(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Have you gals started massaging your breasts? Accoridng to Mrs Wong, we can start massaging our breasts (in 12 & 6 o'clock manner and 3 & 9 o'clock) once we hit 37wks. I just started doing it yesterday, but I cannot remember what is it for leh??? Any ideas???

The pillow measures 30cm x 11cm.
The pocket box is not big and light weight. Every nite I will look at the little mittens and wonder when my bb is coming out.

You can order the pillow from this number: 9786-0380. I didn't get her name.

Thanks for the information on BF. Do they have workshop on weekends? Do we need to register to go for the workshop?

Are you going to sleep on platform bed after delivery? Not very good for your wounds leh.
2005, straycats,
Hmm.. not sure whether i can tahan a not also.. hope the weather is not that hot lor.. maybe i just wipe myself with towel..

The massaging of breast is for good breastmilk flow? kekek.. also not so sure.. since i didn't attend any classes.
I also dunno leh, I am hoping it is to ease us from having engorgement..yucks I sure to hate it if I kena that. Let see what the rest of the mummies say...

I'm definitely excited abt my early delivery, but I hope Fybie will be out next week and not this week, hubby just called to say that he is scheduled to travel AGAIN tom till friday or so, so I dun wanna go into the labor ward all by myself!!!
I told him leh.. but he didnt seem to concerned. I said i had it qt frequent lah, didnt say it's almost every day. Maybe abt 3-4 days a week. The bath tub will be on the floor?

Actually, don't think there's anything wrong. But, mine sometimes also come with a bit of pain (like rehearsing for contraction pains)? so, am just worried that I might pop before EDD.

I feel the same too leh.. bb seems to be running out of space too. Oh no.. your EDD is much earlier than me.. and yet I feel the same as you.. so scary. Will I be that much earlier??? Hmm... I cant rem how long was the pain for each interval. I was having dinner outside. Then, after that went home. In total, I think it was painful for abt 1hr+, from the time I was driving home till dinner, then reach home.

My gf says that the KKH antenatal told them not to change bb on our bed, coz there's some bacteria in our discharge (inital bleeding) which is bad for bb. fyi.

Can elaborate on how to massaging our breasts (in 12 & 6 o'clock manner and 3 & 9 o'clock)? Our class only taught us how to do nipple rolling to make it longer.
When you have tightening and pain, where do you feel the pain? At the groin/pelvic area? I feel the pain at mid of my tummy ley.

So excited for you.. seems like gonna pop anytime.
The nurse told me, if I experience pain 6 times within a hour, have to call the clinic or just go to A&E after office hours. Try to monitor, but don't be gan cheong. Sometimes, can be a mental thing, cos; we all get excited over the arrival of our BBs and also anxiety over how labour is gonna be
One more thing to note is our BB movement, if they don't move after 4 hours, must go straight to the clince or A&E.

Gynae should be able to tell whether you will be early or late. That's why mine gynae can steady pom pee pee go away, cos' I think he noes when I will pop, hee hee!

According to Mrs Wong, we put one palm at 12 the other at 6 o'clock and do a slow rub / massge x 2 then switch to, 1 palm at 3 the other at 9 and do likewise. Supposed to do 5times everyday, for AM, PM & evening. But I cannot remember what is it for. Don't do it till u r at 37wks cos' it can trigger labour, same for the nipple rolling thingy.

I also am hoping my gynae prediction comes true and Megan arrives next week...let see how guai our girls will be, ha ha!!

hee hee!! Can feel the excitment & anxiety now. Stress also, cos' my MIL just told me yesterday that she will bring her whole kampong of relatives to visit me during confinement.....
Mummies, do you get moody, weepy or more emotional at this last stage of pregnancy? I don't get weepy / moody much but these few days...I don't feel that I am usual self..is it one of the symptons???
Huh, you told your gynae and he didn't say anything?
Yeah, my mum put the bath tub on the floor lor, then she sit on a small stool to bath my niece.
actually, quite poor thing for her, old already still need to squat.. think she will be doing the same to my boy next time, either in toilet or inside bedroom. Hope her legs are strong.

