(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

i m interested in the trial but the timing is a bit difficult for me. What other timing is available?

oh dear, hope that your infection will get better soon. What is the reason for the infection?

will keep your family in my prayers. your kids look so cute!

my sis went before in nov/dec and think it can be quite rainy...

for me it wd definitely be option 2!! haha

re first teeth,
i also tend to get more each time cos lazy to go and collect...

how many wd u get?

how come Mel slept at 4am?? so late?


Your girl is so good, let u snap photo of Thad and her sitting together. Rory won't sit still long enough for me to do it. And yes, your kids do look very alike

Enjoy your trip, must take lots of pictures..Bon Voyage!

oh dear, that's terrible news. Let's hope it's just a simple infection problem and nothing serious. Will be praying for u. How did it start? Sometimes my right ear 'pops', if you know what i mean...like what u experience when a plane takes off.
Hello mummies,

Re. brushing teeth
How's the brushing for your tod? i don't think I'm doign a very thorough job cos Isaac tends not to open his mouth very wide. I can't really see whether where the toothbrush is reaching. And I find that his teeth are yellowing.

Oh dear, I hope the ear infection is not serious. other than loss of hearing, any other symptoms such as discharge or other physical discomfort? Whatever it is, be optimistic.

Thad and Tabby are really alike.

Have a safe trip to Paris and don't get conned by overly helpful French man! Me and HB were conned by a man who were supposedly trying to help us purchase train tickets at the machine.

I'll collect the wipes from you either Monday or Tuesday... we play by ear on the timing. Thanks for holding teh stuff for me.

I'll do option 2 & 3 and will only throw away if I'm certain the toy cannot be fixed.

have PMed you on your account details. Can you reply? Paisei... I did keep you bank account records previously.

Can have a BP on peaches and blueberries?

Hi mummies, it's time for a spinach BP again.
Collecting points:
1. Hitachi Tower
2. Marine Terrace

1. Denmy (Marine Terrace)
2. Mamapanda x 1.5 portion ( >700g but <1kg can? 600g too little)
3. Aileen x 2 portions (Hitachi Tower)
4. durianlover via mamapanda (i don't mind half a portion actually, like 300g or something. Don't need so much spinach. So can share with Mamapanda.)
5. queen (whatever amoutn taht is convenient for you to split.
Mashy - will pray for u, hope tat it is just an infection... do stay optimistic!

SH - im oso going HK mid Nov! mine is fr 14-17,hw bout urs? is the natas promo good? i paid $720 per pax for 4D3N via Cathay airline, no disney ticket incld... pls tell me its almost similar pricing else i will lose sleep tonite! haha

Tabbiesus - tats reali a nice pic of ur 2 precious! and yes they look rather similar... ur prince so fair!!!
can let me know if you're org BP for LV, pls. Want to get the Sambucol for Gerald. Aiya.. he has been sick since Tuesday.
so sad... btw, do you know if i can get sambucol from anywhere in sing.

ya lor.. am v excited and nervous too.

that's my worry too.. i so feel like taking leave to rest. but, my bosses not v supportive in me taking leave. so, i'm a bit reluctant loh.
btw when did u pop? 36 weeks?? Enjoy France and hv a good trip

I dun think bb is engaged yet. I'll ask gynae on tues on my next visit. Ya, I'm trying my best to hv more slp at nite. But, coz of my big tummy and my aching hips, I cant slp well at nite. Oh good nites, I'll wake up once or twice and then go back to slp. On bad nites, I can be awake for like 2 hrs.

take care... will pray for you and do update us again.
Vitakids is selling but one of the ladies in my LV spree who bought Sambucol said they're selling it at $21 per bottle whereas its $13+ to $14 if u buy from LV.

private Drugstore and LV spree
Upon request, I'll organise a private Drugstore and LV spree. Those who want to order anything from DS and LV, PM me with the url and qty.
Y not ask ur gynae to give u a 1 week MC to rest at home? That's what I did cuz I didn't want to risk waterbag bursting while I'm in school disciplining the naughty kids. I taught all the way until my 38th week and rested at home on my 39th week but according to my gynae, my waterbag was still very strong and he had some difficulty breaking it to induce my labour. But, yeah, it can be very tiring to work esp once you're past 36 weeks and being a math and computing teacher, I had to stand for hours cuz I need to write on the board and I had to walk around the lab to help students who have problems during their computer practicals. VERY tiring, my back ached like hell, my legs swollen from all the fluid retention and prolonged standing, etc and since teachers have no annual leave, I asked Prof Ng to write me a 1 week MC to rest at home during my 39th week.
Flo, collection on the 28th (Fri) ok for you?
Queen, no stock for peaches recently. I'll check out bluberries for you.

