(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

Hi Venus
Me and my cubbie and hubbie stay at Pasir Ris st 11. Near Expo but got no transport to go there if hb decides to bring his car for repair. Which part of pasir ris do u reside?

april..i going back my mum place in pasir ris dr 4 on fri..

u wan to tong bang my sis's car as she is driving me to expo?? but have to go back on our own...
Already book the restruant for 20 pax and space for strollers. The restruant hope that we can be there by 11.30am before the crowd comes in.... so if you are able to come earlier.... please come accompany me lah.....

Chin: Malan Noodles Singapore Expo, #01-41, Hall 4 Atrium... I called singapore expo, apprently they dun have any breastfeeding rooms. I am trying to reach the organiser for the event to see if they are going to set up an are for breast feeding mums..... will let you know....

naughty: sigh.... not good mother. my boss tells me that i am spoilling him, giving into all his request.
Hi Mummies,

Thanks for sharing your babies head circumference. Clarisse did the ultrasound yesterday. Poor gal, she screamed and cry like crazy yesterday as she hates to be put still. The ultrasound shows that her brain development is normal. The only thing they observed is that her fontanelle is smaller than normal. I do not know what does this mean and how this will affect her future development as we did not manage to see her pd. DARN!!! Need to wait for 2 months in order to get to see her pd!!! Stupid KK. Cannot even accept walk-in just to let us know more on the ultrasound results. Can't they understand that the parents will need to worry for 2 months before they get to see the doctor?!!! Anyway I have requested for the ultrasound report and I will seek for a second opinion.

Mummies, do you have any good pd to recommend?
ah FAT, thanks for putting in so much effort to let all of us have a chance to meet up at the baby fair. I will be coming with Clarisse and hubby. I will try to come earlier to keep you company. You are right, I am keeping a positive outlook to what has happened... need to be strong for my girl.
hippobab: it's a pleasure. Always enjoy organising meet ups. a note about kk: i gave up on them! it's a trash Children A&E. when to kk when hiroshi is less than a month old.... the service they provide *sigh* i bang head on wall!! I told hubby... if hiroshi needs A&E next time, i'll go back gleneagles!! At least there i am being served promtly.... dun have to wait and wait till the cows come home. The kids clinic, rivervale mall Dr Lilian. i think she is fantastic.....

I go to KKH as well. Must say that wait there is not fantastic (like what Ah Fat says). But one thing I know is...if it's a serious condition, they'll contact you right away. If they give you an appt 2 mths down the road, it probably means that Clarisse is fine and just needs monitoring.

Don't worry too much, okie?
hippo, understand that u're worrying for Clarisse. Perhaps Dolly is right that Clarisse is OK.

Mummies going to Expo - perhaps, I'll see you all there. Ah Fat, thanks for organizing.

Date: 11 Mar 2006
Time: 12pm
Venue: Malan Noodles

1) Ah Fat (ah fat, hubby, and baby hiroshi)
2) Celest
3) Dili_mummy
4) Hippobab
5) Karen
6) Venus(me and bb justin nia unless i grab my bro to help me :p)
7) Syl
8) Blurblur
9) earnestmum
10) petite_petite
11) stef&seanbabes
12) Chin
13) April
14) Manuka
15) SusanY
Hippobab, i'm sure clarisse is fine. Dr Terence Tan at Mt Alvernia is a good and confident PD. However, he has many patients and always must wait in his clinic.

Sorry mummies, can't join u all for baby fair. I won't be going as hubby not free. Such a big gathering, sure will be fun!
Hi mummies,

Been a long time since i came in here, a bit lost liao. How are you all coping with your 4mth old? My boy just turned 4 mths today
. I read earlier that some of you r staying in Bishan. Me too ;)
Yeah, Terence Tan not bad. Malc sees him all the time. If you want to be one of the first in the queue, you have to go early to register, but normally he only comes in around 10.30am or even 11am. We always have to wait for at least 1 hour to see him, coz he needs to make his round in the hospital first. We don't mind the wait since we are comfy with him. He always answer our questions and is very patient.
Hippobab, my suggestion is to go with a Neonatologist instead of a regular PD, reason being a N. is a baby specialist. We have one at Mt. E. He's really experienced and good with babies but not cheap.

Ah Fat, I MAY have to go to the baby fair of Sat so will check in to Malan if we do make it then. Friday is turning into a bit of a tight fit for us since we are heading to the kindmusik trial and we have to be home after that to wait for some delivery.

Naughty, don't feel guilty la. Think of it as you're also giving your child the space to grow, the opportunity to interact with others (not just mom) and also establishing your own identity - which is good 'cos we are not only MR X's wife, or y's mom - we are also Ms Naughty!

Venus, I'm currently working out with my boss to see if I can take a few more months of unpaid leave. Primarily as cubbie's skin condition is not very good and her PD has encouraged us to give her as much BM as possible. Since I've no real facilities to pump except a toilet (which is China, as Chin can tell you, can be gross and smelly even in an "office" setting), is not very ideal. I'm also taking this time to pick up some other skills as well as enjoying my daughter of course
See how God leads...its not an easy decision but we'll see.