Re: changing bb on the bed,
Maybe when we change, can put a non-slip matt on the bed, then at least got some protection?

I don't get moody, weepy.. but just wondering when is bb going to pop.
Heard that my gynae is going for his reservist for 2 wks from next monday! So hoping that my bb don't pop during the period when he is away.

Will go and see him this thursday to confirm.

wow, your MIL going to bring her kampong friends to visit you? Like that how to rest?
platform bed is the ONLY bed i can slp on in my house unless i sleep on mattress, but again lidat defeats the purpose... i cnt change bb on my bed, wld be v straining on my back just aft delivery rite?? n maid cnt possibly come to my rm and change bb all the time. how??? was tinking of buying solid chest of drawers, the top area shd suffice as changing table for the time being. but again, cnt find any i like. haiz.

i get moody and emo more often these days. they result from the stress i sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the tings gg on now in my life. guess its v norm ba...

krissie/ berlin,
my tummy tightens many many times a day. no particular spot, just generally any spot on the tummy. and now when i walk my pelvic area also hurts. water retention getting v bad, from feet to ankles now too. haiz. hafta bear wiv these a few more wks.
Hi straycats, I feel exactly the same as you! I'm due within the next 8 days, and for the last 2 days, I've been very weepy (sobbing for no reason) or bad-tempered (scolding everyone around me). I wonder if it's one of the prelabour signs too.

And today, I noticed a thick yellow glob of mucus-like discharge on my toilet paper when i wiped myself. But there's no blood. So i'm wondering if it's the mucus plug coming out. (i.e prelabour sign).
You hit me at the right spot. I am just like you now. I don't like being like dat so I just keep to myself & log onto the forum and talk to you gals. One of my gf also had the same prob when she was near her EDD.

I heard if mucous plug comes, "show" will start. Just monitor..will be keep my fingers crossed for you cos' it seems to be any day now for your ger to meet you!!

My platform bed will also be the only bed i will be sleeping in. Infact, my mom has been grumbling why i use such beds..but I like leh. Maybe DS has a point, if we put a mat on top, still can change bb. Just try not to bend, maybe sit on the bed first then change BB. Other option I can think of is using the dinner table???

Hee hee! I think your symptons starting to show oredi cos' our pelvis is opening for the BB to come through
I find that if I walk lesser, the pain is not that bad.

Ya lor. Imagine my horror, when she told me yesterday and I don't even know them! I told my hb can ask his mom not to bring so many ppl anot, he just kept quiet....MAN, when it comes to their own mothers, they always keep quiet
Tell your hb if he don't want u to get postpartum depression, better tell his mum not to bring only until your girl is born 1mth later. If got celebrate 1st mth, why they so kan cheong want to come??

Change bb on dinner table.. er.. isn't it a bit too hard surface for bb?
Maybe change on cot and put the non-slip matt with a layer of nappy on top. At least body no ned to bend?

Try to relax. (although i know is difficult)
That's what I told him lor and most of my gf also ban relatives from visiting cos' they said the tiredness from delivery and make the mother very moody..he just keeps quiet, I noe deep down he is angry cos' I am saying about his mom. The funny thing is, why my MIL don't want to visit me in the hospital but at my place? Hospital also can see BB mah. Anyway, I gave up on my MIL long time ago liao cos' she can get very nasty & crude at times. After all these years as a DIL, I realised get angry also no use so, I just keep quiet and pretend I never hear or remember anything she said. And my method does drives her very mad, ha ha!!! I so noti hor..


