(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

hehehe... I understand. Hopefully tt day it wun be as chaotic as I think. You going to get some balloons for the party?? I am still considering. Those helium-filled ones and mylar balloons. Not cheap neh.

You can come and visit my humble blog for Malc's photos. mylazylifestyle.blogspot.com
jeslyn, can see my gal's blog www.little-abby.blogspot.com
hey ju... dun think i getting any helium balloons... exceed my budget leh... kekeke... will make do with normal balloons ba.... :p
Hello everyone...

I must say its getting harder to leave for work each day when the little one is getting so expressive. Cubbie is able to giggle and laugh and when she sees us adults engaging in conversations, she will join in with her laughter. So adorable...

She starts yammering and yattering when she opens her eyes from her sleep as well...even when I'm dead tired, I will still laugh with her cos she's so cute.

How to have no. 2 like that ah? I so bu she de...and feel so selfish to share her with anyone else.*possessive mom talking*

Anyhow, here's her little blog I set up to let our family keep track of her developments alittledropofheaven.blogspot.com

talking about birthday parties, we are scouting around for a venue here in SH to hold her party...cos my husband decided not to host it at home. So nice hor...last time wedding also not so pro-active. LOL.
furryfurry: according to my cousin who has a 2 year plus daughter.... She said she felt bad for not giving her a sibling earlier... coz each time they go shopping.... her daughter will go and hug other plp's children and refused to let go.... she will follow them and try to talk to them.... Macham so lonely hor.... can lah... have no. 2 lah.... sure can share all your love one....
I'm celebrating my boy's birthday in Dec. thinking of get some plastic-like helium ballons. Any mummies know where to get cheap n nice ballons?
I feel the same as you. Bu she de to split the love which has been 100% for him to 50-50% with another of his sibling. Oh well, we'll see. See if he will keep going arpund huging other kids or not. Hehehe...
morning mummies...been terribly busy at work and miss the chats here.
josh was also sick last week, fever, flu and cough. sigh. and now refuse to drink milk!!! URGH!!
then also realise his 5th tooth is coming out. hope that's why the big fuss over his milk. so that we can enjoy our cruise trip this wednesday. looking forward to it!!

wow so many new blogs!! i go add all OK!!! for those who dunno, mine is at www.momojosh.blogspot.com
talking about blogs, i have not updated for 3 weeks. ops. i better go and update now!! talk later
Cel, I have an idea to solve your cake problems.
Instead of getting one baked SHAPED in ManU logo, order a cake that tastes good and looks decent, then go to this website http://www.b-i-y.com/eii_custom.htm to order a custom made edible icing photo. They wun do one with a Man U logo, but you COULD be creative and take a picture of baby dressed in Man U garb or something similar in ManU paraphernalia...Get BIY to print the edible photo, get your cake and whack on top...there you go..ManU cake...probably cheaper too :p
I also know cubbie is lonely and people tell me love multiplies...but I still find it unfair..esp. when I already spend so little time with her...

Baby2005, sure...can add...later on I also link all the bloggies here to cubbie's. :p
wah.. Furryfurry.. u good leh.. heehee.. thanks so much for the idea..

We were also tinking of taking a pic of orlando with jersey n do a photocake.. heehee.. so we'll see hw it goes.. n yes, i do wan a nice cake wif gd taste.. heehee..
Wow i miss out so much these 4 days...
Jus came back from a trip to malaysia...
I shall go to each & everyone blog to see yr little prince & princess...
Oh yah u ladies can add mi @ [email protected] if u have MSN account...
Hey Ju!! i got approval to increase adam's birthday's credit limit!!!! hurray! now i can order some balloons!! just hope they can do it in time for this sunday! kekeke soooooooooooooooo happyyyyy
Think my darling opposite...suddenly so ON about his daughter's first birthday..somemore auto bring up subject and discuss ... impressed neh? Also means my "position" demoted..cos I no longer MAIN LEAD! sobz...
hehehe.. i know, suddenly it became their brilliant idea to celebrate birthday for baby..

guess is better than hubby just sit back and not contributing
hi mommies..been following up your chatting...so impressed with your blogs!!!! How do I start one? anyone care to enlighten me? aiyoo..i'm so ulu one.

