(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

cel, orlando is so cute, I bet he will be a good gor gor

Glad that you are ok now. With placenta 'mia' is very dangerous, luckily you are alright.

So sweet of Orlando. Knows how to sayang and protect mei mei.
dili...i agree w u...hope mygym staff dun call me cos no time to entertain them...i am overwhelmed with GST changes liao..

dun understand wat management is doing..june then tell us the changes..We r not miracle creators..
So excited about tomorrow gathering.
Quite a big group this time.
Should I bring sticker with our names for easy identification?

I will be the only one coming alone with child.
Hubby very shy... Ha ha ha!
He decided to bring 2 elder boys to movie.
I hope to get some nice pic so dun be shy when I try to capture the beautiful moments.

Ah Ju... I need TH to babysit Val liao...Pls inform him. Ha ha ha!

date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm
1. momo - 2 adult 1 kid
2. dili - 2 adult 1 kid
3. sarahbb - 2Adult, 1Kid
4. AP - 2adult 1 kid
5. shuyan - 2Adult, 1 kid
6. Elaine - 3 adult, 1 kid
7. youpi - 2 adult, 1 kid
8. lazyger - 2Adult 1 Kid
9. IF - 2 Adult 1 Kid
10. Karen - 1 Adult & 1 kid
11. Cynthia - 2 Adult 1 kid
12. Manuku - 2 Adult 1 kid
13. Misch - 2 Adult 1 kid
14. Juliet - 2 adult ,1kid
15. Snow74 - 3 Adult 1 kid
Were you inspired by Hamlet in naming Ophelia? It's a beautiful name.

Babies who hit
Mine does that too. I hold his hand/s and tell him to "sayang" instead, and then demonstrate it to him by guiding his hand in a stroking manner. So now when he tries to hit or looks like he is about to hit, I remind him "sayang, sayang" and he will stroke instead of hitting. His stroking is quite hard, like a mini-massage ;p
Heya ladies,

Thanks for all ur concern.. Am glad everything turn out well..

Ju.. ya lor.. lucky manage to get the placenta out in the end..

Syl.. oh.. ur maid not here yet? den how? coping wif 2 is definitely tiring.. esp when i try not to neglect orlando.. try to b there for him whenever i can..
Babies who hit...
My girl doesn't hit... but PINCHES! I think all her MyGym classmates ganna before! Apologies Ladies! Now she's learning to hug hug, so a bit better.
3G handphone? hee hee....
Ok lah, because seem like no one mention about it already lor. Just ask incase need to prepare anything. =P
LOL @ Alyssa's pinching classmates. Dun come pinch Ah Malc tml hor, dunno Malc will smack her back or not. Kekeke...
Cel, glad everyth is ok for you. U r still so brave just like ur first delivery

Boy doesnt hit people...

See u all tomorrow..

MyGym mummies, how? Let's all appear at 130 pm? *wink* left 3 more sessions anyway..hmm...let's discuss tmr..
Hello everyone,

i dun think there is a need to bring anything for father's day tom.. maybe can just get a cake? - i really dunno.

anyway, e reserve area will be available from 3pm onwards.

should be under RINI/SARAH. or u can just say... e big group of mummies.. haa..

gogobambini mummies:
i won't be able to go as i have a flu and don't want to pass on any germs!

have fun, and please post pix!
Cel: Congratulations on your delivery on your princess!

It was great to meet so many mummies/daddies and babes at Gogobambini. Alden had fun there.