u are so RIGHT! whenever it comes to their own mother, MAN always keep quiet! i also wonder why they must ask so many people to come???? my side too. actually i was told, during the initial days of baby, its best to minimize contact with too many people as baby is trying to adjust and baby will be stress out if handled by too MANY people. i wonder what happen to all these people? don't they know? of cos share joy but also must be sensitive to the mummy's and baby's needs right???? aiyoh, i am super upset whenever this topic comes up!

if u don't mind spending, i think kidsmall got changing table, come with bathtub etc selling $129?? don't sure if this is before or after their 20% discount or even if its valid. mothercare and ikea also have but more expensive. alternatively, ask on the forum. i saw before someone selling hers for $70 recently and she only use for a few months.

meixue & DS,
i know what u mean. somehow pregnant mummies temper more fluid? i am super fluid. i can want to eat orange but if my hubby make me wait too long, i dun know why but i can blow up and i dun want to eat anymore! HAHAHA and he say i super unreasonable. i not like that normally so i say its his son that is causing me to be so. haha! but i read that its normal for preganant ladies to have fluid temper cos of all the hormones changes and hor, daddies are SUPPOSE to be EXTREMELY patient during this 9 months and yes, you are right, sudden up and downs like weeping, and bad temper is normal. guess its our priviledge????

thanks for the measurement. i order already. i only ask her to sew the surname since hubby cannot decide and can still use if next baby comes.

i like your box. i show hubby. he say very organised and a good idea but we have no space. urghhh......

Liewlian soh,
u enjoying, i envy, massage and shopping. keep us updated on your shopping spree.

i intend to put bath tub on floor. no choice cos i got no space. plus first month think will be CL bathing if not then i will put bath tub on toilet bowl.

Me finally did my second brazilian waxing today! Surprisingly it is not as painful as the first time, in fact I was ok after 10 mins!!
So I walked from Far East to JL Somerset!!!
There is a factory outlet there, which they are selling VS bras at a discounted price now!!!
I bought 3 bras for $10 each, I think it can be used as maternity bras too cos they are front clasp ones and I also bought 3 thongs for only $9.90!!!
They are really "good buys, best buys, must buys"!!! Hee hee!
ure due in the next 8 days?? wah dats so exciting! if i were u i dnt tink i can slp, as it is i cnt even slp well these days wondering when bb is coming. anw best wishes for ur impending delivery!

haha dinner table? but we eat there ley my dear. i was tinking mayb e couch. but sometimes i feel bb so poor ting, dnt even hv a proper comfy plc to change her... i went to MC and ikea many many times liao but the drawers i like no stk n nuting else catches my fancy ley. tink will just change bb in e cot.

thks for suggestion. dnt tink im getting changing table after all. tink can only last 6 mths at best. my niece is 8 mths n i cnt imagine putting her on e changing table, too big and active!

i bought my plastic drawers fr carrefour liao. 4 tiers only 29.90 with wheels
. at least now got a plc to store nappies, diapers and beddings for the time being.

u mentioned got JL $10 voucher for $60 purchase. does it come with e invite? or is it the one in the papers on fri?
Hello ladies,

Finally got time to come here to chat!!

Seem like some of you are going for labour real soon, must be very excited!! Well jia you and don't be over stressed, thought i came across an article yesterday talking about having positive attitude towards labour then psycologically you will not feel so painful during labour. Hope it works!


I haven't done my b waxing yet, wonder if i do it now (34 weeks), will there be enough time to do the second one before delivery say at 38 weeks??


Regarding TBF, i would like to share my sis's experience. She had c-section and her milk supply only came in after 9 - 10 days and she chosed to have TBF and only let the bb had water. She said that was a wrong decision cos the bb was too hungry and her nipple was bleeding!! So perhaps can see when your milk supply comes in to decide if want to have TBF.
Hi gals

Long time never log in now at home very lazy to log in cos my pc very slow so took quite long time to load up.

Thk most of the gals are ready and prepare to give birth liao. I also got mood swing on and off sometime when watching TV will suddenly feel bad mood for no reason.

