(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

Re: Meet up at Bugis Junction-this Friday 3-5pm V8 cafe
Hi mommies
Going to have a little meet up this Friday at Bugis Junction - V8 cafe timing around fr 3-5pm.
so far :
Myself, Wendyl and Sleeping deer will be meeting, pls join us if any of you are free


Thanks for the arrangement. You haven't order the RH mooncakes? How to pass to you on Sun? Actually I am going to fren's house at CCK, maybe can meet somewhere?

Have you ordered the leggings from Jshoppers? Cos I am keen to try out the huggalugs from Australia. The BP price which they quoted me was AUD$8.25 for each pair from 20 to 999 and shipping charges for up to 40 pairs are AUD$39.90. I was thinking if we can gather 40 pairs, each pair would cost AUD$9.25 which is S$11.10 (exchange rate AUD1=S$1.20) which would be cheaper than Jshoppers. Any mummies keen? I can organise a BP if there are enough response for 40 pairs. The website is www.huggalugs.com.au.
I think at marketplace someone is selling this brand too.. but I think with your calculation it's is still cheaper.
My other friends were thinking of buying.. but one highlight dunno will it roll down the thighs since it is not "stocking" type wear to the waist..
U think will roll down?
I'm quite keen to get 1 pair actually

Re: cod fish oil
sure, will arrange for my hubby to meet your hubby for the oil. : ) Think the hubbies are nearer. unless we eat don's pie again. ha ha ha ...

Re: huggalugs
Ya, that's why I only want to get a pair. Actually there's another BP for this but another brand - cheaper but by the time, I realise that there's BP, the designs left are not nice! Not sure whether will roll down. Thought of getting a pair to try. Saw the BP for the same brand that's why not sure if my calculation is correct. For that BP, it's $16.50 per pair right? Exchange rate difference can't be so much?
No more JG classes. Mamapanda, how to pass the jacket to CL to pass to you?

Can I collect my gap stuff during RP lunch? When's the next one?
Have. Email me your orders.

Forum is finally up again. Just now I thought I was going to faint when I felt the whole house swaying left and right so I looked around and saw my lights swaying and my glass door rattling away then I realised we're experiencing an earthquake. I called my hb at Tampines and my dad at Hougang. They also felt it.
Earthquake here? So scary....

I just pmed you my orders. Thks. Just realised that some of the things I want are OOS for my size. : (

Re: huggalugs
Shall we start a BP for these?
Let me know the designs that you want and the quantity. I will consolidate.
Sorry can ignore my jshopper orders? my sis just sms-ed me that she's ordering some stuff so we can combine our orders to make up to 12,000 yen for the free shipping. Thks!
Which leggings are u referring to? I was looking at the prices, whether its the Women's leggings or the Baby leggings, both are still cheaper than $11 SGD per piece leh. The Jshopper baby leggings cost 1440Yen = $19.44 for pack of 3 pairs, which works out to be only $6.48SGD per legging. You were saying Huggalugs is $11.10 per legging or for pack of 2 leggings?
Can provide the url of the leggings? The leggings that I saw on jshopper when converted becomes S$15 - there's no mention that it's a pack of 3?
Anyway, if u have trouble with the link, u can try going into kids and babies -> innerwear to see it. Its also featured on Jshoppers main page as one of the top popular items.
I ordered. Thanks. Just 1 box of the champagne one. You coming to CCK on Sat ? If yes, I am home because after the free trial class need to go home for Charmaine's class.

The huggalugs is it available in Perth ? Then can ship to my sis and ask my parents to bring back as they are there from 29 SEp to 6 Oct.

I was thinking of letting Aden and Charmaine wear it as they don like to wear pyjamas. Ha ha

If suitable for aircon room, I also want to get 4 pairs
hi hi

missed so many posts! Cannot log for so many days...

oops, didn' realise that zaditen couldn't get from counter... sorry

I want to get the huggalugs if u can get it cheap, i want at least 4 pairs... the other brand is called babylegs but the one that was selling in the BP i think was non authentic so that's why so cheap, less than S$10 but the usual price is quite ex... if u see the other BP, the original babylegs are more expensive... I think huggalugs is the australian version that is slightly cheaper.. There is another type of "cute leggings" in the market but the products are from taiwan.. those are just 7.50 per pair... i am not fussy but i know that the lady doing the Non-authentic BP for babylegs got in trouble for doing it so if u are doing BP, then u must get the "real" version... otherwise must do private BP in case someone reports u...

eh.. i couldn't find the leggings on J shopper so end up chosing the tight/dress... have u ordered yet? all theirs are tights...

btw, can i collect my britax filter with my jshopper stuff?