Hi mummies, it's time for a spinach BP again.
Collecting points:
1. Hitachi Tower
2. Marine Terrace

1. Denmy (Marine Terrace)
2. Mamapanda x 1.5 portion ( >700g but <1kg can? 600g too little)
3. Aileen x 2 portions (Hitachi Tower)
4. durianlover via mamapanda (i don't mind half a portion actually, like 300g or something. Don't need so much spinach. So can share with Mamapanda.)
5. queen (whatever amoutn taht is convenient for you to split.

re: Krispy Kreme
Haha.. after reading some of your comments recently, I purposely went to try it in Bali. Find it quite nice but a bit too sinfully sweet... bad for those who's on a diet... :p

It's option 3 for me: fix it myself. I'm more of a handy-man than hb and it'll take him weeks b4 he move his butt to the task anyway... does this sound familiar to some of you mummies?

Hope everything will turn out fine for you!

Thad & Tabby look like twins! So cute!!
Oh dear! Did it happen suddenly? Were u exposed to very loud & prolong noise or drastic increase in ur blood pressure recently? Hope tat it is just a temporary hearing loss due to ear infection and with extended prescription of antibiotics to clear the infection. If needed, u can go to the polyclinic to get a referral letter for the MRI scan at TTSH. Its much cheaper than doing it thru ur ENT specialist. Will keep u in my prayers!

Tats a very nice pic of both ur T&Ts! Tabby looks like a lovingly jie jie with her arms around didi.

Today, I visited my cousin and tried to carry her 5+mths old son. Ethan got jealous immediately and wanted to smack the baby's leg. Kept indicating to me to put down the baby and bao-bao him. Now my hb & I v worried how he will react when #2 arrives next month. ***Stress***

Ya, like wat mamapanda suggest, why not get ur gynae to give u few days of MC? I am also having disturbed sleeps nowadays. Sometimes wake up to go loo or feeling hungry. And my lower back & hip bone aches like crazy. Feel like a 60-yr old lao cha bor.
RE: Krispy Kreme
Heehee, I got what you mean. I die die also must try even tho my male colleagues kept telling me is very sweet. Your hb didn't get for you in Jakarta?

Wow so exciting, keep us posted when u pop

If Krissie take MC now, wouldn't it be counted as part of ML?

Aiya, Mel woke up from her nightmare around 11+, then kept asking me to bring out her swing but I refused. Kept kicking a fuss and screamed until almost 4am then went back to sleep. At first was so happy when she went to the room @ 9+, switched on the bedside lamp and climb into her cot. When I went into the room about 5min later, she has fallen asleep. Who knows my "nightmare" came after that....arggh!

T&T really look alike...have a good trip in France ya

RE: Cherie heart
Oh, so our little ones will have celebrity teachers if we sign up

Btw, I think the lady has alot of stock for the toothpaste, so maybe u can check.

I'll go for option 3 cos hb not the patient sort (Denmy, that certainly ring a bell...haha). Anyway, I'm those very itchy hand sort, have the habbit of dismantling my toys since I'm a kid.

No prob, just sms me when u wanna pick up the wipes. I'm also having a hard time trying to brush Mel's teeth. She will either snatch my toothbrush away and wanna brush herself (but end up biting the toothbrush) or keep her mouth totally shut until there's no way I can brush.

Don't worry too much, hopefully is just an ear infection...take care.

Will confirm with you on the spinach, when r u closing order?

U are going to pop after Krissie rite? Will be good to prepare a little gift (if you have not) for Ethan when he first visit di di at the hospital.
Hi mummies - Sneaked in here while doing my law project

Babylon - Congrats in getting your job!

