2005 East Mommies

leng leng,
thanks, will send the link to my friend..

i will try to endure for the sake of AWS since i have slogged for more than half a year.. unless like what you say when it comes a day i cannot tolerate anymore..

today my senior just told me that the new head wants to restructure the division and will shift my portfolio to another senior who is much disliked by the whole organisation and known for messing up things, i will be reporting to that senior when it happens.. sigh..

she is a demanding person and the whole division has been drained out.. although my senior is mentally exhausted too, he respects and finds that she is a boss whom he can learn from and grow with.. he is willing to give 110% of his time and effort to support the new head.. as such, i feel that if i were to give any unwelcomed feedback, i will be condemned..

leng leng,
i cannot afford and my hubby will sure start kicking a fuss and throwing nonsense at me.. with my current share (over of what i should contribute) of the financial expenses he already likes to make false accusations that i am not helping to ease his burden, if i were to be a SAHM, he will definitely have more craps to say and will end up with more arguments..
this is a major decision to make,
leaving this job may lead you to a better one,
but how long a period, it's not predictable...

Between spouses, many things need to be sorted out,
what if... it's not quiting, but retranched or something else?

Which sector are you in?

I'll let you know if I have any lorbangs.
Shifting your portfolio means lighten your work? Sounds good isn't it? In the meantime, keep a look out for better opportunity. Just in case being arrow if something goes wrong since you said your senior is so useless.
Carrie... there is no harm keeping a lookout and going for job interviews in the interim. It usually will take a while for something you are keen in and able to match your expectation to turn up.

I look at it this way:

(1) If you get a job interview, you may or may not get the job to start with.

(2) Going for job interviews help you to better prepare for the next one.

(3) There is a possibility that you might get lucky and find something worthwhile (i.e. pays you much better and the AWS can be covered in a mere 2 to 3 months).

(4) It helps to keep your spirit up because there is something to "look forward to".

(5) Take it as testing the market. Knowing the demand, employers' expectation, what people are offering out there can help you adjust your own expectation and know what to ask for during pay negotiation.

I agree with Cat that once you go past December there will be tons of people looking to switch jobs. You will end up having to compete with more people. Once the supply goes up, you will find that your bargaining power will go down.

Do consider these factors and most importantly your own well-being. Some things cannot be measured with absolute numbers.
leng leng,
to be honest, i have given up hope on him.. as long as we touches the topic on financial matters, he will come up with loads of rubbish (mostly irrelevant) to attack me and even accuse me of not having room for discussion.. guess what nickname i gave him? stone male..

i am in accountancy, thanks in advance..

not to lighten my load but to move me and my portfolio to another senior..

thanks for your advice, will be more active in my job search.. hope things will be better real soon..

talked about helping to keep my spirit up, i actually eyed on the royal caribbean cruise in Dec and even offer to pay for the whole family (2 adults and 2 kids) my hubby as he was making much noise about finances again.. yet, he said that if i can pay for the trip, why i did not help to pay some of the expenses like the kid's insurance.. faint!!!

feel more and more like a 'toh tiap' maid..
Carrie... don't say that of yourself. I am sure all of us here who are working have to "toh tiap" just like you =p My ex-boss who is a Filippino was shocked when I told her that it is common in Singapore for working women to chip-in for household expenses. Back where she came from what she earns is hers.

Tell your husband if he doesn't want to go on the cruise, you will go on your own and bring those who appreciate with you (I self-volunteer to keep you company LOL).

But seriously, do try and take it easy. Humour helps to diffuse tension. Like what people said "You go into a marriage with 2 eyes opened and once you are in it you need to close both eyes".
err... like this very tough leh,
need to endure that for the next... 30-50 years?
Maybe give him a chance to talk for an hour,
you just listen to what he has to say,
then you digest it & tell him what you think?

My friend asked you to email your resume to [email protected],
she'll try to match a job if there's any vacancy.
what is toh tiap huh??