I was at the Taka baby fair today and saw that there were at least 40 boxes of Avent liners. Not too sure if any moms here are still EBMing - thought I'd just share
I need to work this Sat!
I'm thinking of this...
1) Leave work at 1230pm... reach Expo at 1pm and join you ladies for lunch. (without baby)
2) or go home after work to fetch and maid... will reach Expo really late, maybe 3-4pm.

How??? (Hubby overseas) *dilemma*

Meixue and Chin (and who else!?) I'm just 5mins' drive away from J8! I wanna meet up with you all too!
susanY: yeah!! my pleasure organising... see yo in the fair.

furryfurry: yeah! another member!!

dili: erm, tough one.... ask maid to get ready at home....ask maid to bring baby to the lobby wait for you, drive home and pick 'em up.... muahahahaha... sounds perfect!
*ahem* GOT breast feeding room and diaper changing facilities in the fair....

dili: i just thought of another idea... see who stay near you.... get them to pick your gal and your maid up. Then you meet us in expo after work loh....
hipppobab - glad to hear to Clarisse brain development is normal, and like what syl said Clarisse should be fine.

I only brought my son to KKH once last year when he had diarrhea, find them ok but I heard that if your bb was born in a pte hosp, the treatment in KKH & polyclinic will be diff (as in not that friendly) don't know how true is it. But one thing abt KKH is that they have better facilities for both pregnant woman and bb. My gynae once told me that if i were to delivered b4 36 wks, i should go to KKH A&E as the ICU for bb will be better & cheaper.
Dili_Mummy and Amber, it's me and Chin who stay at Bishan. let's PM each other our numbers and meet at J8 one day? Dili, lunch not possible for u hor? Since u started work?
Hi mummies, any good baby carrier to recommend? I want to buy a baby carrier for my mother to use when she's taking care of my baby. One that's light, compact (easy to bring out) and easy to use. Preferably one that's good for mummy's back and provides reasonable comfort/support for baby.

The Ergo is out, as my mother finds it bulky and she doesn't like it. The MIM Sarong sling is out, as she doesn't know how to use it.
Meixue, u can try this carrier brand "Nana XXX" is a jap brand im using it now. Also there is this brand pretty x but gd quality n feel... "XXX PRINCE" something one??? Kee kee... sorry cant recall e names!

Me thking of joining u mummies for e fair but im working on sat too till 12noon. If i rush down most prob can reach b4 1pm la. But then dunno if hb wanna join or not cos he might not be comfortable... hmm!

I suggest u gals take some Group photos... so those who cant make it at least noe hw each other look like? Kee kee...
Yeh!!! Got breastfeeding room wor

Hi mummies, thanks for all the names of your pd. I just need to see one to interpret the scan results and explain to me if there are any implications of having a small fontanelle.

Ah Fat, do you have the contacts of kids clinic at rivervale mall? This clinic is near to my place and would be much more convenient. Do you happen also to know their opening hours?

Meixue, as for baby carrier, I am using the mothercare 3-way carrier. It has a back support belt. I will be using it when I go to expo this saturday so you can have a look at it lor.
Furry, u don't accept PM leh. U Pm me your contacts ok? =)

Yvonne, how much are the carriers you mentioned? the Nana XXX and XXX price? (hehe, I thought what is XXX, than realised that it's cuz u don't rem the names)

Hippobab, how much is the mothercare 3-way carrier? I won't be joining the gathering, so can't see it.
Hi Ladies,


So glad to know so many November mommies! I would love to get to know you all.

My baby boy was delivered at NUH on 22nd November.
Meixue, i oso cant recall how much leh!!! Me very forgettful aft pregnant, hee hee!

Nana XXX is abt $100 or so whereas the Prince XXX is more than $200+ la!

Mummies, i MIGHT be joining the fair but will be late. Hmm... so we have lunch then go to the fair together? Lunch start at 12 huh??? Maybe i join u gals after lunch... or meet at Malan Noodles. Btw how to identify whos whos???
Hi mommies...wow..seems that you all going to have fun in the fair! too bad i can't join you guys...my girl having her jab tomorrow! Have fun ya and update plus pic!!! hope can join u on the next gathering!!!
Hi mummies, I be going to the baby fair tomorrow. Early bird leh. Will update all of u see wat good buy there is etc.......

FYI, I be bringing my boi Javier for shaving first before going to baby fair.

RE: OTO Trimax 908

Anyone or friends/relative use it???? Heard from Billy program like so good and effective. Really tempted to buy one and to slim down the bouncy tummy.
Summer, I am currently using the Trimax. Been using for about 1 mth. Not sure if it's due to trimax or breastfeeding or less intake of food, managed to lose 1-2kg. Left 5kg more to go before pre-preg weight. However, tummy does not look noticeably smaller yet.