Mashy - Hope everything turns out fine

Krissie - Wow, u r going to pop soon!

Tabbiesus - Yes, Tabbie & Thad looka very much alike - Enjoy your tip in France. I did! Love the place for it's rich history. I enjoyed the French attitude in the outskirts. Parisans are less friendly.

Playgroup - on 27th Sept Thursday. Is this still on? I am on leave that day. Can drop by with Cephas
hi would need your advise in what mosquito medicine is good, as my gal now have so many mosquito mark, and from past experience mosquito mark will leave on her legs for at least 3 week. So now everyday she only can wear long pant to cover it.

Ya! Finally got to meet you
still have many more faces to identify!


Congrats on your new job
i think u are one more face that i've yet to identify, right ?


Do not worry too much...all will turn out well


Tab and Thad really look alike!! they look sooo cute together.. enjoy your trip in France.


you take good care too and rest more now...soon you will be very busy


Welcome Aboard

try burts bee res-q ointment
recommended to many mums here...not just for mozzie bites, other insect bites too.

Welcome Pin,
I bought mosquitoes patch to stick on her pants to prevent mosquito from preying at my gal's leg. If I am going to chalet or anywhere that has more mosquitoes, I will cut it up and stick on her sleeves also.

RE: Brush Teeth
Queen, so good, at least ur boy allow u to put the brush in. My gal refused to open her mouth. If she is in good mood, she will want to hold the brush herself and start biting it like Flo's Mel.

Oh no..what happened? Better have a thorough check. My mum had a deaf ear due to infection several yrs ago. It seems like the another ear is starting to have weak hearing also. She is reluctant to seek medical help. Anyway, dun worry so much. We will keep u in prayers and keep us update!

Saw ur post on the leggings. Will take note for u. Have a wonderful trip!
re Playgroup
Yeah I can bring Kae to join after all.. cos MIL say she can dun go market that day
so that we can go out.

27th CL's Place 10am
1. SY
2. CL
3. Tabb
4. Flo
5. Cookie
Pls let me know if you need me to buy or provide anything.

The playgroup at your place is this Friday rite??
yes I can join also.. just need to ask MIL to arrange her time dun go market for that day.

Sorry to hear abt your concern of your ears. Like the other mums say.. I hope it's nothing serious.. and I believe most of the time it will be so be postiive.
I will keep you in prayers, when is your appt for the scan?

WELCOME Pin... do join us more

No wonder I also find the 2guy looks very familiar...hehe
Can I know how long a session is JG class?
for $300/10week 1.5hr each seems a good price plus they have live performance for the kids :p

Does Burts Bee res-q ointment act similar to Zambak ointment? can it treat bruise and cut too?

RE: Brush Teeth
Rite on time on this topic.. I have problem brushing kae teeth too! when she was younger she is still ok for me to put my finger into her mouth.. now she totally reject be it finger or brush.. she just ZIP it up.
How to over come?
Mozzies bite,
after spraying the mozzie repellent and using patch, he still got bitten. So now, we will dress him in long bottoms if we know the place has mozzies.
We will either apply the Burt's Bee ResQ ointment/ zambak on his bites
Welcome Pin,

I also have a elder daughter born in Aug 02. So thot of where to enrol her for P1?

Me too supporter of burt's bee. Use it for bruises too.

So 27 Sep is at your place or my place ? Let me know ok.

My sis checked limited design and it is still AUD 16.50 per pair.

If they can shipped to my sis place before 29 Sep then can get my parents to bring back then we save AUD 39.90. Ha ha how ?

JG was 2 hours lesson but bilingual an hour each for english and mandarin and it is about 500 over for 10 weeks.
thanks gals!

My ear just suddenly felt blocked on Tuesday. At first thought it's probably due to ear wax or blocked middle ear. But no lor. The ENT dr can't see anything blocking and the hearing test showed that i've hearing loss. It's still the same. Hopefully it'll recover quickly. The tinnitus has also turned up high volume. It's so loud i can't sleep well at night. It's like have a shrilling sound which I can't switch off. Now I can understand why some pp have suicidal thoughts due to tinnitus. It's really very frustrating. But now I figured that if i stayed in 1 position, don't move, then the ear will just feel blocked and the tinnitus will be softer.

