2005 East Mommies

Hahahaa..hong, I actually thought of having 3 kids leh! But after 2nd one, my dh seems like havin 2nd thots. Cos currently we seem to have our hands full. He takes care of Clarisse and I take care of Keryn. Worst of all, one by one starting from Clarisse who got the flu from cc, we are beginning to get sick. My dh is already down with flu and my throat starts to get itchy. We are getting more short-fused cos of lack of good rest.

Anyway my dh likes to use this excuse saying wait till we strike toto first but we seldom buy, how to strike? So instead of keep thinking of planning for #3 when time is ripe, maybe I should brainwash myself to stop at #2 too.

Carrie, does Cody have diarrhoea? I heard teething can cause that too. It must be hard on you to juggle work and taking care of cranky bb. At least I am on maternity leave so dun have to think abt work.
Thank you ladies I am heartened to see all your encouragements. I know it is a phase that I will pass through but cos I am in the process now, it just seems so far to reach the next milestone.
i did not apply any teething gel for cody, used the chinese medicinal powder for coen so did the same for cody, i do not think it is molar.. by then, i will have a worse period? :'(

salute you for wanting to have 3rd kid, my hubby would like to have a daughter but i violently object.. there is no guarantee, i have to go through the pregnancy and delivery again, endure more nonsense from him and my ILs, still working full time, tighter finances, bla bla bla.. no way i will make his dream come true!

last few days no diarrhoea for cody but today he poos a few times and quite watery so i reckon this is due to his teething too..

you take care and get well soon.. take some herbal tea if you can as the weather is terribly hot..
u want that teething thing? hb going australia tmrw.. c if he dare to shop.. let me know.. abt $15 for 50ml n $20 for 100ml
called Brauer Teething relief. can us to calm baby whenever irritated by whatever.. save us from the crankiness.. its liquid oral syrup with natural ingredients and no paracetamol or asprin.

I guess C905 got too much functions & it causes the phone to slow down.

No protection & then make the rice cook lor.. kekeke.. at that time, just blame it on accident & I am sure your hubby can't do anything much. :p
The Singapore Penal Code protects womenfolk. Even if you rape your husband, there is nothing he can do about it LOL =p

wow! so the tricks a hubby could use to get the wife pregnant can be applied the reverse way.. haha.. i told my hubby that i will castrate him if he gets me pregnant again.. haha.. anyway i have just started on the contraceptive jab..
Hahahaaa..this is so funny. I thot rape is one party is unwilling. I cannot imagine wife rape husband. Never would a husband would want to reject ML. So how would that consider a rape?
Just a short post... so busy with work.. really up to my head liao...

Talking about phones... guess mine should be the oldest of age.. am still using the nokia 6020 for coming to 4 yrs liao... hee hee..

All the talks about making babies are so funny....
Violent leh!! Is that how u made your no. 3?? Muwahaha...

How's the injection? Any effects on your body? I am still on pills.

Great to hear from you & catch up wif us.

Any gd lobang for a gd meal?
haha... he is not stupid ok....
Anyway 2 is pretty comfortable now. May just stop at 2 but I think I will regret later. I still find 2 kids too little.
Hong... you very pro-government like Leng Leng LOL. I think anything more than 2 will make me go crazy. A ratio of 1:1 (1 parent to 1 child) is a good number fo me.
hi, can i check for 2005 child
Primary 1 intake will be in 2010 or 2011

and how do i know whether in 1km or not ?

Thank you
U r so productive! Keke...

Same tots as Odie, 2 is enuff for me. I only got 2 hands.. :p

It's 2011. Call up the school to find out whether your home is within 1km.
my grandma (mum's mum) advise...
She has 12 children,
my mum's the 2nd child, the eldest daughter.

During my grandma & mum's time,
the men don't stay at home,
either working or out with friends.
U kidding me?! 12!! I must kneel down infront of your grandma!
R u going to follow her footsteps? *lol
u r most welcome.

my dad's mum have 13! haha...
Can't follow liao, she have her 1st child at age 17,
I'm 10 years behind her plan.
Leng Leng... I take my hat off the older folks but we cannot deny that these days kids are harder to manage. Even my in-laws and parents said that. My mum was a houswife and had to take care of 3 kids on her own plus all the housework. I asked her how she managed. She said thatthe kids then a bit more "gong" so can sit and meddle with the same toys for hours. But she noticed that with Matty and Elaina, they can't and need to have constant interaction with adults.
isn't it great that our kids are smarter?
That's what comes out of the supplement we take when pregnant,
the AA, DHA, etc. etc...
My Mum and MIL said the same things as ur mum. When my youngest sister was borned, she leave her to our care cos we are then 11yo. We can carry her and feed her, only need my mum to shower my sister when she was an infant.

