2005 East Mommies

Yeah... I target their durian puree & desserts...heehee..

I almost forgotten abt The Line at Shangri-la! Their oyster & sashimi is VERY FRESH! They have discount for the birthday diner which varies according to her age! Must book early.

Hong... you are the first person that I know who doesn't like Merchant Court =p

Cat... that one you need to book like 1 month in advance leh =p It is very difficult especially since they also have a quota to work with.
Wow you all are talking abt food! Made me want to salivate. Now is 1 week holiday for the kids in pri/sec school so shoik. See my nieces shaking legs at my mom's place for the whole week! For me I have already started work since last month already!
They still have this promo on? I thought it ended. Hmm... then I must get someone the older the better right??? hee hee...
So i am the odd one. hahaha..
I dun fancy durian puree lah. I always find the cooked dishes at the buffet so so. I only like sashimi and oyster & soup... Think not worth to go buffet with me.
Just PM u my no.

Attack oysters & sashimi are good enuff to give a justice to your wallet. Kekeke....

Tok abt durian puree, last nite the channel 8 was showing the chef Eric teaching the stall to make it! Location at Commonwealth rite? *slurps
Wow still have not finished talking about food yar? Would love to join and meet you all mommies if there is any makan gathering. Then I will be able to exchange hp nos. with you le!

Do you mind if I ask something not related to food? Would like to know whether if there is any good place to go for holiday yar? Those value-worth package?
Who u r going with & wat's your budget? There are many factors to determine how far u can go.

If u r bringing along the young kids, I would suggest to go for a nearby beach resort.
yup will be taking kids. Just a thought for now. So start to research abit see whether any place good to go with kids - 2 yrs old and a bb. Cos I really need a breather. There are a few moments I just cracked/broke down due to stress and depression so dh said maybe we shd go for a short trip and of course I jumped at his offer!
Actually I feel a bit stress if I bring 2 kids out at the same time. There will always be some moments when they become cranky especially at the unfamilar places. Unless I have someone to help me, that will be another story.. :p

Some of the nicest beach resort I had went that are kids friendly are Holiday Inn (Phuket) or Nuasa Dua Beach Resort( Bali). Nearer one can take a look at Bintan Lagoon. They have a very nice powdery beach.
Hahahaa...cat_tail, if I have a choice I also prefer not to bring kids.. but both my gals very young, I have not stayed one night without them before and they have grown very attached to me too. On top of that I am still nursing my bb so I guess no choice gotta bring them along and at the same time try to relax and enjoy. Sounds very idealistic but I know I should not pin so much hope to make it work....

Anyway, I will forward these places to my dh. Really hope this trip will materialise, hahahaa..
Meeyah... I think the best is to go somewhere that will allow you to do things at your own time and target. Plus not a lot of shuttling around. It is not easy to bring a baby and a 2-year old around.
i suggest Msia. KL, Genting.. near n kids friendly.. yr 2yr old can play at the park with daddy.. while u carry baby n jagar stroller :p walk ard the park.. nice weather..
if u more adventurous, take a short flight.. anything 3hrs n below shld be ok.. eg HK, bali.. (but bali, healthcare not tat great.. ) best is Australia.. everything kids friendly.. but then again.. its a min 5hrs flght.. u can take midnite flight so kids sleep n arrive there 6am.. jus nice.. pick up a car from airport n drive to hotel!
Going anywhere wif Elaina after your Aussia holiday lately?

Wif 2 small kids, better dun be too adventurous...haha... Btw, have u ever tot of cruise? Simply eat, sleep & relax! What a pig life!

Btw, my younger son only travel to Bintan so far. 1 hr ferry & still can cope. Other than that, I dun have the guts to bring him out further. Poor chap. :p
Hi meeyah

I think a short curise would be a good choice. You can always go back to the room when your BB wanted to sleep or needs a diaper change.