I kinda understand Carrie's situation abt husband. Many of my friends' husband are like that:
1. some men just don't help in hsework or parenting at all.
2. some men just do not appreciate the role of wife at all. Even tho wife can afford to be sahm, some men just want the wife to work.. Excuses given dowan all the pressure on him to bring dough home.
3. some men are just mommy's boys. So I think the wife feel like she is the outsider while her dh and her in-laws gang up agst her.

Then for me, imagine I am on ML only, my dh thinks that I am enjoying my leave at home shaking legs since bb sleeps most of the time and my gal goes to cc... Please lor. I feel like I have become full-time maid. Juggle between looking after bb and completing all the hsehold chores. Usually if both of us are working, we would complete the hsework together during the weekends. Now I am on leave, he just leave everything to me. So I can't wait to go back to work now.
leng leng,
thanks, will do that..

haha.. 'toh tiap' is 倒贴, and in this instance it is like one pays the employer to be employed and work as a maid..

your hubby is better for he helps in housework when both of you are working, mine cant be bothered at all and i have to do housework and make supper for him (as if he was the one pregnant) as per normal during both pregnancies and confinement (2nd confinement slightly better as i have had a confinement lady).. at times i will do the housework at night after the boys have gone to bed, he still says that i am crazy for doing housework at such late hours..
I guess most of us got our own frustration when the topic touches on hubby. I still rembr vividly that I was sweeping & mopping the floor during my confinement mth for my 1st child! Hubby gave the lame excuse that he was tired after slogging for the whole day... and wat abt me? Handling cranky Edna who only slept upon carry & then night times I still have to suffer with her colic. Till now wif a 2nd child, he still doesn't want to help much on the children care. He would rather get a maid to do all these things. I am still hanging on it cos I dun want to think & compare ard. If I start doing it now, I will surely go berserk.
Cat... you won't go berserk if you start comparing. In fact you will feel better, because 99% of girls out there shares the same situation LOL =p

My hubby is not any better. Never did housework in his entire life. Always had a maid since the day he was born and even when he went to Australia to study, his younger sis will take care of the cooking and washing for him. Now that he is married, he has 2 maids - 1 Indonesia maid and 1 Singapore maid. The only thing he knows how to make is instant noodle using the microwave oven. I ever tried asking him to clean the windows for me. Took him half a day, because in between he will take lots of break to watch TV or surf the net. When he is done, he left the ladder, cloth and cleaner lying on the floor. I have given up loooong time ago. And since I am the neat freak I tell myself probably better to do it myself muwahahahahah =p

On the flip side having a hubby that is too onz also not too good. A friend of mine has a hubby who will help around the house and with the child, but he is like another woman in the house. He gets uptight over little things, he wants to take charge of everything in the house, overly possessive over the child and nags all the time. My friend will always complain why he cannot just take his hands off and leave it to her.

No matter what situation we are in, we will always be unhappy about something.

No offence to anyone in this forum but after reading all those stories of unfaithful or abusive husband.. I can only be thankful that at least mine will still treat me with respect.

That's why there is a song call "shi shang zhi you ma ma hao" but not such version for the father LOL, and the mothers' day will come before fathers' day LOL
at least your hubby compensates the shortfall by employing and paying for a maid to helpout..

my hubby has not been abusive in his action (touchwood!) but he was ever abusive in his words and it had happened more than once.. at times i will try to avoid conflict by ignoring his nonsense, he made nasty remarks like he is talking to the wall.. |||

so far, i find that my brother-in-law has been a good hubby.. he will help out in housework, do his own laundry (at times even do it for my sister), iron his own clothes, give in to most of my sister's request, never complained that my sister is spendthrift, never raised his voice at my sister, pay for her holiday trip though he is unable to join, never force her to go to his parents' place.. envy, envy..

complains being complains, i will try to close both eyes, if need be..

leng leng,
sent and she has contacted me.. thanks..
Carrie... the grass is always greener on the other side. Nobody is perfect so is every marriage. Sounds morbid lah but it is the truth ;p
U do make me feel better..haha..