Hippobab, the special offer is until when? Usual retail price is how much?
I'm using this waist band whenever at home... is elastic n goes ard your body. I bot from my masseur that time for $25.00... also u can try wear high waist panty to keep yr tummy from sagging further! Hope this helps... =P
hippobab: Can try DR Ong 5th floor TMC. t: 62524580. my boy got cyst in his brain when i was preg. So he did the scan when he was 1 wk old for him. Can tell u result on the same day.

Hubby coming back tonite. been 3 wks since he went overseas for wk.. haha see if he wanna accompnay me to the fair.. will let u gals noe ... : )

I am so unhappy @ work after coming back from my maternity leave, I was assigned to a new department with new and additional portfolio. My workload doubled, company expects a lot more from me, more travelling, and I really think it is so difficult to juggle between work and family esp when I can't work late like the past.
Sigh, I am feeling so stressed these days till I suffer from insomnia liao!! (T_T)

May seriously consider a change of job so that I can spend more time with my bb...

But I used to be very career-minded and I am worried that I may regret my decision now...
thanks 2rascals!

meixue, think the original price is about $100... i got it for $80 as there is also some discount with DBS credit card lor.

Liewliansoh, *pat pat* i know how you feel... i used to be rather career-minded too and hate to be at home... but now with the arrival of Clarisse, my priority changes and i just want to spend more time with my bb too. I am also thinking of changing my job as i do not want to travel so much. dun be so stressed as your baby can feel it one... it is not easy to be modern mummies but i am sure all of us can do it one
Hi furry,
Thought i saw your bb's pic at another forum. Are you using Chox as your username?

Nov mummies,
Happy gathering at Expo!!
Hi Venus
Thanks for the suggestion but my hb would like to go with me to the BB fair this sat. Thinking of stocking up on diapers if there is a discount so need HB's help.

Ah Fat
Also will try to meet up with all the mums at Malan if I can reach there at around 12-ish. Most likely to be 1pm though as my HB just realised he has to attend a church reception at 11am this sat and not next week.Hai!
So cannot service car also.
Do take lotsa group photos with the mums and babes so Will def be a good opp to put a face to the nicknames in the chat forum. Will def try my best to reach expo by 1pm. Hope the church rec will not drag on for too long.
LiewLian Soh

Dun need to feel regret cos I feel having more time wif ur bb is more important than everything.

Thks meixue for ur feedback. How much u pay for the trimax?

I dun like to use wear high waist panty cos every uncomfortable etc.Anyway thks for ur feedback too.
ahFAT.. i'll try my best to meet up all of u @ Expo but bcoz i knock off @ 1pm.. tink by d time i reach Expo will be abt 2+ to 3pm leh.. i'll gif u a call to c if u all r stil arnd okie.. reli hope to c all of u there.. very look fwd to tis gathering secali gotta wrk.. haiizz..

LewLianSoh.. mi too very unhappy @ wrk.. i feel damn stressed coz im doing sales.. cant focus very well too.. & to make things worst.. i was down wif bad flu last 2 days.. cant go over to my parents' pl to c my girl.. scared i'll pass d virus over.. sob sob..

yvonne.. i've no access to internet in d ofc... so cant chat in msn & motherhood forum.. *pathetic
tats y after i started wrk.. i missed out alot in here
Hi hi..ya :p

Liewlian Soh, fret not. I think its a transition most career minded moms have to make. I myself used to be very driven in my career, I still am but I have realised that there is a time to slow down and focus on my husband and now my kid as well. In fact I'm currently negeotiating for extended unpaid leave to make sure I can give cubbie at least 6 months of the EBM that she requires and just be with her before I refocus fully on myself again. I run the chance of losing my job if my company is not willing to keep the position open but hey, life is such. No choice eh ?

I am so fat now. Think I want to hit the gym from tomorrow. Any one wanting to motivate each other to lose weight as well?
Hi Furry2 and the rest of the mums
I have some spare tire around my waist to lose as well and due to my c-section, have not been really exercising. Just feel plump all around esp the BHT aka Butt-Hip-Thigh region. Dun feel really glam now esp when lugging all the baby bags and bottle warmer with me. Hair in disarray... hai now I now why my mum looks like she does.

Has anyone shed all their preggie pounds? Anyone shedding hair? My pillow and floor are full of my hair...think can go weave a carpet with it.

Good morning ladies!

Enjoy shopping at the bb fair..

Hippo, take care.

Thinking of letting boy try the walker soon but my marble floor is a problem...will be badly scratched. sighh..still thinking of a solution. Any1 got any suggestion for me?

April, exercise is the key i think. I havent shed all my gained weight. Still got more than a kg but can only wear 20% of my old working clothes but now not buying any more new clothes. Hopefully can fully return to my weight before pregnancy soon. They said will take 6 mths to lose the wt so now it's still early lah..hehe

Meixue, I'm using chicco..so far mum knows how to use it:
