(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Hello Mummies
I was wondering if any mummies have kids between 2.5-3 years old who wants to be in a swimming class in a private pool near farrer road?
I am look for 2 more toddlers to join me and another mummy to form a private swimming class. The price is 100SGD a mth for half and hour. The instructor used to a swimming coach with aquaducks and he is great with kids. Those interested please PM me..thanks

Thanks for keeping this thread alive!!

I guess all of us are so engrossed with the new lifestyle, till we got no more time for this thread!

How abt posting our kiddo's pix here?
Here's Fybie in Julia Gabriel Class taken in March!
thanks for the websites.

Ya, am super busy at work... and at home, coz my hb's busy with his class and work. I feel like I'm hving a burn out soon. Fybie looks so cute here..

Think ur work at home and work drain you totally... but u can't quit yr work at home, so perhaps a change of job?? Kekeke
Hi Leng Leng,


Me dare not think of #2, dun think will consider ba

Having a stressful life but not from my gal its fm others....sigh!
Leng Leng...

Wow...u reali a great mummy ;)

I've been wanting n did think positively but things just don't turn to what I want it to b but even more stressful…no choice….
Leng Leng,

The stress dun come fm work n oso not my gal...its DH... SIGH!

Ok ok ...cannot tell u so much unhappy things, must let u hv a happy mind/mood most of the time....smile ;)

My happiest time is just only being with my gal n close friends...
Leng Leng,

Thanks much *hug*
Dun think any1 can help.
It's his character/hot temper so I think its very difficult.... no choice will jus hv to tolerate...n c when i will burst....

Tks my dear...
Hi Pinny,
congrats to you too,

tolerating is not a choice,
unless you can tolerate for the next 20 years till your girl is independent,
it'll be bad if you were to burst one day,
do try to have a good talk with him.
wow..long time no come here and so many good news around! Leng leng..congrats..wow 3rd one! you are one super mommy. I am having thoughts also, but don't know leh..scared about going for the 3rd one. coz now just starting to enjoy my freedom back.

Pinny..congrats to you too! gee..we are neighbour and yet never met!

Clhw30..when the children comes along in marriage, there tends to be some conflicts. it's normal..and it will sail through. Just like what leng leng said...do try to have a good talk with your hubby.I think a time away together is good. Do go for date, just like how you used to do, like movie, dinner. hope this help
Hi Leng Leng & MujMuj,

Thanks so much for the advice, will sure try to work things out.....
Married life really not easy to manage....
Thanks again...n hope to meet up all of u again soon....
Wow, Lengleng!

How I envy you...
Seems like quite a number of mummies here are either moms to 2 kids or expecting the 2nd one...

When is my turn lei??
Hi Leng Leng,

Yes Yes... I did received ur mail...tks much...
I do take in ur advice but sometime reali not easy....sigh!
we are all here to encourage one another,
walking alone is lonely & boring,
even painful for some,
do pour out to us if you need to.

From a mummy to another,
Leng Leng
Hi fairymoss,
#3 is a boy.

Our kids order, Girl, Boy, Boy.
#1 - Athena
#2 - Besper

#3 - Cornelius
DOB 19/06/2008
Time 1947 Hrs
Ht 51cm
Wt 3865g
Head Cir 34cm
Congrats, Lengleng!

My hubby says Mirabel is very cute, really knows how to pose for the camera...


Have you brought your kids to a dentist?
Can you pls PM me your dentist contact?
I hope to bring her to see one who is very good at handling kids...

Hello Mommies

Leng Leng
A Big Congrats on the arrival of yr #3! Me still got another 2 months to go before popping our #2.

how is Mirabel doing? Must arrange a meet up soon cos it has been ages since our 1st & only met up from last year...
we brought Justin to Dr Ong Yean Sze. Dr Ong is a pediatric dentist in Singapore with Practice Restricted to Pediatric Dentisty, in simple term, she treats kids ONLY.

Dr Ong is currently pactising in Smilefocus 1 Ochrad Blvd 14-02 Camden Medical Centre Singapore 248649. Her contact number is 68340877.

I heard smile inc is gd with children too, but hv yet to try them.
Hi Pinny,
#3 has most fats" haha...

thank you,
your turn soon.

waiting game is always getting ready,
but we're never really ready... haha...
Hi Leng Leng, LiewLian & Sandy,

Noted & thanks...
Really nice knowing u gers and have been giving me lots of gd advice n care *hug*


Recently Mirabel love to take pictures n oso sing n dance....
Guess our kids at tis age start to love singing and dancing liao... ;)


Bel is doing great, thanks.
She's attending Apple Tree now n being wanting to go sch everyday.
Really wish to catch up wif u gers....hum...mayb arrange a day to invite u all over to my hse for gathering ;)
My dear, our last met was 2 years ago leh....not last year... time passes fast hor... Hee...

Mirabel current ht is abt 98 cm and wt is abt 18.5 kgs ....
Hi all..