He will do anything as long as he don't have to touch on housework. *sigh
Sometimes he can be so extreme that even when the kids r falling right infront of his eyes, he can still continue to watch his tv as though they are transparent. *double sigh
Well, I better stop tinking too much on him or else I will really go siao. *lol
Yar carrie. Close one eye or as you said close both eyes. Focus on his virtue rather than his flaws. Hey Leng Leng, seems like you are the only one who has no complaints abt your hubby yor, hehehee...Good for you!
it was not a smooth path for us to get together,
there were many agreements done before we ROM,
so far he's keeping to them,
so no complains lor...

Look on the positive sides, the bright sides,
the happy moments, the unforgetful joyful times.
I have a bad habit of being forgetful, which my hubby's very happy of,
I forget about all the unhappy things.

Life is very short, my brain is very small,
I can't rem many things.

Few of our good friends passed-away,
heard too many regretful words, esp from their spouses, (if only..., if only...)
don't live to blame & be unhappy,
share the short moments together like we're dying ANYTIME...
Good afternoon all mmmies
Been a long while... never been so busy with work.. few projects running at the same time.. one of my colleague tendered resignation and yesterday was her last day... makes me so tempted.. She will be SAHM for the time being, she left cos she has lost passion in her job and cannot click with boss.

Anyway started Tuesday with a fall, knee kena... guess the wound will take a longer time to heal completely. Didn't expect I to have a fall at this age... sigh... Only word to describe myself is - clumsy

Agree with what Odie mention. Go for interview when there's opportunity. As for spouse, can't expect too much. For mine I can't pick on too much at the very least he helps to clean up the place every Friday before I and my boy is back, and he plays with my boy too and helps in looking after him. If I want to compare, there are many things I can pick on but guess this is marriage, give and take.
when?? where?? korean bbq??? 50% off... weekdays...

Old Navy
i hv 30% off Old navy/gap
pm me yr orders by sunday... offer till 2nd aug (USA time)
Complaining abt hubby? I have tones of complaints and he just said something which i find humilating to me last night. I was so upset and refused to talk to him.

I like what u said. Yes only mummy HAO!

u are such a poor thing. Dun worry, we are always here to support u.
Some men are selfish, they want us to bring a portion of the bread home and yet still expecting us to be a wife, perform fulltime housewife chores and a mother.

Stime I feel like a maid, cook but still got pick by hubby and kids. Really feel like throwing away all the roles and walk out of the house.

U are not alone... jia you jia you!
BTW, sms me when u can reach home early. I go over to get my book back from u.
i am at work.. can you believe it?

came back to work on saturday and today, that is on top of normal working and overtime till late night almost every workday.. physically and mentally exhausted.. i am not alone, most of my colleagues came back to work on saturday on today..

feel really really guilty for not having enough time for my mum and the kids..
Poor Carrie,
Bear wif it for the time being. Once the closing period is over, life should be back to normal.

Anyone sending yor kids for any Chinese class like Berries, Yuquan or Molin? Need some feedbacks.
cat, Berries I heard is good lor..So far have not heard bad comments.

Carrie, you get to work on public holiday? DO you get to entitle double pay OT? Think you better pin your hopes on getting a better job. If this current job is the worst, then you would not need to worry that you get a job even worse than your current one..What I mean you will be 'seasoned' by the time you land on a new job.

Time flies, I will be gg back to work after next week. I have mixed feelings. Dun feel like going back to work - wish to be sahm and spend time with my gals BUT that means no extra income. Money Not Enough!
U can try Berries, nearer to us.

YuQuan is opening just beside my blk but they have programme for Nursery.
I am going to let her go for a Berries' trial tomolo. The only fallback is the fees... very exp.
Oh yes, there is a Yuquan at the Guillemard village. I am quite interested to find out more but they din get back to me leh. I guess they r still in the preparation. Out of topic, did u try their zhi char? I saw there was a crowd so maybe one of the days can try out.

Btw, how is Molin? Last time I heard that u try to put Jannette there rite?

Wait for me!!! Let me check wif Ethel whether she has ordered my stuff.
YuQuan doesnt have anything for N2. They only have K1 programme at Guillemard Village.