Alternatively, you can try Genting or Bintan resort
Toking abt holiday..heehee.. I am leaving Hong Kong next mth & then Bangkok (only wif my gf) in Nov. Really looking forward for my coming trips!
Wow so nice cat_tail to know that you are flying off just when I am planning for one, hahaha..Ya thinking of cruise too. Everything self-contained and I also saw in the newspaper that there is some kind of promotion! My dh is going to call to check for more details.

Odie, which part of Aussie did you go to? You brought along Elaina?

ep, I thought of Genting before Cruise. My cousin who brought her dds there said my gals are too young to enjoy the theme park. 2 yrs old can only play the indoor rides but not able to participate in outdoor ones so no-no for us. Maybe when Clarisse is older which is a few years down the road. KL, never thought before. Is there anything special in KL? I can only think of shopping which is not suitable for 2 yrs old rite?

Hi Lin2004, this is the first time I see you in this thread. Hello there!
actually, at most theme parks, there is nothing for kids below 3yrs.. hv to be accompanied by adults..
outdr park at genting, yr 2yrold can sit those tea cup, flying dumbo, alot of kiddy rides.. indr, carousel ... i go there alomost 2times a yr..

i guess i will be able to meet cat_tail on the 15th oct.. hahah..we will be in same hotel.. she departing 16thoct.
am planning my korea trip in dec now!! SNow SNow Snow..

i went to taipei, perth, and going to HK n Korea with my boys (3 &5yrs).. this yr.. if u still bf yr baby, it shld be a breeze to bring both kids.. i cant bear to leave 1 at home.

KL-sunway lagoon? also not gd for 2yrold. i still think genting.. weather alone is gd experience for yr girl.. fun to run ard in outdr park.. or a drive trip to cameron highlands.. sit n do nothing.. walk in parks..
Royal Carribean got some promo abt kids cruising free. Worth to check out!

We can say hello & bye bye at Hong Kong..kekeke
Btw, I feel like giving Mongkok a miss. Recently too many acid splash incidents & they still can't find the culprit! Scary...

re: Korea
How's your plan? U call up Michael?
wow all going for holidays. I brot the kids for a few short getaway as well and I always feel exhasted after that. Went hometown, Gentings, Batam, Desaru. Then my BIL count us in for a drive in hometwon trip again in Dec. I told my hubby I havent say YES yet.

Just thinking of it make me feel tired.

I hope I can go for a trip just with my mum next yr. Never really travel alone with her before.
Sorry ladies for the late reply! Busy in the office and my maid is still on leave -.-""

So looking forward to 1 October when my maid is back and my pressing deadline at work is over.

Cat... I haven't worked up the courage to bring Elaina on any long trips after our Aussie trip. My mum is planning on Japan next year. I probably will tag along. Elaina can now go without afternoon nap and is more garang about forgoing her routine for play. So hopefully it will work out better. Initially was planning to toilet train her by then to cut down on the luggage space but not much luck with her leh =S Hope you enjoy your upcoming trip!!

Meeyah... we went to Adelaide, Canberra and Sydney. Almost wanted to do Tasmania but decided not too as the trip will be too long for the kids. But it is a bit tough for Elaina because it was winter and the flight was too long for her. My boy (3 y/o then) took it much better. Yes, cruise is another good option. At least the baby can sleep and change as and when required. We went on one earlier this year and the kids were much easier to manage.

Ethel... I idolize you for your courage... muwahahahahha. The number of trips that you took since I knew you is probably about as many as I had took in my entire life time so far =p
Hong... no matter how many days you go away and how far you go has got no bearing on the amount of time you take to prepare for the trip and the amount of time to unpack. Plus because the trip is so short, the work in the office will just sit in your tray waiting for you. The level of exhausation will be the same whether it is a long or short trip.

