(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

Keke....you have witness JW tantrum during the Hi-5 show liao. So sorry that he was screaming throughout the whole journey.

Aiyo...how come the lady do that to Tabbie.

Kaelyn so sweet :)

That was a really good article. Reminded me of how a single look of disappointment once from my dad did so much more than all the caning my mum did on me.

Keke....you have witness JW tantrum during the Hi-5 show liao. So sorry that he was screaming throughout the whole journey.

Aiyo...how come the lady do that to Tabbie.

Kaelyn so sweet :)

That was a really good article. Reminded me of how a single look of disappointment once from my dad did so much more than all the caning my mum did on me.
I think I will only continue for another term for JG coz the hours are really quite terrible and when i start JW on childcare, the timing for class will be the timing for his nap...big clash with the childcare routine.
Denmy- ok to continue
Tabb - ok to continue
SL - ok to continue ?
SH - ok to continue
Chicken little

Ha ha me dun mind continuing another term for the company. Please bear with my Aden if he continues ha ha. I am trying my luck with them to see if they will give me Adrian.

My hb was abit happy when I say I dun want to continue last night. Maybe he will be upset today ha ha.

Sleepingdeer who is the teacher you have ? Aiyo what happen to their standard. There was another Indian lady at forum that I like too but I just cannot recall her name.

Eh.. can the mummies involved, pls fill out whether u can wait or would like to have the filter first? I hvae 4 with me now.

brita disposable
Anyone is a hurry to get their filters? I've consolidated 6 of the filters together with the LuckyVitamin burt bees backorders and they're currently on hold in Oregon until LV ships out the Burt Bees. I've emailed them 3 times, and thrice, they say they dunno when their stock will arrive so the hold may be quite long unless we cancel the orders. Because I've splitted the orders into 2 seperate orders, I now have 4 kitchen sets and Aileen's combo set with me. Those who who want their Brita's first, let me know and I'll pass to you first. Please indicate your preference here :

Slinky, 1 set - wait
flo, 2 sets -
chilles, 1 set -
Aileen, 1 set -
Aileen, 1 combo - ready for collection
krissie, 1 set -
chickenlittle, 1 set - can wait. To your convenience
tabbiseus, 1 set -
wenyl, 1 set -

If all of u dun wish to wait, then I'll ask CGW to ship out the6 Britas first, then probably start another spree and combine the 7 Burt Bees with it when its shipped out by LV.
It's been a long time since i came into the thread.

kaelyn is like a big girl next to kyler. They are so adorable. I hope clariss will be very nice to her mei mei when she is born.
Kaelyn's fringe seems quite short. Why is she wearing a bib? is she drooling? Clariss hates bibs. she doesn't want to wear it even when we are feeding her.
RE: Drooling
I dunno if it is true or not. But I did tried before. Jamie was drooling quite abit when she is younger. My mum ask me to go to my SIL house, take her table cloth corner and wipe across Jamie's mouth. My first reaction was HUH!! YUCKS!! But I went there, secretly wash the table cloth thoroughly and wipe on Jamie's mouth. After a few days, Jamie stopped drooling and even my hb was surprised. My mum ask me not say in front of Jamie abt it as it is very pan tang thing. Anyway I just keep quiet and as long as Jamie does not drool then it is alright.
I have emailed u my orders. TIA! Will like to collect the stuffs together with the filter. So no hurry to collect filter now.

Eh.. can the mummies involved, pls fill out whether u can wait or would like to have the filter first? I hvae 4 with me now.

RE: brita disposable
Anyone is a hurry to get their filters? I've consolidated 6 of the filters together with the LuckyVitamin burt bees backorders and they're currently on hold in Oregon until LV ships out the Burt Bees. I've emailed them 3 times, and thrice, they say they dunno when their stock will arrive so the hold may be quite long unless we cancel the orders. Because I've splitted the orders into 2 seperate orders, I now have 4 kitchen sets and Aileen's combo set with me. Those who who want their Brita's first, let me know and I'll pass to you first. Please indicate your preference here :

Slinky, 1 set - wait
flo, 2 sets -
chilles, 1 set -
Aileen, 1 set -
Aileen, 1 combo - ready for collection
krissie, 1 set -
chickenlittle, 1 set - can wait. To your convenience
tabbiseus, 1 set -
wenyl, 1 set - can wait.