I have tried their zhi char but i dun find the food that nice.
Thanks for the replies.

And lucky u tell me abt the zhi char, almost want to try out during the weekends. Looks like there's really nothing to look forward at the Guillemard Village. We will have to retreat back to KLP to njoy the free air-con. Heehee..
u can still tried the zhi char. My taste may be different from urs.

I didnt try the crab, their crabs are really huge! The shell is bigger than my palm.
Haha.. I trust your taste.

Anyone interested in the play "DUCK and DIVE - The Ugly Duckling & The Frog Prince"? Can PM me for the discount codes.
Cat, OMG... they didnt clean the dishes well.
If so then I dun think they will survive long.

So my taste is quite similar to urs. hahaha..

We ordered a fried veg, it taste like what I can prepare at home.

There is another Nasi Lemak stall, it was not in the food court. The location was quite weird, it was beside the food court. I was looking high and low for it and happened to find it later.

Yet to try the food.

We went Aston last night, I nearly ordered the wagyo steak which cost $40 but end up ribeye and hubby took ribeye with xtra cut. Nice..

They have a new branch at the Singpost foodcourt. I tried the black pepper steak althot is the cheapest steak but still taste juicy and tender.
Totally agree! I dun tink it can hold on long. WE almost feel like trying their crab but after sounding their price ($40/kg!!), we swallow our saliva. Might as well walk a bit further down to No Signboard. :p Btw, our toufu dish was more exp than our prawns salad! Ridiculous!!

Nasi Lemak good? I wonder whether u r refering to the shops along the badminton hall?

re: Aston
Yes, I noe there's one outlet at SIngpost. Edna had her ballet there so we always sniff at it. Heehee... Suntec oso has one. 1st round was very tasty & juicy but subsequent rounds were bad. The steak is dry & burnt. I just find their standard not so persistent leh. Did u manage to try our hawker Holy Grill! Very very good!! Luv their grilled fish & side dishes.

I saw u walking to the bus-stop while dining at GV.
I tired holy grill but not their steak. Oh ur Aston steak dint turn out well. U shld complain, afterall we paid for it. I meant we are not expecting anything like the high class restaurant standard but if customer asking for medium, the steak cant be well done lor.

Dun try the swenson steak, terrible.

I went back to the food court again. This time round trying the Thai stall. I ordered the Tom Yam noodle, very shiok. The tom yam soup was spicy and sour but the portion was not really huge, not for a hungry man.

I ordered the kuay tiao and the thai kuay tiao was really thin but really nice.

Nasi Lemak stall - yah tat is the one. Didnt want to pile myself with carbon for dinner so may try for lunch next round.
Are you referring to the seafood stall in GV? "Song" something???

You saw me? When was there? Sat evening?

If my memory didn't fails me, I recall that you have tried the buffet at the Saltwater in Changi Village Hotel? How is it?

Anyone have tried the buffet in The Straits at the Rendevous Hotel? Would like to have some feedback.
Yah I went Saltwater. The food ok but no oyster if u are looking for that. THey have bbq seafood thot. Ok for 1 for 1 but i wun go if not for the offer.
Jas... I have been to the one at Rendevous Hotel 6 years ago. It was so~so but I have to say that because it was cheap it was acceptable to me =p

You looking for buffet places?
Din make a complain... maybe should have & then they will give me a free meal. Haha..

I think it was a Sun or wat. Saw u, Joel & your hb.

My fav buffet is still Merchant Court. Think they have the promo of 1 free for 3 paying diners.
Thanks for the feedback. I am looking for a nice place for lunch to celebrate my sis BD. Now Saltwater and the one at Rendevous got promo, so thought of trying either one of them.

I know Merchant Court is nice but there's only 2 of us.
the GRandcopthorne , 1 for 1 with UOB card.. with oysters, sashimi n some other food.. call up chk offer...
how many pple in yr party group??

Thanks for the info. I will call it up. Only got my sis and myself...

Guess most people like their Durian Puree
