(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

Malc isn't cranky (yet) and still behaves as normal lor. I found a few more tiny dots on his back, dunno rashes or chicken pox lah. He seems to know I am checking something on his body, he will figet and refuse to let me see. Pengz!

Going to see Dr Allyson on Monday again. If really is CP, then she will prescribe some medication for him. She did ask me if I want medication to control the condition or leaving it to go full blow. I think I will choose the latter. Once and for all lor. I also became her patient leh. Going to see her in 2 mths' time for second dose of CP vaccination for myself. LOL!! I even got the clinic appointment card for myself. Hahahaha...

Exams over?? Hehehe... Malc is grounded till further notice as he is now a suspected victim of chicken pox.

yep yep exams FINALLY OVER!!.. haa.. so next week tot can meet up with babies & mummies agian.. heez =)

Chicken Pox?.. how come so many babies having chicken pox? just got to know 2 other SK and 1 other punggol mummies all e babies kana chicken pox!!.. - but hope Malc dun get the CP though..
On contary, I hope he gets it leh. Heard from mom tt young kids like him tend to get lesser pox and will not feel as uncomfy as the older kids/adults. Dunno if it is true. But since I am mentally prepared for it now, I hope he gets it. Then it will be immunity for life. Heh!

The first thing on my mind when we suspect Malc having CP is "shit! die liao. then i sure kenna. both of us can hug and suffer together... hubby on reservist somemore...@#$%$#@#$" LOL!!
Psst Shuyan...
Remember u told me my ah lao looks familiar?? I told him about u. Now he finds your name familiar. LOL!! Shuyan is your real name right?

The world is so small. One of his primary schoolmate is my poly classmate.
ju, its true lah. might as well let it go full blow as long as he doesnt feel too uncomfy or cranky about it. i long ago gave him the vaccine liao. a bit scared of taking care of a chicken pox baby! hahaha being a temp SAHM already killing me.

question time:
1) what is the temp of the aircon for your kid?
recently i lower from 25deg to 24deg. i feel so cold myself but josh seems to enjoy it.

2) anyone got backpain? any cure?
from BF and carrying an active toddler my back pain is getting worse. anyone has similar pains??? what to do???
shuyan toysrus got sell the leapfrog ABC lah. like elaine say only $39.90. josh just cant stop changing the alphabets and keep pressing for ABC song! hahaha
He is starting to get cranky. Last night, he woke up at 4.30am. He tickled my sole and I jumped! Then saw him standing at the end of my bed, clapping and pointing to his Pooh soft toy and said 'sit sit', telling me that he managed to make the bear sit. Duhz...! Then he refused to sleep until prolly 7am this morning.

Woke up at 11.30am (both of us), he started to get cranky. Pointing to his head and said "pain, pain!" Then seems like his bones are arching coz his movements are slower. Cham liao, I am going to handle a cranky and sticky toddler for a while. Hopefully these will end soon. Tml, seeing Dr Allyson to confirm if it is CP. Haiz...
I am using Braun ear thermometer. Do you have this problem that when u take temperature for your kid, the temperature of one ear is higher than other?

Just took temperature for Malc. His right ear gave a reading of 37.9 deg C and left was 36.8 deg C. I took mine, both ears' temperature were more of less the same with a difference of 0.2 deg C. But Malc's was a difference of almost 1 deg C. Hmm... I wonder why.
Hello mommies!

Back home yesterday. Took epi this time but suay suay, it doesnt work on me! I can feel contraction throughout the whole process thou my 2 legs are numb! End up, I have to rely on that gas, which is of no help at all except made me goggy even 6hrs after birth! Whole process is only 4.5hrs and this time round, irony, cos of the pain, I managed to push correctly and no episiotomy and vacuum cup was needed told hubby no more 3rd bb manz
hi lynn, welcome back home. Sometimes, epidural dun work so depend on luck. Think I will ask back for the same doctor who administer epidural for me incase doesn't work for me 'touch wood' keke. Wow, no need episotomy! So good, Is it also becos second birth dun need it? I really hope i will not kanna episotomy too. You have a good rest and take good care okie.
Lynn, congrats
Waiting to see the pix and learn her name !