I now 37 weeks liao visiting my gynae this Sat hope bb grow alot so envy to c all the bb here grow so big. But hor my gynae never do any bacterial test for me leh actually my SIL got ask me also but i told her no maybe will check with my gynae this Sat.


I like the box you buy for the mitten also can i know which Watson you brought it from cos dun thk every Watson had it. And hor do they have other colour cos my is a boy boy dun thk pink suit him.
Wow, seems like a lot of mummies are going to deliver real soon.


I also agree with Taka leh. No doubt TBF is good but also have to depend whether got supply or not, if not, our poor bb will be starved leh...

Yesterday, my hubby told me that I should stop BF when I go back to work cos too troublesome liao and I was so surprised to hear that!! Anyway, see how lor, cos my bb will be at my mom's place and only bring back on weekends, want to BF also quite difficult lah...

And my hubby very strange leh... Told me to BF for 2 months (only take 2 mths first cos of project), yet he still wants to buy the electric breast pump which cost $300!! Very wasteful right ?? I suggested to him to buy the Avent manual pump first but after hearing my friend said she took about half an hr for one side, he even against it liao. Actually, thought of buying tomorrow during JL sale cos after discount only $50+ from original price of $86.60. See how lor, will ask him again later...


Probably you need the Robinsons card in order to enjoy the 20% discount.


Sorry, now only saw your msg. Hope I'm not late in replying. Think JL also sells the Avent Steriliser at $160+. Is Avent brand better ??

I also intend to put the bath on the toilet floor. Think Mrs Wong put on the changing table so that people at the back can see without standing.

Put on toilet bowl sounds so dangerous to me leh... unless your bath tub is small one lah...

Re : Massaging breasts

I also couldn't really remember the purpose liao, think it's to simulate the breasts to have more milk. Pregnant women are really very forgetful leh... hee...

Re : Plastic drawers

Saw Giant selling 5 or 6 chest of drawers at only $29.90 but don't know got wheels or not lah...

fyi, Courts is selling chest of drawers too (those wood type). They have different no. of drawers, max is 6 and it cost only $149. Probably will buy this, depends if my current wardrobe got place to put bb clothes or not...

Re : fluid temper

I also experienced this leh... And I thought I got pre-natal depression leh... hee... Anyway, my stupid hubby didn't even give in to me when I scolded him for over small things!!!
Think he really got spoilt by my MIL liao (he's the youngest son). He can't stand people scold him one!!!


The $10 voucher comes with the letter. The newspaper one is only valid till yesterday.

BTW, i managed to find the eternity nursing bra at JL liao.
And I even tried the size already, so tomorrow I just grab and pay only. hee...
Thanks dear. I had a gd rest this afternoon as I ask for half-day leave. Had a sudden drain of energy in late morning. For no reason I felt so exhausted even tho I was practically sitting at my desk the entire morning. So I went home & napped. It helps.

Ya lor, can get quite paranoid if kept wondering when is bb coming out

Thanks for sharing your preggie makeup pix. Only saw them recently as I didnt check my mail for quite some time. I like the solo black & white pix!
Your bb coming out earlier than EDD.. hmm...then you can start to count down liao!
Im also starting ML on my EDD. My big boss is actually gan cheong about work, not about when Im going to deliver. Hes the type that as long as theres someone to do the job, he doesnt care who. Haiz.

Coincidentally, my bb also loves to park on my left side, thats why gynae says my left foot is swollen due to her weight applying constantly on my left side.

Maybe better for your MILs kampong of friends to visit during full month celebration instead of during confinement? Guess your MIL is very eager & proud to show off her grand-daughter to her friends.

Re: Tightening of tummy
I also feel it everyday, but last only for a few seconds, so not too concerned.

Re: sterilising bottles
The first time I tried out the sterilizing, I put the sterilized bottles, upside down on the rack, to air-dry them.

Re: Breast massage
I started doing the massage but actually forgot how to do it. So I just massage during shower in 4 directions north, south, east, west
Seems like Ive been doing the wrong thing!