If all of u dun wish to wait, then I'll ask CGW to ship out the6 Britas first, then probably start another spree and combine the 7 Burt Bees with it when its shipped out by LV.
This is true. My sil (hb's bro's wife) always tell me to do that. I told the gu gu (hb's sis), if I go I will give her advance notice , please change a new table cloth. ke ke

Last time we always says gu gu very busy. Like my niece whose hair hardly grow at the back of the head, so they call it Ah Gou Loh - so the gu gu have to buy the niece a pair of shoes so hair will grow. So funny to liste to all these myths
you're so funny.. abt a pic on both of them holding hands and crying.. heehee...

great story... so motivating.

if convenient, I dun mind collecting the Brita taps first, along with my earlier ON spree. Erh.. roughly when is that coming? hopefully, i can collect them in time before I pop.
I think my hb will only want to make 1 trip to collect, so I'll hv to collect both ON and Brita together. Can collect from Hougang?

Eh.. can the mummies involved, pls fill out whether u can wait or would like to have the filter first? I hvae 4 with me now.

RE: brita disposable
Anyone is a hurry to get their filters? I've consolidated 6 of the filters together with the LuckyVitamin burt bees backorders and they're currently on hold in Oregon until LV ships out the Burt Bees. I've emailed them 3 times, and thrice, they say they dunno when their stock will arrive so the hold may be quite long unless we cancel the orders. Because I've splitted the orders into 2 seperate orders, I now have 4 kitchen sets and Aileen's combo set with me. Those who who want their Brita's first, let me know and I'll pass to you first. Please indicate your preference here :

Slinky, 1 set - wait
flo, 2 sets -
chilles, 1 set -
Aileen, 1 set -
Aileen, 1 combo - ready for collection
krissie, 1 set - if convenient, collect first with ON loot.
chickenlittle, 1 set - can wait. To your convenience
tabbiseus, 1 set -
wenyl, 1 set - can wait.

If all of u dun wish to wait, then I'll ask CGW to ship out the6 Britas first, then probably start another spree and combine the 7 Burt Bees with it when its shipped out by LV.
Mummies, I so miss joining the class with you all.
Makes so much diff. We can take care of each other's todds and they're abt the same age and we can chit chat, haha.... I just tried Zoophonics on Sunday. Must say that JG is much better to me, coz the Zoophonics class was v rush and also not much singing. Mainly talking, so couldn't catch Ger's attention. And Ger was the only kid walking ard the class of abt 6/7 kids. Haha.. now, I know what Cheng and CL meant by the musketeers sticking together. Also, the other children were mostly much older and can say many words, like excavator, shovel, etc. So, I thought that it's v impt (like what CL says) that the todds are the same age in the class. Coz I thot that Ger was qt out of place in class. Frankly, I dun think that I shld limit Gerald's movement in class, but the other parents whose kids are so old might not understand that he's younger and is v active.

are the kids in Sat 9am JG class much older or ard the same age as our todds?
Hi Mommies,

I tried S on zoophonics last week too, though I think the experience was different for S, coz she enjoyed it alot. Perhaps it's because the kids are all around her age, and the group is small, about 6 kids. Strangely, there was lots of singing, and music activities...

That's the thing i find strange about these play groups, even in JG, different teachers do different things leh. Like on Mon class, the songs, format and activities are all very different form sun class.... I find Mon class not very good coz there were older kids too, and the teachers were not very interactive somehow... different strokes for different folks perhaps...
Hi mummies!

I have tried singulair too. Actually according to Dr Khor, giving singulair to kids under 2 is considered as off-label use so initially I was quite reluctant. Actually singulair doesn't make much difference to my gal.

