when are u starting work?

Linda, KY, Valeria - Happy anniversary though abit late.

Was in training for the past few days which is why MIA and have so many posts to catch-up.
Are u urgently in need of the first teeth? Are u able to wait few weeks for it? I was intending to start 1 again end of Sep cuz I want to clear my current sprees first. Too many boxes lying around waiting for collection.
Mummies...been so busy to login. I quit my job aleady. Today was my last day. Originally wanted to use the break between job to place JW in childcare. Unfortunately, just found out that the learning vision at bukit merah no more space to take in any more kids....

So sad. Now have to try to look for something else.
Any sarong babies here? Will babies get very dependent on the sarong and not want to sleep elsewhere? In 2 minds about letting no. 2 sleep in a sarong, but my mum keeps saying baby will sleep better in it :\
hi krissie
better rest.. the last time i was running around and carrying tabby when she was sick, i ended up delivering earliesr... do make sure u get some rest... maybe can sit down and hug G if he's fussy..i know how tiring it is cos tabby was and still is super glue...

Re: childcare
I've just signed tabby up for pat's after much consideration.. went down and this time spoke to the principal who is so much nicer than the lady i spoke to last time, not atas at all and quite accomodating... only thing is very ex... so hubby was complaining... but i really like their teaching style... she'll be starting in november... fingers crossed that she'll be okie

My mom says that when i go back to work, tabby gets really upset when she wakes up from her sleep and i'm not around and she will scream and scream.... i feel so bad sometimes i wonder how she will start school.

RE: impatient bb
tabby is very impatient now lei.. everytime she does something and she can't do it she'll try once or twice then throw it down in frustration and scream at me to help her or cry.. yest. she was so upset... and in tears when she couldn't put her silly plastic toy chicken into a tiny ladle and walk around the house... my mom was with her then, and tried to explain to her that it was not possible but she just cried and threw a hissy fit like tantrum... and later in the evening she tried again with daddy and ended up in tears... daddy had to resort to giving her snacks to shut her up... both times i was not around... how to train her to be more patient? I usually will sit down next to her like if she's trying to build a tower of blocks, and encourage her... after a few frustrating tries on her part.. i will help a little but still get her to do it and praise her for the effort... but its scary cos she's so impatient...
Re: Huggalugs
Can I start the ball rolling? To recap, the cost for each pair of leggings is AUD$8.25 from 20th to 999 and shipping charges for up to 40 pairs are AUD$39.90. So I am targetting to hit just 40 pairs and the cost (if I calculate correctly should be S$11.10). the url is www.huggalugs.com.au

1) sl
2) sl
3) sl
4) sl
5) aileen
6) aileen
7) aileen
8) aileen
9) maywong
10) maywong
18)Chicken Little
19)Chicken Little
20)Chicken Little
21)Chicken Little
24) bblon
25) bblon
26) Denmy
27) Denmy
28) Denmy
29) Denmy
30) Denmy
31) Denmy
32) Krissie
33) Krissie
34) tab
35) tab
36) tab
37) tab
RE: tops
thanks.. it fits... nice...thanks

it's good that you like your new job... i can understand your separation anxiety...
cassCL - Caleb is on sarong and so far both my MIL and mum say its easier to make him sleep. fast to sleep and longer nap time too. however, i do not have a sarong at my hm so on weekends noon, he will sleep on my bed and toss ard and ard and
normally takes about 15 mins before he naps. but if there is a sarong, he will nap very fast. tats why i be getting one sarong to place at my hm soon since i am on maternity leave for 3 mths.

krissie - has the bb engaged already? do keep us updated on your delivery. meanwhile, please have a good good rest before no 2 comes along. these days i am so without sleep. sigh!

babylon/queen - congrats on ur new job!

CL - yeah i read that in hay st there is a shop selling. will check it out too if i have time. so ur sis will be getting for all of you?
re: lack of sleep

me hi five.. thad hasn't learnt to sleep thro yet.. he's still up for his 3 am feed... but tabby i think is having night terrors or something like that so she can wake up screaming...must pacify her...
Ya.. agree with SSF. They sleep longer in sarong. Jamie still sleep in sarong during day time. We got those mobile rack kind. So it is easier to move her about (when she is younger). Night time she will sleep on the bed.

I has got this feeling when I start to work that time. And worse, I feel bad for leaving her with other pple. I felt I should be the one looking after her. Anyway now not so already. She seems super happy when she knows that I am not working on sat and sun. She will jump about when I tell her, "Mummy is not working tomorrow. I will bring you out shopping."