Oh dear.. there was an earthquake? I didn't feel anything...

Playgroup #1
1. SY
2. jamom
3. Jamom's fren
4. cheng
5. cookie

Playgroup #2 - 27th CL's place

Okie, fixed the date and location. Please confirm attendance.

1. SY - All dates and place fine with me
2. tabbiesus (25, 27, 28)
3. mashy (24th,26th,28th morn ok)
4. Cookie (wun love join.. Kae has been in confienment with me for past 1 mth :p)
5. Flo (put my name down first, should be able to take leave)
6. sleepingdeer - will try to make whatever date is set
7. Chicken Little (26th or 27th is fine and prefer Durianlover's place)
8. durianlover - can't make it on 27/09 & 28/09 AM; prefer 25th or 26th. Wld prefer sleepingdeer's place actually coz my place a bit small leh! But i don't mind anyplace actually.
9. Rachel
10. Slinky (depends on location. if durianlover's place, any weekday is fine)

For this friday's meetup at bugis.. are u bring kaelyn or kyler or both? I see if i can join you guys... I'm off on friday...
You want to change ur orders? I've not placed orders yet as I'm still considering which items to buy cuz I was waiting for my friend on Norway to reply on what they can provide for Ariene. You can find the tights under KIDS & BABY -> PYJAMAS, INNERWEAR. You'll see alot of tights there.
Yes, it was felt in Hougang, Tampines, Pasir Ris, Potong Pasir, mostly east area but surprisingly, here Bukit Panjang can feel. My kitchen sliding door was rattling away and my dining lights and wind chine were swaying. Ariene thought it was funny and was spinning round going "Whoaooo". I thought I was giddy cuz my laptop screen was vibrating and I felt the whole world swaying left and right!

no need to change.. just thought if got leggings i will get, i dun want the tights... thanks hor...

Earthquake sounds scary man... i once experienced in malaysia.. it happened in the middle of the night I woke up in my hotel room and silly me.. i straight away thot my room got 'ghosts"... ha next day then realise got earthquake...
Good news. After numerous complaints from me, LuvkyVitamin has finally shipped out our Burt bee's ointment. They kept telling me there's no stock and may have to wait for weeks for it even up till 11pm, but after sending in a few complaints, they now tell me our backorder has been shipped.
Thanks Mamapanda,
Will look forward to picking up stuff at your house then. keke keke

Playgroup #2 - 27th CL's place

Okie, fixed the date and location. Please confirm attendance.

1. SY - All dates and place fine with me
2. tabbiesus (25, 27, 28)
3. mashy (24th,26th,28th morn ok)
4. Cookie (wun love join.. Kae has been in confienment with me for past 1 mth :p)
5. Flo (put my name down first, should be able to take leave)
6. sleepingdeer - will try to make whatever date is set
7. Chicken Little (26th or 27th is fine and prefer Durianlover's place)
8. durianlover - can't make it on 27/09 & 28/09 AM; prefer 25th or 26th. Wld prefer sleepingdeer's place actually coz my place a bit small leh! But i don't mind anyplace actually.
9. Rachel
10. Slinky (depends on location. if durianlover's place, any weekday is fine)

Anyone for the playgroup ? I can prepare Temaki for mummies
re : interviews
went for 2 interviews last tuesday...i m more interested on the second company that i went.
Good news, i m going for second interview later/ lunch with the team..meet up the team that i going to work with...think more or less i m 90% being selected....pray for the best...
re earthquake
pasir ris can feel? i din feel anything..hee

no prob on zaditen, i just wanted to understand more so that i can decide whether i wan JH to take it.

me, me on for Playgroup.

let me tidy up the list. i put those names who can make it on 27th first so that it looks neater.