Re: JG
Denmy- ok to continue
Tabb - ok to continue
SL - ok to continue
SH - ok to continue
Chicken little

I think most prob we will continue for one more term and see how.

I see that last weekend is haircut weekend. I also brought charmainef or a haircut at junior league. I agree that the guy at junior league suntec is good with kids. Have tried the ones at united square (no good) and the one at vivocity. Err.. I think I will go back to suntect next time.
RE: brita disposable
Anyone is a hurry to get their filters? I've consolidated 6 of the filters together with the LuckyVitamin burt bees backorders and they're currently on hold in Oregon until LV ships out the Burt Bees. I've emailed them 3 times, and thrice, they say they dunno when their stock will arrive so the hold may be quite long unless we cancel the orders. Because I've splitted the orders into 2 seperate orders, I now have 4 kitchen sets and Aileen's combo set with me. Those who who want their Brita's first, let me know and I'll pass to you first. Please indicate your preference here :

Slinky, 1 set - wait
flo, 2 sets - ok to wait, whatever is more convenient for you
chilles, 1 set -
Aileen, 1 set -
Aileen, 1 combo - ready for collection
krissie, 1 set - if convenient, collect first with ON loot.
chickenlittle, 1 set - can wait. To your convenience
tabbiseus, 1 set -
wenyl, 1 set - can wait.

If all of u dun wish to wait, then I'll ask CGW to ship out the6 Britas first, then probably start another spree and combine the 7 Burt Bees with it when its shipped out by LV.
Re: JG
Denmy- ok to continue
Tabb - ok to continue
SL - ok to continue
SH - ok to continue
Flo - continue only if it's the same gang

My personal opinion is that the ppl attending the same class make the difference. Although the teachers are medicore, I enjoy the class cos we all know each other and our tots are around the same age. More importanly, I won't feel out of place as Mel will not be the odd one out roaming around the class...haha
Oops, I accidentally deleted CL from the list

Re: JG
Denmy- ok to continue
Tabb - ok to continue
SL - ok to continue
SH - ok to continue
Flo - continue only if it's the same gang
ChickenLittle -
thanks for the info on zaditen. anyway, i dun wish to start JH on more medication yet. he seems to be improving but just slow....

re playgroup
mummies, me and Jamom planning to have a playgroup on the 21st at my place. so far got 3 mummies including me and Jamom. anyone interested? my place is at Pasir Ris. We will probably try to do this weekly if possible either my place or her place.

can only take maybe 2-3 more mummies.

Playgroup #1 - 21st (SY's place)

1. SY
2. Jamom
3. Jamom's fren

Playgroup #2 - Please choose from the dates 25th, 26th, 27th. Indicate in order of preference
- For location, we can either do it at Durianlover's place, Sleepingdeer's place or at my mom's place (but my mom's place very inconvenient - Toh Tuck)Please indicate preference as well.

1. SY - All dates and place fine with me
2. tabbiesus
3. mashy (24th,26th,28th morn ok)
4. Cookie (wun love join.. Kae has been in confienment with me for past 1 mth :p)
5. Flo (put my name down first, should be able to take leave)
6. sleepingdeer - will try to make whatever date is set
7. Chicken Little
I put down my name first. morning or afternoon ? If afternoon I will take half day leave then can be at my place at CCK too.
8. durianlover - can't make it on 27/09, 28/09 AM can't; other dates ok
9. Rachel
10. Slinky (depends on location. if durianlover's place, any weekday is fine)
Playgroup #2 - Please choose from the dates 25th, 26th, 27th. Indicate in order of preference
- For location, we can either do it at Durianlover's place, Sleepingdeer's place or at my mom's place (but my mom's place very inconvenient - Toh Tuck)Please indicate preference as well.

1. SY - All dates and place fine with me
2. tabbiesus
3. mashy (24th,26th,28th morn ok)
4. Cookie (wun love join.. Kae has been in confienment with me for past 1 mth :p)
5. Flo (put my name down first, should be able to take leave)
6. sleepingdeer - will try to make whatever date is set
7. Chicken Little (26th or 27th is fine and prefer Durianlover's place)
8. durianlover - can't make it on 27/09, 28/09 AM can't; other dates ok
9. Rachel
10. Slinky (depends on location. if durianlover's place, any weekday is fine)
Re: JG
Denmy- ok to continue
Tabb - ok to continue
SL - ok to continue
SH - ok to continue
Flo - continue only if it's the same gang
ChickenLittle -ok to continue if same gang

Ha ha ok ok I will liaise with JG again
I remembered quite sometime ago u help us sign up for some music related trial class right? When is it ah? End of sep or beginning of Oct? I cannot remember the rest of the details already.

RE: Trial Class
Any other trial class to go to? I am out of programme for Jamie already. Feel like bringing her to one trial. I am ok to organise if u all have any suggestion.
Re: JG
Denmy- ok to continue
Tabb - ok to continue
SL - ok to continue
SH - ok to continue
Cheng - go with majority
Flo - continue only if it's the same gang
ChickenLittle -
i'm oso keen on the zoophonics. which day do you go to?

mamapanda and CL,
CL, can you collect for me please? I'll get it from u at RP or cityhall. Thanks heaps!
Mamapanda, I'll c/o mine with CL.

RE: brita disposable
Anyone is a hurry to get their filters? I've consolidated 6 of the filters together with the LuckyVitamin burt bees backorders and they're currently on hold in Oregon until LV ships out the Burt Bees. I've emailed them 3 times, and thrice, they say they dunno when their stock will arrive so the hold may be quite long unless we cancel the orders. Because I've splitted the orders into 2 seperate orders, I now have 4 kitchen sets and Aileen's combo set with me. Those who who want their Brita's first, let me know and I'll pass to you first. Please indicate your preference here :

Slinky, 1 set - wait
flo, 2 sets - ok to wait, whatever is more convenient for you
chilles, 1 set -
Aileen, 1 set - c/o CL
Aileen, 1 combo - ready for collection c/o CL
krissie, 1 set - if convenient, collect first with ON loot.
chickenlittle, 1 set - can wait. To your convenience
tabbiseus, 1 set -
wenyl, 1 set - can wait.

If all of u dun wish to wait, then I'll ask CGW to ship out the6 Britas first, then probably start another spree and combine the 7 Burt Bees with it when its shipped out by LV.
RE: brita disposable
Anyone is a hurry to get their filters? I've consolidated 6 of the filters together with the LuckyVitamin burt bees backorders and they're currently on hold in Oregon until LV ships out the Burt Bees. I've emailed them 3 times, and thrice, they say they dunno when their stock will arrive so the hold may be quite long unless we cancel the orders. Because I've splitted the orders into 2 seperate orders, I now have 4 kitchen sets and Aileen's combo set with me. Those who who want their Brita's first, let me know and I'll pass to you first. Please indicate your preference here :

Slinky, 1 set - wait
flo, 2 sets - ok to wait, whatever is more convenient for you
chilles, 1 set - collect if convenient
Aileen, 1 set - c/o CL
Aileen, 1 combo - ready for collection c/o CL
krissie, 1 set - if convenient, collect first with ON loot.
chickenlittle, 1 set - can wait. To your convenience
tabbiseus, 1 set -
wenyl, 1 set - can wait.

If all of u dun wish to wait, then I'll ask CGW to ship out the6 Britas first, then probably start another spree and combine the 7 Burt Bees with it when its shipped out by LV.
i have decided to let JH try Nordic Naturals Soft gels since reading that DHA helps in allergies. Dr Khor says capsules better.

I have started a spree for it in market place. Found this website that sells it at about USD 17 including shipping. If any mummies interested, let me know

btw, they sell Cali bb body wash too. Think it's quite cheap cos when u do BP, they have extra discounts on top of their discounted price. think after max discount and including shipping it is abt USD 15.50. Sounds quite cheap to me. I dunno how much u usually buy but tot i will let those mummies who use it know.
i have decided to let JH try Nordic Naturals Soft gels since reading that DHA helps in allergies. Dr Khor says capsules better.