Take care. Keep us update okie?

Jamie is also like that. Nowadays like to throw tantrum and impatient. Might be a phase bah. Cos they can't express themselves via speech. Sometime she speaks in her tribal language to me and if I dun understand after her many attempts, she will scream and cry.

RE: Latern Festival @ Chinese Garden
Anyone going? I will be going next sat. My cousin bought tickets and asked us to join them.
Re : New Job

i will be starting my new job tentatively on 25 oct. I have not yet tender my resignation.


damien is a sarong bb, in the day time, he sleep in sarong and longer nap. Nite time, i will make him sleep in the bed. Think it is still ok,he is not very dependant on sarong, brought him to m'sia twice, no problem at all.
Great Babylon
Congrats and see you for RP lunch\

Aden is in sarong at nanny's place. At home at night he can switch well to playpen. Even weekend during nap, he can sleep in rocker and also stroller when out.

I think we dun give him a fixed place for sleeping. Just dump him his hanky to indicate it is his bedtime
Re: Huggalugs
Can I start the ball rolling? To recap, the cost for each pair of leggings is AUD$8.25 from 20th to 999 and shipping charges for up to 40 pairs are AUD$39.90. So I am targetting to hit just 40 pairs and the cost (if I calculate correctly should be S$11.10). the url is www.huggalugs.com.au

1) sl
2) sl
3) sl
4) sl
5) aileen
6) aileen
7) aileen
8) aileen
9) maywong
10) maywong
18)Chicken Little
19)Chicken Little
20)Chicken Little
21)Chicken Little
24) bblon
25) bblon
26) Denmy
27) Denmy
28) Denmy
29) Denmy
30) Denmy
31) Denmy
32) Krissie
33) Krissie
34) tab
35) tab
36) tab
37) tab
38) Rena
39) Rena
40) Rena
41) rena
Hi Cass, both my boys slept in sarong. #1 had to be weaned off coz I had to send him to cc for full-day for a few weeks ... so I weaned him around 2 plus. #2 weaned himself off sarong a couple of months ago.. he slept longer and better on the mattress. Just a word of caution abt sarong ... check regularly. We thot we did, but it's only when we kept it and realize that an area has shown sign of breaking ... esp the sort that's in a curve shape ... as u shake, it'll bounce lightly with, I have TWO of them which when we were packing up, we notice they were broken at one spot...


thanks for arranging the free trial... any mommies joining? what's the price... i was a bit overwhelmed by the 2 young energetic guys... i dunno if tabby enjoyed it, she seemed a bit more withdrawn maybe cos we came late...

RE: sweet actions by our bb
today i was feeling a bit down and sad about something and suddenly my girl came up to me and said "Kiss mummy better" i just melted...

re: huggulugs
if someone is ordering while i'm in France can help me order
liberty, boyband, possum and harmony?

Probably a phase they go through because Rory is the same. He kicks up a big fuss, throws his toy, cries and rolls on the floor when he can't get his triangle block to fit into the circle hole of his toy. What's worse is, he hates it if i try to help him...and really winds himself up crying.


Thanks for your input, mummies. My parents brought the sarong and mobile rack along with the motor which rocks the sarong from SG. Have yet to use it. I probably will put Gabby in the sarong when my parents head back and i have to handle 2 kids on my own.
Re: Friso Discount Coupon to giveaway

I just received a couple of discount coupons from Sing Post for Friso 2-4. Giving it away to anyone who needs it.

If interested can pm me.
wow 36 weeks already..anytime liao..do take care!

i m thinking of starting drugstore spree cos i also running out of First Teeth. if can collect enough orders, will start one. since on one month break, got time hee...

JH is like that also. sometimes when he can't do something, he will give me his teary look...will cry very easily...

think i will have separation anxiety when i have to go back to work in oct! JH is so funny nowadays that he amuses me so much. he has a lot of funny actions and ideas....told hb maybe i shd buy toto every week.

re RP lunch
when is the next one? think i won't be joining for one month...

If you start you let me know.

Kids in Motion
Mummies how is the trial today ?

I think my Aden did enjoy the class. Me too overwhelmed by the dance by the trainer.

Based on observation of the trainer. He feels he should incorporate 20 mins of free play, then add in a art n craft session into today's programme. Making it into a 1.5 hours lesson.

Currently the course fee is $300 for 10 week term.
okie i wlil let u know if i start. how many wd u be getting? usually i get abt 4-5 at one shot.

so u think the trial is good? they only have weekend classes?
Thanks so much for the arrangement today.
i think Kae enjoy it too.. at least she was cheering when the 2 guys do the Hi-5 act.
I'm kinda overwhelmed by the Hi-5 dance too.. din expect to see it "live" hehe. I was telling some moms The trainer really practice before

You mean.. on top of today's program (including the dance), the trainer will incorporate 20mins of free play and art n craft?

Should I congrats you on your resignation? hehe.. cos I know u used to work late.
My friend told me a lobang the other day, I wonder if it will come true

little tabby is so sweet

Haizz this evening me and hb has a little quarrel, kae looks very concern on the sofa and then she talk in her bb lang (but sounded really meaningful!)... sound like asking us not to fight:p
re Playgroup
any more mummies joining us?
Actually I indicate I can make it on 27th Sept.. but if it's 10am, I will give it a miss because MIL usually do marketing in the AM and by 9plus I dun think she will be back and I have to be home to take care of Kyler until she comes back.

27th CL's Place 10am
1. SY
2. CL
3. Tabb
4. Flo
Re: Trial
Seems cheaper than JG?

Re: Huggalugs
Great! We hit 40 pairs already. CL, if the price in Australia is cheaper, can we consolidate and tompang? If not cheaper, then I can continue to liase with the Australian guy to confirm our orders.

Re: First toothpaste
CL, I still have 1 tube plus the finger brush, you want? Can pass to you first.

I missed the trial today too. Any mummies keen to start another one?

I left some winter clothings at your mum's place on Thu. Sorry if it's a bit late. Have a good trip

Re: Tantrum
I think it's a phase that they are going through? Cos Charmaine's exactly like that too. It's so paiseh when she does that in restaurants! Sometimes feel that digging a hole and bury myself. Sigh.
I still wanna try krispy kreme leh - just reading another food forum where the pple are raving abt it...

Where's your workplace? Charmaine also cries when I leave her at my mil's place BUT strangely, when I leave her at my mum's place, she's okay. In fact, she can happily say bye bye to us....
Thanks. Ya. Been working late till around 9plus...sometime 11plus. The scary thing is I am the first one to leave even though it is so late liao. Pple in my team including my boss work till 2-3am. It's been like dat for the past 3 weeks.

I tot JW was more responsive in today's lesson than at JG. Though he was cranky maybe coz he was sleepy and hungry. Is the timing going to be at 10am if we sign for the class?

Re: Trip
Keke...today we went down to the NATAS fair and book our tour to HK in Nov. Blur me and hb sat down there and listen to the travel agent telling us that telling us that Oct (the original date we wanted to go) is more expensive coz got some jewellery exhibition in HK. So we shifted to beginning Nov....then agent says, one week later (mid Nov) price goes down even more and we happily shifted our departure date again. And then guess wat? we realised that it seems colder than we expect in mid Nov when we check the web!

Does anyone know what is the weather like for HK in mid Nov?
Re: Purple Train
Val, thanks for the info. Have not checked out the place yet, will do so one of these days when hb is less busy. Still haven't dec when to start Mel on a daily playgroup, am thinking prob Jan 08. Find that she's getting quite spoil and anti-social these days so am hoping that by going to playgroup will help to instil some discipline.

Your angel wipes are with me.

Congrats on your new job, looking forwards to see you at RP mommies lunch.

Re: Trial
Esther, nice meeting u. Finally can put a name to the face.

CL, thanks for making the arrangment. Personally I quite like to class, the instructors are much more avid (& cute too
) than the ones we had at JG though Mel was cranky after they took the balls away. Guess she's tired cos she slept @ almost 4am on Sat morning!

RE: impatient bb
Mel is also sama sama, I guess is a passing phase. Like just now she wanted to push her cot to the living room but can't get thru cos was block by the msg chair. End up she was so angry and frustrated kept insisting on pushing...faintz! What I normally do is just distract her with something else.

If u wanna get only the toothpaste, perhaps you can check this out.

RE: Spinach
When will the collection date be? cos I'll be on course/take leave over the next 2 weeks.

HK temp could hit as low as low teens in Nov
The climate is quite unpredictable till nearer to date. If your dates are confirmed, make sure you prepared everything to keep JW warm and ha ha they will probably be quite sleepy during cold weather.