Re: Moody
Me too, getting easily moody nowadays over trivial things. Recently hubby & me bought some new stuffs & my mum kept asking exactly how much they cost. Even that little incident makes me upset!
Hi everybody,

Anybody ahve a maid? My philipino maid had come but not satisfiied with her service. She tends not to communicate with my girl and treat her like transparent. Said she worked in Arab before but dun know how to make milk and my hood is dirtier after she clean. Did not rinise the towel and of course the hood did not get cleaner. My kitchen looks worse than maintained by me!

Any advise??
good to hear that the nap helps. i have such sudden occurences too. its like suddenly so tired i can drop off to sleep but too bad cannot do it.
do rest more esp since once bb is out, you will be very busy. same for all the mummies.

Too bad. i cannot go to the JL sale. Me not a member. my office lady didn't offer me to join her this time so i didn't ask also. so i guess today after work i will go home and rest. my feet is super swollen. i hope its not crowded though cos the last time i went it was very crowded and very warm. some of the ladies swing their handbags like nobody's business so watch out when you are there yeah.

need to invoke ur memory again on the daniel cot. it is the same as johnson except that it does come with the package to covert to toddler? i tried to get ms lim many times but no answer. haiz.... i ordered the nepia already, happy.

nipple bleeding???? aiyoh, i heard about this before, my ex boss pump until the milk is pink so its blood but they say can still let bb drink...... i think i will go on FM until BM supply is out. dun think i can deal with a screaming bb, i will be super stress. a hungry man is an angry man leh.

the changing table got storage compartment lor, that's why i also find it attractive but my budget tight so not poss to buy. does ur drawers come with wheels already attached? mine don't leh. and dun know why, but i bought mine for $39.90? anyway, buy already so its ok lah.
now u can start packing. so exciting.

Liewlian soh,
u walk so far! amazing. VS bra got padding or not? its a good buy. which shop selling? u always got good lobang to recommend.
Hello morning ladies,

Re: Breast massaging

According to my CL, we can put a hot towel on our breast and gently massage them the last month. Then as regards to coconut drink, we can drink during 8th month but preferably those fresh one from road side. I was thinking, aiyo, this is Singapore leh, where to find road side fresh coconut? Anyone got any idea which food court or where to find those fresh one? She said those from supermarket are few days old already, a bit too 'liang' and got wind, not good for us.


May I know the model number of the electric breast pump that u have bought? And where did u get it? I only intend to buy them after birth as I dont know whether I will have milk supply or not.
taka, Violetgem
To TBF is not easy especially in the first few weeks. I just want to try my best to TBF, I also don't know if I can be successful. From wat I've found out n learnt, our milk supply based on demand. The more we latch on, the quicker n more milk will come in. I know of a mother during a BF workshop that she didn't give her bb FM at all n she had c-section. Saw n heard of many successful mothers in TBF so am motivated to do it as well. Just hope that by then everyone around me can be supportive.
sounds logical. if we adopt a +ve attitude towards labour, we wnt fear it so much and the experience should turn out better! read in a bk dat the bb exp starts fr the mmt we conceive, not after bb is born so its impt we hv a gd birth exp to enjoy the bb

hvnt seen or tried the eternity bras yet cos no time to go to town. mayb this wkend, hopefully still got stk aft 2nite's sale... thks for info!

my hubby also v spolit, youngest and only son. tend to raise his voice when i raise mine. every week i hafta explain to him im pregnant, he shd cut me some slack, let me be moody and throw abit of temper, he say im being illogical. haiz.

ya after i bought den found wheels in the drawer. but i dnt need them anw... ya im gona b v bz dis wkend pkg bb stuff! last wkend i was bz for 2 whole days just washing and drying bb's clothes!

my gf told me the mmt bb is born, nurses will ask us whether wana total or partial BF and choose the brand of FM. if we choose total, den nurses will bring bb in few times a nite for us to feed so can b qt disruptive to our rest. i was wondering 1st few days got MS meh??...so my gf advised me to start tinking now cos at that time no time to tink liao!

hv u ladies tot abt this? wad wld u ladies choose?
You make me wanna go shopping again!!! These days I can hardly walk far. I rather hop on a bus, it's so far to walk from far east to JL. I'll be going for another round of b-wax before my EDD.