I have started a spree for it in market place. Found this website that sells it at about USD 17 including shipping. If any mummies interested, let me know

btw, they sell Cali bb body wash too. Think it's quite cheap cos when u do BP, they have extra discounts on top of their discounted price. think after max discount and including shipping it is abt USD 15.50. Sounds quite cheap to me. I dunno how much u usually buy but tot i will let those mummies who use it know.
Playgroup : just a suggestion, since the mummies at JG are doing at mainly for company, then why not do one on your own rather than be unhappy with the teacher at JG?

SY, good to hear that u r starting hopefully a weekly playgroup. I've recently started one at my place, and I find it's really quite easy to plan for one. I'm not ambitious with big projects but plan the prog along the zoophonics concept. have just post on my blog on this ...

Playgroup #2 - Please choose from the dates 25th, 26th, 27th. Indicate in order of preference
- For location, we can either do it at Durianlover's place, Sleepingdeer's place or at my mom's place (but my mom's place very inconvenient - Toh Tuck)Please indicate preference as well.

1. SY - All dates and place fine with me
2. tabbiesus
3. mashy (24th,26th,28th morn ok)
4. Cookie (wun love join.. Kae has been in confienment with me for past 1 mth :p)
5. Flo (put my name down first, should be able to take leave)
6. sleepingdeer - will try to make whatever date is set
7. Chicken Little (26th or 27th is fine and prefer Durianlover's place)
8. durianlover - can't make it on 27/09 & 28/09 AM; prefer 25th or 26th. Wld prefer sleepingdeer's place actually coz my place a bit small leh! But i don't mind anyplace actually.
9. Rachel
10. Slinky (depends on location. if durianlover's place, any weekday is fine)
4 of the filters are here already. I'll pack your filter together with your ON#2 stuff when it arrives.

ON spree update
The ON package has arrived at CGW. We should get it latest by week after next but if nothing goes wrong, we should get it next week.

LuckyVitamin is cheaper. Their softgel is $16.44 and their Cali BB bodywash is only $12.50
BTW, there are many different types of softgels from Nordic Naturals. The one recommended for children 3 and above is the strawberry one @$16.44 for 120 softgels. However, I read that children below 3 not recommended to take capsules, esp if they cant swallow well cuz they risk choking. That's y we took the 8oz liquid form.

i recalled trying to buy zaditen off the counter, but was turned down.

where's durianlover and sleepingdeer's place?

Oct full already. I called after that and got a slot only in Nov.
I haven't paid yet. So hopefully still have space. Maybe they gave my space up already.
Hi SY and Aileen,
I tried the one at Beauty World Centre, the one with Mac in front... tried the wed morning one.

BTW, they are also starting a bilingual class in Oct, but it's only 1hour english, and half hour Mandarin...
Zaditen can only be purchase at pharmacy upon prescribtion from doc.

Thinking back... i have not paid you for the class leh can sms my your account again.
linda - yeah its me at hi5 show. i met up with rena when she called me. she did mentioned that you were there too. didnt know you guys were there too. i thot zhimin and CL were there so was looking up for them instead. btw, happy anniversary to you too! hmm..since hb not ard..maybe can take the time to pamper urself, go for spa, mani and pedi and shopping and charge under ur hb? hee...
i checked out the prices at both lucky vitamin and iherb. currently they have a 10% off for iherb and additional 8% if can hit about USD 200. So the price including shipping is USD 17 per bottle. how much was your shipping per bottle from LV?

the one that i m interested in is for 3 years and above one. it is 180 soft gels strawberry one for kids. i only saw 2 sizes, 180s and 90s. i know what u mean abt the swallowing thing. i told hb if JH rejects, he has to eat it..haha

the cali bb quite cheap cos they give extra discount if u hit certain amt. can get about 8% more from the price listed.

no, u din ask me to sign up for u for the class.

will sms u my acct number.
what do you do during playgroup? i m not veyr good at doing one

maybe u read my post wrongly. the prices i posted include shipping so u may wan to consider that for your cali bb wash. but they only sell the body wash for cali bb and nothing else. the prices are based on max purchase of about USD 240.
can pm me ur blog address? tx!

i'm thinking of trying out zoophonics. maybe will sign up for the bilingual sunday class.

