(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

okie, thai restruant voted out for TERRIBLE staffs..... Macau Express vouted out due to SPACE CONTRAIN..... Left the below 2 restruants..... Cast your votes now.... if you still wnt to see your fav. restruant remain in the competetion..... call 1900 blah, blah. blah......(excuse me.... it's the american idol fever..... rahahahaha)
VOTES needed:
(1)Indian Restruant-Daawat tandoori
(2)Chinese Noodles-Malan Noodles

Hello Kitty:

Ju: according to PD, nowadays, soild food is given to babies from 6months onwards unless..... SPECIAL cases.... (like baby REFUSE milk completly.....) It is belived that if you start your baby before 6 months, the risk of food allergy will be more common...... anyway, your son so CUTE!!

baby2005: dun blame yourself lah.... Hiroshi got flu and cough from me as well last week..... He has yet to recover completly.... the Flu BUG is in the air.... cannot prevent one lah..... At least our baby has started to learn to fight the BUG with his own immune system at a tender age..... I think of it as a good thing.....

Sexxy: hope that your baby is better now....

Celtricia: steady lah.... Potty training!!

summer: i usually wash hiroshi butt when he poo.... as for nappy rash cream, when i see he got nappy rash and before bedtime....

Karen: beautiful smily gal!! we are still looking forward for you to be able to change shift and be able to join us in the baby fair..... so i am not taking your name out yet...

ah FAT, i owe it to my mum.. hahaha.. if i were d one looking after him, i dun tink i'll b able to do dat leh.. hahaha..
Ah Fat & Summer,
Thanks for your consolation, feel much better liao. Me got the flu & cold just before I go on leave, everytime like that one, go on long leave then fall sick.

Ah Fat, pardon me for my ignorant, your hubby a jap?

Wow, karen, you really got a good maid. It is not easy to get a good maid nowsaday, you are lucky.
i vote for chinese rest..cos afraid indian food too spicy for me liao..

hmm cel..i tell MIL to start potty training soon ..mahaha

karen..yup..u r one lucky gal.. my new maid says she dun wan to work for us after 1 mth plus.. sickening..mess up all my plans..
Thanks gals. My mum also said start porridge eating around 8th month better. But does cereal consider solid food? Thought maybe when he is older, can feed him some rice cereal with fruit or veg puree.

Malc has not been very keen in milk, not sure if it is due to his flu. Now he is coughing and snuffling. Sigh...

Just now brought him for a haircut. Now looks like ns guy. So funny. Will take pic and show u all some other time.
Nope, Malc can't sit up yet. I think not so soon, right? He now can flip to lie on tummy, but still doesn't know how to flip back.
Ju, you can look at this website www.annabelkarmel.com for food ideas. I will not be starting solids for my cub so early as I will like for her digestive system to be more fully developed first. I'm now in the midst of making some arrangements to hopefully TBF her till about 6 months. huge sacrifice man!

Baby2005, you can try to suck out her mucus for her. We found that it did help our cub sleep when she was down. We also had to take turns carrying her and comforting her to sleep throughout the night. I definitely don't wish for this to happen too often. Very siong.

Venus, the fair starts on Friday right? I may want to go on Friday as weekend is sure to be very crowded. Let you gals know in a bit ;)

We went to Positive Babies trial class today and my cub LOVES it. The teacher was very good and an overall positive experience
Can't wait to bring her back again.
Hi expo mummies, I'm attending a wedding just b4 the baby fair on sat, so I'm gg alone w/o bb. Any restaurant's fine with me, but pl let me know where it is exactly cuz i'm not familiar with the place + i havent met u all b4. How to identify? Just look for one big group of mummies?!?
Hi all

Finally moved back home after staying with my mum for the last 3 mths. Saw the chats that all the babies are growing along very well. My girl, Sheyenne was weighed 2 weeks ago at 4.45kg and 58cm. She guzzles her nan like soft drink and I thought she might be getting a little super-sized. Seems a little light now when I see that most of the babies are putting a bit more.

Ah Fat- Remember me? We had our babies on Nov 18. Me at KKH. You and your boy look so good. Am now a SAHM and it's only after having her that I realise that I may not have so much patience with babies. It can be trying esp when she cries and refuses to be put onto the cot and have to carried. My girl is a very light sleeper and the slightest noise will wake her.

May go to expo with my hb for the fair... perhaps can see how lovely the babies have grown.
Ah Fat-OIC. But I like the name Hiroshi, how did you decide on this name?

Furry-will try to suck out the mucus, thanks. But so far she got not much problem drinking & sleeping at night. She only get cranking in the day but now seems better liao. It seem like she like to be carried upright and not lying down now.

Ju-I understand from a PD that they will start to manage the 'tripod' sit from 5th mth onward. If I remember correctly, my boy manage the 'tripod' sit around 5mth+ and managed to sit properly around 6mth+.

