(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

meixue, my newborn also lidat mah, eg: yday evening she last poo, last nite, midnite, this morning, whole day, never poo, till just now afternoon, she poo, alot...gush out....same as wat u mention, as if she stored it to gush out @ one time..

isit normal?
my elder child never faced this prob when she's newborn!
BB frequently suckling is best to bring in milk supply. I also didn't pump, but notice that I start to have engorgement (hard lumps) in the middle of night by the 3rd week.

I'm also total bf. Same as Jeslyn, I haven't start regular pumping and storing EBM yet. Always let bb latch on. Like straycats said, the best is let bb latch on frequently, the ss will sure come in. Besides eat well, you need to rest/sleep too. I found my breast heavy after every nap, and then after feeding bb, breast become softer and lighter! Can tell that bb is drinking the milk.
If you feel engorge, then you have a lot of milk! Pump longer and stronger. But let bb suckle is best way to relief engorgement.

same here. Tristan used to poo after every feed, now lesser. Sometimes he cries loudly before he poo.
I gana his urine and poo when changing him in the middle of night. *urgh* More clothes to wash lor.
moonbell..i also can feel the breast becomes soft & light, just tat dono how heavy is it when it get hard...
(i mean the amount of supply baby drink)
I'm in a dilemma about latching/pumping. Sometimes when I see baby drinking EBM like very pityful, had to worry if he gets colic by getting air from milk bottle or less bonding with me etc. Anybody can bottle feed the baby, but only I can latch. I've even observed that when MIL was carrying the baby, and he feel hungry..his eyes keep focusing on me..that was sooo sweet..hehe.

But the good thing about pumping is that, i can go out shopping feeling more relaxed, since I know bb still have milk at home..and also will envy how much others can pump each day..because pumping out milk can have an amount to quatify, when latching-dunno how much/is he full enuff.

So, I'm doing half half now..

Yeah, I think after bb suckle can feel breast becomes soft& light. But after pumping, I dun really hv that feel.

Re: Poo for BF baby
My baby poos soooo often, half of our nappy and diaper are wasted becos Very often after change new nappy/diaper he will poo again. So heart pain.

Btw ladies, Does your baby fart???
My baby fart a lot, the sound is very similar to adult one. Sometimes I will ask the daddy is it he fart or baby fart..heheh..So funny.
For the first time when Fauziah does the binding it is not tight, later it will get tighter and tighter and tighter...then you will see alot of difference. Just tell her what you want and if she can deliver, she will try her best. My mom likes her massages alot, she wants her to do it for her on a weekly basis.

Megan poo about 4 times a day now. And all are in big gushes. She can even poo when she is sleeping and she does get very cranky before her poo comes..I wonder why???

Ha ha! Megan farts alot and her daddy will try to smell and differentiate whether it is poo or fart. Sometimes she farts when she is feeding from me or from the bottle...abit gross I must say, especially from a girl.

I also share the same feelings on latching Megan on. I like the look on her face and I also feel that only I can get that bond that others can't.

RE: Pump & Direct Feed
Aye, maybe I am the abnormal one. Be it pump / direct, my breasts will feel soft after every session. But like what moonbell say, after a nap / sleep, my breasts can feel heavier again.

Do you feel that your breasts are not as big as before? Infact, mine has grown smaller.
Any plans for BB's 1mth party? What about the cakes?
Regarding MS,

Hmm... my 1st express milk was on the 5th day when my breasts were engorged, think there was 40ml... After the massage lady came to massage, I could pump 70 ml that day!!

As for me, I only took the papaya fish soup on the 4th day and the ms came the next day! Then I have been having steamed fish, cod fish or ngorh fish for lunch and dinner, for breakfast my CL cooks noodles for me. Every time before I pump, I will play some smoothing music, massage my breasts wif hot towel.

You must relax and rest well, I find that it is best to pump after a hot bath, after meals, and also after naps, or when you wake up in the mornings... Hope these tips help!

Btw, anyone has the carpel tunnel syndrome? I had that during my preggie on my right hand, and now aft delivery, my left hand has it!!! Poor me! So my MIL asked me to go Yu Ren Sheng and I took the chinese medicine, but my bb has been vomiting milk very badly so I stopped the med liao! I'd rather suffer myself than see my poor bb suffer!

I am having my bb shower next Monday, as for cakes, we are not ordering, instead we were thinkling of ordering from this site, www.one-joy.com

Oh, mummies, can I check if it is abnormal for bbs not to poo for 2 days? My Fybie hasn't poo for 48 hrs liao, makes me so worried, dunno what happened... Last Sunday she also didn't poo, but managed to poo a lot on monday evening, and then she pooed once on tues evening, and since then she hasn't pooed at all!!! Only smelly farts... But she has been drinking well, in fact she seems so thirsty, my MIL asks me to give her some water but it didn't help too... I think it must be the chinese med I took! Felt so guilty!