I bought the box at international plaza watson. I saw yellow not sure if other outlets have blue.

The shop is located at Specialist Centre #02-54/55, just behind the John Little at Somerset!


I think you should go for yr first waxing this week or next, and then followed by the second vist at yr 38th week, it should be just nice!
It will be quite painful for the 1st time, so please remind the staff to be more gentle on you, ok?


That's a tough question lei... I also dunno what to do... Hmmm...
Maybe changing BB in the cot will be best. I also feel I don't have proper equipment to change her, etc. Hee hee! Great minds think alike, I also bought the 5 tier plastic drawers to keep Megan's stuff, cheap & pratical

So nice of you say my MIL is "proud to show off her grand-daughter". Actually, its the opp. She was not happy from day 1 that I had conceived a girl & not a boy. Every Sun when I go to their place, I always kena "suan". Anyway, I may stay at my parent's place for confinement hopefully, that will deter her & her kampong frens from coming.

My replacement is at work now, cos' I may not return to work after ML since I will be joining hb in France, at 1st week of May. I haven't told my boss yet, I think he will flip..hee hee!!!! But I will train this new staff well to take over my duties lor, just incase.

I am envious that you get to sleep easily. I wake up every night at 3am on the dot...end up walking around the apt and all my cats were staring at me with the expression:" Oooo..u mean its time for breakfast"??? I wonder, is this another pre labour symptons???

All MAN are the same
Lucky you, got gd returns from your shopping trip yesterday. I can't wait for my turn tis Thurs after my trip to my gynae's

Just to share wif you, my gf just had C sect and her feedback was it is not as bad as she thot, infact she can walk the next day..so your delivery can be a sweet victory as well

Ya, i also haven't thought of that. But i think i read it somewhere that when bb just delivered, they have some reserve that can last them about 3 days to go without food. Is this true??

Then i asked my CL should i drink those fish soup to stimulate milk supply before giving birth?? She said no need. She will prepare the soup for me, just that we have to buy 'Ngo' (hokkien) fish for her. I also don't know what is 'Ngo' fish but think ask the fish stall owner they should know.

Liewlian, Berlin,

When the hair is about to grow, do u experience itchiness?? I am afraid that few weeks after the wax when the hair starts to grow and we have the wound there and yet cannot scratch then how??
my new maid coming in dec. hopefully she wont b a nitemare. only did a phone interview and i liked the way she looked and sounded. i guess v common to hv not-so-satisfactory maids, hafta close 1 eye loh, deres no perfect maid. in e long run sometimes the r'ship gets better. ur maid really so hopeless meh? wad r u intending to do??

yalor, such a tough question.. bt my hubby is v pro-BF. tink cos he hears all the benefits of BF but nvr really consider the difficulties..

joyful/ straycats,
JF ure v lucky to hv a nice MIL! SC, y ur MIL so old-fashioned wan? she not woman meh? cnt stand pple who r so biased! anw i alwas tell my hb its OUR child, not anybody else's biz! we happy can liao.
i also cnt get bk to slp aft get up to pee every nite for at least an hr after dat! but i just lie dere and b bored and tink of bb.. my hubby now also cnt b bothered liao, only mutter mutter duno saying wad den immediately roll over and fall aslp! so no one to entertain me liao.

ya i also heard 1st 3 days got reserve no need feed so much. but how can we "fang xin", scared bb hungry rite?? n when nurse brings bb in, cnt b we dnt try to feed mah.