Rini: glad to have seen you and family before you depart, all the best!
wow Elaine u fast hand fast leg leh..updated the blog. Btw, the "chap chye peng" veri nice leh.

it's such a fun day with so many mummies,daddies & cuties!Hope to have another gathering soon.
So sad leh cant go attend today gathering,bet u all sure have alot of fun.Douglas sick hor all thanks to my MIL again.Give him eat so much "wang wang" cracker,drink Yakult and eat alot of grapes,"bu bing cai guai".So mad at her.Hope that ll have another gathering soon so I can join in,hee hee.
mummies, really great meeting up today!! big achievement big gathering leh! haha
dun really like the ang moh packed ggbb though. cos hor, the receptionist quite rude and dun seem to like children!

elaine/IF/and mummies who took pictures, can email me at [email protected]??? very sian, stupid cam run out of batt. i was so excited taking video clips at first. faint. so, please email me the pics, i will choose the nice nice ones to post in my blog ok...

ernestmum, yes it was great knowing you too, before i leave. hope to catch up more in the forum.... and maybe if u make a trip to holland. hehe

and JUDY *muacks* thanks for your cookies. great farewell gift *touched* still cant bear to open.. hehehe
oh oh.. i also want PICTURES!! ..

send to me [email protected]

thank u!!!

and i tink today gathering was a great place lar.. cos e babies all can be in e play area where e mummies chat.. haa.. but a bit crowded today. guess if it was a weekday, it would be good.. haa.. =)

nice meeting all of u though!!.. =)

Momoko.. have a great trip!!.. will be flying there most likely end yr.
mummies, really great meeting up today!! big achievement big gathering leh! haha
dun really like the ang moh packed ggbb though. cos hor, the receptionist quite rude and dun seem to like children!

elaine/IF/and mummies who took pictures, can email me at [email protected]??? very sian, stupid cam run out of batt. i was so excited taking video clips at first. faint. so, please email me the pics, i will choose the nice nice ones to post in my blog ok...

ernestmum, yes it was great knowing you too, before i leave. hope to catch up more in the forum.... and maybe if u make a trip to holland. hehe

and JUDY *muacks* thanks for your cookies. great farewell gift *touched* still cant bear to open.. hehehe
thanks sarah. its true lah, the kids can play while we chat and sit around the cafe. but a bit tiring at the big playscape hahaha

remember to look me up when you come over!!
elaine, just saw your blog. the pics are nice. u managed to capture all!!!

enjoy your picnic tomorrow. hopefully the weather will be good...
Stephanie - no worry, i'm sure there will be another gathering soon hehe. Hope douglas can quickly recover. I will inform mygym teacher tomolo for you. So Ivy, Pauline, you and me can come together for the make up class le.

momoko - u also notice tat the cashier very rude. my first impression of her also no good. like bochap like tat.
Momoko, I will email some of the better pictures to you. Some of the pics turn out very blur leh...high time to retire my camera. Any recommendations which one is good?
u all online? kiddos sleeping? josh KO at 9pm after drinking 270ml milk hahaha
recently he seems to be very hungry leh. when he wakes up at 7plus, he will be crying for milk liao... make me so kan cheong when preparing haha

ya lor, i feel like complaining or 'feedback' haha

IF, i just bought the Sony videocam. quite good leh!!! as for digicam, mine is canon, also quite durable...use many years liao
momo - i had email u the pic. ya hope tomolo weather will be good. after the pinic, wanna watch the new 'sea fountain' at siloso beach. Tonite must pray pray 'ti gong'le.

Mummies, my last pic taken a bit blur (the one with daddy behind) pls email me if your is clearer. TIA. [email protected]
what is new Sea fountain??

my co family day ends at 2pm. after that may go vivo to jalan jalan then treat my FIL to dinner....cant imagine i go sentosa twice this week. haha
momo - ya me online msn. wow 270ml of milk pengz. guess you also very siong buying milk powder hor. Try to give josh all 'solid' lar, if not he like always hungry leh.
ya lor, very siong, buy every 2-3 weeks. faint. yah i will try to give him rice more. since next week i'm on leave. can try.
think porridge really cant satisfy him. cos each milk feed i add 1 tablespoon of nestle cereal leh. also not full enough for him...
hi mummies, it was indeed a nice outing to see so many mums and babies! I got a shock when I saw the grp pics..didnt realise so many ppl. Paiseh couldnt join u all for dinner cuz already got plans.