Congrats on the birth of your baby. It must be a busy time for you now, having to adjust to being a new mother. I remembered being teary after discharge from hospital. It is due to the change in hormones. The first few days is usually the discharge of colostrum which is high in antibodies.

If you feel teary and depressed, let your hubby know. If necessary, ask him to call the gynae to ask if he can help in any way.

The first 2 weeks will be a big adjustment for new mothers.
straycats, today 1st day binding i already feel tight leh..u say she will go it tighter day by day ar?
i tink i will die...
tell her what i want, isit u mean if i wan to have very slim n flat tummy, can tell her & she can help mi ar?

u using wat diaper for u baby?
i dono y sometimes i carry her, she tends to have urine leak leh...
then i have to change her diaper again..
dono isit the diaper never wear properly or what..

breasts: is bigger now, but i can say, after u stop breastfeeding, the size sure small than last time size....i went thru that stage before..
:p but just for about 1/2 - 1 month, i got pregnant again...then my breasts become big again lo...

straycats, last year, my baby full month, i tried, creative bakery, melrose & bengawan solo..

can say that if u wan cheap & budget 1, can try melrose, additional discount if u collect the cakes on ur own...
liewlian soh, wat is carpel tunnel sy?

my newborn also vomit milk leh, dono isit i never burp her properly leh..

my newborn can one whole day never shit, then suddenly when want to shit, all the shit come together...

u try to ask whether can give abit of barley water anot..try to ask ur CL/mother, dono whether wil it be too "liang" anot...

last time my 1st 1 also have this... den go see doctor, then ok le..
Hi Dec Mommies,

Interesting to read about your confinement and nursing experiences. My turn will be in April. kekeke

But, me still haven't find a CL yet. Cos my friends' recommendation either not available or not working as CL liao. Any of you find your CL wonderful, can email me your comments, her rates and contact? Thank you thank you.

Seems that BF is quite difficult huh.....most of you feed expressed BM at night? what pump you use? Anyone with comments on the Ameda Lactaline?
Hi First_mum, you mentioned very engorged but yet not much milk. Could it be due to blocked ducts ? If you have that problem, have to clear the ducts and you'll be so much more relieved after that. I had blocked ducts and was very depressed because it was so painful. That was 4th day after my bb was born. Went to the LC who cleared my blocked ducts.
Can your carpal tunnel syndrome be cause by the way your carry Fybie? I read it can happen to some mothers. Also, the relaxin is still in our bodies, that may further cause the problem.

Btw, how are you bringing Fybie out? Megan seems to have problems being chauffeur in a car seat & sling leh...

What Janet mentioned may make sense. If it blocked ducts, it can be very miserable for the mummy. Fauziah is seeing you on Sat rite? Ask her to massage your breasts , it will clear the ducts. Try not to use cabbage leaves too often cos' it can decrease the ms.

I agree that the first 2wks is the worst, but it will get better than get bad, cos' everyday there will be something new. Don't be depressed, all of us are going through the something..it will ride out into something beautiful

I am stil bfing leh. But my boobs don't seem as big as before. But I prefer it that way lah. I never did like big boobs.

U funnie leh. I like the way you post your messages. Yah lor, just tell her what is your problem and see if she can do something for you. I noe she does slimming massages as well. You can try asking her, but the gel she uses for slimming is very very very hot! In addition, yes, her binding will get tigher and tighter, just tahan lor, then can see results mah

Btw, how come you got preggie so fast? Isit planned or unplanned one?

This explains what is CTS:

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist. The median nerve controls sensations to the palm side of the thumb and fingers (although not the little finger), as well as impulses to some small muscles in the hand that allow the fingers and thumb to move. The carpal tunnel - a narrow, rigid passageway of ligament and bones at the base of the hand houses the median nerve and tendons. Sometimes, thickening from irritated tendons or other swelling narrows the tunnel and causes the median nerve to be compressed. The result may be pain, weakness, or numbness in the hand and wrist, radiating up the arm. Although painful sensations may indicate other conditions, carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common and widely known of the entrapment neuropathies in which the body's peripheral nerves are compressed or traumatized.
First_mum, the initial 2 weeks is a little tough time for new mothers. Change of hormones, blocked ducts and engorged breasts are the 'culprits'.
I was teary-eyed most of the time then, wanted to give up expressing milk and switch to formula to end all the frustrations. My aunt advised me to hang on, saying it will get better after 2 weeks.
Didn't believe her initially, but I was glad I did not give up. It really does get better.
who is your LC, pls? thanks for sharing. will remind myself to tahan for 1st 2 weeks when my turn.

u mean after we stop bf, our breasts will be smaller than before preg? Wah, my breasts were v small. cannot be smaller liao.
Morning everyone,

So sian for me, everyday couldn't sleep well and keep thinking will it be today?? Then watch TV, DVD and try to do some squatting, walking and climbing the staircase, but my ankle pains leh. Haiz, waiting is so sian.

Just received one full month cake from choz, not bad, the packaging is nice too. We are considering that as well.

My LC is Wong Boh Boi. First 2 weeks can be quite jelak even though it was my 2nd child. But first time bf (expressing milk). After I stopped bf, my breasts is smaller than before. Those 10 months when I was bf, my 'assets' were fantastic.

You waiting to pop ? After 37 weeks, it can be very sian waiting for that BIG day. Worse period is bet 38-39 weeks when the Braxton Hicks contractions come on and off the whole day. Sorry to make you alarmed, but just to prepare you what's to come.

Choz packaging is good. In fact, the ang ku kueh is very popular and yummy. With 10 boxes ordered, you get 1 box free.
morning mummies and MTBs,
yday nite was slightly beta for me cos hubby was really nice he helped look aft e bb n bring her to me at feeding times so dat i can rest in between. i feel so much more rested n "fangxin" den leave wiv the stopid CL. she slpt @7pm yday while me n hubby stayed up til 2+. when we gave her e bb, she still say bb v gd today hor, nvr mk noise! i woke up again at 430 to feed n she dare complain to me she hvnt slpt since jus now cos bb awake!! wah lau. hubby n me now tink wld hv been much beta without her ard, give us probs only.

dis mrng at 7 she knockd at my door agn say bb V HUNGRY!! everytime she cries CL say she hungry pass bb to me, lidat i need her ard for wad???

straycats/ janet/ moonbell,
thks for encouragement, will try to hang on. smetimes hubby n me tink we r too obsessed wiv BF! lata bb gg PD wiv hubby, bo bian liao hafta prep FM cos i hvnt started expressing yet... hopefully bb not hungry n dnt take.

duno if i hv blocked ducts. but i massaged 3 times for 15 mins last nite n it got better aldou still hard n painful.

i look forward to end of 2 wks too. monday will be end of 1st wk hurray! n wkend tmr so dat hubby will b ard, dat cheer me up abit.

can we massage in air-con?? cannot imagine sweating, binding n oily!
krissie/ SC,
mrs wong recommended cold cabbage for engorgement b4 but she ddnt mention it'll diminish MS. but pple tell me it does so, so far ive not touched the cabbage yet. trying to "ren"...
Hi mummies
Anyone introduce pacifier to your baby already? I think of using one, is it too early? Sometimes I think my boy just want to suckle for comfort, and it is very tiring that I let him suckle a while, put him down, he cries again, I let him suckle again, and cycle continues until he sleeps. *hiazz*...
First_mum, your hubby is really sweet to look after bb so that you can rest.

CL's job is to look after the new mother and newborn. But if the bb is on total bf, then the CL will pass the bb to you when she's hungry. Babies who latch-on get hungry easily as they drink for a short while and then fall asleep. Before you realize, they are hungry again. It's normal.

Have you tried to massage the hard and painful area ? Hold a bottle at the breast, then use the thumb to massage and press out that hardened area. It may be painful but I think that could be a blocked duct. You may be surprised to see quite a lot of bm in the duct being expressed out. Seek a LC for help if you can't remove the duct.

The whole idea of a massage is to get rid of the 'wind' in the body by sweating it out.
agreed with you, with EBM, we can go out jalan jalan and let someone else feed the baby when we not around. I'm going to start EBM this week, replace the afternoon feed first. Confinement ending next week! Can't wait till then, cuz I feel it is really a torture! Can't drink water, can't wash hair, can't touch running water, no air-con, no fan, and all the heaty food!
Moonbell, did you drink the red dates/longan water ? It's really nice. I enjoyed it so much during my confinement. As for no air-con/fan, it's just for 1 month. I didn't sleep with air-con too, somemore wearing long pants and top with sleeves when I'm usually in sleeveless tops and shorts.
Morning and Merry Christmas!
Just to check with the rest of u, did the nurse give enema to clear bowels just like what joyful mentioned? The effects is it like diarrhoea? Thaks a lot.
I received a Melrose leaflet, it's definately cheaper than others! I think it's bcuz they are operating from an industry building (as a buffet caterer) instead of a retail shop, there's no Melrose bakery shop hor? I might get this, the box design quite nice.
yes, but my mum wants me to drink the red dates water hot! everytime after drinking, I sweat like running tap! So sometimes, I secretly add cooled boiled water to it! heehee.
Krissie / Mdm Rokiah / Jeslyn,
Thanks for the tips on bf.
Guess my problem was not drinking enough & not expressing frequently, bcos Im quite lazy! Moreover I dont get engorgement now, so theres less urge to express. Have to be more hardworking liao

