(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Hi Kristen,

Bel wasn’t allergy to cow milk but cos she get sick very often due to heatiness as was told tat might b the milk intake as most FM r heaty so a cousin recommended me to try soy milk as she's oso giving her gal whose oso hving same problem as bel den so far rite now, she's ok n dun fall sick that easily or i can say dun get heaty tat easily so tat y I give a try to let bel drink Soy milk.

Kristen hates vege…hum….hv u ever try to cut all into small small pieces n mix into rice, etc for her to eat? If not, u can give a try cos if u cut into small pcs, she cant reali tell wat was tat n oso not tat easy to taste tat its vege.

congrats on no. 2! when we met late last yr, you were still not pregnant hor...

liewlian/ kristen mum,
hazel can join the mini club as well. in fact shes hardly 11kg! i was getting v worried and wanted to bring her to nutritionist, but then an experienced PD told me theres no need as her ht and wt ratio is balanced, just small-build... shes got a small apetite.

wow envy bel's weight! my niece is born in jan 05 and shes 16+ and already everyone's wowed by her size!

didnt know soy milk is less heaty than normal FM...

so is fybie going to nafa arts kindy next yr?
just to share this v touching video abt the parents' love for the children. brought tears to my eyes.. It's an incredible video about the relationship between a father and son.... and for christians, God's relationship with us.

"A son asked his father, 'Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?' The father who, despite having a heart condition, says 'Yes'. They went on to complete the marathon together.

Father and son went on to join other marathons, the father always saying 'Yes' to his son's request of going through the race together.

One day, the son asked his father, 'Dad, let's join the Ironman together, to which his father said 'Yes'.

For those who don't know, Ironman is the toughest triathlon ever.. The race encompasses three endurance events of a 2.4 mile (3..86 kilometer) ocean swim, followed by a 112 mile (180.2 kilometer) bike ride, ending with a 26.2 mile (42.195 kilometer) marathon along the coast of the Big Island.

Father and son went on to complete the race together. View this http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=8cf08faca5dd9ea45513 with music.

This is a really touching video. It reaffirms the immeasurable love parents have for their children
I'm getting worried for my gal too.. she's already gg to be 9mths and weighs only 6.9kg..
really small appetite too.

Leng Leng
Congrats on the arrival of #3!
hi krissie,
if i rembr correctly hazel was only abt 8.5kg at 1 YO. but i guess as long as shes happy and thriving, weight shouldnt be too big an issue. maybe small-build? shes a girl-girl after all... some mummies tell me dont cut out middle of nite feed so soon, which i did at ard 6mths?duno true anot...
weight and formula,

my dec05 and dec04 boys both stop gaining weight after we switch them to fresh milk in dec 07. even though they eat many small meals.

my dec05 boy stop gaining weight once when he was 6 to 9 mths old. had to force feed him lots of high carbo food for him to gain some weight in 1mth followup checkup.

anyone has the same problem when stopping formula?
hi mummies
my girl born dec 05 is eating so little right now :p previously she had a bit of cold so fine, she's not eating just drinking tons of FM...now that she recovered, she's still hardly eating anything....anyone same prob as me?? i don't like to force her to eat and i felt that if she is hungry, she will eat right?? she's still v. active though and her wt is i think slightly above 15kg, ht 92cm (last checked)

why stop formula then if u think there's a problem? fresh milk not as much nutrients as FM and not cheap as well

Fresh milk cost us SGD 1/litre so cost us $2/day
Formula cost SGD 33 /450g so cost $11/day

So formula cost us $9 more per day.

Compare to organic fresh milk, formula would cost us $8 more per day.

two boys cost alot to feed
they like meat and veggie but not rice.
hi all...
hw is every1? so long time never post here

keke, im also waiting for my turn to have another baby...when is my turn leh? ttc no3 since so long ago...

congrats to lengleng & other preggie mums

attached regine's pic
wah u broke down the cost like dat haha...i din really break down the cost but i bought dugrow which is quite cheap...think around $22 for a big tin....too lazy to check amount in tin keke...and when my girl was on fresh milk, she gulped down like no tomorrow and i know for sure the FM lasts us a lot longer

at least your boys like veggie and meat
my girl seems not to like anything at all! except for her milk of cos

regine looks v. pretty

anyone's kids on pacifier still?? my girl still wants hers all the time at home and it's v. difficult to make her give it up...any advice here?? tks

my aunt just purposely drop onto road or somewhere "dirty" and than say too dirty so throw. somehow both nephews didnt ask for them back. she said she did that for her 4 children (my cousins)too. my boys didnt use pacifier.
wow i have to find courage to do something so "final" haha...scared my girl scarli cry until like what

to get more carbo, can try waffles, cereal, bread etc, not just rice and noodles

think the only carbo that my boys can eat alot is baked potato or french fries. all other carbo rich food my boys only eat some quantity.
Hi 2005,
Fybie is stll at Pat's Schoolhse and on W/L to Chiltern House East Coast. Gave up hope on NAFA cos the W/L is way too long, how abt Hazel?

Regine looks so different from the last time we saw her, looks mature... at 1 glance, I tot she is yr elder DD :p But she is pretty!! Your kids all can really pose for the camera!!
didnt noe dat nafa has long waiting list, called them up once in feb but they said registration only opens july. called chiltern hse EC as well but like u said, W/L is VERY long. in the end we decided on church kindy at upper east coast rd.

wld fybie be at full-day at CH or half-day?
hi adeline loo/hadoe
regine really look like big sister, whenever renee cries, she will go over to sayang her...also she can take instruction better than renee...i tink my regine v small size leh. she is only 12kg and her height i tink 80cm plus only..will check and post here again

pacifier-last time regine dont take pacifier, but im trying to stop bfeeding her so i intro her pacificer...not long later, we found out that she can stop direct feed from me but she need her pacifier with her 24hr aday....one day, with no reason, she accidentally dropped her pacifier outside the window and it was the day she stop taking her pacifier and the pacifier was still outside my mom's hse window till today..

wow, ur gal so fast 9mths liao arh? seems only yday u just gv birth, guess so long nv come in here to chat le

u went back to work? hw is ur work?

CH only offers 1/2 day classes, smae as NAFA, I am on W/L on both am and pm session, hopefully I can get a place. I think I am still like #7 in the W/L! She is currently still at JG Forum every Sunday, cos she is in love with that teacher, Pix! (^_^)
regarding pacifier
so finally my hubby last night decided to cut a tiny snip on the pacifier and my girl didn't like the new sensation haha, but she wasn't upset, just tried it a few times and kept saying she didn't like it hahaha....she did take a little bit longer to settle down last night but hopefully she'll get used to not using the pacifier ever again
Leng Leng,

I had the wheel brakes on. Also I was behind the stroller.

both my boys are v curious. thats why their clothes are <= USD 3 so that not heartache if it looks old and dirty after awhile
do u take care both of your boys on your own without helper since they r born in the states? how do u cope w the boys so close age? + cooking+ breastfeeding etc?

I'm here for 2mths (becos my hb stationed here this yr), going back in 3wks time be4 i turn 30wks preggie. I hope to come back here after i give birth ..but very scared cannot cope w 2. Now with only no. 1 my workload is just nice..my hb think is mission impossible for me to cope with 2..haha.

how come you not having your baby no2 in the states? than would be us citizen. also if you bring baby back after giving birth in SG, you need to apply visa for baby.

my boys are 1 yr apart, both december babies.

Cooking - breakfast and lunch cook at 7am so hubby can bring to work (kids still sleeping)

Breastfeeding - both boys were on formula since born. they finish > 800ml per day on average during first few months of age. also hubby helps with night feeds since he falls asleep again within seconds.

Laundry - I have a washer and dryer. hubby irons all his clothes as I dont know how to iron. ( I very qian1 jin1 xiao2 jie3 kind) hubby does most housework. I only cook if that counts as housework

Bringing them out - get a good double stroller. is your 1st one Dec 05? if u want recommendations on double strollers PM me.

Taking care of two - my mum comes for a few months every yr to "entertain" the older boy so that I can take care of the younger one. its too tiring for my mum to take care of the younger one as she has rheumatism. so easier for her to read books to older boy. there are also play chool you can send the older one to for a few hrs a day if you can afford.
Thanks for your reply.

couldn't give birth here, cos I dun hv insurance coverage. Hb comp dun provide..

Formula is very ex especially for infant and i think US formula more ex than sg yeah?..so I had to hang on to bf. But either pump/latch both takes time

No.1 is nov 05, tat will make them 3 yrs apart, but i notice no.1 tend to need attention more, in fact nowadays if i too bz, he would wear his shoe and threaten me he wanna go to work like his daddy..hehe..so i really worry if i can entertain him when no.2 comes.

I’m not so worry about going out, since I would hv my hb’s help..but I need to hv enuff time to prepare lunch for no.1 and myself, make no.1 take nap and prepare dinner for all during no.1 naps.

If luck is good, I’m only coming for another 2 mths then we can all go hm together..

Btw does your kiddo still using first teeth toothpaste? I notice this brand is only up to 3 yr old recommended, after that we hv to change toothpaste? What brand is recommended?