Thanks momo for recommending the place to us. Will go there again and hopefully it wld be less crowded.

I hv updated some pics as well www.ziyu-wonderland.blogspot.com
Harro mommies,
Great gathering today. Malc enjoyed himself very much. Actually wanted to update my blog one, but hor, someone sms me to see if I am still awake annd jio me to chat. LOL! I haven't check out my pics yet so no update in the blog yet.

Hopefully we can have more gathering in the near future.

ps: momo, must bear to open the tin, else cookies will turn mouldy. LOL! I baked the cookies with the thought of you and a soon-to-be birthday girl. So hopefully will taste extra delicious lor. Heh!
hello mommies! it was a super fun day yesterday! and nice meeting all the mommies there
eh... can send me the photos plssssssssssssss.... they are so well taken... then blur me forgot to bring camera! pls email me at [email protected]

ok ok?
Hihi mummies, sat's gathering was a great one!!!

Shuyan, I guess we will have another one cos everybody enjoyed it I guess. Not enough time to interact with all mummies. he he he...

I will email those mummies who requested for it these 2 days.

IF, Momoko & mummies who managed to take nice nice pic, pls email me at [email protected] . Especially those you all took during dinner. Sorry that I din join cos 3 MAN waiting for me to fetch them go dinner.

Manuka, I brought a LOW-BATT camera instead so din take much photos...

Aprilpinky, I was shocked too when saw the group photo. Val kenna 'hammer' by the dino that Ziyu was holding when we were taking the group photo. Ha ha ha! I wonder if we enjoy more or the kids? :p

Ju, soon-to-be birthday 'girl' or 'woman'? Thks anyway!!! So touch! My sons wanted to open it up to eat but without me saying yes, it's still nicely sealed till now.

Juliet, nice meeting u! You are a pretty mom!
Hi mummies,

Nice to meet up with u all, a really fun but tiring outing.
Looking forward to another outing pretty soon.

Karen...at least yours is kid hammering kid. Seems like all the photos posted, I'm "boxed" by my gal leh. =P
mommies, I will go thru the photos again and if got nice one will email to the respective moms. $5 per copy hor. Hiak hiak hiak!

How come today so quiet one? Monday bluessssss??
Nice to hear that you are all having fun. Too bad all the second time mums are currently slogging it out.

No maid not here yet. I've selected 3 times already and all backed out last minute. Think they're scared of taking care of 2 bbs (toddler + newborn). Hopefully, this current selection will work out cuz it'll take another 2 weeks. Lucky u got your maid early.
Karen, so sorry...I didnt notice the hammering at all cuz I was busy trying to let boy sit up straight and face the cameras....only saw that Valerie suddenly cried but dunno wat happened. Hopefully she's fine...

I think the kids enjoy more...
Hi mummies!
We thoroughly enjoyed the gathering! All 3 of us!
Yes, I too noticed the cashier was not friendly at all... Alyssa called her jie jie... she didn't even 'hiew'.
Elaine, you got nice pics leh!
I've got some nice shots too... I'll post them up to Yahoo when I can (hopefully I don't take too long)
Juliet... you're welcome! It was nice meeting you and hubby... and devon of cos!
Karen... you so cute, prepared nametags! Thanks! too bad you couldn't join us for dinner... we were the centre of attraction... some uncle said "wah, baby show ah?"
wondering if u ladies know about SIDs. I didnt until today... didnt even know what it meant.. and did a google search abt it... after reading what a few other mothers went thru.. feeling very disturbed by it now.. hence cant sleep....

just an article i read.. tot to share.. to be safe than sorry... (but pls dun read if u going to get affected like me....)

gd morning ladies,

i see that all of you have thoroughly enjoyed your outing..we must join you for the next one!

congrats, cel. rest well..and when you can, please post us some pix!

have a great week ahead.