Thanks Flo,
Will check it out but will need a lot because ha ha Charmaine uses this too.

Yes yes the 2 trainers very cute hor. Ke ke don't they look familiar ? Confirmed with Cherie Hearts that they also acted in Channel 5

Noted. Once my sis confirmed the price, lets tompang her and save on the shipping too.

Yes yes Aden also. He nap during the journey back from class. Then miss the pm nap, so he was screaming very badly at my nephew's birthday celebration. Ganna cornered by so many adults and friends asking what happen to him lah. etc etc. Sigh.
I added one more pair..
SL, We only book the slot right? Or am I supposed to PM you the orders?
Re: Huggalugs
Can I start the ball rolling? To recap, the cost for each pair of leggings is AUD$8.25 from 20th to 999 and shipping charges for up to 40 pairs are AUD$39.90. So I am targetting to hit just 40 pairs and the cost (if I calculate correctly should be S$11.10). the url is www.huggalugs.com.au

1) sl
2) sl
3) sl
4) sl
5) aileen
6) aileen
7) aileen
8) aileen
9) maywong
10) maywong
19)Chicken Little
20)Chicken Little
21)Chicken Little
22)Chicken Little
24) cheng
25) bblon
26) bblon
27) Denmy
28) Denmy
29) Denmy
30) Denmy
31) Denmy
32) Denmy
33) Krissie
34) Krissie
35) tab
36) tab
37) tab
38) tab
39) Rena
40) Rena
41) Rena
42) Rena
introducing tabby and thad

Help us pray that we have a safe trip... thanks

Thanks for the clothing.. my silly maid forgot to tell me it came, lucky she washed it... .. thanks.. will be bringing some along..
Both Tabby and Thad looks very alike hor. Esp the eyes and nose.

RE: Acceptance of another baby
Was relieved that Jamie is no longer that jealous of me carrying other kids. Normally she will scream and push them away when I carry them. Yday I went to my colleague's grandson 1st mth celebration, Jamie kept peeping into the room to look at didi and kept sayang his hands and face. And as usual, everyone there kept telling me it is time to have #2.

I need chinese sinseh recommendations for adult, preferably in the west. It's for my helper.

btw, would like to find out ... if your kid's battery-operated toy is spoilt, would you
1. throw it away
2. delegate to your hubby to repair it
3. attempt to do it yourself?

Have a good trip! Ur 2 kids look really alike!! U shd put together tabby's baby pic with thad's current pic and compare

Hi mummies, it's time for a spinach BP again.
Collecting points:
1. Hitachi Tower
2. Marine Terrace

1. Denmy (Marine Terrace)
2. Mamapanda x 1.5 portion ( >700g but <1kg can? 600g too little)
3. Aileen x 2 portions (Hitachi Tower)
4. durianlover via mamapanda (i don't mind half a portion actually, like 300g or something. Don't need so much spinach. So can share with Mamapanda.)
What a funny question to ask!
Why do u ask that? I would choose option 1 or 2. Or if the toy still looks cute without moving, i'll just keep it. Definitely not option 3 for me coz i'm not the handy-man type of person!
My hb won't fix it all, he would probably ask me to throw. I will fix if it is beyond repair, the toy is still safe to play, I will keep it. Else will throw away. I just repaired Jamie's mini laptop this morning.

your kids look so alike!
seems so nice to have an older gal coz the jie jie will look after the younger one hor? So sweet of tabby to put her arms round thad, like protecting him.

hehe, it depends on what u mean by spoilt. Is it not operable by battery anymore? Or is it there's some physical defects like broken parts? If it's simply not operable by battery, i'll let him continue playing with it without the sound. If it's physically broken, then I'll throw it away.

The weather can be quite unpredictable. The 1st time i went HK in Jan, it was freezing at 10deg (very cold and windy). The 2nd time I went in Jan, it was warm at 20+ degrees. So really depends on the year. U check nearer the date to see what's the temp to determine if it's a warm or cold yr. But it's always better to prepare a windbreaker coz their wind can be a killer during winter. Realised that there's a trend in which the cold winters and warm winters alternate on each yr. Probably due to el nino and el nina effects.
There's a sudden dip in my hearing on my right ear and after seeing the ENT, it could be due to an infection in my inner ear or worse, a tumor. Now on alot of medications to salvage whatever hearing I can. If by Thurs, my hearing doesn't return, chances are I'll have to do an MRI to rule out tumours.

Pls pray for me that everything will be alright.