Forgot to mentioned. I thk i saw &amp; regine recently on papers? about bringing her to competition..U r very on mummy!

I brought 6 cans of Nan1 and 6 cans of Nan2 when we moved here in 2005. Also my parents bought 12 cans of Nan2 for me when they came over.
since your No 2 will have SG passport, wont need visa for 90days visit. also how come fly back here with your Nov 05 and newborn for just 2 mths? becos thot u would have more help in SG and your hubby can "tahan" for another 2 mths without u.

mt 2 boys dont nap since they were 1yr old. I just cook one days worth of lunch at 7am. than heat up the lunch when I am hungry. my boys eat adult food since 9mths old so it was easy for me.

dinner was cooked when hubby is home. now I cook dinner at 5pm while my boys play.

hubby's company had insurance coverage for us. I end up paying USD 1.6k for delivery and baby, another USD 600 for gynae fees.

my Dec 05 is v clingy recently. than my Dec 04 also become clingy to fight for attention.


my boys using earth best toddler toothpaste.
Yes started work end of April. Very fast adapt to work environment. I like my work environment and job scope. These few weeks been working OT. After I reach home at night its like half dead liao.

Hey I saw you and your gal on TV...kekeke

My office got 24x7 internet access but they blocked msn and SMHF so I've not been following this thread for so long.

Last weekend brought Zach to KL visit my uncle. He cried when the plane was about to land at KL airport. Then there's this elderly China Man scolded him for crying. Felt so paiseh disturbing others on the plane. Zach was crying because lack of sleep. I think he can feel he's going holiday so he refuse to sleep the night before. Slept at past midnite and woke up around 4am coz our flight is at 7am. Whole day crying and refuse to co-operate. I think it's still too early to bring him for holiday. This boy must have enough sleep esp nap.
ya, time passes v fast.. she's 9mths liao.. I really envy your courage for trying for #3.. my hands are full with 2 kids.

you're amazing to handle both kis alone in US. I'm like super tired and busy after only 1 day..
I was thinking of bringing Gerald for some enrichment classes, but do not know of any other than JG. Coz I find tt he's absorbing stuff like sponge and yet I dun really know how to teach him. any suggestions on what is good?
yes, on paper :p but that was acompany my frd to be interviewed in the paper...

yes, on tv too :p look and sound terrible :/

trying for #3, but yet to conceive leh...my mom taking care for me, so its ok...
Like krissie i also think u r amazing leh..plus ur boys dun nap, they must make u even more bz!..My hb can tahan the separation, I'm the 1 cannot loh, I cannot stand the fact i hv to stay hm look after bb during weekend in sg, then he go shopping, ski over here..hehe.

U dun need to feel paiseh when Zach cried when plan landing..it's normal for kids to cry as their ears are painful..that man should feel paiseh for being so inconsiderate leh! Next time u can try get a lollipop let Zach hv it before landing..I always do tat, and now my boy knows tat lollipop can only be eaten on airplane..hehe.

I love playing snow here too. we went for our first snow resort trip this yr. drove several hrs to reach there. I am at silicon valley so no snow.

even in SG for my 1st boy, we had to go out with in-laws shopping when my boy was 1wk old

my 2nd boy even more poor thing, less than 1 wk old had to go out to have dinner and shopping with my MIL becos she is a shopaholic and everyday complain bored in USA even after hrs of shopping. keep on asking hubby to bring her to casino

I am also a heavy coffee drinker. also I used to work 7am to 11pm before being a SAHM so used to lack of sleep :p

I also admire u dare to take the plane with your child. besides the cost of air tickets, we are also scared my two boys make too much noise.

I let rj use pureen brand toothpaste now...oso written there flouride free, pigeon brand oso hv flouride free...and it's definetely cheaper than 1st toothpaste
My hb place here get lots of snow, in fact this yr it was still snowing occasionally in Apr..make me really wanna come and play snow loh. But hb keep say no, keep bombarb me w questions eg. how u wash NB clothes? Cannot put in washing machine rite?.etc etc..make me really pek chek. (back in sg, my mum and MIL will "fight" to handwash NB stuff)

My boy quite like to take air plane, everytime will auto buckle up when signal sign on..But best is, he only disturb my hb..hehe.so most time I still can hv my short nap in the flight hehe. But the flight is simply too long >24hr including transit..headache too.

flight back to SG is 16hrs (9 + 7) already big headache.

my MIL was here and she just put my NB clothes in the washing machine and dryer. we still have to pay her a few thousand in USD for confinement money.

my boys when cranky will disturb me.

u are on east side? becos west side weather more moderate
rochelle, weoseek
which part of US are you both in? I was living in the US for about 7 years plus bfor just coming back to SG last Nov. Our last place of residence was Orlando, FL.

yah the flight times are crazy long. From Orlando to SG, the whole trip takes about 30 hours, with transit and all :p and we were crazy enuff to fly back often with my #1

are both of you in US for good or coming back to SG?