To me, if I want to go I make sure it will last at least 10 days to make it more worth my while hur hur hur =p
Yes, confirm liao, we are gg to weekend cruise sometime in nov/dec. Yippee ai ai Yippee Yippe ai!! Mood is lifted up by a few notch..hopefully can last for one more mth! Someday if possible really would like to meet up with you all, see how are you gals like in person. Seems like a bunch of friendly moms who really know how to enjoy life. Hahahaa..must mix with you all more often to relieve stress.
u are right! I shld plan for a longer trip next time.

wow u are indeed very happy leh. hahaha.
Japan NICE~ Dun give up diaper on Elaina yet...keke... how to find toilet in the midst of your journey? :p

Finally got something to look forward!

Which cruise u sign up?

Winter in Korea is nice! Got testimonial from me & Ethel. *lol
harlo!!! i'm back after MIA for so long. finally more or less settle down.

cat, got news on acid splash at mongkok?? me flying to HK next week with my 2 kids leh.

Meeyah, so fast started work? how's life so far with 2 kids? for me, its like a total farewell for my freedom
freedom? I thot no freedom after we have kid? Urs only started after having 2nd kid.

Winter Korea, Yes yes.. hahhaa
Meeyah... Have a great trip. Always good to have something to look forward to. Sure! Just make sure you turn up at our next gathering. Which reminds me that we should perhaps try and do one in November. Anyone keen. I'm suggesting Nov cos my Oct is quite filled =p

Cat... that question did cross my mind. maybe have a piece of diaper on standby. If really cannot tahan can still pee in the diaper? At least for Matty can use mineral water bottle... muwahahahahah =p

Pheobe... you too going on a trip?? You girls are making me itch lah =p Hang in there once the 2nd kiddo gets to 12 or 18 months you should find it alot easier.

Hong... at least with 1 can still breathe from time to time but with 2, don't even need to think about it.
aiyo, should not be that bad. U get to breathe more when they are older. hahaha...
I enjoyed more when I am alone with the kids back home. Cutest part when the kids help out with the hsehold chores.
finally see u ard..
u going HK?? what dates? where u staying? Cat-Tail :13-16, ep: 15-21.. still hv acid slash ah?? sigh!!
i just finalize my HK tdy!! after lots n lots of ding dong!! almost gave up on the trip! going on F&E package this time!

once u master the skills of bringing 2 for hols, it will be easier the next rd.. gets easier..
i must say the packing can kill!!! my hb only packs for himself.. i hv to think for 3.. + diapers+milk+clothes+spare..
boys easier with toilet.... i use those air sick bags.. hahahha.. pee n throw..
tdy jedd conveniently jus went to some plants n pee in public.. he didnt even tell me.. sigh!

odie, hong
winter in korea...!!! i m going again!!
hope all are well and fine..

holiday, holiday.. have booked for a cruise trip on-board royal caribbean for dec with a mere $2 upgrade from balcony cabin to their junior suite.. was happy and looking forward until recently, i have mixed feelings, keep thinking if we have made an impulsive decision..

you are my idol..

at least your hubby packs his own, i have to pack for my hubby too..
to make it worse, i will be nagged throughout and even after the the trip if i bring something not to his liking or missed out anything.. :'(

i should be fine to meet in november, let me know when and i will try to take leave, need to clear my leave too..
Next week is China Golden week leh! Can be crowded so do book whatever in advance. U enjoy & rembr to share some 1st hand travel tips. :p
re: Acid splash
Heard they had 8 attacks so far & the cops still haven't found the culprit.. I will definitely give that place a miss.

Jan & Julian will be very thrill if u r bringing them to Korea! Plus it's a cheaper place to see snow..kekeke.. easy for our pockets too.

Realise that's the pro of having boy. Rubber band can oso rite? *lol

How much u pay for the cruise? I am very very keen but hubby dun like. Dun worry, my frd said royal carribean is great! I tink they have a dress code for the meal so must rembr.
isnt yr hotel in mongkok?? i not staying at yr hotel.. fully booked.. but i m also in mongkok at prince edward mrt.

:p cruise- must be really ex! i went on star virgo.. found it boring n expensive.. maybe i didnt catch any gd deals.. a few friends went on royal carribean.. and had very gd reviews.. pls update when u get back..
my hb season packer.. sometimes i ask him how many tops n bottom he bringing n i do the same for the boys..