Off to BJ for work for 1 week. Bleah...missing my darling already.

Shuyun, we got the Leapfrog set and similar to Momoko, have been listening to "ABC" song over and over and over and over and over and over....

Lynn.. CONGRATS!!!

I bought the leapfrog set thingy on sat @ isetan.. forgot how much already... and Bryan is dancing to the ABC song..

And damnit.. I fell sick on SUNDAY..sure hope Bryan dun catch my virus given he started sleeping with me agian on friday.. and got kick out of my room on sunday

Do u avoid you babies when u sick? So they wont catch ur virus? - if so, how u avoid em given that they are more clingy to mummy?
Ju, hope tat Malc is ok, u also must take care leh. shuyan is my real name. Ha ha maybe me n ur hubby is childhood friend.

1)Usually I on the aircon ard 23 to 24c with fan on, but then MIL ll switch off the aircon in the middle of the nite, cos she cant stand cold.
2)For ur backpain maybe u can put the "gao yao bu" (medication pad) before u go to sleep.

Furry,hope tat Douglas wun anyhow throw the froglead set, if not my MIL sure say I giving her more work to do, ha ha.

Mygym mommies,the backup lesson when u all going huh. Cos hubby ask tat teacher yesterday, she said tat we have to clear within the same term and it must be a sat, if not it ll be forbidded leh.
Sarahbb, when I am sick I normally ll try to avoid Douglas, but then whenever he see me he ll stick to me. So I ll try to stay in my own room n dun come out. Sometimes me oso "bu she de" also carry him for awhile lor, ha ha.

1) aircon - i really cannot stand cold..Only on the air con when the weather damm hot..
2) backache - posture issue i feel..

1) sick - justin will stay over at inlaws when we r down w flu,cough or fever...

wah .4.5 hrs..
Hi ladies,

Manuka - wow, tat's a super short labour..glad that everything went well. i recall that during my labour, epi also did not work very well..so could feel everything on my left side..really depends on our luck ...

Ju - how is Malc now? can not imaging handling a cranky and itchy baby. i let darion take the chicken pox vaccine...but i am also not sure whether it is 100% effective.

Momoko - i had backache for a while..but i started doing some stretching daily..and changed my mattress. So now it is almost ok..still a bit sore. i think my issue was mainly posture (while carrying darion and sleeping). Maybe u can try some simple yoga .. ?

The weather is so hot these days that I think I could not survive without the air con..so we always have it on at night..during the day, it is just the fan..

Saranbb - what exams were you taking? btw, if u want a big space for kiddo to run, can also consider the botanic gardens..vivovity roof top has a nice big area as well.
Mommies I said out I think nobody believe leh. During my labour, I was admit into hospital at 7.30am.Then after the epi, I slept till 12.15pm, till the gynae came in n ask me to get ready, then 12.30pm, I gave birth liao. Even the gynae say its too fast. So for me all thanks to the epi, its a painless delivery.
Ju, wow u also dun need episotomy. Hmmm, since javier come out so small size, wonder why my gynae still wanna 'cut' me? Hahaha.

Momo, I set my aircon between 25 to 24 degree but sometimes javier still can sweat until the head wet wet (dun noe how come only head sweat so much) but sometimes in the morning when he wake up, we touch his hand and leg, it was cold. Sometimes, he will kick the blanket away if he is aware of tat. As for backpain, guess it due to posture problem bah kekeke.

Sarah - If I am sick, after taking the medicine, I will report to my 'bed' and ask maid to take care of javier. Scared of passing the virus to both baby and maid. Try to refrain from carry boi too.