Any recommendation where to get a nice and not so expensive birthday cake?
Can I ask you all what size shoe your baby is wearing? I am trying to find those baby shoes with soft base for baby.

Since she started to walk, i thought better go buy proper shoes. But i think she got big feet, cos for her feet size all hard base already.

Any recommendations on where to get baby shoes?

Cubbie is currently a size 4 - going onto size 5. You can still get Robeeze or Bobux shoes ... mothercare also sells soft based shoes
I'm more concerned with the weight of the shoes ... and there are more solid shoes that are very light too. Just have to search.
bluelips: erm... i kinda trust pegion shoes leh.... I find that it is very nicely "constructed"..... and maybe for hiroshi'd 1st hard sole shoes, might get clark... their designs so CUTE!!
To date, Malc has never worn any shoes. I thought of getting him those hard soled shoes when he turns 1. Then mom scared me by telling that he might not want to wear his shoes at all since he has never worn one. Haiz... Looks like it. Think he will pull off the shoes and chew them.

Since now Malc can walk, I wanted to get him shoes to wear when we are out. But according to mom (old wives' tales again), for those hard soled shoes, must wait till 1 yo then can wear. Oh well...
my mum bought a pair of hard soled shoes for my boy
like ju, according to the old wives tale, grandma must buy the bb his first pair of shoe. when we go try out the shoes, adam wore and don't dare to move. So when i ask him to walk to me, he walk 2 steps and he cry.... i think he has never wore shoe before and he may tot something bite on his legs or what... kekeke
so cuteeeeeeeeee.... then when we reach home, i show him the shoes and let him bite the shoes (so that he dun get blisters - another old wives tale), thereafter, he dun cry when he wear the shoes... but i think he dun like, cos make his walking very clumsy... kekeke
hello..yah heard before must wait till one yr old then can wear shoes.

Planning to bring boy for photoshoot when he turns one. Does any1 have any studio to recommend?
Thanks mommies! My baby also size 4 going to 5. Will go what they have at mothercare and pigeon.

hee, really? can only wear shoes at 1? I have never heard of this before leh. Baby has a pair of Combi one (hard-based) that is a bit big, but I let her try them on anyway. Of course, she ends up pulling out the shoes and biting it! hahaa..
Aprilpinky, i joined the studioloft BP organised by coffeedrinker in the spree thread. Will be bringing baby to take photo this Sat. I will let you know again whether this place is good after Sat.
My mil oso say tat baby before 1 year old cant wear shoe,then I ask her back from where she heard those,what ll happen if wear,then she cant answer all,ha ha.I dun care her de,my mum even brought my son apair of shoe a few months back,but my son keep taking out and bite.
Bluelips, cubbie has been wearing shoes and hairclips since she was 6 wks old. I'm not very into those old wives' tales..but guess that's subjective.

you can check out Foto-U too, think they are having promotion as well and elmo-tada going to take family pix there. Ben took some for cubbie when she turned 6 mths. Its on his portfolio if u wanna go and see. www.foto-u.com
Talking about buying shoes, I brought cubbie to find some winter boots for the cold weather here...she was half asleep when we reached and when i put the boot on her foot, she looked into the mirror, eyes big big, look at her boot and started shaking her leg and looking back into the mirror.

This kid hor, loves to dress up I think...LOL...guess where she got that from?! :p
I'm looking for a maid to look after my father. He is bedridden, feeding through tube and need diaper changing. I'm currently looking at Nation (at serangoon garden) and Swift Arrow @ AMK. Any comment on these 2 agencies or any recommendation? Preferably, the maid was a nurse b4 or nursing trained cos' it is not easy to look after stroke patient (esp old folks). Thanks.
Actually, when i was preggy, i went to Yew Kwang (www.yewkwang.com). He was recommended by dili_mummy
, and the photos turned out really well too!

I think he got take baby photos also..maybe you want to check out the packages he offers as well. I am going to studioloft because I wanted to try out another place, if not I would have gone back to him also.