I started my son on solid (I used nestle rice cereal) when he was 4 1/2mth but got some prob, & I got really fed up, so I stopped. Then when he was 5mth+ I started giving him the cereal again and then everything went smoothly. Think it is better to start at 6mth like some say wait for the digestive system to be more developed and when they are ready.
Hi Mummies,

I am a freakout and super worried mum now. Yesterday brought Clarisse for 5-in-1 jab and during routine checkup, KKH pd said that Clarisse head growth was very small. Her head circumferance only grew from 39cm when she was 2-month old to 40cm when she is now 4-month. Pd said that her fontanelles (soft spot on her head) seems very small, and she is worried if it may closes. Clarisse will be going for ultrasounds for her head today to see if her fontanelles have closed. If the fontanelles have prematurely closed, it will have impact on her brain development. I cannot express how worried and upset I am now... and I really hope that all the checkups will turn to be fine... and that the PD is just doing all these tests to be on the cautious side.
good morning ladies!!

hippobab - please keep us updated on Clarrise. hope it is nothing serious at all. she is so cute.. love her eyes!

AhFat - I am sooo blur..I kept thinking that u all are meeting on a fri to go to the Baby's fair..if Sat, I may be able to go...confirm again ok! Only thing now is the distance from home...hubby is leaving for SHA this Fri - so I will have to go alone w baby.

Anyway, anyone staying around Bishan? Wanna share a taxi there?

Furry ..try to go on Sat lah...then I can finally meet you!
ah fat..marathon bb cries LOL..think there is going to be lot of bbs there..

hippobab..y fontanelles close up fast not good??

april..pics please hee hee :p
apparently early closure of fontella only occurs 1 in 1 million people...so try not to over worry. Its good that her PD is cautious.

Venus, our babies brains are supposed to be growing exponentially at this time and the soft spot in their skull is supposed to be there to enable it to grow. If it closes up, then there will not be room for the brain to grow.

Chin, so many people leh!!!!! Sat sure jammed pack.
venus.. ya.. can start potty training for them liao.. it will b easier for us in d future.. i remembered when my mum looked after 1 of my cousins a few yrs bak, she forced my 2yr old cousin to sit on the potty to poo poo coz he always poo on his pants when being looked after by his parents.. so thereafter he was much better liao, will always haf d intiative to go to potty if nid to poo or pee.. heh..

For u ladies info, i've bot Gerber Cereal for my son to eat, haf yet to try out, but saw in d pkg dat its stated suitable for 4mths n above, u ladies might wan to try out.. coz info frm my mum dat its ok for them to try a bit of cereal n the Rusk baby biscuit, small portions at a time..

Hippobab, Clarrise is sooo adorable, her eyes is sparkling bright.. dun worry.. everything should b fine.. juz keep us updated k?
thanks furry for the info..

finally my boy can flip liao on 4th mar..yday he trying to crawl..LOL..so cute..

here is his latest pic
hi mummies,

thanks for the consolation... i should be able to know the results by this evening.

can you all share with me the head circumference growth of your babies? just wanna have a gauge...
my cub was born at 33.9 cm, was at 39 cm at 3 months.

ladies, here's something that may interest some of you.

FREE Kindermusik Village Preview (for newborn to 18mths)
Date: Friday, 10 March 2006 Time: 1 to 1.20pm
Venue: Babies N Cream, #02-12, Great World City

PLUS! An Additional 10% off Kindermusik (weekday) Course Package when you sign up on that day!

*As spaces are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis, you are advised to book early to reserve your spot. Call 67370229 or email [email protected].

Let me know if any of you are going. I'll be there.
Hippobab, don't worry too much. Clarisse looks so healthy and adorable and smart, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with her development. She's got really beautiful eyes.

Furry, your cubbie is really a demure-looking sweet babe! Both clarisse and cubbie will sure be highly-sought after when they're teenagers! hehe.

Chin, u stay Bishan? Me too, but I can't go for baby fair. Wanna meet up one day at J8?

Venus, when your boy flipped, he was how old? My girl's 13 weeks, no sign of her flipping, not even turning to her side yet. Sigh...

Besides celtricia, which mummy has started her baby on solids? Can share with us your experience and tips? I'm planning to start my baby on solids only when she's more than 5 months old.
Hippobab, Clarisse is so cute and she look so healthy, so don't worry too much ok. I'm sure she will be fine, prob the PD is just being careful and want to make sure everything is fine. It is good of have such a PD. I really like her eyes.