November, the dreaded sch hols.. will let hb take over duty while we meet for buffet dinner or hi tea k?? better still we go batam spa... (hong, heard abt yr 5am karaoke.... wink wink)

hong, do pass my card ard to use.. wasted if its not in use.. its abt $200+ for tat buffet card... so carrie, maggie, go look for hong...
Tried all. I even called for the jetstar price gurantee promo. My package is $750 5n transfers n tickets+ 1/2d city tour
ep, no problem. gers u need the card can get from me.

Ep, which hotels for the card?

Korea winter - the clothes and packing pull me off. I dun sound excited abt holiday at all. hahaha..
I tot u finalise on Royal Plaza? Anyway, your package is oso quite a gd deal wif everything throw in. Btw, the card can be used on which hotel?

Dun u think the kids look super cute on the winter wear? Muwahaha.... trying to excite u. :p
Cat, its the virgo star cruise.

wow hong, korea would always reminds me of the yummy kimchi. Wonder is it cheaper to purchase here in Singapore from the Korean shop or from Korea? Do enjoy ur trip over at Korea and share with us your experience when you cme back leh!

Pheobe you are the 3rd to announce flying off HK. Errrm...abt coping with 2 kids I can only say 50-50. All depends on my gals' mood. If their mood are good then I will have a relax time with them. When one is cranky, somehow it will spark off on the other then I really must have a lot of patience dealing with the situation.

As for freedom, I really rely alot on my parents for help esp during weekend. Bring them over to my mom's place, there will be alot of people to show attention on either of my gals. Then I will be relieved from them for a while.
Never regret having my 2 gals cos seeing your child response back to you in a positive manner. Like hugging me telling me that she loves me, All the little cheeky endeavours would just bring smiles on my face. Even my bb likes to smile whenever we 'talk' to her. So I still think its all worth it lah at the end of the day. When 2 gets older, I agree with hong that we will breathe easier. I say the pending cuirse trip is really doing me good! I feel so positive, kekekekeee!

Odie, I am fine in Nov just need to let me know when...

Carrie, let me know abt your feedback on the royal carribean. If it is good, would consider that to be my next stop!
hong, with no#2.. the last 1% of freedom also gone

odie, flying off to HK next week.. hehe
abit worried that Ash might be too tired but cant worry too much.. just go for it and adapt with the situation.. go with the flow ;)

Ethel, me from 11-14 wor... might be able to catch up with cat but not you.
you shiok la.. HK trip follow by Korea trip

cat, i'm actually looking forward to go there for 'da pai dang' and also shopping at women street..

if give it a miss den dunno where else to go

we might be able to meet up for dim sum on 14th.. my flight in the evening

give me a call when u reach lor
the cruise fare for this trip is $726 each for 1st/2nd pax and $454 each for 3rd/4th pax, the kids are considered as 3rd/4th pax for my case..

sure, but can only provide feedback in Dec..
I guess there r some streets which u can still look fwd for. Just check out the hotel where is the exact acid splash & then u try to siam tat area. Flower streets oso got some goods which I am defintely won't miss. Hope to get some cheap & nice boots. Hee..
Btw, which hotel u stay? 14th we can meet up for some dim sum!! Haha..

The price sounds more reasonable now. Last time when I enquired, kids were charged as adult fare. Really piss my hubby off...
Hahahaa...oops pai sei the msg shd be directed to you ep cos you are gg to Korea again in dec..Thanx hong for the correction!
My maid is finally back and I feel so relieved now ^.^ v

Ok... I will try and organise something when we get nearer to November.

Carrie... I hope you have a good cruise trip!

Cat... I agree that the kids look really cute (like a ball) in winter wear but once they get cranky and the clothings are restricting, that is super not cute liao -.-""

Marco Polo near where? I am staying at Royal Plaza which is very near to Mongkok East MTR. If time permits, we can meet up. U bringing 2 boys along? I only got the guts to bring Edna cos hubby is working.