My gym mummies

I tot can postpone the makeup classes to another sunday haiz, if tat the case, guess we have to come back on sat noon. Let make a vote, this sat or next sat? Btw, stephanie u noe wat time is the makeup class slot?
Elanie, so far I only know the 11am time slot cos Justin went for 2 make up lessons both at 11am de. If got later time slot its better cos my hubby gotta work till 3pm. Our last lesson end tis week rite?If end tis week then we have to go for the makeup class by tis week leh.
MyGym mummies,
yah, when is our last class?
This sat I'm working again... won't be able to make it. If this sunday's the end of term, then I'll have to forfeit it!

Any idea if we can go in for free play after the term???

Aircon... oops, I'm guilty of sleeping in a really cold room... 20-22dC every night. I'll put Ally in the corner away from the aircon, but she loves the cold too
will kick her blanket away

Sick... Ally the breastfeeding fanatic... forget about staying away from me. I take heart that she's sucking antibodies-rich bm! and true enuf, she never got any virus from me even on 2 occassions I had very bad flu. So new mummies... bf bf bf!

Oh new mummies! Take care and nurse your body back to good health!
Elanie I tot yesterday is the 7th lesson liao? So tis sunday is last lesson is it?

Dili, I think we still can go in the for the free play cos we got paid for the membership fee rite?
Since now Malc is sleeping with us, we will switch on the aircon. But I will on the timer to swtich off the aircon, say, 3 hrs later. At the same time, I will on the fan throughout the night. I usually will set the temperature to 25 deg C. I am a 'hot' person, usually I will set to 24 deg C, it is ah lao, who will set it back to 25 deg C.

I dun haf much backache, unless after a tedious session of toilet washing.
I dun usually avoid Malc if I am sick. I have no choice since majority of the time, it is just me and him (and the dog named Phoe). Heh! I will try to talk less when I am at a closer distance with him. And of coz, cough away from him lor.
The vaccine is not 100% effective. If your immune system is weak, you can still get it. But the symptoms are different. And you will have lesser spots and feel less uncomfy.

I was not protected. Just got the jab last Sat at the PD's. In case I am already infected by Malc, I hope with the aid of the vaccine, my condition will be milder so that I can still take care of Malc.

Brought Malc to the PD's this afternn, and confirmed that he has chicken pox. I still have no freaking idea where he could have been infected. Definitely not at Go-Go-Bambini as the incubation of the virus takes 2-3 weeks.

<font color="ff0000">But then, mommies who joined the gathering at Go-Go-Bambini on 16 Jun, please watch out for any possible symptoms, just in case Malc might have passed on the virus to your little tikes. I read that the virus can be transmitted from an infected person a few days before the rashes appear. For this case, the gathering was one week after Malc had the rashes.

Elaine and Joyce (Misch), especially Cherisse and Javier leh. Coz we met last Wednesday.

I am feel very bad now, in case some toddlers kenna, how? But I didn't know in the first place. Had I know, I will not join the gathering. Worse still, last Friday I met up with my buddy, which is one day before the rashes appear, and she is pregnant.
Ju, I didn't need an episiotomy but R came out too fast and ripped me inside. horrible...

Ju, dun feel bad, ask your fren to go see her OB. Another mom I know was pregie when her first son got CP. But OB told her complications chances very low....so tell her go check up la
Ju, dun need to feel bad lar, you also dun noe wat. Anyway, I already let javier take the jab for chickenpox few mths ago.