Meixue, my girl 16wk liao also not flipping though she did attempt to turn to her left side but only occasionally, me also a bit worried.
meixue..my boy is 4th 2 weeks liao when he flip..i also waited very long for him to turn to his side...

once he starts turning,i gave him a helping hand..

i think the playmat helps..cos once i put him on the playmat,he turn to his side with hands in mouth making noise.. the moment i turn back my head,then he is..on his tum tum..

All thanks to MIL that boy flip so late..she heartpain to c my boi on tummy and face on the mattress.. i explain to her before..to do that is to strengthen his arms and neck muscle....
hippobab: with a positive mummy, ends up with a positive baby. I am sure, anyone in your shoes will be worried about your little one.... Put your prayers in God(and i mean any GOD... may it be allah, jesus, guan ying... and the list goes on), and with faith, I am sure he will guide you through.... Your baby will be in my prayers as well.... I am sure she will turn out fine.... Clarisse is so Beautiful...
here's Hiroshi's head circunference:
Birth- 34cm
6 weeks- 38cm
3 months- 40.5cm

baby2005: I have got a realative in Japan, ask her to find a few nice name for me..... Once she say "Hiroshi"... I told her, BINGO!! That's the ONE!! I love that name so much!! I mean generous, Hopfully, he will be generous when he grows up....

April: Of course I remembered you!! Both our babbies have the same birth dates!! Oh.... Please, please come to the baby fair.... we are all excited to see how all our baby friends are doing.... (",)

Chin: yeah, yeah!! You are coming!! erm, what i usually do is i get feed Hiroshi.... Put him to bed, pack all my stuffs, then call for a cab. grab hiroshi, my stuffs and ZOOM... off to expo. and when you are there.... we can help you!!

furryfurry: i am interested in kindermusik.... can help me call make booking? I'll meet up with you. Where do you stay? Your daughter look very different from the last one you posted. She looks good! Oh yah.... go to the fair on SAT lah!!

Venus: I love your boy's jumper!! he looks CUTE!
Date: 11 Mar 2006
Time: 12pm
Venue: Malan Noodles

1) Ah Fat (ah fat, hubby, and baby hiroshi)
2) Celest
3) Dili_mummy
4) Hippobab
5) Karen
6) Venus
7) Syl
8) Blurblur
9) earnestmum
10) petite_petite
11) stef&seanbabes
12) Chin
13) April

If i left you out.... Please add your own name hor.... and also add the number of person coming, so i know how many people to book for the restruant.....
Ah Fat, can you email them your self? cos they will like to know your son's details and your name as well.

Just spoke to my boss about taking extended unpaid leave but he's not very "positive" say need to check with HR. Cham :p
Hi Ah Fat
Will try to make it for the fair at noon. My hb may have to send the car for repair so not sure what time can be there. If I reach the fair in time, will go to Malan to look for a table filled with mums and babies.
hi.. hi..
howz everybody?? i've been MIA for awhile.. coz i started wrk last wk
haiizz.. cldnt get my momentum bk @ wrk.. "engine" bueh start leh.. then after wrk.. gotta go over my parents' pl to c my girl.. so no time to log in & chat..

ahFat.. i've to wrk tis sat.. tink i cant join u all for e fair liaoz..
i'll go later in e afternoon.. u all hv fun ya

dili mummy.. latest update on my bb gemma.. as @ 3rd mth.. wgt: 5.8kg, hgt: 61cm.. txs!

hippobab.. howz clarisse?
Ah fat, aprilpinky & dili... thxs! my boy look very ok now but every wk stil got to go 4 checkup lei, just went yesterday n Dr stil find baterials lei :-(

Dili, i cant join u gals cos my friend's wedding tat day so got to help out... let me know when u arrange another gathering.
Harlow Ah Fat... will be going down to the BB fair this sat.. but i can't confirm the time.. like April, if I am there about 12plus, will drop by Malan
furryfurry: i email them liao.... darn.... your boss not fav. bout your unpaid leave arr?? employers all like that!! My fren in KL operated a club business... Wah lau.... will die to work for him! he has a child care facility in the office, so that mothers can continue to take care, bond and breast feed their babbies.... my fren is a ANG MO by the way.... so he follow ANG MO style... which I think is SUPER!! Singapore gov. only encourage us to make babbies BUT, never consider the above option, to have child care in every work place! I just reread my contract, I started work on 26 apr '05.... TMD.... Just one month more to completion of bond they want me to pay 5K.... Darn ridiculious!!

April: Ask hubby to fetch you there 1st.... then hor send the car for repairs.... visit the baby fair.... BEST thing to do to kill time while waiting for the car!! rahahahahaha....