1. SY - ok
2. tabbiesus - ok
3. CL - ok

To be confirmed

1. mashy (24th,26th,28th morn ok)
2. Cookie (wun love join.. Kae has been in confienment with me for past 1 mth :p)
3. Flo (put my name down first, should be able to take leave)
4. sleepingdeer - will try to make whatever date is set
5. durianlover - can't make it on 27/09 & 28/09 AM; prefer 25th or 26th. Wld prefer sleepingdeer's place actually coz my place a bit small leh! But i don't mind anyplace actually.
6. Rachel
7. Slinky (depends on location. if durianlover's place, any weekday is fine)

CL, how many pple can your place take? think take another 3-4 more kids?
Dunno le, I have a room with toys for them, the hall and dining area is connecting so should have rooms for them to run around. Should be ok on space I think.
The cod liver oil is 17USD inclusive of shipping to Singapore? If yes, then it is cheap. What's the URL for the website?

This morning 7.30am I felt the the tremors while I was just waking up.

We can all expect to collect the remaining 6 Brita soon cuz LV has shipped out the backordered Burt Bee's already.
Hello Mummies

Sorry for MIA so long, my morning sickness seems better, but still feel tired most of the time
and sometimes still feel nauseous.

I went for my check up on last Tuesday night, but gynae cannot confirmed the gender of the baby, however, she said looks like boy. Will have to wait until next month for the detailed scan then can confirm.
Hi Mommies,

RE: Earthquake
We were at Westlake resturant last night at Farrer Road, I thought I felt the floor bounce a few times, but I thought maybe coz I was dizzy, since nobody else felt anything... haha, turns out it WAS the temors...

PLay Group
What time is it huh, CL?
Glad ur MS is better! Hang on in there! It'll be over soon

Me going for detailed scan tomorrow!

RE: Playgroup
Argh, i can't make it on 27th. Seems like mashy won't be able to make it too? You all have fun! Wld love to join u all if i cld but 27th is really out for me as i've got a whole day seminar.
think the group cannot be too big also cos it will be hard ot do any activities?

u can check out www.iherb.com
i m consolidating orders so let me know if you want to order.

glad that your MS is better. do reast more...

Glad your MS will be over. Looking forward to know the gender of your baby.

What about you ? Baby gender ?

You coordinate. I am ok with the numbers. Will prepare the goodies for the kids and mummies. Maybe can do cookie art again for tea break. We can do hat or mask for art.

Thanks for the link - saw it. The jshopper ones look more like tights. I want leggings then lazy mummy can just wear them in place of long pants in aircon places.

I only ask the australian source for bulk discounts. I also scare of the non-authentic versions. : )

Re: Huggalugs
Can I start the ball rolling? To recap, the cost for each pair of leggings is AUD$8.25 from 20th to 999 and shipping charges for up to 40 pairs are AUD$39.90. So I am targetting to hit just 40 pairs and the cost (if I calculate correctly should be S$11.10). the url is www.huggalugs.com.au
1) sl
2) sl
3) sl
4) sl

i'm interested to get the huggalugs. please reserve 4 slots for me. thanks!

Re: Huggalugs
Can I start the ball rolling? To recap, the cost for each pair of leggings is AUD$8.25 from 20th to 999 and shipping charges for up to 40 pairs are AUD$39.90. So I am targetting to hit just 40 pairs and the cost (if I calculate correctly should be S$11.10). the url is www.huggalugs.com.au

1) sl
2) sl
3) sl
4) sl
5) aileen
6) aileen
7) aileen
8) aileen
Re: Meet up at Bugis Junction-this Friday 3-5pm V8 cafe
Hubby may be able to get afternoon off this friday, haven't thought of anywhere to go yet. Do you all mind if he joins in? Assuming he doesn't mind being the thorn among the roses too... hehee.