Youre right that ms is better with bb latched on. My gynae said the same too. But Cathleen has nipple confusion & refuses to latch on now. She just wails & wails louder each time. She just don't want to suckle even if my nipple is inside her mouth. Sigh.
The way you described your weight loss made us all very envious of you! I still have 2kg to lose but my tummy is sooo flabby, can pinch a thick layer of fats, really cant stand it!! arrrgh

Wow.. Megan has put on much weight since birth. Youre rewarded for the effort you put in.

Re: bringing bb out
Im gonna bring Cathleen out today using the sarong sling. My 1st time! Hope it goes well. Btw how are you coping with the sarong sling?

Re: breast size
Shrink already! Maybe bcos ms diminishing, milk glands smaller.

Re: 1st mth party
Will be having one on 1st Jan, and getting the cakes from a neighbourhood cake shop.

Do you know besides Bangawan solo, where else can I get 1st mth baby shower vouchers for friends & colleagues?
straycats, mine both unplanned pregnancies leh..
for my 2nd 1, heng heng i stop breastfeeding then i kena pregnant immediately...

very heng sia~

boobs: i also don like but when engorg, its become bigger...wahlau...then my hubby say very ugly leh...

if i tell mdm fauziah, i wan slimming massage, will she increase the money anot?
I think Ill soon get carpel tunnel syndrome as I can feel the strain on my wrists after carrying bb for several hours straight.

I was advised by several people not to introduce pacifier to bb, bcos once bb gets addicted, its very very difficult to wean off. So Im using other ways of soothing my girl and avoiding pacifier althogether.
krissie, most of my frd is lidat leh...after pregnant, after bfeeding stop, breasts become small than usual...
2005, mdm fauziah requested to be massaged in aircon room or room with a fan mah...
for my aircon room, my baby is slping inside so i do it in a room with fan...
after massage the whole room will smell of the oil..but awhile later it slowly faded off...
moonbell...yes, they located @ industrial building..if u going to collect some of the cakes by urself, then will entitled for more discounts..tat time i order from melrose for my colleagues...
i order the cheapest 1...$4...with more discount, one box of cakes cost about $3+...
really very budget...
first_mum: if baby is hungry, u can ask PD whetherthey got a room for u to nurse or not? My PD has leh...fyi, my girl wakes up every 2 hours for feeding (day and night) in the first 2 weeks...
Hi to all new mum

Engorgmentis the main problems for mum. Its sometimes really can make you feel very sick with it. You can even got fever cause of it. I've seen my clients who've got very bad engorgement till she ask medications frm the doctor. What I did usually I will compress the breast with hot towel after of before my massage session depands how bad their conditions is. You can request frm your massue to do it for you. If you feel that your breast slightly harden quickly take hot towel and compress again everyday.The part that feel hard and lumpy press slightly harder. It really helps.
Dear newly promoted mothers,

I belong to Jan06 thread. Got a few questions.
How much is a newborn milk intake?

1 Say if total fomula bb, every 3hrs how much milk?
2.if partial fomula bb, how much milk?
3.if total breastfeed bb, i know let bb latch each side of the breast 15 mins. but bb dun want to latch on my breast, pump out how much?

Thanks for all queries. :>
I have decided to order the 1mth cakes from Choz

Tell me if the sling works. I am still trying to get Megan to get use to it. She is ok with the car seat oredi. Need to work her abit on the sling / carrier.

RE: I am still bfing & pumping, but my boobs had shrunk...ha ha..I m so happy

RE: Weight loss
Don't be envious, diff ppl metabolise at diff rate. Eventually, we will all lose the weight gain

I oso do my massages in the air-con rm like Jeslyn. Ok for me leh.
I am using Mamy Poko for my ger. So far, the result ok, no leakage etc. Except if the diapers are being out on by her daddy, then the poo will end up at her back!!!
straycats, i nv do in aircon room, my baby slping inside mah, so i do in a room with fan..

y u so happy the boobs shrunk?