Celest: we sure walk walk walk till afternoon mah.... give us a call to see where we are lah....

sexxy: *pout* we'll see you some other days......
for convinence of all mummy sake, i am going to make a card to display on our table in Malan Restruant, so that you won't be pai say to apporach us. (",)

Date: 11 Mar 2006
Time: 12pm
Venue: Malan Noodles

1) Ah Fat (ah fat, hubby, and baby hiroshi)
2) Celest
3) Dili_mummy
4) Hippobab
5) Karen
6) Venus
7) Syl
8) Blurblur
9) earnestmum
10) petite_petite
11) stef&seanbabes
12) Chin
13) April
14) Manuka
Good morning ladies...

ahFat - thanks for all the effort in organising activities/ gathering...think u are our de facto social secretary lor!! make sign board somemore!! lol.

Meixue- wh of part of Bishan do u stay? Sure..let's meet up one of these days at J8. I will PM u my hp number after this..can u send me yours?

Hippobab..I forgot to check again..wanted to see the records for Darion's head circumference. Let u know later.

Furry...if can not take unpaid leave, then how?? Can not imagine u leaving baby alone with the ayi..so SAHM?? Anyway..do try and join us on Sat..!

Furry& Venus - your babies are really adorable..u are lucky that u can get photos of them smiling!! My boy always freezes up..and stare seriously at the camera..even if he was laughing really hard seconds before the camera is taken up. Sigh sigh...
Chin/Ah Fat, if cannot take unpaid leave then we'll revisit the issue la. My company China firm run a bit differently from other firms. So a bit "unfair". I spoke to boss yesterday, the team is really busy and short handed so haha. Actually my pay so low its not a huge financial loss but it'll mean I will look for other things to self-fulfillment la

Chin, we're bringing our Filipina helper along...Ayi will just be working PT. Yah, no way I will allow a chinese local to touch my child man.

Ah fat, you never consider just serving out that 1 more month to save the $5k? $5k is quite a pretty sum of money leh.

Going to visit gynae later...shudder...3rd time liao...he says if my regrowth appear yet again (due to sensitivity of my skin to the thread), he'll have to do an anethesia and cut the regrowth off. OUCH!
Chin: rahahahaha... more social events to come..... About your boy freezing infront of camera: try to take out the camera often maybe once a day, make a photo a day project. Heck care if he freeze. frown, cry or laugh.... Just Shoot.... Soon you'll find all these pictures very very precious.... for keepsake..... Oh, anything is put more smily photos ard him.... might it be baby photos, your photos, hubby photos... make sure they all smile. Must see teeth one hor, no see teeth NO COUNT! rahahhahaha.
Furry - Oh yes..I forgot abt the Filipina helper. Have u settled the issue w the previous one? U mentioned that u had prob w her?

OK - I better start working now! Haha..come into the forum before I start working..in the office now.
Chin, go work!! :p I know what you mean, I used to get in, check all emails, visit all my "forums" then feel ready to start the day. LOL.

Ya, settled liao more or less the issue with the helper.
furryfurry: PAY is LOW, (not even enoff for me to makan, transportation and put hiroshi in a infant care) HOURS is LONG, (sometimes i get to work till midnight, who take care of Hiroshi for me... when child care only take care of him mon-fri 7-7, sat 7-2 and on SUN- you take care of your self!!) and furthermore, I think I just can't bear to leave him at home.... after trying it out. I hurts me just as much as it hurts him.... He pratically shows that he is angry with me and kept his distance when i came back fom work the 1st day. It made me really SAD..... Nothing can compansate a child bruised trust.
Date: 11 Mar 2006
Time: 12pm
Venue: Malan Noodles

1) Ah Fat (ah fat, hubby, and baby hiroshi)
2) Celest
3) Dili_mummy
4) Hippobab
5) Karen
6) Venus(me and bb justin nia unless i grab my bro to help me :p)
7) Syl
8) Blurblur
9) earnestmum
10) petite_petite
11) stef&seanbabes
12) Chin
13) April
14) Manuka

ah fat...i dress him again in the same jumper and let u c c...

chin...very hard to get him smiling..he c camera and give a gong gong look..

furry...u going back to work?? or become SAHM??

anyone stay in pasir ris??
venus: yeah!! I simily LOVE boys in jumpers... think they look so CUTE! Need to get one for Hiroshi as well.... I have engage my hubby to be photographer for the day. So if you forgot your camera on the day of the fair, no biggy.
ahFAT - i have not been to the EXPO for years..since I last took an exam there. can u give me more detailed directions where this MALAN restaurant is located..also, is the EXPO breastfeeding friendly? Any breastfeeding rooms? Thanks!!
wow! seems like u ladies r getting ready for the fair liao.. too bad i can't make it.. coz haf got to wrk till 2pm.. sianz..

haha.. ah Fat ah... u are one good mummy eh... i do admire you for being able to sacrifice for ur darling..

am quite diff from you.. coz i was a sahm.. n it almost drove me nuts.. tts why i went ahead to get myself a job.. but i admit tt i feel a bit guilty about it..