My grandma also gave birthed to 10 kids.
Sounds like at least u r goin to have half a dozen? *lol

Absolutely agree that kids from our generation r so smart. Last time one parent can handle 4 kids. But now it's 4 caretakers struggling with 1 kid. :p Next time, I will tell my kids pls dun pass down their children for me to take care.

Wow... 10! I always tot my grandma who had 7 children is quite a record holder. I am so SK.
Wow Lengleng, can cope or not?? You have 100% support from your parents/in-laws, is it? Otherwise you have maid(s)?? I just feel not cheap to bring up children..With all the enrichment classes, childcare fees, educational fees, etc...
leng leng..
my ideal nbr of kids is also 4.. but its really not easy to bring them up. Financially.. it not easy.. then housing them is also a prob.. imagine 3 boys 1 girl.. then the girl gets own room while the boys squeeze... i wld hv settled for 2 kids if i had a girl n boy.. sigh! still want to hv a daughter but what are the odds..hahahahh..
till today, no maid,
MIL bring kids home after school,
we bring them home every night.

Still planning, no firm yet.

the 5 of us are still sleeping in the same room,
try #3 then see how lor.
Jia you & go for no. 4!! I give u morale support! Haha...

If LengLeng had the courage for no.3, I am sure her path will get smoother when another one comes along.
But for me, I tink I had enuff for 2.
hahaaa...ethel, now that I have 2 gals I wish the opp of yours that is a boy but I wonder what is my odds too. Anyway planning #3 is gg to be a few yrs later. We dunno what would happen in this short few yrs time.. Who knows situation will make us stop at #2...

Lengleng, jia you yor! Keep us posted with your good news if you plan to go ahead for #4!!
Leng Leng... not only am I going to take my hat off you... I will have to kiss the floor you walk on =p

Ethel... I asked myself this question before and my stand is that I won't try for the 3rd. 2 boys already quite rowdy, if turned out to be 3 boys lagi more rowdy =p
Ep recommended the lunch at River city, I have not tried it yet. I have been wanting to try the Nonya buffet hi-tea somewhere near Bugis but it is only avaiable on weekends. Quite cheap it is at $8.80
i mean the chilli padi at bugis? I tried that before, good and cheap.

Leng Leng/EP,
4 is also wat I wanted. My hubby said 3 is enough.. now he says 2 is very good.. hahaha..
Chilli Padi buffet at $8.80? Wow, this is even cheaper than their catering! Oh, I still can rembr their kuehs! *slurp slurp
hope all are fine and well..

i am tired and exhausted.. a new head just join and she is impossibly demanding.. :'( have been working late these days and continue from home till as late (or rather early) as 3am+.. she is really terrible!! :'(

by the way, any of you are hainanese? my friend is getting married and she would like to know what are required from the hainanese bride? her in-law is making some weird requests.. thanks..
i have started looking and will change if a better offer comes by.. then again, i was wondering if it is a good time now as i need to serve 2 months' termination notice, by the time i accept the offer and served notice, it might be near december and i will not get any of the AWS after slogging for the year..

first time in my career life to be under such an absurd boss.. :'(
Carrie, if you can tahan till you get the AWS, why not..cos even if you quit now u still gotta tahan for another 2 mths leh. On top of that, you may or may not found a job when you serve your 2 mth notice. Maybe find a job first then you quit. Save all your leave to serve your notice lor. I have one colleague very shiok used his mth that is equivalent to 1 mth to serve his 1 mth notice..

But then if it is really really very bad cannot endure for another day that feeling, no choice lor go and throw letter with no hesitation!

Oh dear, must take very good care of yourself. Did u try to tok to your new boss? If she's still so unreasonable & u r so drained... then dun wait anymore. My tot is there are also a lot of ppl waiting to tender once they get their yr end bonus, so finding a job could be very challenging.

The ball is rolling for P1 registeration! Omg, my choice sch needs to ballot even though it's at phase 2B. *cold sweat