ngo fish is the more expensive type of fish, commonly available. around $5 - 8 for 1-2 servings, my mum always say its "gd fish" v nutricious...

yes it iches when hair grows. i tried it once and nvr went back. cos itch like hell and looks qt ugly cos red and sore for 1st-timer...
Just to share. The first few days bb don't need much cos their stomach is small. small amt of colostrum is enough for them. besides colostrum is very good for them cos it's high in antibodies. even better than our milk itself. but cos it's very small in amt, ppl will think that it's not enough for the bb n decide to give fm instead.

for myself, i'll try to latch on the bb (especially first few days) whenever he's awake n nt wait till he cries. will be hard to handle by then. besides able to let him hv the colostrum, he'll stimulate the breasts to promote milk flow as well
Jan / Taka
Good not to stress yourself too much abt bf and open to FM esp when milk ss hasn't kicked in. But will still recommend that you latch on for the 1st few days coz the little bit of colostrum is suppose to be very nutritious for bb. Also demand = supply. If you dun start to latch on early, milk ss may not be sufficient later on and bb also may have nipple confusion. I basically latched on my girl first and if she's really not full etc, then supplemented with FM for the 1st week when I was home but I was running the risk of her rejecting latching on coz some bbs will prefer to feed by bottle after that. Less effort for them.

I'll be opting for TBF. May also consider having bb in my room more often coz nurses are often short-handed and usu leaves the bbs to cry in the nursery if they have been fed and cleaned. Will return bb to the nursery if I really need my rest though.

All the best for your gynae visit. Have you been increasing your food intake? It helped my colleague's bb to grow more. Try
My MIL acts modern but is infact old fashioned. Before they noe the sex, they boil alot of nice food for me, tell me don't squat too much, don't do too much, etc...after I told them its a girl. All activities came to a halt & comments came. They never asked a single thing about the well being of Megan thereafter (so I don't see why she is so eager to visit me during confinement)

I also tell my hb the same thing you told urs, mine will agree when his mom is not around, but when she is around and making comments..he just keeps quiet, later says sorry that his mom said that. Wat i don't understand is, why he cannot just stand up for me for once. I don't want a big fight, all he has to do is to tell my MIL that I am his wife and he noes how to take care of me, end of the story. The fact that my MIL kept picking is becos' he refused to say anything. 2 weeks ago, she told me, next year try sure get boy....I peng!

Lagi, funny is she treats me better when I was his gf (I got Bluff!)..maybe she thot I will never be her DIL, ha ha!! It will be a never ending story if I start on my MIL

My hb also mutter than flip back to sleep..also no entertainment for me..actually now I dread going to sleep..cos' everynite will stay awake
I recalled, U mentioned u r going for your scheduled C sect this Thursday rite? All the best, jia you and show us your BB's pictures!
2005, YL and absolut,

Thanks for the info. Think i will ask my hubby to ask my MIL to preparet the fish soup once i deliver to stimulate milk supply. The other soup is green papaya with fish, think mrs.wong has got the recipe in the handout, heard my sis said it really worked for her case.


Ya, when it comes to MIL, the story never end. But think hubby also in a difficult position. Try not to let her affect your mood loh, lucky thing is you are not staying with her, only see them occasionally right?
actually find the soup helps only if we latch on frequently. cos i saw my SIL try to BF her bb but not much MS maybe cos she didn't latch frequently. heard stimulation is more important to get our supply. latching is even better than pumping.

I didn't experience any itchness after my b-wax, you will feel as clean as a baby and I think it is much better than having the midwife or the gynae shaving off yr hair during the delivery!
The regrowth from shaving is definitely very uncomfy!!
morning gals


Thank you for your information but International Plaza a bit far so dun thk will go there.


Never really increase my appetize cos i discover that recently my appetize getting smaller and smaller duno y eat abit quite full liao and if eat too much feel like vomiting so never really push myself to eat alot.
I see my ILs every Sun. It's a must for all of us to be at their place for Sun lunch. No execuse for absentees.