Really hoping that it'll heal quickly and not some other stuff.

at one stage elijah also reject the brushing too.. then i decided to use the oral b kids toothbrush. and we also try to brush our teeth in front of him.. so the Pull factor for him to bathe is to brush teeth.. and he will keep pointing at his tooth brush and say teeth teeth..
playgroup on 21st is at my place.
playgroup on 27th is at CL's place.

for brushing teeth, think babies change over time one. maybe it is just a phase?

what toothpaste u using? JH loves the first teeth

it is at your place on 27th

JH's teeth also not brushed very thoroughly but it is ok. the lsat when i brought him to dentist, he said it is quite normal that it is not brushed very well. main thing is to get them used to it. JH's teeth are black in fact...


welcome. For mozzie bite, can try thursday plantation tea tree oil. supposed to be good.

when it's your next follow up? hope that it goes away soon.
Thanks for getting the angel wipes. I'm fine to meet up for RP lunch. any preferred time/place? btw have u also collected the brita filters from mamapanda? tot of collecting all at once.

re brushing teeth,
SY, which dentist do you bring him to? Does JH open his mouth willingly to let the dentist check his teeth? I have resorted to using guaze to clean Edgar's teeth coz he will bite the toothbrush or just totally refuse to open his mouth. And I only do it once a week. Lazy mummy!:p

welcome Pin!!

don't worry too much.... it may not be as serious as u think.

the photo is so heart-warming! think tabby is beginning to look more like u and thad looks more like ur hubby? i don't know, actually i think u and ur hubby got fu-qi-xiang. so ur 2 kids actually look like the both of u. anyways, have a good trip to paris! :D
Yes yes 27 Sep at my place. Once the list is confirm will pm address to all

Cherie Hearts - Kids in Motion
Anyone who did the last trial keen to sign up ? They are following up with me.
MC vs ML
NO la.. MC is medical leave, ML is maternity leave, where got same? MC is deducted from your annual medical leave. Its different. If u think 1 week is too long, ask for at least 3 days to rest. You don't want to risk early labour due to over-stress or ovcer-tiredness right? Unless u specify that u want to start ur ML early, HR has no right to convert it to ML on your behalf cuz ML is partially paid for by the government wheras MC is paid by the company.
my sil has the same problem. it happened to her about a week ago. it happened before when she was in her U and she saw the medical officer in the U, turned out to be blocked due to ear wax. this time round, the dr at polyclinic can't find anything. gave her antibiotics and said that it maybe infection and ask her to see a specialist at SGH. she is still waiting for the polyclinic to call her back.
I also experience hearing loss at my left ear on and off since I was pregnant. gynae said that it maybe due to extra fluid generated during pregnancy but I understand that it can be quite annoying.
Don't worry too much. with the advancement in medical science, you will recover in no time.
saw one of ur previous post re sarong. edgar was a sarong baby when he was a few months old. but he weaned himself off after a few months. would cry every time we attempt to put him in. so i guess, every child is different. now he has to be rocked to sleep while watching TV in the day. night time he is fine sleeping on the bed with us. just that it takes a while b4 he would fall alseep himself.
I think i will try 1&2 before throwing the toys away. I'm not very handy man but I will try.. then ask HB to fix(usually if not too big prob he can fix it).. when he confirm cannot, will throw or.. just let kids play without battery.
In fact there are some toys already spoilt like no lights and sound but we are keeping them for play still.
thanks...! good I will try to use bath as treats then. kae love to bath too.
I both pigeon brush ( 2 diff kind) and the first teeth finger brush.. all she dun want
I also brush in front of him.. sing brush teeth song..haizz all cannot work.
btw mommies... in case some of you like JCpenney in USA.. they started a sg online store
pricing for todd and babies clothings seems ok but shipping seems expensive somehow..dunno is it I understood wrongly
Anyway for your reference
hope that everything is fine for you.