I am a PR here already. kind of for good. we have never moved since coming over to the states and has not gone back to SG as too costly the airfare for 2 adults and 2 kids.
yah me too have green card but i think my lawyer said if i don't maintain residence in US, I would have problems keeping my green card *haiz*...anyway i prefer SG and my hubby, an american, wants to become SG citizen! i said he's crazy cos he would have to give up his american citizenship but he likes SG much better

if your hubby give up US citizenship than he dont need to pay US federal tax. can save alot of money.

If u are more than 6-12 mths out of country can lose green card status.

another SG friend married to american already got her US citizenship.

we find US less stress than SG. hubby only do OT a few times a year compare to everyday in SG
I think I'm at the west side? close to u? I'm at Utah state, the city where they had winter olympic, that's why hv good snow every yr.

Btw, is getting immune jab in US easy w/o insurance and no medical history here? ex? If we were to come over, the NB probaly need a few jab here.

I came here for 2mth to visit my hb cos he stationed here this yr, going back in 2wks time..

I also like US life better, hb got home early 5.30pm-6pm..never go back to work on weekend, we hv good family time..Unlike back in Sg, sometimes he work over weekend, and come hm late mostly..

v cheap to jab here. got govt clinic to go to as long as u no insurance. they will do it.

I am in California, west of Utah. was thinking of visting the canyons in Utah on the way to Yellowstone when boys bigger
rochelle, weoseek
i can understand why u guys prefer US then. For us, we owned a biz in US and starting a biz in SG so we find SG much better biz climate
dun have so much taxes to pay and worry about crime and litigation matters

also find it much easier to have kids in SG since domestic help is so much more accessible

i like many things about US though! really miss the grocery shopping and the kids stuff soooo cheap and nice, can't wait to go back to do some shopping hehe

with biz, US not a good place.
SG easier for me to earn some pocket money also.

in SG my parents would have help take care of my boys so no need domestic help.

I like the Free After Rebates stuff and of cos the USD 2-3 kids clothes.

but I miss the Carrefour style of shopping in SG. here dont have any Carrefour style supermarket near me,

of cos miss the hawker centre. here food court only a few stalls.

only good thing is hubby can reach home 6pm and no need to go to work until 830am. weekend no need to work so much more family time.

also here no in-laws so weekend not burnt "showing face"
Any mummies interested in Mandeville's Baby Music class on Friday, 4 pm? It's an accompanied prog for 2-3 year olds. So far, there r 3 mummies, including myself, who r keen on this slot...they need minimum 8 to start the class. Pls call them up at 62501911 to let them know if u r interested. Thanks!

yes yes i remember u
...last time from the meet up grp right and there's another thread that u r active in but i have problems finding it hahaha but nevermind, i'll look for u there

yes chelsea is in school (half day only) and i have a new bb, bb tommy, just turn 4 mths...how's your kid?? chelsea is still taking a nap from 2:15 to 5:15 so hard for her to join classes in the afternoon but i really miss going classes with her...we used to do everything from gymborree to kindermusik...she loves music classes :p
i thought super target and some nice super walmart are about the same as carrefour...also those huge warehouse stores like costco, BJs, Sam's Club is pretty good for some stuff

yah i agree that their food courts suck...always the same stores some more like panda express :p yucks! kekeke...i have to say though i like US seafood better, like their lobsters and oysters and snow crabs yummy yummy

i find it a chore to send stuff in for rebates haha but i lurve the online shopping! best thing ever IMO, reallly miss ordering some thing and have the next day sometimes

mmmm can tell i really miss shopping in US haha but my hubby's family is all in US so i'm opposite from you as many weekends i have to "show them face" keke

hubby now in NY for Conference trip and enjoying going to Super Walmart every evening.

he thinks fast food taste better than Panda Express.

I do online rebates so not so difficult.

Super Target and SUper Walmart not near me as my area is quite urban. dont have COstco membership but I know what u meant. friends brought us in a few times.

my boys just went Chuck and Cheese recently to play.

i lived in NYC bfor...maybe your place is like that, NYC is great but those surburban stores r HUGE! We moved to Orlando after NYC and I remembered being so excited to see that Super Target has like 20 check out counters hahaha 0_0
love Chuck and Cheese, actually like the pizza there and look out for discounts in mommy magazines or in the mail, can get like 80 tokens for half price or something like dat