If i not not wrong, the free play is only for those kids still within their term. Me tot last week is the 6th lesson?
wow so many posts. today already in kl working. so tired. but at least i can have peaceful uninterrupted sleep for the next few days. hehehhe

Ju, the braun thermometer i use on josh doesnt give big difference in reading. usually maybe 0.1deg only.

if our kids already have the CP vaccine, likelihood of getting it should be lesser right? dun worry lah, like you said earlier, if really get it at such young age, may also be good.
congrats lynn, good to hear no need episiotomy!! i think mine was a big cut when given birth to a 3.74kg josh naturally without assistance.
and i always hear pple say the 2nd one is usually heavier. *faint* dun dare to think about it now.

so tired or not?
sarah, i also start to fall sick, but i got it from josh. cos he was havin flu and cough the last few days but he's recovering. and luckily i'm now away in KL. so wont pass the virus back to him. usually i will try to avoid being near to him lor. it helps that he is not very clingy to me hehee
so most of you ON aircon around 24, 25 deg. cos i read somewhere that ideally it should be 19 - 21 (like what dili is doing). but so COLD leh!!! wonder why the kids can stand it, and always kick away the blanket.

as for backpain, my MIL always sarcastically say its becos of epi. but i think its becos i bend so much when changing nappy (during confinement time). anyway i think i need to see doc liao. so pain, have to get my hubby to massage every nite.
by the way, tomorrow showing in the womb for twins/triplets. on national geographic at 9pm.
hehehe, finally can decently watch tv....BUT of cos, miss josh lah hehe
Dun feel bad about possibility of infecting others cos you can't foretell the future mah. Cherisse has CP vaccine already so no worries. I oso kenna before so shd be ok too.
Mygym mummies,so when is the last lesson?
Any1 intend to continue? I am not going to continue...looking for greener pastures lol.. I will be checking out zoo-phonics cos near to in laws place...
Venus u check out the zoo-phonics liao then tell me, cos maybe can join u lor since we live quite near. As for the gym I not intending to join liao.

I am going for zoophonics trial this weekend...at Thomson.

Ladies..wanted to share something..last night, to my pleasant surprise, Darion started putting all his toys / books into the cupboard on his own when he was about to sleep. I used to tell him last time - but have given up telling him lately (cos he just ignores me)..now he is doing it automatically..
Chin, last nite Douglas oso.He keep his crayons and coloring book on his own after he finished with it, and he even close the cupboard till it is totally close, so funny. Update us after u go for the zoophonics trial.
Hello, yup not continuing w MyGym liao too cuz their program getting a little std and v sian over the Sunday rush.

We are also looking at Zoophonics near my place but it's v full! On waitlist for the current moment...cheaper than MyGym and hopefully better but again learning abt different things so cant compare. Just hope that boy will enjoy it.

Elaine, this coming session wld be the last session I think..
My gym mummies

If this session is the last, then I won go for the makeup class le. Too lazy and tired to go anyway and I am also not continue wif my gym.

Just read something at Mumcenter thought to share "Did you know C From May 2007, you can tap on the Baby Bonus Scheme* to pay for your childrens medical-related expenses. These include consultation fees, vaccination costs, treatment fees and prescription costs incurred at approved healthcare institutions." - never knew that!

Momo, you managed to catch "in the womb" har? I missed it as I was watching some other wierd show on Nat Geo. Haha...seems like we all stuck in hotel watching tv. :p I agree...its nice to have some time alone but gosh, miss the kid a lot. I think the last 2-3 days is like my first time in many months where I actually shower, moisturize and massage myself before I sleep! LOL. Normally just quickly shower and go entertain the kid...what a difference.

Chin, D is so cute...I guess he's really growing up
Very guai leh.
Momo, I went trial for D Story Club at Pat's. Valery enjoyed it surprisingly. I enjoyed it too. Anybody interested to join trial as I heard they will have another one this Sat?

Maomao, the Baby Bonus thingy... Since 1st of May, can apply giro with those approved healthcare institutions/clinics to pay e medical fee. Siblings can use also.

Valery is sick... Fever on & off... Doctor suspect her for dengue which I feel is not likely & I am still monitoring her.
Mygym mommies, I called up MYGYM regarding abt the makeup lesson, so the teacher told me tat if there is more then 3 or 4 babies have makeup lesson, maybe she can fix a time slot for us on sunday. She asked me to remind her again tis sunday to check on the available date.