re: brush teeth
i am using 1st teeth toothpaste which has apple-banana flavour. mayb 'cos of that, my gal likes to brush teeth.
for toothbrush, i managed to find the toothbrush by kodomo which is suitable for 1.5 yr old toddler (like adult toothbrush) 'cos my gal doesn't like the pigeon toothbrush.
To ask her to open the mouth, we usually will do the action together with her i.e. 'ahhhhh.....' and 'eeeeee.....'. when's it's not brushing teeth time, we also ask her to do that, sort of like practice and also to see how many teeth she has.
but, if the brushing teeth time is too long, she will zip her mouth and go away.... when she start getting inpatient, we will tell her, 'oh oh, there's a black stuff on your tooth, lets brush it away.' sometimes she listens, sometimes, not.
now i am thinking how to teach her rinse the teeth after brushing.
Hi Mamapanda
Keep a slot for me on drugstore then. The other day which toothpaste did you recommend besides first teeth ?

So I join Mamapanda's spree nearer for me. If you want , I can help you collect too. Since your new workplace near me
Ok this friday 21st your place. What do I need to bring or provide or prepare please let me know.

27th At Cl place.. perhaps we can go in 1 car since we stay so near.. and haha so that I dun get lost in Yew Tee :p
i went to this one at tanglin shopping centre. think it is called Bites Inc. Jh was actually quite good. the dentist let him lie on me and he opened his mouth just enough for him to check. the dentist is very quick.

JH's teeth also very black but dentist said it's not cavities so it's k

for kids in motion, do they have other branches? got weekday classes?

re MC vs ML
most companies practice is actually to consider it ML when u start early. so must check out your co practice

do u use the finger brush?

On Thurs. Hopefully everything will be fine.

I hope so too. I suppose after my SIL's case of brain tumor, I'm kind of more paranoid. Esp since hearing loss could also be due to brain tumor.

i couldn't wait for polyclinic for the referral coz the wait can take up to 1 mth. Better see the specialist and if can remedy it, quickly do something abt it. Hope your SIL is fine too.

Prob is coz inner ear is too deep in, all the medications given are based on trial and error. sigh. Made me even more anxious coz dunno what is going on in there.
For my 2 pregnancies.. I went on last mintue 2 days "MC" before I delivered.
But my Co says I cannot take MC for those days since it's so near my delivery date( dunno what logic is that), they deduct my annual leave instead and not consider I start ML early.

I tried using finger brush as well as tooth brush
Re: brushing teeth

My boy used to hate it and will scream when it's time to brush teeth.

Now he's ok ever since we brought him to the toilet to brush his teeth. We'll make him stand on a stool by the sink and brush teeth there. Think perhaps he thinks that it's an adult thing to do after watching us brush our teeth there and he's been open to brushing teeth ever since.

I don't use toothpaste coz there was some report previously that the contents of the bb toothpaste can cause the teeth to turn yellow.
take care and hope all will turn out fine.

think our todd's "zipping up" is just a phase. dylan used to zipped up and it was like a battle field everytime we wanted to brush his teeth. now he is totally fine and confortable with us brushing his teeth =)
RE: Brushing Teeth
Frankly speaking, we never try brushing before. I only use wet towel and finger to brush her teeth ever since day 1. Bought First Teeth finger brush, try and she scream. Not sure if she has got phobia cos I know my mum will force her jaws to open and use towel to "dig". Only recently I bought Kodomo Toothpaste and toothbrush. I tried asking her to open her mouth and I use mine to brush with her (used pea size toothpaste). She did for a few times and started biting the brush. After the next day, she zipped her mouth tight and refused to open anymore.

Hope she will open her mouth one day.
JH loves the brushing teeth. guess it has become a routine for him.

hope everything will turn out well. update us.

i know my co will treat the MC as ML...cos i actually have MC on the day that i went in but they consider ML to have started on that day even though i have the MC

re Playgroup

27th CL's Place 10am
1. SY
2. CL
3. Tabb
4. Flo
5. Cookie
6. Rachel
7. Sysac - Finally I can join one of these sessions! Yeah!

Brushing teeth - I use the first toothepaste with the finer brush and sometimes normal toothbrush but for chn. We usually do it during bath time and after meal times. So far, Cephas is okie. He absolutely loves brushing his teeth because he loves the spitting out the water.