I am also a Dec 2005 mummy. My girl, Kristen is 2.5 years old now. She was born on 14 Dec 2005.

Wow, your Bel weighs 18.5kgs! My Kristen is only about 12kg leh..What did you feed her huh?? Kristen does not seem to put on much weight..dunno if it is due to her low milk intake. She only drinks like 300ml of milk a day but she likes cheese and yoghurt. As for other food, she eats everything except veges. Any mummy here's DD or DS does not like vege too??
Height and Weight,

my Dec 05 boy is only 90cm and 12kg
my Dec 04 boy is only 103cm and 15kg.

bad thing is they are so light. good thing is never need to worry about obesity since hubby is skinny too.

they drink 720 - 960ml of milk per day and eat everything except leafy vegetables. they eat brocolli, cauliflower, carrots, corn.
Hi clhw30
Wow.. Mirabel has got good weight & height. EnEn now weighs 13.1kg and his height is 91.2cm. Times really flew past so fast... I still thought was just a year ago... U organise liao then let me know when is the next gathering..

Hi Kristen_Mum
Your gal and my boy are borned on the same date. Which hospital u stayed in, maybe our kids met at the Nursery Room before? We were at Mt A (Our Lady's ward).
Hi clhw30,

Great, hope to see u if the gathering really is going to be actualised!! Yippee!

Welcome, Kristen-mum!
My gal also belongs to feather-weight category, I think she is less than 12kg! She also drinks little milk... once for her nap abt 150ml and 50-100ml before she goes la-la land... She also doesn't like vegetables, somehow she can detect the vege when we tried to hide in her rice...


Your 2 boys need you to buy a cow to put at home, looking at the amt they drink a day!! :p Just kidding!~
Hi Kristen_mum,

Seeing bel's wt, me oso wori, duno if she's too over-wt but lucky she's tall n oso very very active so guess shld b ok ba.
What I feed her ah, normal leh, nothing special. She will drink milk once she wake up, den noon will hv porridge/rice/milk den evening rice n before sleep another btl of milk.
She love to drink milk, everytime keep asking for milk *faint*
I gave her Isomil now before tat was Progress den Gain but both seems to be heaty for her den cousin advice me to try Isomil Soy milk as its not tat heaty so I gave her drink till now guess for almost 5 to 6 mths ba.
Every time her milk serve, will be 4 scoop of Soy Milk Powder + 240 ml of water

As for vege, I will give her, will cut till very very small pc n mix into her rice wif egg/fish/meat. Even if she dun like, she oso duno but jus eat cos after when u cut into small pcs n mixed wif rice, etc…she will jus eat happily oso

Hi Jenny,

Ya…bel is reali tall & BIG. Mayb she’s like me n DH as both of us are tall n BIG….hee..

Hi Sandy,

Gd ht for bel is ok but as for her wt guess reali not light lor …Hee…Now I really feel very tiring after carrying her, hands will ache leh den hor she still always want to carry *faint*.
There’s so much different on EnEn’s wt n bel’s hor…guess she reali over-wt liao…hv to let her eat lesser or drink lesser milk n do more exercise liao…hee..
Will arrange den post in n see who else free to meet ;)
Hi LiewLian,

yA boy, me oso looking forward to meet soonest. Will arrange wif DH as he recently need to travel quite often den will confirm wif u all again

Here they sell fresh milk in 3.89 litre (1 gallon) pack and they finish 1 pack in less than 3 days on average. SO each time we but two packs. Too bad I dont stay in the farm area, else I would be good friends with the cow farmers.

Here we get to see cows and horses if we go pass the farms. My boys like the black and white cows

Hi LiewLian,


Intially I was quite worried about Kristen's feather weight but since my PD keeps assuring me that as long as she is healthy, eats well and active, I dont need to be too concerned about her weight. He also said that one thing good is that at least she likes cheese and yoghurt therefore she still does get the calcium from these dairy products.

My girl is still not potty trained leh...she refused to urinate or pass motion in the potty. We tried several methods to make her to do her "biz" in the potty but she just wont do it. She would stand up and say "Okay" after about 30 secs but nothing came out from her..faint..I think I will let her be until when she is more ready. I am planning to send her to childcare next year and hopefully the teachers can help to train her. Currently, she is attending a 3 hour playgroup at the Little Skool House in Orchid Country Club. Any mummies also sending your "bao beis" there???

Yeah, Bel's size could be genetic. Why is she on soy milk? Is she allergy to cow's milk? Kristen hates leafy veges but she really loves potatoes. Strange leh, she eats alot of bread and potatoes but yet she is still small build...

Haha..our kids used to be neighbours!! Kristen was also born at Mt Alvernia but I cannot remember which ward now. Let me go back tonight and check..I like the service at Mt A and they have given me a good impression during my delivery there. The nurses were good and some of them were really very pro-breastfeeding. Btw, who was your gynae in Mt A. ?