Like LiewLian, your question abit tough to answer leh on TBF or partial
. I think have BM good lor, if don't have got no choice also.

I haven't bought the breast pump yet. But if I really buy, think I'll buy Ameda brand. But heard from my friend that it's not available in the retail store except Mothercare but you can buy directly from the distributor and they will deliver to your home at no extra charges and somemore, it is cheaper than Mothercare.

Re : Breastfeeding

Ya, I also know that demand = supply. My friend told me no bottle feed for the 1st month and I asked her how can ??? Drink water also need bottle right ??? And she told me she latched her bb 12 times a day for 1 month!!! That's really very tiring leh... especially when we are trying to recover our body after deliver...

Sigh... now then appreciate Mother is really very very wei da....


Thanks, I'll be very careful... Just do a quick one since I already know what I want to buy.
I'm also expecting tonight will be very crowded.

Re : Green papaya with fish soup

My friend told me her CL prepared twice for her and everytime she drank it, her bb will get diarrheoa and it's not very effective for her, so she didn't drink anymore... And her CL also told her no need to drink everyday, don't know izzit she lazy or what??? BTW, for those mummies who are having CL, have you defined who is doing the marketing ?? My friend told me if her CL is doing the marketing, she will need to take taxi to and fro (taxi fares reimburse from my friend) cos she can't leave the home too long. They really very "siang shou" hor... So, in the end, her hubby did all the marketing...

But my hubby was wondering how they go and get their passport stamped every 2 weeks ?? (For Malaysians, they need to get their passports stamped)

Do u have the contact number for the distributor?

Re: CL

Think will ask my hubby to accompany her to do the marketing at the beginning as we also don't know what to buy but will ask my hubby to keep an eye on her. Heard from Fu Hua staff that some of CL will ask you to buy this buy that and in the end they are the one eating them!! So better ask hubby to list down the shopping list and check if we got to eat them or not.

passport stamp,

Think we have to drive her to JB to stamp her passport and come back.

Ang Bao

Ladies, any idea do we have to give 'Kai Gong' (start up confinement) ang bao to the CL? how much is the market rate??
Is your hb the only son? and that is the reason why your mil ask you all to try for a boy next year? Don't care about her lah, anyway you going overseas liao. kekekeek Maybe just enjoy her cooking for the few weekends lor.. next time you will need to do cooking by yourself liao. Who knows you might miss your mil's cooking?

Lucky you are not staying with her leh, so still not that bad although you need to go back every sunday.

sigh ur case just like mine. except now that i am having boy my mil keep telling me she hopes that my sil is pregnant with a boy soon too. then she tell me she often have dreasm that my sil is pregnant and giving birth at the same time as me and also a boy. so sian. i wonder who is pregnant. but nowadays i also dun care already. i talk less and try to rest more in my own room. i stay with them leh. so u can imagine. sometimes i wonder why she cannot just let me bask in my pregnant glory instead of having to tell me about my sil in almost every sentence she say. if she wants and hopes my sil to be pregnant, its actually fine with me because i am not bothered. its just very irritating to be told constantly. think for your case, discuss with hubby. may not be such a bad idea to go home to ur parents for confinement.

liewlian soh,
will check it out this weekend. i very keen to do waxing but worry i canot take the pain. can we use those hair removal cream instead? last time i ever use before leh problem now is tummy big, cannot even see my below. hahahaha.

wheels in drawer? this sat i will ask hubby to fix up then we can start to put baby's stuff. but advise is to clean the compartment first. i saw quite dusty then got those black marks. its dirt so to put baby stuff better to clean up first.
as for BF or FM, i will try absolut's advice. i will let bb take FM esp first 2 days since i dun expect BM to kick in yet but will latch so that bb practice abit lor. also would be good to see if the lactation consultant can guide to make sure we are latching the bb correctly.