Queen, Flo, I have finally got a date to bring Kirsten for Purple Train assessment after my friend helped me to hound them. Heard from her that the waiting list just for the assessment is damn long. So if you're planning to send Isaac and Mel in Jan, maybe you want to put your names down on the waiting list now.
Zhimin, happy for you that MS is finally over. Like you, I still feel nauseous occasionally, especially around dinnertime. My detailed scan is in 2 weeks time, and gynae also says likely to be boy this time.
re: classes,
I finally signed clariss up for her very first enrichment class. kindermusik.
we find the teacher at northoaks so so and under the recommendation of my friend, we brought her to tanglin mall for a trial under ms doreen, she is so much better. we signed up her for the rest of the classes. We like kindermusik program but the teacher is equally important.
mongs, yah, agree with you the teacher is important too. Kirsten was in Kindermusik Tanglin mall for 2 terms before. Ms Yim Ching and Ms Pat are also very good teachers, esp Yim Ching. She's v v patient and remembers all the kids' names by end of the class when she came as a replacement for only 1 class.
Re: Playgroup

Sorry, can't make it as my boy as a session at Kindyroo. U gals enjoy!

1. SY - ok
2. tabbiesus - ok
3. CL - ok

To be confirmed

1. Cookie (wun love join.. Kae has been in confienment with me for past 1 mth :p)
2. Flo (put my name down first, should be able to take leave)
3. sleepingdeer - will try to make whatever date is set
4. Rachel
5. Slinky (depends on location. if durianlover's place, any weekday is fine)
Re: Kindyroo

Finally went for the trial today. I find it ok but have to see how after another 2 more sessions. My boy still seemed to enjoy the sessions at JWT more. The group size is rather small and one of the foreign mummies made mexican food today! Usually for the other playgroups that I attended, it's a split and go after class.

The location is rather confusing. I had a hard time looking for the school and had to make 1 big round to find it. Both my boy and I were so hot and sweaty after that.

Think my boy might marry an ang moh next time. Today he tried to chat up an ang moh gal. He has not done that at other classes where there were mainly asians. He tends to be more friendly with the ang mohs, like he sat on the ang moh teacher's lap at GUG. Maybe it's due to his time at the infant care where there's a couple of ang moh kids. think my hb will flip if he sees him bringing back an ang moh galfriend.
glad that your MS gets better. mine, too. just that in the late afternoon, the nauseaus will still come back, if get too serious, will puke. at night could hardly sleep.... really panda eyes...

the gynae couldn't cfm yet. but he's quite surprised that he managed to make a guess at this early stage. me currently 15 wk+. will let you gals know after detailed scan.
I want 2 pairs.

Re: Huggalugs
Can I start the ball rolling? To recap, the cost for each pair of leggings is AUD$8.25 from 20th to 999 and shipping charges for up to 40 pairs are AUD$39.90. So I am targetting to hit just 40 pairs and the cost (if I calculate correctly should be S$11.10). the url is www.huggalugs.com.au

1) sl
2) sl
3) sl
4) sl
5) aileen
6) aileen
7) aileen
8) aileen
9) maywong
10) maywong

Sorry about it. Cos I forgot abt the music trial. Think I am very interested to go that time but end up did not sign up. Paiseh.
The huggalugs is very nice lei. maybe i check if I can find some in Perth. if i order now, i dun think it be in time for my trip on the 28th sept. so i will go over and check out instead. not sure if its cheaper over there. if u guys can wait, i dun mind buying for u all. but then i not sure if i can locate the store.

zhimin - good to hear ur MS is over. take care!
The huggalugs is very nice lei. maybe i check if I can find some in Perth. if i order now, i dun think it be in time for my trip on the 28th sept. so i will go over and check out instead. not sure if its cheaper over there. if u guys can wait, i dun mind buying for u all. but then i not sure if i can locate the store.

zhimin - good to hear ur MS is over. take care!
I place my order

Re: Huggalugs
Can I start the ball rolling? To recap, the cost for each pair of leggings is AUD$8.25 from 20th to 999 and shipping charges for up to 40 pairs are AUD$39.90. So I am targetting to hit just 40 pairs and the cost (if I calculate correctly should be S$11.10). the url is www.huggalugs.com.au

1) sl
2) sl
3) sl
4) sl
5) aileen
6) aileen
7) aileen
8) aileen
9) maywong
10) maywong
Re: Playgroup - on 27th Sept Thursday

1. SY - ok
2. tabbiesus - ok
3. CL - ok
4. Cookie - Ok

To be confirmed
2. Flo (put my name down first, should be able to take leave)
3. sleepingdeer - will try to make whatever date is set
4. Rachel
5. Slinky (depends on location. if durianlover's place, any weekday is fine)