Ha ha I must have clicked on wrong button trying to find good seats so I din realise I clicked on 1 pm show instead of 4 till i collected the tickets.

FREE Trial at Cherie Hearts
Course : Kids in Motion
Date : 15 Sep , Sat

Course outline
An integreated creative movement and dance programme
A programme endorsed by Singapore Sports Council (SSC)

This prog guides children during preschool years to become physically confident, competent and to be able to fulfil the demand placed on them later in life. It allows yound children to have opportunities to be active while expressing themselves through movement and senses.

We explore and encourage children to respond imaginatively to stimuli using all their senses promoting proper vocab usage and assessing learning outcomes

Objectives :
aims to lay a strong physical foundation through the development o kinaesthetic awareness and self-management in young children. WIll learn to recognise and demostrate the basic elements of time, space and energey. Through process of exploration, children will discover how to utilize these elementss to arrive at multiple solutions to creative movement problems.

Learning outcomes:
Children able to achieve at end of the programme :
breathing technique
musically skills
confidence in physical activities
participation and cooperation
body awarenesss
spatial awareness
locomotor travelling and non locomotor skills ( balance, twist, swinging , body control)
Body part isolation
safety and correct behaviour

Not all will be applicable as this is for age group 2 - 3 and 3 - 4 , they are customised for our age group

Class 1: 10 - 10.30 am

1) Denmy - Keenan
2) Cheng -Aidan
3) Flo - Melody
4) Chicken Little - Aden
5) Tabbiesus - Tabitha
6) Esther - Renee
7) SH - JW
8) SL - Charmaine
9) Chicken little's fren
10) Chicken Little's fren

Anyone else interested ? we can always form a second class after the above timing. This first class has been submitted liao

Class 2: 10.45 - 11.15 am

Min 5 pax and max 10. Those who are interested must let me know by tomorrow. I will then help collate the list for Cherie Hearts
wow the first class so fast formed. i must have missed your posting on this.

I can't make it this sat cos got wedding. let me know what u think of the class after this. sounds interesting
Ha ha I never post for first class. Because the JG class was looking for alternative, stay in JG or whatever mah. So the first class formed within the JG group
i didn't really check out the age of the students whom are in the same class as my gal. but from what i observe, the oldest is about 2 yr old. Older one can follow the teachers singing and actions better. and they are normally sitting during the class, rarely see any of them walking around. i think my gal was the youngest there in last term.
finally can access the forum!!

Playgroup #1
1. SY
2. jamom
3. Jamom's fren
4. cheng
5. cookie

Playgroup #2 - 27th CL's place

Okie, fixed the date and location. Please confirm attendance.

1. SY - All dates and place fine with me
2. tabbiesus
3. mashy (24th,26th,28th morn ok)
4. Cookie (wun love join.. Kae has been in confienment with me for past 1 mth :p)
5. Flo (put my name down first, should be able to take leave)
6. sleepingdeer - will try to make whatever date is set
7. Chicken Little (26th or 27th is fine and prefer Durianlover's place)
8. durianlover - can't make it on 27/09 & 28/09 AM; prefer 25th or 26th. Wld prefer sleepingdeer's place actually coz my place a bit small leh! But i don't mind anyplace actually.
9. Rachel
10. Slinky (depends on location. if durianlover's place, any weekday is fine)
So anyone else interested in the Kids In Motion ?

If this Sat you are not able to make it, can also form a group for another day.

ic. then i think i'll give it a pass for now. maybe u can take some pics and post it in the yahoo! groups after the lesson. and let us know if it's good =)
